Example #1
class OpenSubtitles(object):
    '''OpenSubtitles API wrapper.

    Please check the official API documentation at:
    def __init__(self, language=None, user_agent=None):
        Initialize the OpenSubtitles client
        :param language: language for login
        :param user_agent: User Agent to include with requests.
            Can be specified here, via the OS_USER_AGENT environment variable,
            or via Settings.USER_AGENT (default)
            For more information: http://trac.opensubtitles.org/projects/opensubtitles/wiki/DevReadFirst#Howtorequestanewuseragent 
        self.language = language or Settings.LANGUAGE
        self.token = None
        self.user_agent = user_agent or os.getenv(
            'OS_USER_AGENT') or Settings.USER_AGENT

        transport = Transport()
        transport.user_agent = self.user_agent

        self.xmlrpc = ServerProxy(Settings.OPENSUBTITLES_SERVER,

    def _get_from_data_or_none(self, key):
        '''Return the key getted from data if the status is 200,
        otherwise return None.
        status = self.data.get('status').split()[0]
        return self.data.get(key) if '200' == status else None

    def login(self, username, password):
        '''Returns token is login is ok, otherwise None.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.LogIn(username, password, self.language,
        token = self._get_from_data_or_none('token')
        if token:
            self.token = token
        return token

    def logout(self):
        '''Returns True is logout is ok, otherwise None.
        data = self.xmlrpc.LogOut(self.token)
        return '200' in data.get('status')

    def search_subtitles(self, params):
        '''Returns a list with the subtitles info.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.SearchSubtitles(self.token, params)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('data')

    def try_upload_subtitles(self, params):
        '''Return True if the subtitle is on database, False if not.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.TryUploadSubtitles(self.token, params)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('alreadyindb') == 1

    def upload_subtitles(self, params):
        '''Returns the URL of the subtitle in case that the upload is OK,
        other case returns None.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.UploadSubtitles(self.token, params)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('data')

    def no_operation(self):
        '''Return True if the session is actived, False othercase.

        .. note:: this method should be called 15 minutes after last request to
                  the xmlrpc server.
        data = self.xmlrpc.NoOperation(self.token)
        return '200' in data.get('status')

    def auto_update(self, program):
        '''Returns info of the program: last_version, url, comments...
        data = self.xmlrpc.AutoUpdate(program)
        return data if '200' in data.get('status') else None

    def search_movies_on_imdb(self, params):
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.SearchMoviesOnIMDB(self.token, params)
        return self.data

    def search_to_mail(self):
        # array SearchToMail( $token, array( $sublanguageid, $sublanguageid, ...), array( array( 'moviehash' => $moviehash, 'moviesize' => $moviesize), array( 'moviehash' => $moviehash, 'moviesize' => $moviesize), ...) )'
        raise NotImplementedError

    def check_subtitle_hash(self, sub_hash):
        '''Returns a dictionary where key is subtitle file hash and value is SubtitleFileID.
        If subtitle file is not found then value is 0.

        :param sub_hash: list of subtitle file hashes.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.CheckSubHash(self.token, sub_hash)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('data')

    def check_movie_hash(self, movie_hash):
        '''Returns a dictionary with hash as key and movie information as value.

        :param movie_hash: list of hash of movies.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.CheckMovieHash(self.token, movie_hash)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('data')

    def check_movie_hash_2(self):
        # array CheckMovieHash2( $token, array($moviehash, $moviehash, ...) )
        raise NotImplementedError

    def insert_movie_hash(self, params):
        '''Returns accepted movie hashes and new IMDB ids.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.InsertMovieHash(self.token, params)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('data')

    def detect_language(self):
        # array DetectLanguage( $token, array($text, $text, ...) )
        raise NotImplementedError

    def download_subtitles(self,
        Returns a dictionary with max. 20 IDs of and paths to all
        successfully downloaded subtitle files, otherwise None.

        Be aware that if you provide an override_filenames dictionary
        containing duplicate values (the same file name for different
        subtitle IDs), you will end up with only one subtitle file with
        that file name as each new download overrides any already
        existing file with the same name. I.e. the total of downloaded
        files will be smaller than the number of submitted IDs.

        :param ids: list of ids of subtitle files to download
        :param override_filenames: optional dictionary with preferred file
                names; for keys use subtitle file IDs (as strings),
                for values use file names (incl. file extensions)
        :param extension: one of: srt, sub, txt, ssa, smi, mpi, tmp;
                only applicable if only subtitle file IDs are provided
        :param output_directory: path to directory to which to write files
                (defaults to directory the script is run in)
        override_filenames = override_filenames or {}
        successful = {}

        # OpenSubtitles will accept a maximum of 20 IDs for download
        if len(ids) > 20:
            print("Cannot download more than 20 files at once.",
            ids = ids[:20]

        self.data = self.xmlrpc.DownloadSubtitles(self.token, ids)
        encoded_data = self._get_from_data_or_none('data')

        if not encoded_data:

        for item in encoded_data:
            subfile_id = item['idsubtitlefile']

            decoded_data = (decompress(item['data'], 'utf-8')
                            or decompress(item['data'], 'latin1'))

            if not decoded_data:
                print("An error occurred while decoding subtitle "
                      "file ID {}.".format(subfile_id),
                fname = override_filenames.get(subfile_id,
                                               subfile_id + '.' + extension)
                fpath = os.path.join(output_directory, fname)

                    with open(fpath, 'w') as f:
                    successful[subfile_id] = fpath
                except IOError as e:
                    print("There was an error writing file {}.".format(fpath),

        return successful or None

    def report_wrong_movie_hash(self, id_sub_movie_file):
        '''Returns true if successfully reported wrong movie hash.
        :param id_sub_movie_file: identifier for subtitle file and video file combination.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.ReportWrongMovieHash(self.token,
        return '200' in self.data.get('status')

    def get_subtitle_languages(self, language='en'):
        '''Returns list of supported subtitle languages in specified langauge; default is english.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.GetSubLanguages(language)
        return self.data['data']

    def get_available_translations(self, program):
        '''Returns dictionary containing all available translations for program.
        Note: Currently supported values for program are subdownloader/oscar
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.GetAvailableTranslations(self.token, program)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('data')

    def get_translation(self):
        # array GetTranslation( $token, $iso639, $format, $program )
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_imdb_movie_details(self, imdb_id):
        '''Returns movie information from IMDb.com
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.GetIMDBMovieDetails(self.token, imdb_id)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('data')

    def insert_movie(self, movie_info):
        '''Insert a movie that doesn't exist in database.
        Returns True if movie was successfully inserted.
        :param movie_info: Dictionary with moviename and movieyear
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.InsertMovie(self.token, movie_info)
        return '200' in self.data.get('status')

    def subtitles_votes(self, vote):
        '''Give rating to subtitle.
        Returns Subtitle Rating, Total number of votes and ID of Subtitle if rating was successful else None.
        :param vote: Dictionay with idsubtitle and score.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.SubtitlesVote(self.token, vote)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('data')

    def get_comments(self, subtitle_ids):
        '''Get Comments about subtitles.
        Returns dictionary mapping subtitleid and comments.
        :param subtitle_ids: list of subtitle id's.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.GetComments(self.token, subtitle_ids)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('data')

    def add_comment(self, comment):
        '''Add a new comment to a subtitle.
        Return True if comment was added successfully.
        :param comment: Dictionary with idsubtitle, comment, badsubtitle(flag).
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.AddComment(self.token, comment)
        return '200' in self.data.get('status')

    def add_request(self, data):
        '''Request for a subtitle not available on opensubtitles.org
        Returns request url.
        :param data: Dictionary with sublanguageid, idmovieimdb and an optional comment.
        self.data = self.xmlrpc.AddRequest(self.token, data)
        return self._get_from_data_or_none('data')