Example #1
def main():
    from xpra.platform import init, clean
        init("Loader", "Encoding Info")
        verbose = "-v" in sys.argv or "--verbose" in sys.argv
        if verbose:

        print("codecs and csc modules found:")
        #print("codec_status=%s" % codecs)
        for name in ALL_CODECS:
            mod = codecs.get(name, "")
            f = mod
            if mod and hasattr(mod, "__file__"):
                f = mod.__file__
                if f.startswith(os.getcwd()):
                    f = f[len(os.getcwd()):]
                    if f.startswith(os.path.sep):
                        f = f[1:]
            print("* %s : %s" % (name.ljust(20), f))
            if mod and verbose:
                    if name=="PIL":
                        #special case for PIL which can be used for both encoding and decoding:
                        from xpra.codecs.codec_constants import get_PIL_encodings, get_PIL_decodings
                        e = get_PIL_encodings(mod)
                        print("                         ENCODE: %s" % ", ".join(e))
                        d = get_PIL_decodings(mod)
                        print("                         DECODE: %s" % ", ".join(d))
                    elif name.find("csc")>=0:
                        cs = list(mod.get_input_colorspaces())
                        for c in list(cs):
                            cs += list(mod.get_output_colorspaces(c))
                        print("                         %s" % ", ".join(list(set(cs))))
                    elif name.find("enc")>=0 or name.find("dec")>=0:
                        encodings = mod.get_encodings()
                        print("                         %s" % ", ".join(encodings))
                        i = mod.get_info()
                        print("                         %s" % i)
                except Exception as e:
                    print("error getting extra information on %s: %s" % (name, e))
        print("codecs versions:")
        def pver(v):
            if type(v)==tuple:
                return ".".join([str(x) for x in v])
            elif type(v) in (str, unicode) and v.startswith("v"):
                return v[1:]
            return str(v)
        for name in sorted(codec_versions.keys()):
            version = codec_versions[name]
            print("* %s : %s" % (name.ljust(20), pver(version)))
        #this will wait for input on win32:
Example #2
def webp_encode(coding, image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, quality,
                speed, options):
    pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    #log("rgb_encode%s pixel_format=%s, rgb_formats=%s", (coding, image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, speed, rgb_zlib, rgb_lz4), pixel_format, rgb_formats)
    if pixel_format not in rgb_formats:
        if not rgb_reformat(image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency):
            raise Exception(
                "cannot find compatible rgb format to use for %s! (supported: %s)"
                % (pixel_format, rgb_formats))
        #get the new format:
        pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    stride = image.get_rowstride()
    enc_webp = get_codec("enc_webp")
    #log("webp_encode%s stride=%s, enc_webp=%s", (coding, image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, quality, speed, options), stride, enc_webp)
    if enc_webp and stride > 0 and stride % 4 == 0 and image.get_pixel_format(
    ) in ("BGRA", "BGRX", "RGBA", "RGBX"):
        #prefer Cython module:
        alpha = supports_transparency and image.get_pixel_format().find(
            "A") >= 0
        w = image.get_width()
        h = image.get_height()
        if quality == 100:
            #webp lossless is unbearibly slow for only marginal compression improvements,
            #so force max speed:
            speed = 100
            #normalize speed for webp: avoid low speeds!
            speed = int(sqrt(speed) * 10)
        speed = max(0, min(100, speed))
        cdata = enc_webp.compress(image.get_pixels(),
                                  stride=stride / 4,
        client_options = {"speed": speed, "rgb_format": pixel_format}
        if quality >= 0 and quality <= 100:
            client_options["quality"] = quality
        if alpha:
            client_options["has_alpha"] = True
        return "webp", compression.Compressed(
            "webp", cdata), client_options, image.get_width(
            ), image.get_height(), 0, 24
    #fallback to PIL
    log("using PIL fallback for webp: enc_webp=%s, stride=%s, pixel format=%s",
        enc_webp, stride, image.get_pixel_format())
    encs = get_PIL_encodings(PIL)
    for x in ("webp", "png"):
        if x in encs:
            return PIL_encode(x, image, quality, speed, supports_transparency)
    raise Exception(
        "BUG: cannot use 'webp' encoding and none of the PIL fallbacks are available!"
Example #3
def do_test_encode(rgb_data, w, h, N=10, Q=[50], S=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], has_alpha=False):
    #buf = "\0" * (w*h*4)
    #buf = get_source_data(w*h*4)
    image = ImageWrapper(0, 0, w, h, rgb_data, "BGRA", 32, w*4, planes=ImageWrapper.PACKED, thread_safe=True)
    def webp(q, s):
        return compress(rgb_data, w, h, quality=q, speed=s, has_alpha=has_alpha)
    def webm(q, s):
        data = webm_encode(image, q)
        #data = ("webp", Compressed("webp", str(enc(handler, **kwargs).data)), client_options, image.get_width(), image.get_height(), 0, bpp)
        return data[1]
    def PIL_webp(q, s):
        data = PIL_encode("webp", image, quality, speed, has_alpha)
        return data[1]

    TESTS = {"webp" : webp,
             "webm" : webm}
    if "webp" in get_PIL_encodings(PIL):
        TESTS["PIL"] = PIL_webp

    for name,encode in TESTS.items():
        for q in Q:
            S_options = S
            if name=="webm":
                S_options = [-1]
            for s in S_options:
                #print("test_encode() quality=%s, speed=%s" % (q, s))
                start = time.time()
                quality = q
                speed = s
                if s>0:
                    speed = s*16.7
                for _ in range(N):
                    data = encode(quality, speed)
                    #def webp_encode(coding, image, quality):
                    if N>1:
                if N>1:
                #def compress(pixels, width, height, quality=50, speed=50):
                end = time.time()
                mps = w*h*N/(end-start)/1024/1024
                ratio = 100.0 * len(data) / len(rgb_data)
                print("%s compressed at %4.1f MPixels/s  %4.1f%% compression ratio : %4ix%-4i to: %9i bytes (quality=%3i, speed=%3i) %2i times in %5ims average" %
                      (name, mps, ratio, w, h, len(data), quality, speed, N, (end-start)*1000.0/N))
Example #4
def webp_encode(coding, image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, quality, speed, options):
    pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    #log("rgb_encode%s pixel_format=%s, rgb_formats=%s", (coding, image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, speed, rgb_zlib, rgb_lz4), pixel_format, rgb_formats)
    if pixel_format not in rgb_formats:
        if not rgb_reformat(image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency):
            raise Exception("cannot find compatible rgb format to use for %s! (supported: %s)" % (pixel_format, rgb_formats))
        #get the new format:
        pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    stride = image.get_rowstride()
    enc_webp = get_codec("enc_webp")
    #log("webp_encode%s stride=%s, enc_webp=%s", (coding, image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, quality, speed, options), stride, enc_webp)
    if enc_webp and stride>0 and stride%4==0 and image.get_pixel_format() in ("BGRA", "BGRX", "RGBA", "RGBX"):
        #prefer Cython module:
        alpha = supports_transparency and image.get_pixel_format().find("A")>=0
        w = image.get_width()
        h = image.get_height()
        if quality==100:
            #webp lossless is unbearibly slow for only marginal compression improvements,
            #so force max speed:
            speed = 100
            #normalize speed for webp: avoid low speeds!
            speed = int(sqrt(speed) * 10)
        speed = max(0, min(100, speed))
        cdata = enc_webp.compress(image.get_pixels(), w, h, stride=stride/4, quality=quality, speed=speed, has_alpha=alpha)
        client_options = {"speed"       : speed,
                          "rgb_format"  : pixel_format}
        if quality>=0 and quality<=100:
            client_options["quality"] = quality
        if alpha:
            client_options["has_alpha"] = True
        return "webp", compression.Compressed("webp", cdata), client_options, image.get_width(), image.get_height(), 0, 24
    #fallback to PIL
    log("using PIL fallback for webp: enc_webp=%s, stride=%s, pixel format=%s", enc_webp, stride, image.get_pixel_format())
    encs = get_PIL_encodings(PIL)
    for x in ("webp", "png"):
        if x in encs:
            return PIL_encode(x, image, quality, speed, supports_transparency)
    raise Exception("BUG: cannot use 'webp' encoding and none of the PIL fallbacks are available!")
Example #5
def main():
    from xpra.platform import init, clean
        init("Loader", "Encoding Info")
        verbose = "-v" in sys.argv or "--verbose" in sys.argv
        if verbose:

        print("codecs and csc modules found:")
        #print("codec_status=%s" % codecs)
        for name in ALL_CODECS:
            mod = codecs.get(name, "")
            f = mod
            if mod and hasattr(mod, "__file__"):
                f = mod.__file__
                if f.startswith(os.getcwd()):
                    f = f[len(os.getcwd()):]
                    if f.startswith(os.path.sep):
                        f = f[1:]
            print("* %s : %s" % (name.ljust(20), f))
            if mod and verbose:
                    if name == "PIL":
                        #special case for PIL which can be used for both encoding and decoding:
                        from xpra.codecs.codec_constants import get_PIL_encodings, get_PIL_decodings
                        e = get_PIL_encodings(mod)
                        print("                         ENCODE: %s" %
                              ", ".join(e))
                        d = get_PIL_decodings(mod)
                        print("                         DECODE: %s" %
                              ", ".join(d))
                    elif name.find("csc") >= 0:
                        cs = list(mod.get_input_colorspaces())
                        for c in list(cs):
                            cs += list(mod.get_output_colorspaces(c))
                        print("                         %s" %
                              ", ".join(list(set(cs))))
                    elif name.find("enc") >= 0 or name.find("dec") >= 0:
                        encodings = mod.get_encodings()
                        print("                         %s" %
                              ", ".join(encodings))
                    e = sys.exc_info()[1]
                    print("error getting extra information on %s: %s" %
                          (name, e))
        print("codecs versions:")

        def pver(v):
            if type(v) == tuple:
                return ".".join([str(x) for x in v])
            elif type(v) in (str, unicode) and v.startswith("v"):
                return v[1:]
            return str(v)

        for name in sorted(codec_versions.keys()):
            version = codec_versions[name]
            print("* %s : %s" % (name.ljust(20), pver(version)))
        #this will wait for input on win32: