Example #1
def getConfigStyleDict():
    styledict = {} #initialize the new styledict
    # get the tree from the style.xml file
    tree = xmlparse("config" + QDir.separator() + "style.xml").getroot()
    for styletype in tree: # iterate over the types of widget
        styletype_key = styletype.tag.lower() if styletype.tag.lower().startswith("default-") else styletype.tag
        styledict[styletype_key] = {} # create a new dictionary for the style-type
        for state in States:
            styledict[styletype_key][state] = {}
        styledict[styletype_key]['normal'] = {}
        styledict[styletype_key]['durations'] = {}

        for styledef_or_statedef in styletype:
            if styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower() in States:
                for styledef in styledef_or_statedef:
                    styledict[styletype_key][styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower()][styledef.tag.lower()] = getValue(styledef)
            elif styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower() in StateTransitions:
                if styledef_or_statedef.get('time') is None:
                    raise StyleError(styletype.tag + " => " + styledef_or_statedef.tag + " must have 'time' attribute")
                styledict[styletype_key]['durations'][styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower()] = int(styledef_or_statedef.get('time'))
                for state in States:
                    styledict[styletype_key][state][styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower()] = getValue(styledef_or_statedef)
                styledict[styletype_key]['normal'][styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower()] = getValue(styledef_or_statedef)
    return styledict
Example #2
	def svn(self, *cmd):
		command = " ".join(self.pre)
		command = command + " " + " ".join(list(cmd))
		command = command + " " + " ".join([self.root])
		pipe = Popen(command.split(" "), stdout=PIPE)
			data = pipe.communicate()[0]
		except IOError:
			data = ""
		return xmlparse(StringIO(data.decode()))
Example #3
def parse_interface(interfacename):
    tree = xmlparse("views" + QDir.separator() + interfacename + ".xml").getroot() # get the tree
    Compiler.current_interfacename = interfacename # set the current interfacename
    imported = [] # this is the list of interfaces to parse after this one
    Compiler.code += "from PySide.QtGui import *\nfrom PySide.QtCore import *\n" # import PySide
    Compiler.code += "from oxide.widgets.all import *\n" # import Oxide
    if interfacename == Compiler.start: # if this is the start interface, create a QApplication
        Compiler.code += "import sys\n"         # using sys.argv,
        Compiler.code += "app = OxideApplication(sys.argv)\n" # create a QApplication
    add_util_funcs() # add the utility functions
    add_model(interfacename,"__main__") # now add the model code to the output file
    for element in tree: # iterate through the elements in the tree
        if element.tag.lower() == "animations": # here we handle the special 'animations' tag
            Compiler.to_be_own_class = False # there is no way that we're in the resources tag here
            for animation in element: # go through each animation
                parse_animation(animation) # and parse it
        elif element.tag.lower() == "window": # here we handle the window
            Compiler.to_be_own_class = False # there is no way that we're in the resources tag here
            parse_toplevel(element)       # using parse_window
        elif element.tag.lower() == "resources":
            Compiler.to_be_own_class = True
            for child in element:
                Compiler.direct_resources_child = True
                Compiler.direct_resources_child = False
            Compiler.direct_resources_child = False
        elif element.tag.lower() == "import":
            Compiler.code += "import " + element.get('interface') + "\n"
    if interfacename == Compiler.start: # to finish up, if this is the start file
        Compiler.code += "sys.exit(app.exec_())\n" # run the application
    # now it has come time to put the code on the filesystem        
    if not QDir("bin").exists(): # if the 'bin' folder doesn't exist
        QDir().mkdir("bin")     # create it
    interfacefile = open(Compiler.gendir + QDir.separator() + interfacename + ".py", 'w')
    interfacefile.write(Compiler.code) # write Compiler.code to the file
    Compiler.code = "" # reset Compiler.code
    for interface in imported:
Example #4
 def _ParseXMLFile(self, file_name, entity_type):
     """Parses the given XML file, returning the root ElementTree, or None
     if there is some sort of problem."""
     from os.path import join as joinpath
     from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse as xmlparse
     if self._is_verbose:
         print('===     Processing %s file "%s"' % (entity_type, file_name))
     path = joinpath(self._xml_directory, file_name)
         return xmlparse(path).getroot()
         print('*** Unable to parse XML from "%s"' % path)
         return None
Example #5
def parse_upf(fname):
    """Parse UPF pseudopotential from file descriptor.

    Return a dictionary with the parsed data.

    UPF is a custom format with some XML tags in it.  The files are
    not well-formed XML.  We will just do some custom parsing rather
    than involving an xml library.

    pp = {}

        root = xmlparse(fname).getroot()
    except ParseError:
        # Typical!  Non-well-formed file full of probable FORTRAN output.
        # We'll try to insert our own header and see if things go well.
        root = fromstring('\n'.join(['<xml>', open(fname).read(), '</xml>']))

    header_element = root.find('PP_HEADER')
    header = header_element.attrib

    # v201 is the sensible version.
    # There are other files out there and we will have to deal with their
    # inconsistencies in the most horrendous way conceivable: by if-statements.
    v201 = (root.attrib.get('version') == '2.0.1')

    def toarray(element):
        attr = element.attrib
        numbers = map(float, element.text.split())
        if attr:
            assert attr['type'] == 'real'
            assert int(attr['size']) == len(numbers)
            icut = attr.get('cutoff_radius_index')
            # XXX There's also something called ultrasoft_cutoff_radius
            if icut is not None:
                numbers = numbers[:int(icut)]

        return np.array(numbers)

    if v201:
        for key, val in header.items():
            header[key] = val.strip() # some values have whitespace...
        for key in ['is_paw', 'is_coulomb', 'has_so', 'has_wfc', 'has_gipaw',
                    'paw_as_gipaw', 'core_correction']:
            header[key] = {'F': False, 'T': True}[header[key]]
        for key in ['z_valence', 'total_psenergy', 'wfc_cutoff', 'rho_cutoff']:
            header[key] = float(header[key])
        for key in ['l_max', 'l_max_rho', 'mesh_size', 'number_of_wfc',
            header[key] = int(header[key])
        assert len(header) == 0
        # This is the crappy format.
        headerlines = [line for line
                       in header_element.text.strip().splitlines()]
        #header['version'] = headerlines[0].split()[0]
        header['element'] = headerlines[1].split()[0]
        #header['has_nlcc'] = {'T': True, 'F': False}[headerlines[3].split()[0]]
        #assert not header['has_nlcc']
        # XC functional?
        header['z_valence'] = float(headerlines[5].split()[0])
        header['total_psenergy'] = float(headerlines[6].split()[0])
        # cutoffs?
        header['l_max'] = int(headerlines[8].split()[0])
        header['mesh_size'] = int(headerlines[9].split()[0])
        nwfs, nprojectors = headerlines[10].split()[:2]
        header['number_of_wfc'] = int(nwfs)
        header['number_of_proj'] = int(nprojectors)

    pp['header'] = header
    mesh_element = root.find('PP_MESH')
    pp['r'] = toarray(mesh_element.find('PP_R'))
    pp['rab'] = toarray(mesh_element.find('PP_RAB'))
    # Convert to Hartree from Rydberg.
    pp['vlocal'] = 0.5 * toarray(root.find('PP_LOCAL'))
    nonlocal = root.find('PP_NONLOCAL')
    pp['projectors'] = []
    for element in nonlocal:
        if element.tag.startswith('PP_BETA'):
            if '.' in element.tag:
                name, num = element.tag.split('.')
                assert name == 'PP_BETA'
                attr = element.attrib
                proj = UPFStateSpec(int(attr['index']),
                assert num == attr['index']
                tokens = element.text.split()
                metadata = tokens[:5]
                values = map(float, tokens[5:])
                npts = int(metadata[4])
                assert npts == len(values), (npts, len(values))
                while values[-1] == 0.0:

                proj = UPFStateSpec(int(tokens[0]), '??', int(tokens[1]),

            if v201:
                assert element.tag == 'PP_DIJ'
                # XXX probably measured in Rydberg.
                pp['DIJ'] = 0.5 * toarray(element)
                lines = element.text.strip().splitlines()
                nnonzero = int(lines[0].split()[0])
                nproj = pp['header']['number_of_proj']
                D_ij = np.zeros((nproj, nproj))
                for n in range(1, nnonzero + 1):
                    tokens = lines[n].split()
                    i = int(tokens[0]) - 1
                    j = int(tokens[1]) - 1
                    D = float(tokens[2])
                    D_ij[i, j] = D
                    D_ij[j, i] = D
                assert len(lines) == 1 + nnonzero
                # XXX probably measured in Rydberg.
                pp['DIJ'] = 0.5 * D_ij

    pswfc_element = root.find('PP_PSWFC')
    pp['states'] = []
    if v201:
        for element in pswfc_element:
            attr = element.attrib
            name = element.tag
            state = UPFStateSpec(int(attr['index']),
        state_data = []
        for line in pswfc_element.text.splitlines()[1:]:
            if line.endswith('Wavefunction'):
                values = []
                state_data.append((line, values))
                values.extend(map(float, line.split()))
        for header, values in state_data:
            label, l, occupation, wfstring = header.split()
            assert wfstring == 'Wavefunction'
            state = UPFStateSpec(None, label, int(l), np.array(values),
        #print repr(lines[0])
    #assert len(pp['states']) > 0

    pp['rhoatom'] = toarray(root.find('PP_RHOATOM'))
    return pp
Example #6
	def parse(self):
		""" parse the xml in self.path and return the gtk translation """
		dom = xmlparse(self.path)
		root = dom.getroot()
		self.add_element(root, self.gtkwin) # start the recursive parsing 
Example #7
def parse_upf(fname):
    """Parse UPF pseudopotential from file descriptor.

    Return a dictionary with the parsed data.

    UPF is a custom format with some XML tags in it.  The files are
    not well-formed XML.  We will just do some custom parsing rather
    than involving an xml library.

    pp = {}

        root = xmlparse(fname).getroot()
    except ParseError:
        # Typical!  Non-well-formed file full of probable FORTRAN output.
        # We'll try to insert our own header and see if things go well.
        root = fromstring('\n'.join(['<xml>', open(fname).read(), '</xml>']))

    pp['fname'] = fname

    header_element = root.find('PP_HEADER')
    header = header_element.attrib

    # v201 is the sensible version.
    # There are other files out there and we will have to deal with their
    # inconsistencies in the most horrendous way conceivable: by if-statements.
    v201 = (root.attrib.get('version') == '2.0.1')

    def toarray(element):
        attr = element.attrib
        numbers = map(float, element.text.split())
        if attr:
            assert attr['type'] == 'real'
            assert int(attr['size']) == len(numbers)
            icut = attr.get('cutoff_radius_index')
            # XXX There's also something called ultrasoft_cutoff_radius
            if icut is not None:
                numbers = numbers[:int(icut)]

        return np.array(numbers)

    if v201:
        for key, val in header.items():
            header[key] = val.strip()  # some values have whitespace...
        for key in [
                'is_paw', 'is_coulomb', 'has_so', 'has_wfc', 'has_gipaw',
                'paw_as_gipaw', 'core_correction'
            header[key] = {'F': False, 'T': True}[header[key]]
        for key in ['z_valence', 'total_psenergy', 'wfc_cutoff', 'rho_cutoff']:
            header[key] = float(header[key])
        for key in [
                'l_max', 'l_max_rho', 'mesh_size', 'number_of_wfc',
            header[key] = int(header[key])
        assert len(header) == 0
        # This is the crappy format.
        headerlines = [
            line for line in header_element.text.strip().splitlines()
        #header['version'] = headerlines[0].split()[0]
        header['element'] = headerlines[1].split()[0]
        #header['has_nlcc'] = {'T': True, 'F': False} .........
        #assert not header['has_nlcc']
        # XC functional?
        header['z_valence'] = float(headerlines[5].split()[0])
        header['total_psenergy'] = float(headerlines[6].split()[0])
        # cutoffs?
        header['l_max'] = int(headerlines[8].split()[0])
        header['mesh_size'] = int(headerlines[9].split()[0])
        nwfs, nprojectors = headerlines[10].split()[:2]
        header['number_of_wfc'] = int(nwfs)
        header['number_of_proj'] = int(nprojectors)

    info_element = root.find('PP_INFO')
    pp['info'] = info_element.text

    pp['header'] = header
    mesh_element = root.find('PP_MESH')
    pp['r'] = toarray(mesh_element.find('PP_R'))
    pp['rab'] = toarray(mesh_element.find('PP_RAB'))

    # Convert to Hartree from Rydberg.
    pp['vlocal'] = 0.5 * toarray(root.find('PP_LOCAL'))

    nonlocal = root.find('PP_NONLOCAL')

    pp['projectors'] = []
    for element in nonlocal:
        if element.tag.startswith('PP_BETA'):
            if '.' in element.tag:
                name, num = element.tag.split('.')
                assert name == 'PP_BETA'
                attr = element.attrib
                proj = UPFStateSpec(int(attr['index']), attr['label'],
                assert num == attr['index']
                tokens = element.text.split()
                metadata = tokens[:5]
                values = map(float, tokens[5:])

                npts = int(metadata[4])
                assert npts == len(values), (npts, len(values))
                while values[-1] == 0.0:

                proj = UPFStateSpec(int(tokens[0]), '??', int(tokens[1]),

            if v201:
                assert element.tag == 'PP_DIJ', element.tag
                # XXX probably measured in Rydberg.
                pp['DIJ'] = 0.5 * toarray(element)
                lines = element.text.strip().splitlines()
                nnonzero = int(lines[0].split()[0])
                nproj = pp['header']['number_of_proj']
                D_ij = np.zeros((nproj, nproj))
                for n in range(1, nnonzero + 1):
                    tokens = lines[n].split()
                    i = int(tokens[0]) - 1
                    j = int(tokens[1]) - 1
                    D = float(tokens[2])
                    D_ij[i, j] = D
                    D_ij[j, i] = D
                assert len(lines) == 1 + nnonzero
                # XXX probably measured in Rydberg.
                pp['DIJ'] = 0.5 * D_ij

    pswfc_element = root.find('PP_PSWFC')
    pp['states'] = []
    if v201:
        for element in pswfc_element:
            attr = element.attrib
            name = element.tag
            state = UPFStateSpec(int(attr['index']), attr['label'],
                                 int(attr['l']), toarray(element),
                                 float(attr['occupation']), int(attr['n']))
        state_data = []
        for line in pswfc_element.text.splitlines()[1:]:
            if line.endswith('Wavefunction'):
                values = []
                state_data.append((line, values))
                values.extend(map(float, line.split()))
        for header, values in state_data:
            label, l, occupation, wfstring = header.split()
            assert wfstring == 'Wavefunction'
            state = UPFStateSpec(None,
        #print repr(lines[0])
    #assert len(pp['states']) > 0

    pp['rhoatom'] = toarray(root.find('PP_RHOATOM'))
    return pp
Example #8
def compile(interfacename, dist=False):  # @ReservedAssignment
    code = ""
    mainWindowId = None

    code += "from PySide.QtGui import *\nfrom PySide.QtCore import *\nimport sys\n"
    if interfacename == app.manifest['start']:
        code += "app = QApplication(sys.argv)\n"
        a = captan.style.parseStyle()
        code += "app.setStyleSheet('''" + a + "''')\n"
        print a
    # only create a QApplication if it is the main file
    for filename in [ f for f in os.listdir("views") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("views",f)) ]:
        if not filename == interfacename + ".xml" and interfacename == app.manifest['start']:
            code += "import "
            if not dist:
                code += "bin."
            code += ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) + " as " + ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) + "\n"
    code += getFuncs(interfacename)
    if interfacename == app.manifest['start']:
        try: # call the end function if it exists
            exec "models." + interfacename + ".init" 
            code += "init(sys.argv)\n"
        except: pass # init should only be called for the main file     
    tree = xmlparse("views" + QDir.separator() + interfacename + '.xml')
    tree = tree.getroot() # get the tree
    for element in tree: # parse the top-level tags
        if element.tag.lower() == "window": # the MainWindow
            if element.get("id") is None:
            mainWindowId = element.get("id")
            code += parseWindow(element, tree, mainWindowId, interfacename)
            # delegate the task to captan.main.parseWindow
        elif element.tag.lower() == "buffer":
            code += parseBuffer(element,interfacename)
    if mainWindowId is not None: # show the MainWindow, if there is one
        code += mainWindowId + ".show()\n"
    if interfacename == app.manifest['start']: # execute the app if it is the main view
        code += "APP_RESULT = app.exec_()\n" # execute the application and get the result
        try: # call the end function if it exists
            exec "models." + interfacename + ".end" 
            code += "end(APP_RESULT)\n"
        except: pass
        code += "sys.exit(APP_RESULT)\n"

    f = open(getProjectFile(interfacename + ".py"),'w')
Example #9
    with open(".ipcache", "r") as f:
        oldip = f.read(15).strip()
        print("cached ip is: " + oldip)

    if newip != oldip:  # ip not same, update dns
        # view rrid
        req = request.Request(URL_LISTDNS.format(NAMESILO_KEY), headers=hdr)
        # print(URL_LISTDNS.format(NAMESILO_KEY))
            resp = request.urlopen(req)
        except Exception as ex:

        doc = xmlparse(resp)
        allrecords = doc.findall("reply/resource_record")
        for record in allrecords:
            if record.find("host").text == "hpc.xyzjdays.xyz":
                NAMESILO_RRID = record.find("record_id").text
                print("record id is: " + NAMESILO_RRID)

        if NAMESILO_RRID != "":
            # update dns
            req = request.Request(URL_UPDATENDS.format(NAMESILO_KEY,
                                                       NAMESILO_RRID, newip),
                resp = request.urlopen(req)
            except Exception as ex:
Example #10
import argparse
from sys import exit

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Fetch values.xml from poseidon device and try to parse it')
parser.add_argument('--host', help='the host to check')
args = parser.parse_args()

if not args.host:
  print Exception('You need to specify a hostname')

link = 'http://%s/values.xml' % args.host
poseidonxml = httpget(link)

if poseidonxml.status_code == 200:
  xml = xmlparse(poseidonxml.text)
  devicename = xml.findall('Agent/DeviceName').pop().text
  senset = xml.findall('SenSet').pop()
  print('%s:' % devicename)
  for child in senset.getchildren():
    sensor = {
      'id': child.findall('ID').pop().text,
      'name': child.findall('Name').pop().text,
      'min': child.findall('Min').pop().text,
      'max': child.findall('Max').pop().text,
      'units': child.findall('Units').pop().text,
      'value': child.findall('Value').pop().text,
  print("Something went wrong. Status: %s" % poseidonxml.status_code)