Example #1
class Annotator:
	def __init__(self):
		self.nounPhrases = []
		self.ontoURL =  configuration.ONTOLOGY_SERVICE_URL + "/" + configuration.ONTOLOGY_NAME
		self.tagger = Server("http://" + configuration.TAG_SERVICE_URL + ":" + str(configuration.TAG_SERVICE_PORT), verbose=0)
	def startProcess(self, url):
		self.__log("Starting process")
		self.__log("Preparing the Tagger")
		self.__log("Reading ontology")
		ontologia = ontology.OntologyReader(configuration.ONTOLOGY_SERVICE_URL)
		#read the web page
		webPage = web.WebText(url,self.tagger)
		self.__log("Analysing web contents")
		# parse, analyse and identify things in the web page
		taggedText = webPage.TaggedText()
		# detect into the text the possible entities - text patterns
		self.__log("Discarding non-relevant ones")
		NounPhrases = webPage.getTextNounPhrases()
		goodResults = []
		#filter good results
		for phrase in NounPhrases:
			self.__log(phrase['text'] + " " + str(phrase['results']) + " " + str(phrase['matchingPercentage']))
			if phrase['results'] > configuration.NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_FOR_RELEVANCE \
			and ( phrase['matchings'] > configuration.NUMBER_OF_MATCHINGS \
			and phrase['matchingPercentage'] > configuration.MATCHING_PERCENTAGE ):
				found = False
				for result in goodResults:
					if result['text'] == phrase["text"]:
						found = True
				if not found:
		self.__log("Discarded: " + str(len(NounPhrases) - len(goodResults)) + " Noun-Phrases")
		self.__log("Extracting class candidates for the definitive " + str(len(goodResults)) + " Noun-Phrases")
		self.nounPhrases = goodResults	
		# search for class candidates
		self.__log("Class candidates extracted")

		# relate the entities with the ontology
		#Once the NounPhrases are detected mark them with its rellevance
		for phrase in self.getNounPhrases():
			self.__log(phrase['text'] + " is a " + str(phrase['is_a']))
		annotatedPage = self.microFormat(self.getNounPhrases(), webPage)

		return annotatedPage
	def getNounPhrases (self):
		return self.nounPhrases
	def getClassCandidates(self):
		temp = []
		for phrase in self.nounPhrases:
			self.__log("Looking for " + phrase['text'] + " class candidates.")
			p = {}
			p = self.__patternIsA(phrase)
			p = self.__patternAndOther(p)
			p = self.__patternOrOther(p)
			p = self.__patternLikeOther(p)
			p = self.__patternSuchAs(p)
			p = self.__patternEspecially(p)
			p = self.__patternIncluding(p)

		self.nounPhrases = temp
	def microFormat(self, NounPhrases, webPage):
		annotatedPage = webPage.getTextRawContent()
		for phrase in NounPhrases:
			rawText = ""
			words = phrase['text'].split(" ")
			for word in words:
				rawText += webPage.getRawWord(word)
			rawText = rawText.strip()
			if phrase['is_a'] != "":
				replacement = "<a href=\"" + phrase['is_a'] + "\" class=\"" + phrase['is_a'] + "\">" + rawText + "</a>"
				self.__log( "<<" + rawText +">> <<" + str(phrase['text']) + ">>")
				self.__log( replacement)
				#create a new annotation machine and annotate the text
				annotateMachine = annotation.Annotation(rawText,replacement)
				#string with the web page
				annotatedPage = annotateMachine.output()
				self.__log(phrase['text'] + " hasn't any class assigned, so it won't be annotated.")
		return annotatedPage
	def annotate(self, url ,onto):
		ontoNames = onto.getOntologyNames()
		temp = []
		# 2.- If not, use wordnet. Get the last word and compare with each one in Ontology
		for phrase in self.nounPhrases:
			#for each Noun Phrase
			#1.- search it directly into the ontology
			self.__log("Step 3: Ontology length: " + str(len(ontoNames)))
			self.__log("Step 3: candidates number: " + str(len(phrase['candidates'])))
			Similars = self.__searchInOntology(phrase['candidates'], ontoNames)
			#1.1.- if no ones are found search the most similar
			if len(Similars) == 0:
				#1.2.- If not found, search the most similar
				Similars = []
				self.__log("Searching candidates for NE: " + phrase['text'])
				Similars = self.__getMostSimilars(phrase['candidates'],ontoNames)
			#1.3.- If (similars.length > 1) use PMI-IR, else ...
			if len(Similars) == 0:
				self.__log("No candidates in ontology for " + phrase['text'])
				self.__log("Most appropiate candidates::")
				#calculate PMI-IR
				highestValue = 0.0
				finalOne = ["",-1.0,"",0.0]
				for similar in Similars:
					ontologyValue = similar[0].partition("[")[2].partition("]")[0].replace("_"," ")
					#PMI-IR calculus
					query1 = live.LiveQuery("\""+ phrase['text'] + "\"" + " AND " + "\"" + ontologyValue + "\"")
					query2 = live.LiveQuery("\""+ ontologyValue + "\"")
					if float(query2.getNumberResults()) <= 0.0:
						similar[3] = 0.0
						similar[3] = float(float(query1.getNumberResults()) / float(query2.getNumberResults()))
						#end PMI-IR calculus
						self.__log(phrase['text'] + "-" + ontologyValue + ". Values: " + str(float(query1.getNumberResults())) + "-" + str(float(query2.getNumberResults())))
						self.__log("		" + similar[0] + " " +str(similar[1]) + " " +similar[2] + " " +str(similar[3]))
						#take the one with highest value
						if similar[3] > highestValue:
							highestValue = similar[3]
							finalOne = similar
				self.__log("PMI-IR: Chosen one "+ finalOne[0] + " with value "+ str(finalOne[3]))
				phrase['is_a'] = finalOne[0]

	def __searchInOntology(self, candidates, ontologyNames):
		similars = []
		stemmer = nltk.WordnetStemmer()
		for candidate in candidates:
			#for each candidate of each Noun Phrase
			for key, value in ontologyNames.iteritems():
				#for each ontology class
				Key = self.__getKeyText(candidate)
				realValue = value.partition("[")[2].partition("]")[0].replace("_"," ")
				realValue = realValue.lower().split(" ")

				for word in realValue:
					if word == Key:
						similars.append([value, 1.0, candidate, 0.0])
		return similars

	def __getMostSimilars(self, candidates, ontologyNames):
		stemmer = nltk.WordnetStemmer()

		for candidate in candidates:
			#for each candidate of each Noun Phrase
			self.__log("		Step 3: searching the similarities for " + candidate)
			for key, value in ontologyNames.iteritems():
				#for each ontology class
				Key = self.__getKeyText(candidate)
				realValue = value.partition("[")[2].partition("]")[0].replace("_"," ")
				realValue = realValue.lower().split(" ")
					similarity = wordnet.N[stemmer.stem(Key.lower())][0].wup_similarity(wordnet.N[realValue.strip()][0])
					similarities.append([value, similarity, candidate, 0.0])
					similarities.append([value, -1.0, candidate, 0.0])
		#search the ones with highest value of similarity and filter the repeated ones
		for similarity in similarities:
			if similarity[1] > configuration.SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD:
				found = False
				for s in mostSimilars:
					if s[0] == similarity[0]:
						found = True
				if not found:
					found = False

		return mostSimilars
	def __getKeyText(self, key):
		text = key.split()
		cleanText = ""
		stemmer = nltk.WordnetStemmer()
		for word in text:
			type = word.partition("/")[2]
			word = word.partition("/")[0]
			word = word.replace(",","").replace(";","").replace(":","").replace(".","").lower()
			if type == "NN" or type == "NNP":
				cleanText = word
			if type == "NNS":
				cleanText = stemmer.stem(word)
				if cleanText == None:
					cleanText = word

		return cleanText	

	def __addCandidate(self, phrase, candidate):
		cleanText = candidate
			if candidate.find(phrase['textTagged']) == -1:

	def __patternIsA(self, phrase):
		#dictionary = {'textTagged' : candidate, \
			     #'text' : text, \
			      #'matchings' : query.getMatchingResults(text) , \
			      #'matchingPercentage' : query.getMatchingPercentage(text), \
			      #'results' : query.getNumberResults(), \
			      #'candidates' : [], \
			      #'is_a: ""}
		#put phrase into the corresponding pattern
		queryText = "\"" + phrase['text'] + " is a *\""
		query = live.LiveQuery(queryText)
		results = query.getResults()
		for key,value in results.iteritems():
			#split the text from the pattern
			parts = value.partition(phrase['text'] + " is a ")
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			candidate = self.__getFirstCandidate(parts[2])
			if candidate != None:
				self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)
			parts = value.partition(phrase['text'].lower() + " is a ")
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			candidate = self.__getFirstCandidate(parts[2])
			if candidate != None:
				self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)
		return phrase
	def __patternAndOther(self, phrase):
		#dictionary = {'textTagged' : candidate, \
			     #'text' : text, \
			      #'matchings' : query.getMatchingResults(text) , \
			      #'matchingPercentage' : query.getMatchingPercentage(text), \
			      #'results' : query.getNumberResults(), \
			      #'candidates' : [], \
			      #'is_a: ""}
		#put phrase into the corresponding pattern
		queryText = "\"" + phrase['text'] + " and other *\""
		query = live.LiveQuery(queryText)
		results = query.getResults()
		for key,value in results.iteritems():
			#split the text from the pattern
			parts = value.partition(phrase['text'] + " and other ")
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			candidate = self.__getFirstCandidate(parts[2])
			if candidate != None:
				self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)		
			parts = value.partition(phrase['text'].lower() + " and other ")
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			candidate = self.__getFirstCandidate(parts[2])
			if candidate != None:
				self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)		
		return phrase

	def __patternOrOther(self, phrase):
		#dictionary = {'textTagged' : candidate, \
			     #'text' : text, \
			      #'matchings' : query.getMatchingResults(text) , \
			      #'matchingPercentage' : query.getMatchingPercentage(text), \
			      #'results' : query.getNumberResults(), \
			      #'candidates' : [], \
			      #'is_a: ""}
		#put phrase into the corresponding pattern
		queryText = "\"" + phrase['text'] + " or other *\""
		query = live.LiveQuery(queryText)
		results = query.getResults()
		for key,value in results.iteritems():
			#split the text from the pattern
			parts = value.partition(phrase['text'] + " or other ")
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			candidate = self.__getFirstCandidate(parts[2])
			if candidate != None:
				self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)		
			parts = value.partition(phrase['text'].lower() + " or other ")
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			candidate = self.__getFirstCandidate(parts[2])
			if candidate != None:
				self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)			
		return phrase

	def __patternLikeOther(self, phrase):
		#dictionary = {'textTagged' : candidate, \
			     #'text' : text, \
			      #'matchings' : query.getMatchingResults(text) , \
			      #'matchingPercentage' : query.getMatchingPercentage(text), \
			      #'results' : query.getNumberResults(), \
			      #'candidates' : [], \
			      #'is_a: ""}
		#put phrase into the corresponding pattern
		queryText = "\"" + phrase['text'] + ", like other *\""
		query = live.LiveQuery(queryText)
		results = query.getResults()
		for key,value in results.iteritems():
			#split the text from the pattern
			parts = value.partition(phrase['text'] + ", like other ")
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			candidate = self.__getFirstCandidate(parts[2])
			if candidate != None:
				self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)

			parts = value.partition(phrase['text'].lower() + ", like other ")
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			candidate = self.__getFirstCandidate(parts[2])
			if candidate != None:
				self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)	
		return phrase

	def __patternSuchAs(self, phrase):
		#dictionary = {'textTagged' : candidate, \
			     #'text' : text, \
			      #'matchings' : query.getMatchingResults(text) , \
			      #'matchingPercentage' : query.getMatchingPercentage(text), \
			      #'results' : query.getNumberResults(), \
			      #'candidates' : [], \
			      #'is_a: ""}
		#put phrase into the corresponding pattern
		queryText = "\"* such as " + phrase['text'] + "\""   
		query = live.LiveQuery(queryText)
		results = query.getResults()
		for key,value in results.iteritems():
			#split the text from the pattern
			parts = value.partition( "such as " + phrase['text'])
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			if parts[0] != parts:
				candidate = self.__getLastCandidate(parts[0])
				if candidate != None:
					self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)
			parts = value.partition( "such as " + phrase['text'])
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			if parts[0] != parts:
				candidate = self.__getLastCandidate(parts[0])
				if candidate != None:
					self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)
		return phrase
	def __patternEspecially (self, phrase):
		#dictionary = {'textTagged' : candidate, \
			     #'text' : text, \
			      #'matchings' : query.getMatchingResults(text) , \
			      #'matchingPercentage' : query.getMatchingPercentage(text), \
			      #'results' : query.getNumberResults(), \
			      #'candidates' : [], \
			      #'is_a: ""}
		#put phrase into the corresponding pattern
		queryText = "\"* especially " + phrase['text'] + "\""   
		query = live.LiveQuery(queryText)
		results = query.getResults()
		for key,value in results.iteritems():
			#split the text from the pattern
			parts = value.partition( "especially " + phrase['text'])
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			if parts[0] != parts:
				candidate = self.__getLastCandidate(parts[0])
				if candidate != None:
					self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)

			parts = value.partition( "especially " + phrase['text'])
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			if parts[0] != parts:
				candidate = self.__getLastCandidate(parts[0])
				if candidate != None:
					self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)
		return phrase
	def __patternIncluding (self, phrase):
		#dictionary = {'textTagged' : candidate, \
			      #'text' : text, \
			      #'matchings' : query.getMatchingResults(text) , \
			      #'matchingPercentage' : query.getMatchingPercentage(text), \
			      #'results' : query.getNumberResults(), \
			      #'candidates' : [], \
			      #'is_a: ""}
		#put phrase into the corresponding pattern
		queryText = "\"* including " + phrase['text'] + "\""
		query = live.LiveQuery(queryText)
		results = query.getResults()
		for key,value in results.iteritems():
			#split the text from the pattern
			parts = value.partition( "including " + phrase['text'])
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			if parts[0] != parts:
				candidate = self.__getLastCandidate(parts[0])
				if candidate != None:
					self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)
			parts = value.partition( "including " + phrase['text'])
			#get the concept from the corresponding place
			if parts[0] != parts:
				candidate = self.__getLastCandidate(parts[0])
				if candidate != None:
					self.__addCandidate(phrase, candidate)

		return phrase

	def __getFirstCandidate(self, text):
		part = text.partition(".")
		part = part[0].partition(",")
		part = part[0].partition("?")
		part = part[0].partition("\n")
		part = part[0].partition(";")
		part = part[0].partition(":")
		part = part[0].partition("|")
		part = part[0].partition(" -")
		part = part[0].partition("- ")
		if len(part[0]) > 0:
			nounPhrases = self.tagger.getTextNounStatements(self.tagger.tagText(part[0]))
			if len(nounPhrases) > 0:
				return nounPhrases[0]
			return None
	def __getLastCandidate(self, text):
		if len(text) > 0:
			nounPhrases = self.tagger.getTextNounStatements(self.tagger.tagText(text))
			if len(nounPhrases)>0:
				return nounPhrases[len(nounPhrases)-1]
		return None
	def __log(self, chain):
		print time.ctime() + ": " + chain