Example #1
    def test_ordering_expressions_are_buildable(self):
        from xotl.ql.expressions import max_
        these((parent for parent in this),
              ordering=lambda parent: +(max_(child.age for child in parent.children)/parent.age))

        these(((p, c) for p in this for c in p.children),
              ordering=lambda p, c: None)
Example #2
def test_short_circuit():
    from xotl.ql import thesefy
    from xotl.ql.expressions import call
    from xotl.ql.translation.py import naive_translation
    from xoutil.compat import integer
    flag = [0]   # A list to allow non-global non-local in Py2k
    def inc_flag(by=1):
        flag[0] += 1
        return flag[0]

    class Universe(integer):
    Universe.this_instances = [Universe(1780917517912941696167)]

    query = these(atom for atom in Universe if (call(inc_flag) > 1) & call(inc_flag))
    plan = naive_translation(query)
    assert flag[0] == 1

    flag[0] = 0
    query = these(atom for atom in Universe if (call(inc_flag) > 0) | call(inc_flag))
    plan = naive_translation(query)
    assert flag[0] == 1
Example #3
    def test_free_terms_are_not_captured(self):
        from xotl.ql.expressions import any_
        these(parent for parent in this('parent') if parent.name
              if any_(this.children, this.age < 6))

        parts = self.bubble.parts
        self.assertIs(0, len(parts))
Example #4
def test_partition_vs_limit():
    query = these((parent for parent in this), limit=100)
    assert query.partition.stop == 100

    query = these((parent for parent in this), offset=100, limit=100)
    assert query.partition.stop == 200

    query = these((parent for parent in this), offset=100, limit=100, step=2)
    assert query.partition.stop == 400
Example #5
    def test_free_terms_are_not_captured(self):
        from xotl.ql.expressions import any_
              for parent in this('parent')
              if parent.name
              if any_(this.children, this.age < 6))

        parts = self.bubble.parts
        self.assertIs(0, len(parts))
Example #6
    def test_complex_query_with_3_tokens(self):
        query = these(
            (parent.title + parent.name, child.name + child.nick, toy.name)
            for parent in this('parent') if parent.children
            for child in parent.children if child.toys for toy in child.toys
            if (parent.age > 32) & (child.age < 5) | (toy.type == 'laptop'))
        p = this('parent')
        c = p.children
        t = c.toys

        filters = query.filters
        expected_filters = [
            ((p.age > 32) & (c.age < 5) | (t.type == 'laptop')), p.children,

        tokens = query.tokens
        expected_tokens = [p, c, t]

        selection = query.selection
        expected_selection = (p.title + p.name, c.name + c.nick, t.name)
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertEqual(selection, expected_selection)

            self.assertEqual(len(expected_filters), len(filters))
            for f in expected_filters:
                self.assertIn(f, filters)

            self.assertEqual(len(expected_tokens), len(tokens))
            for t in expected_tokens:
                self.assertIn(t, tokens)
Example #7
    def test_basic_queries(self):
        from xotl.ql.expressions import count
        query = these((parent.title + parent.name, count(child.toys))
                      for parent in this('parent') if parent.age < 40
                      for child in parent.children if child.age > 5)
        self.assertTrue(provides_any(query, IQueryObject))

        (parent_full_name, child_toys) = query.selection
        full_name_expectation = this('parent').title + this('parent').name
        #        child_name_expectation = this('parent').children.name
        child_toys_expectation = count(this('parent').children.toys)

        parent_age_test = this('parent').age < 40
        children_age_test = this('parent').children.age > 5

        parent_token = this('parent')
        children_token = this('parent').children

        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertEqual(parent_full_name, full_name_expectation)
            #            self.assertEqual(child_name, child_name_expectation)
            self.assertEqual(child_toys, child_toys_expectation)

            filters = query.filters
            self.assertEqual(2, len(filters))
            self.assertIn(parent_age_test, filters)
            self.assertIn(children_age_test, filters)

            tokens = query.tokens
            self.assertEqual(2, len(tokens))
            self.assertIn(parent_token, tokens)
            self.assertIn(children_token, tokens)
Example #8
    def test_thesefy_doesnot_messup_identities(self):
        from itertools import izip
        from xotl.ql.core import thesefy
        from xotl.ql.expressions import is_a

        class Person(object):

        class Partnership(object):

        query = these((person, partner)
                      for person, partner in izip(Person, Person)
                      for rel in Partnership
                      if (rel.subject == person) & (rel.obj == partner))
        filters = list(query.filters)
        person, partner = query.selection
        person_is_a_person = is_a(person, Person)
        partner_is_a_person = is_a(partner, Person)
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertNotEqual(person, partner)
            self.assertIn(person_is_a_person, filters)
            self.assertIn(partner_is_a_person, filters)
Example #9
    def test_thesefy_good_meta(self):
        from xotl.ql.core import thesefy

        class Meta(type):
            def __iter__(self):
                from xoutil.objects import nameof
                return iter(this(nameof(self)))

        class Person(object):
            __metaclass__ = Meta

        q = these(who for who in Person if who.age > 30)
        q1 = these(who for who in this('Person') if who.age > 30)
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertEqual(q.selection, q1.selection)
Example #10
    def _resolve_arguments(cls, *children, **kwargs):
        '''Resolves the first and only positional argument as a sub-query by
        calling :class:`~xotl.ql.core.these`.

        If there is more than one positional argument, or even one keyword
        argument, or the first argument is not a generator object; then it
        leaves all the arguments the same.

        import types
        first, rest = children[0], children[1:]
        if not first or (rest or kwargs):
            return children, kwargs
            if isinstance(first, types.GeneratorType):
                from xotl.ql.core import these
                first = these(first)
                # XXX: If this operation itself is enclosed in a
                # EXPRESSION_CAPTURING it might have occurred that a part
                # (actually a token's term) was emitted but then used as the
                # generator, so if the first token's binding original_term *is*
                # the last part emitted it should be removed from the bubble.
                bubble = context[EXPRESSION_CAPTURING].get('bubble', None)
                if bubble:
                    parts = bubble._parts
                    with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
                        term = first.tokens[0].expression
                        if getattr(term, 'original_term', None) is parts[-1]:
            return (first, ), {}
Example #11
    def test_worst_case_must_have_3_filters_and_3_tokens(self):
        from itertools import izip
        query = these(
            person for person, partner in izip(this('person'), this('partner'))
            for rel in this('relation') if rel.type == 'partnership'
            if rel.subject == person if rel.object == partner
            if partner.age > 32)
        filters = list(query.filters)
        tokens = list(query.tokens)
        person, partner, rel = this('person'), this('partner'), this(
        expected_rel_type_filter = rel.type == 'partnership'
        expected_rel_subject_filter = rel.subject == person
        expected_rel_obj_filter = rel.object == partner
        expected_partner_age = partner.age > 32
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertIs(4, len(filters))
            self.assertIn(expected_rel_type_filter, filters)
            self.assertIn(expected_rel_subject_filter, filters)
            self.assertIn(expected_rel_obj_filter, filters)
            self.assertIn(expected_partner_age, filters)

            self.assertIn(person, tokens)
            self.assertIn(rel, tokens)
            self.assertIs(3, len(tokens))
            self.assertIn(partner, tokens)
Example #12
def test_basic_queries():
    from xotl.ql.expressions import count
    query = these((parent.title + parent.name, count(child.toys))
                    for parent in this('parent')
                    if parent.age < 40
                    for child in parent.children
                    if child.age > 5)
    assert provides_any(query, IQueryObject)

    (parent_full_name, child_toys) = query.selection
    full_name_expectation = this('parent').title + this('parent').name
    child_toys_expectation = count(this('parent').children.toys)

    parent_age_test = this('parent').age < 40
    children_age_test = this('parent').children.age > 5

    parent_token = this('parent')
    children_token = this('parent').children

    with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
        assert parent_full_name == full_name_expectation
        assert child_toys == child_toys_expectation

        filters = query.filters
        assert len(filters) == 2
        assert parent_age_test in filters
        assert children_age_test in filters

        tokens = [tk.expression for tk in query.tokens]
        assert len(tokens) == 2
        assert parent_token in tokens
        assert children_token in tokens
Example #13
def test_named_terms_matches_a_token():
    Ensures that all terms are named, and they are bound to a token that is
    in the query.
    from xoutil.iterators import zip
    from xotl.ql.core import thesefy
    from xotl.ql.translation import cotraverse_expression

    class Person(object):

    class Partnership(object):

    query = these((person, partner)
                  for person, partner in zip(Person, Person)
                  for rel in Partnership
                  if (rel.subject == person) & (rel.obj == partner)
                  if person.age > 35)

    tokens = [tk.expression for tk in query.tokens]
    matches_token = lambda term: (term.name and (
                                  term.binding.expression in tokens or
    with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
        assert all(matches_token(term)
                   for term in cotraverse_expression(*query.filters))
Example #14
    def test_thesefy_good_meta(self):
        from xotl.ql.core import thesefy

        class Meta(type):
            def __iter__(self):
                from xoutil.objects import nameof
                return iter(this(nameof(self)))

        class Person(object):
            __metaclass__ = Meta

        q = these(who for who in Person if who.age > 30)
        q1 = these(who for who in this('Person') if who.age > 30)
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertEqual(q.selection, q1.selection)
Example #15
def test_worst_case_must_have_3_filters_and_3_tokens():
    from xoutil.iterators import zip
    query = these(person
                  for person, partner in zip(this('person'),
                  for rel in this('relation')
                  if rel.type == 'partnership'
                  if rel.subject == person
                  if rel.object == partner
                  if partner.age > 32)
    filters = list(query.filters)
    tokens = [tk.expression for tk in query.tokens]
    person, partner, rel = this('person'), this('partner'), this('relation')
    expected_rel_type_filter = rel.type == 'partnership'
    expected_rel_subject_filter = rel.subject == person
    expected_rel_obj_filter = rel.object == partner
    expected_partner_age = partner.age > 32
    with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
        assert len(filters) == 4
        assert expected_rel_type_filter in filters
        assert expected_rel_subject_filter in filters
        assert expected_rel_obj_filter in filters
        assert expected_partner_age in filters

        assert len(tokens) == 3
        assert person in tokens
        assert rel in tokens
        assert partner in tokens
Example #16
def test_complex_query_with_3_tokens():
    query = these((parent.title + parent.name,
                   child.name + child.nick, toy.name)
                  for parent in this('parent')
                  if parent.children
                  for child in parent.children
                  if child.toys
                  for toy in child.toys
                  if (parent.age > 32) & (child.age < 5) | (toy.type == 'laptop'))
    p = this('parent')
    c = p.children
    t = c.toys

    filters = query.filters
    expected_filters = [((p.age > 32) & (c.age < 5) | (t.type == 'laptop')),
                        p.children, c.toys]

    tokens = [tk.expression for tk in query.tokens]
    expected_tokens = [p, c, t]

    selection = query.selection
    expected_selection = (p.title + p.name, c.name + c.nick, t.name)
    with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
        assert selection == expected_selection

        assert len(expected_filters) == len(filters)
        for f in expected_filters:
            assert f in filters

        assert len(expected_tokens) == len(tokens)
        for t in expected_tokens:
            assert t in tokens
Example #17
 def test(self):
     operator = getattr(op, '_python_operator', op)
     query = these(parent for parent in this('p') if operator(parent.age, parent.check, parent.names))
     expected = operator(this('p').age, this('p').check, this('p').names)
     self.assertIs(1, len(query.filters))
     with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
         self.assertEqual(expected, query.filters[0])
Example #18
def test_query_objects_iteration():
    from xotl.ql.translation.py import init

    class Universe(int):
    Universe.this_instances = [Universe(i) for i in range(2, 10)]

    query = these(atom for atom in Universe)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        results = list(query)
    results = list(query)
    # XXX: Only for our implementation of QueryObject
    first_plan = getattr(query, '_query_execution_plan', None)
    for atom in Universe.this_instances:
        assert atom in results
    assert len(results) == len(Universe.this_instances)

    again = list(query)
    second_plan  = getattr(query, '_query_execution_plan', None)
    assert len(results) == len(again)

    assert first_plan is second_plan

    from itertools import product
    assert list(product(results, results)) == list(product(iter(query), iter(query)))
Example #19
    def test_thesefy_doesnot_messup_identities(self):
        from itertools import izip
        from xotl.ql.core import thesefy
        from xotl.ql.expressions import is_a

        class Person(object):

        class Partnership(object):

        query = these((person, partner)
                      for person, partner in izip(Person, Person)
                      for rel in Partnership
                      if (rel.subject == person) & (rel.obj == partner))
        filters = list(query.filters)
        person, partner = query.selection
        person_is_a_person = is_a(person, Person)
        partner_is_a_person = is_a(partner, Person)
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertNotEqual(person, partner)
            self.assertIn(person_is_a_person, filters)
            self.assertIn(partner_is_a_person, filters)
Example #20
def test_query_object_getitem():
    query = these((parent for parent in this), offset=100, limit=100, step=2)
    query2 = query[:-50]
    assert query.partition.stop == 400
    assert query2.partition.start == 100
    assert query2.partition.stop == 350
    assert query2.partition.step == 2
Example #21
    def test_basic_queries(self):
        from xotl.ql.expressions import count
        query = these((parent.title + parent.name, count(child.toys))
                        for parent in this('parent')
                        if parent.age < 40
                        for child in parent.children
                        if child.age > 5)
        self.assertTrue(provides_any(query, IQueryObject))

        (parent_full_name, child_toys) = query.selection
        full_name_expectation = this('parent').title + this('parent').name
#        child_name_expectation = this('parent').children.name
        child_toys_expectation = count(this('parent').children.toys)

        parent_age_test = this('parent').age < 40
        children_age_test = this('parent').children.age > 5

        parent_token = this('parent')
        children_token = this('parent').children

        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertEqual(parent_full_name, full_name_expectation)
#            self.assertEqual(child_name, child_name_expectation)
            self.assertEqual(child_toys, child_toys_expectation)

            filters = query.filters
            self.assertEqual(2, len(filters))
            self.assertIn(parent_age_test, filters)
            self.assertIn(children_age_test, filters)

            tokens = query.tokens
            self.assertEqual(2, len(tokens))
            self.assertIn(parent_token, tokens)
            self.assertIn(children_token, tokens)
Example #22
def test_token_before_filter():
    query = these((parent, child)
                  for parent in this
                  if parent.children
                  for child in parent.children
                  if child.age < 5
                  for dummy in parent.children)

    parent, child = query.selection
    parent_token, children_token, dummy_token = query.tokens
    expr1, expr2 = query.filters

    def ok(e1, e2):
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            assert e1 == e2
    ok(expr1, parent.children)
    ok(expr2, child.age < 5)

    assert UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT not in context
    assert not token_before_filter(children_token, expr1), repr((children_token, expr1, expr2))
    assert token_before_filter(children_token, expr2, True)
    assert token_before_filter(parent_token, expr2, True)
    assert not token_before_filter(dummy_token, expr2, True)
    assert UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT not in context
Example #23
    def test_complex_query_with_3_tokens(self):
        query = these((parent.title + parent.name,
                       child.name + child.nick, toy.name)
                      for parent in this('parent')
                      if parent.children
                      for child in parent.children
                      if child.toys
                      for toy in child.toys
                      if (parent.age > 32) & (child.age < 5) |
                         (toy.type == 'laptop'))
        p = this('parent')
        c = p.children
        t = c.toys

        filters = query.filters
        expected_filters = [((p.age > 32) & (c.age < 5) | (t.type == 'laptop')),
                            p.children, c.toys]

        tokens = query.tokens
        expected_tokens = [p, c, t]

        selection = query.selection
        expected_selection = (p.title + p.name, c.name + c.nick, t.name)
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertEqual(selection, expected_selection)

            self.assertEqual(len(expected_filters), len(filters))
            for f in expected_filters:
                self.assertIn(f, filters)

            self.assertEqual(len(expected_tokens), len(tokens))
            for t in expected_tokens:
                self.assertIn(t, tokens)
Example #24
    def test_worst_case_must_have_3_filters_and_3_tokens(self):
        from itertools import izip
        query = these(person
                      for person, partner in izip(this('person'),
                      for rel in this('relation')
                      if rel.type == 'partnership'
                      if rel.subject == person
                      if rel.object == partner
                      if partner.age > 32)
        filters = list(query.filters)
        tokens = list(query.tokens)
        person, partner, rel = this('person'), this('partner'), this('relation')
        expected_rel_type_filter = rel.type == 'partnership'
        expected_rel_subject_filter = rel.subject == person
        expected_rel_obj_filter = rel.object == partner
        expected_partner_age = partner.age > 32
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertIs(4, len(filters))
            self.assertIn(expected_rel_type_filter, filters)
            self.assertIn(expected_rel_subject_filter, filters)
            self.assertIn(expected_rel_obj_filter, filters)
            self.assertIn(expected_partner_age, filters)

            self.assertIn(person, tokens)
            self.assertIn(rel, tokens)
            self.assertIs(3, len(tokens))
            self.assertIn(partner, tokens)
Example #25
    def test_named_terms_matches_a_token(self):
        Ensures that all terms are named, and they are bound to a token that is
        in the query.
        from itertools import izip
        from xotl.ql.core import thesefy
        from xotl.ql.translate import cofind_tokens

        class Person(object):

        class Partnership(object):

        query = these((person, partner)
                      for person, partner in izip(Person, Person)
                      for rel in Partnership
                      if (rel.subject == person) & (rel.obj == partner)
                      if person.age > 35)

        tokens = query.tokens
        matches_token = lambda term: (term.name and (
                                      term.binding.expression in tokens or
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
                                for term in cofind_tokens(*query.filters)))
Example #26
    def test_named_terms_matches_a_token(self):
        Ensures that all terms are named, and they are bound to a token that is
        in the query.
        from itertools import izip
        from xotl.ql.core import thesefy
        from xotl.ql.translate import cofind_tokens

        class Person(object):

        class Partnership(object):

        query = these((person, partner)
                      for person, partner in izip(Person, Person)
                      for rel in Partnership
                      if (rel.subject == person) & (rel.obj == partner)
                      if person.age > 35)

        tokens = query.tokens
        matches_token = lambda term: (term.name and (
            term.binding.expression in tokens or matches_token(term.parent)))
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
                    for term in cofind_tokens(*query.filters)))
Example #27
def test_loosing_tokens():
    query = these((child, brother)
                  for parent in this
                  for child in parent.children
                  for brother in parent.children
                  if child is not brother)
    assert len(query.tokens) == 3
Example #28
def test_traversing_by_nonexistent_attribute(**kwargs):
    from xoutil.iterators import dict_update_new
    from xotl.ql.translation.py import naive_translation
    dict_update_new(kwargs, dict(only='test_translate.*'))

    # There's no `childs` attribute in Persons
    query = these(child for parent in Person
                        if parent.childs & (parent.age > 30)
                        for child in parent.childs
                        if child.age < 10)
    plan = naive_translation(query, **kwargs)
    assert list(plan()) == []

    # And much less a `foobar`
    query = these(parent for parent in Person if parent.foobar)
    plan = naive_translation(query, **kwargs)
    assert list(plan()) == []

    # And traversing through a non-existing stuff doesn't make
    # any sense either, but should not fail
    query = these(foos.name
                  for person in Person
                  for foos in person.foobars)
    plan = naive_translation(query, **kwargs)
    assert list(plan()) == []

    # However either trying to traverse to a second level without testing
    # should fail
    query = these(a for p in this for a in p.b.a)
    plan = naive_translation(query, **kwargs)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):

    # The same query in a safe fashion
    query = these(a
                  for p in this
                  if p.b & p.b.a
                  for a in p.b.a)
    plan = naive_translation(query, **kwargs)
    assert list(plan()) == []

    # Now let's rerun the plan after we create some object that matches
    x = X()
    assert list(plan()) == x.b.a
Example #29
def test_for_generator_as_sole_argument():
    from xotl.ql.core import QueryObject
    from xotl.ql.expressions import all_
    query = these(parent for parent in this
                  if all_(child.age < 5 for child in parent.children)
                  if all_(parent.children, this.age < 5)
                  if all_(this.children, this.age < 5))
    assert len(query.filters) == 3
    assert isinstance(query.filters[0].children[0], QueryObject)
Example #30
def test_regression_test_token_before_filter_20130401():
    assert UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT not in context
    query = these(who
                  for who in Entity
                  if who.name.starswith('Manuel'))
    is_entity_filter, name_filter = query.filters
    token = query.tokens[0]
    assert len(query.tokens) == 1
    assert token_before_filter(token, is_entity_filter, True)
    assert token_before_filter(token, name_filter, True)
Example #31
    def _test_class(self, Person):
        from xotl.ql.expressions import is_instance

        q = these((who for who in Person if who.age > 30), limit=100)
        # We assume that Person has been thesefied with thesefy('Person')
        who = domain = this('Person')
        q1 = these(w for w in domain if is_instance(w, Person) if w.age > 30)

        is_filter = is_instance(who, Person)
        age_filter = who.age > 30
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertEqual(2, len(q.filters))
            self.assertEqual(2, len(q1.filters))
            self.assertIn(is_filter, q.filters)
            self.assertIn(is_filter, q1.filters)
            self.assertIn(age_filter, q.filters)
            self.assertIn(age_filter, q1.filters)

            self.assertEqual(q.selection, q1.selection)
            self.assertEqual(q.tokens, q1.tokens)
Example #32
 def test_right_bindings(self):
     these((parent, child) for parent in this('parent')
           if parent.children.updated_since(days=1)
           for child in parent.children if child.age < 4)
     # The query has two filters:
     #    this('parent').children & (count(this('parent').children) > 4)
     #    this('parent').children.age < 5
     # If we regard every term `this('parent').children` as the *token*,
     # what would be the meaning of the first condition? How do we
     # distinguish from conditions over the named-token and the
     # expression that generates the token?
     # i.e in `for child in parent.children`, the `child` token
     # is *not* the same as the term `parent.children`.
     # Now the token of the relevant query might help, but then the
     # machine should not strip those tokens from query-parts.
     parts = self.bubble.parts
     self.assertEqual(0, len(parts))
Example #33
def test_naive_plan_no_join(**kwargs):
    from xoutil.iterators import dict_update_new
    from xotl.ql.translation.py import naive_translation
    select_old_entities = these(who
                                for who in Entity
                                if who.name.startswith('Manuel'))
    dict_update_new(kwargs, dict(only='test_translate.*'))
    plan = naive_translation(select_old_entities, **kwargs)
    result = list(plan())
    assert manu in result
    assert manolito in result
    assert yade not in result
Example #34
def test_no_custom():
    from xotl.ql.translation.py import naive_translation
    from xotl.ql.expressions import Operator, N_ARITY

    class myoperator(Operator):
        arity = N_ARITY
        _format = 'myoperator({0}{1})'

    query = these(person for person in Person if myoperator(person))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        plan = naive_translation(query)
Example #35
 def test_is_a_partnership_is_not_forgotten(self):
     from itertools import izip
     query = these(
         (person, partner)
         for person, partner in izip(this('person'), this('partner'))
         for rel in this('relation') if rel.type == 'partnership'
         if (rel.subject == person) & (rel.object == partner))
     filters = list(query.filters)
     expected_rel_type = this('relation').type == 'partnership'
     with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
         self.assertIn(expected_rel_type, filters)
         self.assertIs(2, len(filters))
Example #36
def test_right_bindings_for_each_term():
    query = these((child, brother)
                  for parent in this
                  for child in parent.children
                  for brother in parent.children
                  if child is not brother)

    child, brother = query.selection
    # XXX: This assume the order of the tokens is mantained!!!
    _this, child_token, brother_token = tuple(query.tokens)
    assert unboxed(child).binding is child_token
    assert unboxed(brother).binding is brother_token
Example #37
    def _test_class(self, Person):
        from xotl.ql.expressions import is_instance

        q = these((who for who in Person if who.age > 30),
        # We assume that Person has been thesefied with thesefy('Person')
        who = domain = this('Person')
        q1 = these(w for w in domain if is_instance(w, Person)
                        if w.age > 30)

        is_filter = is_instance(who, Person)
        age_filter = who.age > 30
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertEqual(2, len(q.filters))
            self.assertEqual(2, len(q1.filters))
            self.assertIn(is_filter, q.filters)
            self.assertIn(is_filter, q1.filters)
            self.assertIn(age_filter, q.filters)
            self.assertIn(age_filter, q1.filters)

            self.assertEqual(q.selection, q1.selection)
            self.assertEqual(q.tokens, q1.tokens)
Example #38
 def test_is_a_partnership_is_not_forgotten(self):
     from itertools import izip
     query = these((person, partner)
                   for person, partner in izip(this('person'),
                   for rel in this('relation')
                   if rel.type == 'partnership'
                   if (rel.subject == person) & (rel.object == partner))
     filters = list(query.filters)
     expected_rel_type = this('relation').type == 'partnership'
     with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
         self.assertIn(expected_rel_type, filters)
         self.assertIs(2, len(filters))
Example #39
 def test_right_bindings(self):
     these((parent, child)
           for parent in this('parent')
           if parent.children.updated_since(days=1)
           for child in parent.children
           if child.age < 4)
     # The query has two filters:
     #    this('parent').children & (count(this('parent').children) > 4)
     #    this('parent').children.age < 5
     # If we regard every term `this('parent').children` as the *token*,
     # what would be the meaning of the first condition? How do we
     # distinguish from conditions over the named-token and the
     # expression that generates the token?
     # i.e in `for child in parent.children`, the `child` token
     # is *not* the same as the term `parent.children`.
     # Now the token of the relevant query might help, but then the
     # machine should not strip those tokens from query-parts.
     parts = self.bubble.parts
     self.assertEqual(0, len(parts))
Example #40
File: py.py Project: mvaled/xotl.ql
 def inner(self, *args):
     from types import GeneratorType
     from xotl.ql.interfaces import IQueryObject
     from xotl.ql.core import these
     query, rest = args[0], args[1:]
     if rest:
         raise SyntaxError('%s only accepts query expressions or query objects')
     if isinstance(query, GeneratorType):
         query = these(query)
     elif not IQueryObject.providedBy(query):
         raise SyntaxError('%s only accepts query expressions or query objects')
     plan = naive_translation(query, vm=dict(self.vm))
     return func(result for result in plan())
Example #41
 def test_theres_a_token_for_partnership(self):
     from itertools import izip
     query = these(
         (person, partner)
         for person, partner in izip(this('person'), this('partner'))
         for rel in this('relation') if rel.type == 'partnership'
         if (rel.subject == person) & (rel.object == partner))
     tokens = list(query.tokens)
     person, partner, rel = this('person'), this('partner'), this(
     with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
         self.assertIs(3, len(tokens))
         self.assertIn(rel, tokens)
         self.assertIn(person, tokens)
         self.assertIn(partner, tokens)
Example #42
    def test_most_basic_query(self):
        query = these(parent for parent in this('parent') if parent.age > 40)
        self.assertTrue(provides_any(query, IQueryObject))
        (p, ) = query.selection
        token_expectation = p_expected = this('parent')
        filter_expectation = this('parent').age > 40

        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertEqual(p, p_expected)

            filters = query.filters
            self.assertEqual(1, len(filters))
            self.assertIn(filter_expectation, filters)

            tokens = query.tokens
            self.assertEqual(1, len(tokens))
            self.assertIn(token_expectation, tuple(tokens))
Example #43
    def test_cofind_tokens(self):
        from itertools import izip
        from xotl.ql.expressions import is_a
        from xotl.ql.translate import cofind_tokens

        class Person(object):

        class Partnership(object):

        query = these((person, partner)
                      for person, partner in izip(Person, Person)
                      for rel in Partnership
                      if (rel.subject == person) & (rel.obj == partner))
        filters = list(query.filters)
        person, partner = query.selection
        person_is_a_person = is_a(person, Person)
        partner_is_a_person = is_a(partner, Person)
        with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
            self.assertNotEqual(person, partner)
            self.assertIn(person_is_a_person, filters)
            self.assertIn(partner_is_a_person, filters)
            # left filter are is_a(rel, Partnership) and the explicit we see in
            # the query expression
            self.assertIs(2, len(filters))

            rel_is_a = next(f for f in filters if f.operation == is_a)

            # there are 4 named instances in the left filter
            # (rel.subject == person) & (rel.obj == partner)
            self.assertIs(4, len(list(cofind_tokens(filters[0]))))
Example #44
 def test_20121127_unnamed_this_leaked(self):
     query = these(parent for parent in this if parent.age > 30)
     term = query.filters[0].children[0]
     with context(UNPROXIFING_CONTEXT):
         self.assertEqual(unboxed(term).parent, query.tokens[0])
Example #45
pedro = Person(name='Pedro Piñero', birthdate='1950-04-01', lives_in=cotorro)
yade = Person(name='Yadenis Piñero Pérez',

manolito = Person(name='Manuel Vázquez Piñero',

select_manus = these(who for who in Person if who.name.startswith('Manuel '))
select_aged_entities = these(who for who in Entity if who.age)

# Three days after I (manu) wrote this query, I started to appear in the
# results ;)
select_old_entities = these(who for who in Entity if who.age > 34)

class TestTranslatorTools(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_cofind_tokens(self):
        from itertools import izip
        from xotl.ql.expressions import is_a
        from xotl.ql.translate import cofind_tokens

        class Person(object):