def export_to_xml(people, questions_to_export, user_id, can_view_email):
    response = HttpResponse(content_type = "application/xml")
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="sc4g-people.xml"'
    xml = XMLBuilder('volunteers')
    empty = "N/A"
    for person in people:
        with xml.volunteer:
            xml.firstName(person.user.first_name or empty)
            xml.lastName(person.user.last_name or empty)
            xml.locationDisplayName(person.location_display_name or empty)
            xml.zohoId(person.zoho_id or empty)
            if (can_view_email):
       or empty)

            question_response = [(key, [value for value in FormResponse.objects.filter(
                Q(question__display_name__iexact=key) and Q(]) for key in questions_to_export]
            for key, values in question_response:
                with xml.question(name=key):
                    for value in values:

    response.content = str(xml)
    return response