Example #1
    def _CallMethod_(self, com_object, index, info, params):
        #print "_CallMethod_", index, info, params
        flags, name, param_descs, ret = info
        assert ret[1][0] == xpcom_consts.TD_UINT32, "Expected an nsresult (%s)" % (ret,)
        if XPT_MD_IS_GETTER(flags):
            # Look for a function of that name
            func = getattr(self._obj_, "get_" + name, None)
            if func is None:
                assert len(param_descs)==1 and len(params)==0, "Can only handle a single [out] arg for a default getter"
                ret = getattr(self._obj_, name) # Let attribute error go here!
                ret = func(*params)
            return 0, ret
        elif XPT_MD_IS_SETTER(flags):
            # Look for a function of that name
            func = getattr(self._obj_, "set_" + name, None)
            if func is None:
                assert len(param_descs)==1 and len(params)==1, "Can only handle a single [in] arg for a default setter"
                setattr(self._obj_, name, params[0]) # Let attribute error go here!
            return 0
        elif callable(self._obj_):
            if self._is_function_ is None:
                iim = _xpcom.XPTI_GetInterfaceInfoManager()
                interface_info = iim.GetInfoForIID(self._iid_)
                self._is_function_ = interface_info.GetIsFunction()
            if self._is_function_:
                return 0, self._obj_(*params)

        # A regular method.
        func = getattr(self._obj_, name)
        return 0, func(*params)
Example #2
    def _QueryInterface_(self, com_object, iid):
        # Framework allows us to return a single boolean integer,
        # or a COM object.
        if iid in self._nominated_interfaces_:
            # We return the underlying object re-wrapped
            # in a new gateway - which is desirable, as one gateway should only support
            # one interface (this wont affect the users of this policy - we can have as many
            # gateways as we like pointing to the same Python objects - the users never
            # see what object the call came in from.
            # NOTE: We could have simply returned the instance and let the framework
            # do the auto-wrap for us - but this way we prevent a round-trip back into Python
            # code just for the autowrap.
            return xpcom.server.WrapObject(self._obj_, iid, bWrapClient=0)

        # Always support nsIClassInfo
        if iid == _xpcom.IID_nsIClassInfo:
            return GetClassInfoForObject(self._obj_)

        # See if the instance has a QI
        # use lower-case "_query_interface_" as win32com does, and it doesnt really matter.
        delegate = getattr(self._obj_, "_query_interface_", None)
        if delegate is not None:
            # The COM object itself doesnt get passed to the child
            # (again, as win32com doesnt).  It is rarely needed
            # (in win32com, we dont even pass it to the policy, although we have identified
            # one place where we should - for marshalling - so I figured I may as well pass it
            # to the policy layer here, but no all the way down to the object.
            return delegate(iid)
        # Finally see if we are being queried for one of the "nsISupports primitives"
        if not _supports_primitives_map_:
            iim = _xpcom.XPTI_GetInterfaceInfoManager()
            for (iid_name, attr, cvt) in _supports_primitives_data_:
                special_iid = iim.GetInfoForName(iid_name).GetIID()
                _supports_primitives_map_[special_iid] = (attr, cvt)
        attr, cvt = _supports_primitives_map_.get(iid, (None, None))
        if attr is not None and hasattr(self._obj_, attr):
            return xpcom.server.WrapObject(SupportsPrimitive(
                iid, self._obj_, attr, cvt),
        # Out of clever things to try!
        return None  # We dont support this IID.
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
Example #4
def _get_good_iid(iid):
    if iid is None:
        iid = _xpcom.IID_nsISupports
    elif type(iid) in StringTypes and len(iid)>0 and iid[0] != "{":
        iid = getattr(interfaces, iid)
    return iid

# The "manager" object.
manager = xpcom.client.Component(_xpcom.GetComponentManager(), _xpcom.IID_nsIComponentManager)

# The component registrar
registrar = xpcom.client.Component(_xpcom.GetComponentManager(), _xpcom.IID_nsIComponentRegistrar)

# The "interfaceInfoManager" object - JS doesnt have this.
interfaceInfoManager = _xpcom.XPTI_GetInterfaceInfoManager()

# The serviceManager - JS doesnt have this either!
serviceManager = _xpcom.GetServiceManager()

# The "Exception" object
Exception = xpcom.COMException

# Base class for our collections.
# It appears that all objects supports "." and "[]" notation.
# eg, "interface.nsISupports" or interfaces["nsISupports"]
class _ComponentCollection:
    # Bases are to over-ride 2 methods.
    # _get_one(self, name) - to return one object by name
    # _build_dict - to return a dictionary which provide access into
    def __init__(self):