def full_field_tomo(source: Stream, qoi_name, rotation, **kwargs): theta = SimpleFromEventStream("event", ("data", rotation), upstream=source).map(np.deg2rad) qoi = SimpleFromEventStream("event", ("data", qoi_name), upstream=source, principle=True) center = SimpleFromEventStream("start", ("tomo", "center"), upstream=source) source.starsink(StartStopCallback()) return locals()
def pencil_tomo(source: Stream, qoi_name, translation, rotation, stack=None, **kwargs): """Extract data from a raw stream for pencil beam tomography Parameters ---------- source : Stream The stream of raw event model data qoi_name : str The name of the QOI for this reconstruction kwargs Returns ------- dict : The namespace """ start = SimpleFromEventStream('start', (), upstream=source) if stack: stack_position = SimpleFromEventStream("event", ("data", stack), upstream=source) x = SimpleFromEventStream("event", ("data", translation), upstream=source) th = SimpleFromEventStream("event", ("data", rotation), upstream=source) # Extract the index for the translation and rotation so we can # extract the dimensions and extents # TODO: turn into proper function translation_position = SimpleFromEventStream( "start", ("motors", ), upstream=source).map(lambda x: x.index(translation)) rotation_position = SimpleFromEventStream( "start", ("motors", ), upstream=source).map(lambda x: x.index(rotation)) dims = SimpleFromEventStream("start", ("shape", ), upstream=source) th_dim = x_dim = extents = SimpleFromEventStream("start", ("extents", ), upstream=source) th_extents = x_extents = qoi = SimpleFromEventStream("event", ("data", qoi_name), upstream=source, principle=True) center = SimpleFromEventStream("start", ("tomo", "center"), upstream=source) source.starsink(StartStopCallback()) return locals()
lambda x: x if not isinstance(x, list) else x[0]).map( lambda x: x.documents(fill=True)).flatten()).map( np.float32).connect(raw_background_dark)) (FromEventStream('event', ('data', image_name), source, event_stream_name='dark').map( np.float32).connect(raw_foreground_dark)) # Get background (FromEventStream('event', ('data', image_name), bg_docs).map(np.float32).connect(raw_background)) # Get foreground FromEventStream('event', ('seq_num', ), source, stream_name='seq_num').connect(img_counter) (FromEventStream('event', ('data', image_name), source, principle=True, event_stream_name='primary', stream_name='raw_foreground').map( np.float32).connect(raw_foreground)) # Save out calibration data to special place h_timestamp = (gen_geo_cal.pluck(0).zip_latest(h_timestamp). starsink(lambda x, y: _save_calib_param( x, y, os.path.join(glbl_dict['config_base'], glbl_dict['calib_config_name'])))) raw_source.starsink(StartStopCallback()) # raw_source.visualize(os.path.expanduser('~/mystream.png'), source_node=True)
def conf_main_pipeline(db, save_dir, *, write_to_disk=False, vis=True, polarization_factor=.99, image_data_key='pe1_image', mask_setting='default', mask_kwargs=None, pdf_config=None, verbose=False, calibration_md_folder='../xpdConfig/'): """Total data processing pipeline for XPD Parameters ---------- db: instance The databroker holding the data, this must be specified as a `db=` in the function call (keyword only argument) save_dir: str The folder in which to save the data, this must be specified as a `save_dir=` in the function call (keyword only argument) write_to_disk: bool, optional If True write files to disk, defaults to False vis: bool, optional If True visualize the data. Defaults to False polarization_factor : float, optional polarization correction factor, ranged from -1(vertical) to +1 (horizontal). default is 0.99. set to None for no correction. mask_setting : str, optional If 'default' reuse mask created for first image, if 'auto' mask all images, if None use no mask. Defaults to 'default' mask_kwargs : dict, optional dictionary stores options for automasking functionality. default is defined by an_glbl.auto_mask_dict. Please refer to documentation for more details image_data_key: str, optional The key for the image data, defaults to `pe1_image` pdf_config: dict, optional Configuration for making PDFs, see pdfgetx3 docs. Defaults to ``dict(dataformat='QA', qmaxinst=28, qmax=22)`` verbose: bool, optional If True print many outcomes from the pipeline, for debuging use only, defaults to False calibration_md_folder: str Path to where the calibration is stored for xpdAcq Returns ------- source: Stream The source for the graph See also -------- """ _pdf_config = dict(dataformat='QA', qmaxinst=28, qmax=22) if pdf_config is None: pdf_config = _pdf_config.copy() else: pdf_config = _pdf_config.copy().update(**pdf_config) if mask_kwargs is None: mask_kwargs = {} print('start pipeline configuration') light_template = os.path.join(save_dir, base_template) raw_source = Stream(stream_name='Raw Data') # raw data source = es.fill_events(db, raw_source) # filled raw data if_not_dark_stream = es.filter(lambda x: not if_dark(x), source, input_info={0: ((), 0)}, document_name='start', stream_name='If not dark', full_event=True) if_not_dark_stream.sink(star(StartStopCallback())) eventify_raw_start = es.Eventify(if_not_dark_stream, stream_name='eventify raw start') h_timestamp_stream =, if_not_dark_stream, input_info={0: 'time'}, output_info=[('human_timestamp', { 'dtype': 'str' })], full_event=True, stream_name='human timestamp') # only the primary stream if_not_dark_stream_primary = es.filter(lambda x: x[0]['name'] == 'primary', if_not_dark_stream, document_name='descriptor', stream_name='Primary') dark_query = es.Query(db, if_not_dark_stream, query_function=query_dark, query_decider=temporal_prox, stream_name='Query for FG Dark') dark_query_results = es.QueryUnpacker(db, dark_query, stream_name='Unpack FG Dark') # Do the dark subtraction zlid = es.zip_latest(if_not_dark_stream_primary, dark_query_results, stream_name='Combine darks and lights') dark_sub_fg =, zlid, input_info={ 0: (image_data_key, 0), 1: (image_data_key, 1) }, output_info=[('img', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })], md=dict(stream_name='Dark Subtracted Foreground', analysis_stage='dark_sub')) # BACKGROUND PROCESSING # Query for background bg_query_stream = es.Query(db, if_not_dark_stream, query_function=query_background, query_decider=temporal_prox, stream_name='Query for Background') # Decide if there is background data if_background_stream = es.filter(if_query_results, bg_query_stream, full_event=True, input_info={'n_hdrs': (('n_hdrs', ), 0)}, document_name='start', stream_name='If background') # if has background do background subtraction bg_stream = es.QueryUnpacker(db, if_background_stream, stream_name='Unpack background') bg_dark_stream = es.QueryUnpacker(db, es.Query( db, bg_stream, query_function=query_dark, query_decider=temporal_prox, stream_name='Query for BG Dark'), stream_name='Unpack background dark') # Perform dark subtraction on everything dark_sub_bg =, es.zip_latest(bg_stream, bg_dark_stream, stream_name='Combine bg and bg dark'), input_info={ 0: (image_data_key, 0), 1: (image_data_key, 1) }, output_info=[('img', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })], stream_name='Dark Subtracted Background') # bundle the backgrounds into one stream bg_bundle = es.BundleSingleStream(dark_sub_bg, bg_query_stream, name='Background Bundle') # sum the backgrounds summed_bg = es.accumulate(dstar(add_img), bg_bundle, start=dstar(pull_array), state_key='img1', input_info={'img2': 'img'}, output_info=[('img', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })]) count_bg = es.accumulate(event_count, bg_bundle, start=1, state_key='count', output_info=[('count', { 'dtype': 'int', 'source': 'testing' })]) ave_bg =,, count_bg), input_info={ 0: ('img', 0), 1: ('count', 1) }, output_info=[('img', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })], stream_name='Average Background') # combine the fg with the summed_bg fg_bg = es.zip_latest(dark_sub_fg, ave_bg, stream_name='Combine fg with bg') # subtract the background images fg_sub_bg =, fg_bg, input_info={ 0: ('img', 0), 1: ('img', 1) }, output_info=[('img', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })], stream_name='Background Corrected Foreground') # else do nothing eventify_nhdrs = es.Eventify(bg_query_stream, 'n_hdrs', output_info=[('n_hdrs', {})]) zldb = es.zip_latest(dark_sub_fg, eventify_nhdrs) if_not_background_stream = es.filter( lambda x: not if_query_results(x), zldb, input_info={'x': (( 'data', 'n_hdrs', ), 1)}, stream_name='If not background', full_event=True) if_not_background_split_stream = es.split(if_not_background_stream, 2) # union of background and not background branch foreground_stream = fg_sub_bg.union( if_not_background_split_stream.split_streams[0]) foreground_stream.stream_name = 'Pull from either bgsub or not sub' # CALIBRATION PROCESSING # if calibration send to calibration runner zlfi = es.zip_latest(foreground_stream,, eventify_raw_start), clear_on_lossless_stop=True) if_calibration_stream = es.filter(if_calibration, zlfi, input_info={0: ((), 1)}, full_event=True, document_name='start', stream_name='If calibration') # detector and calibration are under 'detector' and 'dSpacing' calibration_stream =, if_calibration_stream, input_info={ 'img': (('data', 'img'), 0), 'wavelength': (( 'data', 'bt_wavelength', ), 2), 'calibrant': (( 'data', 'dSpacing', ), 2), 'detector': (( 'data', 'detector', ), 2) }, output_info=[('calibration', { 'dtype': 'object', 'source': 'workflow', 'instance': 'pyFAI.calibration.' 'Calibration' }), ('geo', { 'dtype': 'object', 'source': 'workflow', 'instance': 'pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator' '.AzimuthalIntegrator' })], stream_name='Run Calibration', md={'analysis_stage': 'calib'}, full_event=True) # write calibration info into xpdAcq sacred place,, h_timestamp_stream), calib_yml_fp=os.path.join(calibration_md_folder, 'xpdAcq_calib_info.yml'), input_info={ 'calib_c': (('data', 'calibration'), 0), 'timestr': (('data', 'human_timestamp'), 1) }, output_info=[('calib_config_dict', { 'dtype': 'dict' })]) # else get calibration from header if_not_calibration_stream = es.filter(if_not_calibration, if_not_dark_stream, input_info={0: ((), 0)}, document_name='start', full_event=True, stream_name='If not calibration') cal_md_stream = es.Eventify(if_not_calibration_stream, 'calibration_md', output_info=[('calibration_md', { 'dtype': 'dict', 'source': 'workflow' })], stream_name='Eventify Calibration') loaded_cal_stream =, cal_md_stream, input_info={'cal_params': 'calibration_md'}, output_info=[('geo', { 'dtype': 'object', 'source': 'workflow', 'instance': 'pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator' '.AzimuthalIntegrator' })], stream_name='Load geometry') # union the calibration branches loaded_calibration_stream = loaded_cal_stream.union(calibration_stream) loaded_calibration_stream.stream_name = 'Pull from either md or ' \ 'run calibration' # send calibration and corrected images to main workflow # polarization correction # SPLIT INTO TWO NODES zlfl = es.zip_latest(foreground_stream, loaded_calibration_stream, stream_name='Combine FG and Calibration', clear_on_lossless_stop=True) p_corrected_stream =, zlfl, input_info={ 'img': ('img', 0), 'geo': ('geo', 1) }, output_info=[('img', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })], polarization_factor=polarization_factor, stream_name='Polarization corrected img') # generate masks if mask_setting is None: zlfc = es.zip_latest(es.filter(lambda x: x == 1, p_corrected_stream, input_info={0: 'seq_num'}, full_event=True), loaded_calibration_stream, clear_on_lossless_stop=True) mask_stream = x: np.ones(x.shape, dtype=bool), zlfc, input_info={'x': ('img', 0)}, output_info=[('mask', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })], stream_name='dummy mask', md=dict(analysis_stage='mask')) else: if mask_setting == 'default': # note that this could become a much fancier filter # eg make a mask every 5th image zlfc = es.zip_latest(es.filter(lambda x: x == 1, p_corrected_stream, input_info={0: 'seq_num'}, full_event=True), loaded_calibration_stream, clear_on_lossless_stop=True) else: zlfc = es.zip_latest(p_corrected_stream, loaded_calibration_stream, clear_on_lossless_stop=True) zlfc_ds = es.zip_latest(zlfc, if_not_dark_stream, clear_on_lossless_stop=True) if_setup_stream = es.filter(lambda sn: sn == 'Setup', zlfc_ds, input_info={0: (('sample_name', ), 2)}, document_name='start', full_event=True, stream_name='Is Setup Mask') blank_mask_stream = x: np.ones(x.shape, dtype=bool), if_setup_stream, input_info={'x': ('img', 0)}, output_info=[('mask', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })], stream_name='dummy setup mask', md=dict(analysis_stage='mask')) if_not_setup_steam = es.filter( lambda doc: doc.get('sample_name') != 'Setup', zlfc_ds, input_info={0: ((), 2)}, document_name='start', full_event=True, stream_name='Is Not Setup Mask') not_setup_mask_stream =, if_not_setup_steam, input_info={ 'img': ('img', 0), 'geo': ('geo', 1) }, output_info=[('mask', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })], **mask_kwargs, stream_name='Mask', md=dict(analysis_stage='mask')) mask_stream = not_setup_mask_stream.union(blank_mask_stream) mask_stream.stream_name = 'If Setup pull Dummy Mask, else Mask' # generate binner stream zlmc = es.zip_latest(mask_stream, loaded_calibration_stream, clear_on_lossless_stop=True) binner_stream =, zlmc, input_info={ 'geo': ('geo', 1), 'mask': ('mask', 0) }, output_info=[('binner', { 'dtype': 'function', 'source': 'testing' })], img_shape=(2048, 2048), stream_name='Binners') zlpb = es.zip_latest(p_corrected_stream, binner_stream, clear_on_lossless_stop=True) iq_stream =, zlpb, input_info={ 'img': ('img', 0), 'binner': ('binner', 1) }, output_info=[('q', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' }), ('iq', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })], stream_name='I(Q)', md=dict(analysis_stage='iq_q')) iq_rs_zl = es.zip_latest(iq_stream, eventify_raw_start) # convert to tth tth_stream = lambda q, wavelength: np.rad2deg(q_to_twotheta(q, wavelength)), iq_rs_zl, input_info={ 'q': ('q', 0), 'wavelength': ('bt_wavelength', 1) }, output_info=[('tth', { 'dtype': 'array', 'units': 'degrees' })]) tth_iq_stream = **x: (x['tth'], x['iq']),, iq_stream), input_info={ 'tth': ('tth', 0), 'iq': ('iq', 1) }, output_info=[('tth', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' }), ('iq', { 'dtype': 'array', 'source': 'testing' })], stream_name='Combine tth and iq', md=dict(analysis_stage='iq_tth')) fq_stream =, iq_rs_zl, input_info={ 0: ('q', 0), 1: ('iq', 0), 'composition': ('composition_string', 1) }, output_info=[('q', { 'dtype': 'array' }), ('fq', { 'dtype': 'array' }), ('config', { 'dtype': 'dict' })], dataformat='QA', qmaxinst=28, qmax=22, md=dict(analysis_stage='fq')) pdf_stream =, iq_rs_zl, input_info={ 0: ('q', 0), 1: ('iq', 0), 'composition': ('composition_string', 1) }, output_info=[('r', { 'dtype': 'array' }), ('pdf', { 'dtype': 'array' }), ('config', { 'dtype': 'dict' })], **pdf_config, md=dict(analysis_stage='pdf')) if vis: foreground_stream.sink( star( LiveImage('img', window_title='Dark Subtracted Image', cmap='viridis'))) zlpm = es.zip_latest(p_corrected_stream, mask_stream, clear_on_lossless_stop=True) masked_img =, zlpm, input_info={ 'img': (('data', 'img'), 0), 'mask': (('data', 'mask'), 1) }, full_event=True, output_info=[('overlay_mask', { 'dtype': 'array' })]) masked_img.sink( star( LiveImage('overlay_mask', window_title='Dark/Background/' 'Polarization Corrected ' 'Image with Mask', cmap='viridis', limit_func=lambda im: (np.nanpercentile(im, 1), np.nanpercentile(im, 99)) # norm=LogNorm() ))) iq_stream.sink( star( LiveWaterfall('q', 'iq', units=('Q (A^-1)', 'Arb'), window_title='I(Q)'))) tth_iq_stream.sink( star( LiveWaterfall('tth', 'iq', units=('tth', 'Arb'), window_title='I(tth)'))) fq_stream.sink( star( LiveWaterfall('q', 'fq', units=('Q (A^-1)', 'F(Q)'), window_title='F(Q)'))) pdf_stream.sink( star( LiveWaterfall('r', 'pdf', units=('r (A)', 'G(r) A^-2'), window_title='G(r)'))) if write_to_disk: eventify_raw_descriptor = es.Eventify( if_not_dark_stream, stream_name='eventify raw descriptor', document='descriptor') exts = ['.tiff', '', '_Q.chi', '_tth.chi', '.gr', '.poni'] eventify_input_streams = [ dark_sub_fg, mask_stream, iq_stream, tth_iq_stream, pdf_stream, calibration_stream ] input_infos = [{ 'data': ('img', 1), 'file': ('filename', 0) }, { 'mask': ('mask', 1), 'filename': ('filename', 0) }, { 'tth': ('q', 1), 'intensity': ('iq', 1), 'output_name': ('filename', 0) }, { 'tth': ('tth', 1), 'intensity': ('iq', 1), 'output_name': ('filename', 0) }, { 'r': ('r', 1), 'pdf': ('pdf', 1), 'filename': ('filename', 0), 'config': ('config', 1) }, { 'calibration': ('calibration', 1), 'filename': ('filename', 0) }] saver_kwargs = [{}, {}, { 'q_or_2theta': 'Q', 'ext': '' }, { 'q_or_2theta': '2theta', 'ext': '' }, {}, {}] eventifies = [ es.Eventify(s, stream_name='eventify {}'.format(s.stream_name)) for s in eventify_input_streams ] mega_render = [ render_and_clean, es.zip_latest( h_timestamp_stream, # human readable event timestamp if_not_dark_stream, # raw events, stream_name='mega_render zip'), eventify_raw_start, eventify_raw_descriptor, analysed_eventify), string=light_template, input_info={ 'human_timestamp': (('data', 'human_timestamp'), 0), 'raw_event': ((), 1), 'raw_start': (('data', ), 2), 'raw_descriptor': (('data', ), 3), 'analyzed_start': (('data', ), 4) }, ext=ext, full_event=True, output_info=[('filename', { 'dtype': 'str' })], stream_name='mega render ' '{}'.format(analysed_eventify.stream_name)) for ext, analysed_eventify in zip(exts, eventifies) ] streams_to_be_saved = [ dark_sub_fg, mask_stream, iq_stream, tth_iq_stream, pdf_stream, calibration_stream ] save_callables = [ tifffile.imsave, fit2d_save, save_output, save_output, pdf_saver, poni_saver ] md_render =, eventify_raw_start, string=light_template, input_info={ 'raw_start': (('data', ), 0), }, output_info=[('filename', { 'dtype': 'str' })], ext='.yml', full_event=True, stream_name='MD render') make_dirs = [ x: os.makedirs(os.path.split(x)[0], exist_ok=True), cs, input_info={0: 'filename'}, output_info=[('filename', { 'dtype': 'str' })], stream_name='Make dirs {}'.format(cs.stream_name)) for cs in mega_render ] [, es.zip_latest(, s1, stream_name='zip render and data', zip_type='truncate'), made_dir, stream_name='zl dirs and render and data'), input_info=ii, output_info=[('final_filename', { 'dtype': 'str' })], stream_name='Write {}'.format(s1.stream_name), **kwargs) for s1, s2, made_dir, ii, writer_templater, kwargs in zip( streams_to_be_saved, mega_render, make_dirs, # prevent run condition btwn dirs and files input_infos, save_callables, saver_kwargs) ],, md_render), input_info={ 0: (('data', 'filename'), 1), 1: (('data', ), 0) }, full_event=True, stream_name='dump yaml') if verbose: # if_calibration_stream.sink(pprint) # dark_sub_fg.sink(pprint) # eventify_raw_start.sink(pprint) # raw_source.sink(pprint) # if_not_dark_stream.sink(pprint) # zlid.sink(pprint) # dark_sub_fg.sink(pprint) # bg_query_stream.sink(pprint) # if_not_calibration_stream.sink(pprint) # if_not_background_stream.sink(pprint) # if_background_stream.sink(pprint) # fg_sub_bg.sink(pprint) # if_not_background_split_stream.split_streams[0].sink(pprint) # cal_md_stream.sink(pprint) # loaded_calibration_stream.sink(pprint) # if_not_dark_stream.sink(pprint) # foreground_stream.sink(pprint) # zlfl.sink(pprint) # p_corrected_stream.sink(pprint) # zlmc.sink(pprint) # binner_stream.sink(pprint) # zlpb.sink(pprint) # iq_stream.sink(pprint) # pdf_stream.sink(pprint) # mask_stream.sink(pprint) if write_to_disk: md_render.sink(pprint) [, streams_to_be_s, zip_type='truncate', stream_name='zip_print').sink(star(PrinterCallback())) for cs, streams_to_be_s in zip(mega_render, streams_to_be_saved) ] print('Finish pipeline configuration') return raw_source
def start_gen( raw_source, image_names=glbl_dict["image_fields"], db=glbl_dict["exp_db"], calibration_md_folder=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- raw_source image_name db : databroker.Broker The databroker to use calibration_md_folder kwargs Returns ------- """ if calibration_md_folder is None: calibration_md_folder = {"folder": "xpdAcq_calib_info.yml"} # raw_source.sink(lambda x: print(x[0])) # Build the general pipeline from the raw_pipeline # TODO: change this when new dark logic comes # Check that the data isn't a dark (dark_frame = True when taking a dark) not_dark_scan = FromEventStream( "start", (), upstream=raw_source, stream_name="not dark scan" ).map(lambda x: not x.get("dark_frame", False)) # Fill the raw event stream source = ( # Emit on works here because we emit on the not_dark_scan first due # to the ordering of the nodes! raw_source.combine_latest(not_dark_scan, emit_on=0) .filter(lambda x: x[1]) .pluck(0) .starmap( Retrieve(handler_reg=db.reg.handler_reg, root_map=db.reg.root_map) ) .filter(lambda x: x[0] not in ["resource", "datum"]) ) # source.sink(lambda x: print('Source says ', x)) # Get all the documents start_docs = FromEventStream("start", (), source) descriptor_docs = FromEventStream( "descriptor", (), source, event_stream_name="primary" ) event_docs = FromEventStream( "event", (), source, event_stream_name="primary" ) all_docs = event_docs.combine_latest( start_docs, descriptor_docs, emit_on=0, first=True ).starmap( lambda e, s, d: { "raw_event": e, "raw_start": s, "raw_descriptor": d, "human_timestamp": _timestampstr(s["time"]), } ) # PDF specific composition = FromEventStream("start", ("composition_string",), source) # Calibration information wavelength = FromEventStream("start", ("bt_wavelength",), source).unique( history=1 ) calibrant = FromEventStream( "start", ("dSpacing",), source, principle=True ).unique(history=1) detector = ( FromEventStream("start", ("detector",), source) .union( *[ FromEventStream( "descriptor", ( "configuration", image_name.split("_")[0], "data", f'{image_name.split("_")[0]}_detector_type', ), source, event_stream_name="primary", ) for image_name in image_names ] ) .unique(history=1) ) is_calibration_img = FromEventStream("start", (), source).map( lambda x: "detector_calibration_server_uid" in x ) # Only pass through new calibrations (prevents us from recalculating cals) geo_input = FromEventStream( "start", ("calibration_md",), source, principle=True ).unique(history=1) start_timestamp = FromEventStream("start", ("time",), source) # Clean out the cached darks and backgrounds on start # so that this will run regardless of background/dark status # note that we get the proper data (if it exists downstream) # FIXME: this is kinda an anti-pattern and needs to go lower in the # pipeline start_docs.sink(lambda x: raw_background_dark.emit(0.0)) start_docs.sink(lambda x: raw_background.emit(0.0)) start_docs.sink(lambda x: raw_foreground_dark.emit(0.0)) bg_query =, db=db) bg_docs = ( .starmap(temporal_prox) .filter(lambda x: x != []) .map(lambda x: x[0].documents(fill=True)) .flatten() ) # Get foreground dark fg_dark_query =, db=db) fg_dark_query.filter(lambda x: x == []).sink( lambda x: print("No dark found!") ) raw_foreground_dark = union( *[ FromEventStream( "event", ("data", image_name), fg_dark_query.filter(lambda x: x != []) .map(lambda x: x if not isinstance(x, list) else x[0]) .map(lambda x: x.documents(fill=True)) .flatten(), event_stream_name="primary", ) for image_name in image_names ] ).map(np.float32) # Get bg dark bg_dark_query = FromEventStream("start", (), bg_docs).map( query_dark, db=db ) raw_background_dark = union( *[ FromEventStream( "event", ("data", image_name), bg_dark_query.filter(lambda x: x != []) .map(lambda x: x if not isinstance(x, list) else x[0]) .map(lambda x: x.documents(fill=True)) .flatten(), stream_name="raw_background_dark", event_stream_name="primary", ) for image_name in image_names ] ).map(np.float32) # Pull darks from their stream if it exists for image_name in image_names: ( FromEventStream( "event", ("data", image_name), source, event_stream_name="dark" ) .map(np.float32) .connect(raw_foreground_dark) ) # Get background raw_background = union( *[ FromEventStream( "event", ("data", image_name), bg_docs, stream_name="raw_background", event_stream_name="primary", ) for image_name in image_names ] ).map(np.float32) # Get foreground img_counter = FromEventStream( "event", ("seq_num",), source, stream_name="seq_num", # This doesn't make sense in multi-stream settings event_stream_name="primary", ) raw_foreground = union( *[ FromEventStream( "event", ("data", image_name), source, principle=True, event_stream_name="primary", stream_name="raw_foreground", ) for image_name in image_names ] ).map(np.float32) raw_source.starsink(StartStopCallback()) return locals()
def fes_radiograph(raw_source, radiograph_names=glbl_dict["radiograph_names"], db=glbl_dict["exp_db"], resets=None, **kwargs): """Translate from event stream to data for radiograph processing Parameters ---------- raw_source : Stream The raw data source radiograph_names : Stream The names of the data to perform radiograph transformations on db : Broker The databroker with the raw data resets : list of str Data keys which when updated with new data cause the averaging to reset """ not_dark_scan = FromEventStream( "start", (), upstream=raw_source, stream_name="not dark scan").map( lambda x: not x.get("dark_frame", False)) # Fill the raw event stream source = ( # Emit on works here because we emit on the not_dark_scan first due # to the ordering of the nodes! raw_source.combine_latest( not_dark_scan, emit_on=0).filter(lambda x: x[1]).pluck(0).starmap( Retrieve(handler_reg=db.reg.handler_reg, root_map=db.reg.root_map) ).filter(lambda x: x[0] not in ["resource", "datum"])) # source.sink(lambda x: print('Source says ', x)) # Get all the documents start_docs = FromEventStream("start", (), source) descriptor_docs = FromEventStream("descriptor", (), source, event_stream_name="primary") event_docs = FromEventStream("event", (), source, event_stream_name="primary") all_docs = event_docs.combine_latest( start_docs, descriptor_docs, emit_on=0, first=True).starmap( lambda e, s, d: { "raw_event": e, "raw_start": s, "raw_descriptor": d, "human_timestamp": _timestampstr(s["time"]), }) start_timestamp = FromEventStream("start", ("time", ), source) if resets: reset = union(*[ FromEventStream("event", ('data', r), upstream=source).unique( history=1) for r in resets ]) flat_field_query =, db=db) flat_field = union(*[ FromEventStream( "event", ("data", image_name), flat_field_query.filter(lambda x: x != []).map( lambda x: x if not isinstance(x, list) else x[0]).map( lambda x: x.documents(fill=True)).flatten(), event_stream_name="primary", ) for image_name in radiograph_names ]).map(np.float32) # Get foreground dark fg_dark_query =, db=db) fg_dark_query.filter(lambda x: x == []).sink( lambda x: print("No dark found!")) dark = union(*[ FromEventStream( "event", ("data", image_name), fg_dark_query.filter(lambda x: x != []).map( lambda x: x if not isinstance(x, list) else x[0]).map( lambda x: x.documents(fill=True)).flatten(), event_stream_name="primary", ) for image_name in radiograph_names ]).map(np.float32) # Pull darks from their stream if it exists for image_name in radiograph_names: (FromEventStream("event", ("data", image_name), source, event_stream_name="dark").map( np.float32).connect(dark)) img = union(*[ FromEventStream( "event", ("data", image_name), source, principle=True, event_stream_name="primary", stream_name="raw_foreground", ) for image_name in radiograph_names ]).map(np.float32) raw_source.starsink(StartStopCallback()) return locals()