def player_game_index_data(request): RecentGame = namedtuple('RecentGame', [ 'game_id', 'game_type_cd', 'winner', 'game_create_dt', 'game_epoch', 'game_fuzzy', 'server_id', 'server_name', 'map_id', 'map_name', 'team', 'rank', 'elo_delta' ]) player_id = request.matchdict['player_id'] if request.params.has_key('page'): current_page = request.params['page'] else: current_page = 1 try: player = DBSession.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=player_id).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).one() games_q = DBSession.query(Game.game_id, Game.game_type_cd, Game.winner, Game.create_dt, Server.server_id,'server_name'), Map.map_id,'map_name'),, PlayerGameStat.rank, PlayerGameStat.elo_delta).\ filter(PlayerGameStat.game_id == Game.game_id).\ filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(Game.server_id == Server.server_id).\ filter(Game.map_id == Map.map_id).\ order_by(Game.game_id.desc()) games = Page(games_q, current_page, items_per_page=10, url=page_url) # replace the items in the canned pagination class with more rich ones games.items = [ RecentGame(game_id=row.game_id, game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd, winner=row.winner, game_create_dt=row.create_dt, game_epoch=timegm(row.create_dt.timetuple()), game_fuzzy=pretty_date(row.create_dt), server_id=row.server_id, server_name=row.server_name, map_id=row.map_id, map_name=row.map_name,, rank=row.rank, elo_delta=row.elo_delta) for row in games.items ] except Exception as e: player = None games = None return { 'player_id': player.player_id, 'player': player, 'games': games, }
def player_game_index_data(request): RecentGame = namedtuple('RecentGame', ['game_id', 'game_type_cd', 'winner', 'game_create_dt', 'game_epoch', 'game_fuzzy', 'server_id', 'server_name', 'map_id', 'map_name', 'team', 'rank', 'elo_delta']) player_id = request.matchdict['player_id'] if request.params.has_key('page'): current_page = request.params['page'] else: current_page = 1 try: player = DBSession.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=player_id).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).one() games_q = DBSession.query(Game.game_id, Game.game_type_cd, Game.winner, Game.create_dt, Server.server_id,'server_name'), Map.map_id,'map_name'),, PlayerGameStat.rank, PlayerGameStat.elo_delta).\ filter(PlayerGameStat.game_id == Game.game_id).\ filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(Game.server_id == Server.server_id).\ filter(Game.map_id == Map.map_id).\ order_by(Game.game_id.desc()) games = Page(games_q, current_page, items_per_page=10, url=page_url) # replace the items in the canned pagination class with more rich ones games.items = [RecentGame( game_id = row.game_id, game_type_cd = row.game_type_cd, winner = row.winner, game_create_dt = row.create_dt, game_epoch = timegm(row.create_dt.timetuple()), game_fuzzy = pretty_date(row.create_dt), server_id = row.server_id, server_name = row.server_name, map_id = row.map_id, map_name = row.map_name, team =, rank = row.rank, elo_delta = row.elo_delta ) for row in games.items] except Exception as e: player = None games = None return { 'player_id':player.player_id, 'player':player, 'games':games, }
def __init__(self, row): self.fastest_cap = row.fastest_cap self.create_dt = row.create_dt self.create_dt_epoch = timegm(row.create_dt.timetuple()) self.create_dt_fuzzy = pretty_date(row.create_dt) self.player_id = row.player_id self.game_id = row.game_id self.map_id = row.map_id self.map_name = row.map_name self.server_id = row.server_id self.server_name = row.server_name
def __init__(self, row): self.fastest_cap = row.fastest_cap self.create_dt = row.create_dt self.create_dt_epoch = timegm(row.create_dt.timetuple()) self.create_dt_fuzzy = pretty_date(row.create_dt) self.player_id = row.player_id self.player_nick = row.player_nick self.player_nick_stripped = strip_colors(row.player_nick) self.player_nick_html = html_colors(row.player_nick) self.game_id = row.game_id self.server_id = row.server_id self.server_name = row.server_name
def __init__(self, row): self.game_id = row.game_id self.game_type_cd = row.game_type_cd self.game_type_descr = row.game_type_descr self.winner = row.winner self.start_dt = row.start_dt self.fuzzy_date = pretty_date(row.start_dt) self.epoch = timegm(row.start_dt.timetuple()) self.server_id = row.server_id self.server_name = row.server_name self.map_id = row.map_id self.map_name = row.map_name self.player_id = row.player_id self.nick = row.nick self.nick_html_colors = html_colors(row.nick) self.rank = row.rank = try: self.elo_delta = row.elo_delta except: self.elo_delta = None
def player_captimes_data(request): player_id = int(request.matchdict['player_id']) if player_id <= 2: player_id = -1; if request.params.has_key('page'): current_page = request.params['page'] else: current_page = 1 PlayerCaptimes = namedtuple('PlayerCaptimes', ['fastest_cap', 'create_dt', 'create_dt_epoch', 'create_dt_fuzzy', 'player_id', 'game_id', 'map_id', 'map_name', 'server_id', 'server_name']) player = DBSession.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=player_id).one() #pct_q = DBSession.query('fastest_cap', 'create_dt', 'player_id', 'game_id', 'map_id', # 'map_name', 'server_id', 'server_name').\ # from_statement( # "SELECT ct.fastest_cap, " # "ct.create_dt, " # "ct.player_id, " # "ct.game_id, " # "ct.map_id, " # " map_name, " # "g.server_id, " # " server_name " # "FROM player_map_captimes ct, " # "games g, " # "maps m, " # "servers s " # "WHERE ct.player_id = :player_id " # "AND g.game_id = ct.game_id " # "AND g.server_id = s.server_id " # "AND m.map_id = ct.map_id " # #"ORDER BY ct.fastest_cap " # "ORDER BY ct.create_dt desc" # ).params(player_id=player_id) try: pct_q = DBSession.query(PlayerCaptime.fastest_cap, PlayerCaptime.create_dt, PlayerCaptime.player_id, PlayerCaptime.game_id, PlayerCaptime.map_id,'map_name'), Game.server_id,'server_name')).\ filter(PlayerCaptime.player_id==player_id).\ filter(PlayerCaptime.game_id==Game.game_id).\ filter(PlayerCaptime.map_id==Map.map_id).\ filter(Game.server_id==Server.server_id).\ order_by(expr.desc(PlayerCaptime.create_dt)) player_captimes = Page(pct_q, current_page, items_per_page=20, url=page_url) # replace the items in the canned pagination class with more rich ones player_captimes.items = [PlayerCaptimes( fastest_cap=row.fastest_cap, create_dt=row.create_dt, create_dt_epoch=timegm(row.create_dt.timetuple()), create_dt_fuzzy=pretty_date(row.create_dt), player_id=row.player_id, game_id=row.game_id, map_id=row.map_id, map_name=row.map_name, server_id=row.server_id, server_name=row.server_name ) for row in player_captimes.items] except Exception as e: player = None player_captimes = None return { 'player_id':player_id, 'player':player, 'captimes':player_captimes, #'player_url':request.route_path('player_info', id=player_id), }
def get_overall_stats(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown of stats by gametype played by player_id. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - total_kills - total_deaths - k_d_ratio - last_played (last time the player played the game type) - last_played_epoch (same as above, but in seconds since epoch) - last_played_fuzzy (same as above, but in relative date) - total_playing_time (total amount of time played the game type) - total_playing_time_secs (same as the above, but in seconds) - total_pickups (ctf only) - total_captures (ctf only) - cap_ratio (ctf only) - total_carrier_frags (ctf only) - game_type_cd - game_type_descr The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which sums the totals and computes the total ratios. """ OverallStats = namedtuple('OverallStats', ['total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'k_d_ratio', 'last_played', 'last_played_epoch', 'last_played_fuzzy', 'total_playing_time', 'total_playing_time_secs', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'cap_ratio', 'total_carrier_frags', 'game_type_cd', 'game_type_descr']) raw_stats = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'game_type_descr', 'total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'last_played', 'total_playing_time', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'total_carrier_frags').\ from_statement( "SELECT g.game_type_cd, " "gt.descr game_type_descr, " "Sum(pgs.kills) total_kills, " "Sum(pgs.deaths) total_deaths, " "Max(pgs.create_dt) last_played, " "Sum(pgs.alivetime) total_playing_time, " "Sum(pgs.pickups) total_pickups, " "Sum(pgs.captures) total_captures, " "Sum(pgs.carrier_frags) total_carrier_frags " "FROM games g, " "cd_game_type gt, " "player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND g.game_type_cd = gt.game_type_cd " "AND g.players @> ARRAY[:player_id] " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id " "GROUP BY g.game_type_cd, game_type_descr " "UNION " "SELECT 'overall' game_type_cd, " "'Overall' game_type_descr, " "Sum(pgs.kills) total_kills, " "Sum(pgs.deaths) total_deaths, " "Max(pgs.create_dt) last_played, " "Sum(pgs.alivetime) total_playing_time, " "Sum(pgs.pickups) total_pickups, " "Sum(pgs.captures) total_captures, " "Sum(pgs.carrier_frags) total_carrier_frags " "FROM player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE pgs.player_id = :player_id " ).params(player_id=player_id).all() # to be indexed by game_type_cd overall_stats = {} for row in raw_stats: # individual gametype ratio calculations try: k_d_ratio = float(row.total_kills)/row.total_deaths except: k_d_ratio = None try: cap_ratio = float(row.total_captures)/row.total_pickups except: cap_ratio = None # everything else is untouched or "raw" os = OverallStats(total_kills=row.total_kills, total_deaths=row.total_deaths, k_d_ratio=k_d_ratio, last_played=row.last_played, last_played_epoch=timegm(row.last_played.timetuple()), last_played_fuzzy=pretty_date(row.last_played), total_playing_time=row.total_playing_time, total_playing_time_secs=int(datetime_seconds(row.total_playing_time)), total_pickups=row.total_pickups, total_captures=row.total_captures, cap_ratio=cap_ratio, total_carrier_frags=row.total_carrier_frags, game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd, game_type_descr=row.game_type_descr) overall_stats[row.game_type_cd] = os # We have to edit "overall" stats to exclude deaths in CTS. # Although we still want to record deaths, they shouldn't # count towards the overall K:D ratio. if 'cts' in overall_stats: os = overall_stats['overall'] try: k_d_ratio = float(os.total_kills)/(os.total_deaths - overall_stats['cts'].total_deaths) except: k_d_ratio = None non_cts_deaths = os.total_deaths - overall_stats['cts'].total_deaths overall_stats['overall'] = OverallStats( total_kills = os.total_kills, total_deaths = non_cts_deaths, k_d_ratio = k_d_ratio, last_played = os.last_played, last_played_epoch = os.last_played_epoch, last_played_fuzzy = os.last_played_fuzzy, total_playing_time = os.total_playing_time, total_playing_time_secs = os.total_playing_time_secs, total_pickups = os.total_pickups, total_captures = os.total_captures, cap_ratio = os.cap_ratio, total_carrier_frags = os.total_carrier_frags, game_type_cd = os.game_type_cd, game_type_descr = os.game_type_descr) return overall_stats
def fuzzy_date(self): return pretty_date(self.create_dt)
def get_overall_stats(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown of stats by gametype played by player_id. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - total_kills - total_deaths - k_d_ratio - last_played (last time the player played the game type) - last_played_epoch (same as above, but in seconds since epoch) - last_played_fuzzy (same as above, but in relative date) - total_playing_time (total amount of time played the game type) - total_playing_time_secs (same as the above, but in seconds) - total_pickups (ctf only) - total_captures (ctf only) - cap_ratio (ctf only) - total_carrier_frags (ctf only) - game_type_cd - game_type_descr The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which sums the totals and computes the total ratios. """ OverallStats = namedtuple('OverallStats', [ 'total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'k_d_ratio', 'last_played', 'last_played_epoch', 'last_played_fuzzy', 'total_playing_time', 'total_playing_time_secs', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'cap_ratio', 'total_carrier_frags', 'game_type_cd', 'game_type_descr' ]) raw_stats = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'game_type_descr', 'total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'last_played', 'total_playing_time', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'total_carrier_frags').\ from_statement( "SELECT g.game_type_cd, " "gt.descr game_type_descr, " "Sum(pgs.kills) total_kills, " "Sum(pgs.deaths) total_deaths, " "Max(pgs.create_dt) last_played, " "Sum(pgs.alivetime) total_playing_time, " "Sum(pgs.pickups) total_pickups, " "Sum(pgs.captures) total_captures, " "Sum(pgs.carrier_frags) total_carrier_frags " "FROM games g, " "cd_game_type gt, " "player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND g.game_type_cd = gt.game_type_cd " "AND g.players @> ARRAY[:player_id] " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id " "GROUP BY g.game_type_cd, game_type_descr " "UNION " "SELECT 'overall' game_type_cd, " "'Overall' game_type_descr, " "Sum(pgs.kills) total_kills, " "Sum(pgs.deaths) total_deaths, " "Max(pgs.create_dt) last_played, " "Sum(pgs.alivetime) total_playing_time, " "Sum(pgs.pickups) total_pickups, " "Sum(pgs.captures) total_captures, " "Sum(pgs.carrier_frags) total_carrier_frags " "FROM player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE pgs.player_id = :player_id " ).params(player_id=player_id).all() # to be indexed by game_type_cd overall_stats = {} for row in raw_stats: # individual gametype ratio calculations try: k_d_ratio = float(row.total_kills) / row.total_deaths except: k_d_ratio = None try: cap_ratio = float(row.total_captures) / row.total_pickups except: cap_ratio = None # everything else is untouched or "raw" os = OverallStats(total_kills=row.total_kills, total_deaths=row.total_deaths, k_d_ratio=k_d_ratio, last_played=row.last_played, last_played_epoch=timegm( row.last_played.timetuple()), last_played_fuzzy=pretty_date(row.last_played), total_playing_time=row.total_playing_time, total_playing_time_secs=int( datetime_seconds(row.total_playing_time)), total_pickups=row.total_pickups, total_captures=row.total_captures, cap_ratio=cap_ratio, total_carrier_frags=row.total_carrier_frags, game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd, game_type_descr=row.game_type_descr) overall_stats[row.game_type_cd] = os # We have to edit "overall" stats to exclude deaths in CTS. # Although we still want to record deaths, they shouldn't # count towards the overall K:D ratio. if 'cts' in overall_stats: os = overall_stats['overall'] try: k_d_ratio = float(os.total_kills) / ( os.total_deaths - overall_stats['cts'].total_deaths) except: k_d_ratio = None non_cts_deaths = os.total_deaths - overall_stats['cts'].total_deaths overall_stats['overall'] = OverallStats( total_kills=os.total_kills, total_deaths=non_cts_deaths, k_d_ratio=k_d_ratio, last_played=os.last_played, last_played_epoch=os.last_played_epoch, last_played_fuzzy=os.last_played_fuzzy, total_playing_time=os.total_playing_time, total_playing_time_secs=os.total_playing_time_secs, total_pickups=os.total_pickups, total_captures=os.total_captures, cap_ratio=os.cap_ratio, total_carrier_frags=os.total_carrier_frags, game_type_cd=os.game_type_cd, game_type_descr=os.game_type_descr) return overall_stats
def player_captimes_data(request): player_id = int(request.matchdict['player_id']) if player_id <= 2: player_id = -1 if request.params.has_key('page'): current_page = request.params['page'] else: current_page = 1 PlayerCaptimes = namedtuple('PlayerCaptimes', [ 'fastest_cap', 'create_dt', 'create_dt_epoch', 'create_dt_fuzzy', 'player_id', 'game_id', 'map_id', 'map_name', 'server_id', 'server_name' ]) player = DBSession.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=player_id).one() #pct_q = DBSession.query('fastest_cap', 'create_dt', 'player_id', 'game_id', 'map_id', # 'map_name', 'server_id', 'server_name').\ # from_statement( # "SELECT ct.fastest_cap, " # "ct.create_dt, " # "ct.player_id, " # "ct.game_id, " # "ct.map_id, " # " map_name, " # "g.server_id, " # " server_name " # "FROM player_map_captimes ct, " # "games g, " # "maps m, " # "servers s " # "WHERE ct.player_id = :player_id " # "AND g.game_id = ct.game_id " # "AND g.server_id = s.server_id " # "AND m.map_id = ct.map_id " # #"ORDER BY ct.fastest_cap " # "ORDER BY ct.create_dt desc" # ).params(player_id=player_id) try: pct_q = DBSession.query(PlayerCaptime.fastest_cap, PlayerCaptime.create_dt, PlayerCaptime.player_id, PlayerCaptime.game_id, PlayerCaptime.map_id,'map_name'), Game.server_id,'server_name')).\ filter(PlayerCaptime.player_id==player_id).\ filter(PlayerCaptime.game_id==Game.game_id).\ filter(PlayerCaptime.map_id==Map.map_id).\ filter(Game.server_id==Server.server_id).\ order_by(expr.desc(PlayerCaptime.create_dt)) player_captimes = Page(pct_q, current_page, items_per_page=20, url=page_url) # replace the items in the canned pagination class with more rich ones player_captimes.items = [ PlayerCaptimes(fastest_cap=row.fastest_cap, create_dt=row.create_dt, create_dt_epoch=timegm(row.create_dt.timetuple()), create_dt_fuzzy=pretty_date(row.create_dt), player_id=row.player_id, game_id=row.game_id, map_id=row.map_id, map_name=row.map_name, server_id=row.server_id, server_name=row.server_name) for row in player_captimes.items ] except Exception as e: player = None player_captimes = None return { 'player_id': player_id, 'player': player, 'captimes': player_captimes, #'player_url':request.route_path('player_info', id=player_id), }
def joined_pretty_date(self): return pretty_date(self.create_dt)
def fuzzy_date(self): return pretty_date(self.start_dt)
def get_overall_stats(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown of stats by gametype played by player_id. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - total_kills - total_deaths - k_d_ratio - last_played (last time the player played the game type) - last_played_epoch (same as above, but in seconds since epoch) - last_played_fuzzy (same as above, but in relative date) - total_playing_time (total amount of time played the game type) - total_pickups (ctf only) - total_captures (ctf only) - cap_ratio (ctf only) - total_carrier_frags (ctf only) - game_type_cd The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which sums the totals and computes the total ratios. """ OverallStats = namedtuple('OverallStats', [ 'total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'k_d_ratio', 'last_played', 'last_played_epoch', 'last_played_fuzzy', 'total_playing_time', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'cap_ratio', 'total_carrier_frags', 'game_type_cd' ]) raw_stats = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'last_played', 'total_playing_time', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'total_carrier_frags').\ from_statement( "SELECT g.game_type_cd, " "Sum(pgs.kills) total_kills, " "Sum(pgs.deaths) total_deaths, " "Max(pgs.create_dt) last_played, " "Sum(pgs.alivetime) total_playing_time, " "Sum(pgs.pickups) total_pickups, " "Sum(pgs.captures) total_captures, " "Sum(pgs.carrier_frags) total_carrier_frags " "FROM games g, " "player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id " "GROUP BY g.game_type_cd " ).params(player_id=player_id).all() # to be indexed by game_type_cd overall_stats = {} # sums for the "overall" game type (which is fake) overall_kills = 0 overall_deaths = 0 overall_last_played = None overall_playing_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) overall_carrier_frags = 0 for row in raw_stats: # running totals or mins overall_kills += row.total_kills or 0 overall_deaths += row.total_deaths or 0 if overall_last_played is None or row.last_played > overall_last_played: overall_last_played = row.last_played overall_playing_time += row.total_playing_time # individual gametype ratio calculations try: k_d_ratio = float(row.total_kills) / row.total_deaths except: k_d_ratio = None try: cap_ratio = float(row.total_captures) / row.total_pickups except: cap_ratio = None overall_carrier_frags += row.total_carrier_frags or 0 # everything else is untouched or "raw" os = OverallStats(total_kills=row.total_kills, total_deaths=row.total_deaths, k_d_ratio=k_d_ratio, last_played=row.last_played, last_played_epoch=timegm( row.last_played.timetuple()), last_played_fuzzy=pretty_date(row.last_played), total_playing_time=row.total_playing_time, total_pickups=row.total_pickups, total_captures=row.total_captures, cap_ratio=cap_ratio, total_carrier_frags=row.total_carrier_frags, game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd) overall_stats[row.game_type_cd] = os # and lastly, the overall stuff try: overall_k_d_ratio = float(overall_kills) / overall_deaths except: overall_k_d_ratio = None os = OverallStats(total_kills=overall_kills, total_deaths=overall_deaths, k_d_ratio=overall_k_d_ratio, last_played=overall_last_played, last_played_epoch=timegm( overall_last_played.timetuple()), last_played_fuzzy=pretty_date(overall_last_played), total_playing_time=overall_playing_time, total_pickups=None, total_captures=None, cap_ratio=None, total_carrier_frags=overall_carrier_frags, game_type_cd='overall') overall_stats['overall'] = os return overall_stats
def get_overall_stats(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown of stats by gametype played by player_id. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - total_kills - total_deaths - k_d_ratio - last_played (last time the player played the game type) - last_played_epoch (same as above, but in seconds since epoch) - last_played_fuzzy (same as above, but in relative date) - total_playing_time (total amount of time played the game type) - total_pickups (ctf only) - total_captures (ctf only) - cap_ratio (ctf only) - total_carrier_frags (ctf only) - game_type_cd The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which sums the totals and computes the total ratios. """ OverallStats = namedtuple('OverallStats', ['total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'k_d_ratio', 'last_played', 'last_played_epoch', 'last_played_fuzzy', 'total_playing_time', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'cap_ratio', 'total_carrier_frags', 'game_type_cd']) raw_stats = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'last_played', 'total_playing_time', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'total_carrier_frags').\ from_statement( "SELECT g.game_type_cd, " "Sum(pgs.kills) total_kills, " "Sum(pgs.deaths) total_deaths, " "Max(pgs.create_dt) last_played, " "Sum(pgs.alivetime) total_playing_time, " "Sum(pgs.pickups) total_pickups, " "Sum(pgs.captures) total_captures, " "Sum(pgs.carrier_frags) total_carrier_frags " "FROM games g, " "player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id " "GROUP BY g.game_type_cd " ).params(player_id=player_id).all() # to be indexed by game_type_cd overall_stats = {} # sums for the "overall" game type (which is fake) overall_kills = 0 overall_deaths = 0 overall_last_played = None overall_playing_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) overall_carrier_frags = 0 for row in raw_stats: # running totals or mins overall_kills += row.total_kills or 0 overall_deaths += row.total_deaths or 0 if overall_last_played is None or row.last_played > overall_last_played: overall_last_played = row.last_played overall_playing_time += row.total_playing_time # individual gametype ratio calculations try: k_d_ratio = float(row.total_kills)/row.total_deaths except: k_d_ratio = None try: cap_ratio = float(row.total_captures)/row.total_pickups except: cap_ratio = None overall_carrier_frags += row.total_carrier_frags or 0 # everything else is untouched or "raw" os = OverallStats(total_kills=row.total_kills, total_deaths=row.total_deaths, k_d_ratio=k_d_ratio, last_played=row.last_played, last_played_epoch=timegm(row.last_played.timetuple()), last_played_fuzzy=pretty_date(row.last_played), total_playing_time=row.total_playing_time, total_pickups=row.total_pickups, total_captures=row.total_captures, cap_ratio=cap_ratio, total_carrier_frags=row.total_carrier_frags, game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd) overall_stats[row.game_type_cd] = os # and lastly, the overall stuff try: overall_k_d_ratio = float(overall_kills)/overall_deaths except: overall_k_d_ratio = None os = OverallStats(total_kills=overall_kills, total_deaths=overall_deaths, k_d_ratio=overall_k_d_ratio, last_played=overall_last_played, last_played_epoch=timegm(overall_last_played.timetuple()), last_played_fuzzy=pretty_date(overall_last_played), total_playing_time=overall_playing_time, total_pickups=None, total_captures=None, cap_ratio=None, total_carrier_frags=overall_carrier_frags, game_type_cd='overall') overall_stats['overall'] = os return overall_stats