Example #1
 def test_sub_image(self):
     W = 640
     H = 480
     buf = bytearray(W * H * 4)
     #the pixel value is derived from the sum of its coordinates (modulo 256)
     for x in range(W):
         for y in range(H):
             #4 bytes per pixel:
             for i in range(4):
                 buf[y * (W * 4) + x * 4 + i] = (x + y) % 256
     img = ImageWrapper(0,
                        W * 4,
     #print("image pixels head=%s" % (binascii.hexlify(img.get_pixels()[:128]), ))
     for x in range(3):
         SW, SH = 6, 6
         sub = img.get_sub_image(x, 0, SW, SH)
         #print("%s.get_sub_image%s=%s" % (img, (x, 0, SW, SH), sub))
         assert sub.get_rowstride() == (SW * 4)
         sub_buf = sub.get_pixels()
         #print("pixels for %ix%i: %i" % (SW, SH, len(sub_buf)))
         #print("pixels=%s" % (binascii.hexlify(sub_buf), ))
         #verify that the pixels are set to 1 / 0:
         for y in range(SH):
             v = (x + y) % 256
             for i in range(4):
                 av = sub_buf[y * (SW * 4) + i]
                     #python2 (char)
                     av = ord(av)
                     #python3 (int already)
                     av = int(av)
                 assert av == v, "expected value %#x for pixel (0, %i) of sub-image %s at (%i, 0), but got %#x" % (
                     v, y, sub, x, av)
     start = time.time()
     copy = img.get_sub_image(0, 0, W, H)
     end = time.time()
     print("image wrapper full %ix%i copy speed: %iMB/s" %
           (W, H, (W * 4 * H) / (end - start) / 1024 / 1024))
     assert copy.get_pixels() == img.get_pixels()
     total = 0
     N = 10
     for i in range(N):
         region = (W // 4 - N // 2 + i, H // 4 - N // 2 + i, W // 2, H // 2)
         start = time.time()
         copy = img.get_sub_image(*region)
         end = time.time()
         total += end - start
     print("image wrapper sub image %ix%i copy speed: %iMB/s" %
           (W // 2, H // 2, N *
            (W // 2 * 4 * H // 2) / total / 1024 / 1024))
Example #2
 def test_sub_image(self):
     W = 640
     H = 480
     buf = bytearray(W*H*4)
     #the pixel value is derived from the sum of its coordinates (modulo 256)
     for x in range(W):
         for y in range(H):
             #4 bytes per pixel:
             for i in range(4):
                 buf[y*(W*4) + x*4 + i] = (x+y) % 256
     img = ImageWrapper(0, 0, W, H, buf, "RGBX", 24, W*4, planes=ImageWrapper.PACKED, thread_safe=True)
     #print("image pixels head=%s" % (binascii.hexlify(img.get_pixels()[:128]), ))
     for x in range(3):
         SW, SH = 6, 6
         sub = img.get_sub_image(x, 0, SW, SH)
         #print("%s.get_sub_image%s=%s" % (img, (x, 0, SW, SH), sub))
         assert sub.get_rowstride()==(SW*4)
         sub_buf = sub.get_pixels()
         #print("pixels for %ix%i: %i" % (SW, SH, len(sub_buf)))
         #print("pixels=%s" % (binascii.hexlify(sub_buf), ))
         #verify that the pixels are set to 1 / 0:
         for y in range(SH):
             v = (x+y)%256
             for i in range(4):
                 av = sub_buf[y*(SW*4)+i]
                     #python2 (char)
                     av = ord(av)
                     #python3 (int already)
                     av = int(av)
                 assert av==v, "expected value %#x for pixel (0, %i) of sub-image %s at (%i, 0), but got %#x" % (v, y, sub, x, av)
     start = time.time()
     copy = img.get_sub_image(0, 0, W, H)
     end = time.time()
     if SHOW_PERF:
         print("image wrapper full %ix%i copy speed: %iMB/s" % (W, H, (W*4*H)/(end-start)/1024/1024))
     assert copy.get_pixels()==img.get_pixels()
     total = 0
     N = 10
     for i in range(N):
         region = (W//4-N//2+i, H//4-N//2+i, W//2, H//2)
         start = time.time()
         copy = img.get_sub_image(*region)
         end = time.time()
         total += end-start
     if SHOW_PERF:
         print("image wrapper sub image %ix%i copy speed: %iMB/s" % (W//2, H//2, N*(W//2*4*H//2)/total/1024/1024))
Example #3
 def get_sub_image(self, x, y, w, h):
     return ImageWrapper.get_sub_image(self, x, y, w, h)
Example #4
 def test_sub_image(self):
     X = 0
     Y = 0
     W = 640
     H = 480
     D = 24
     buf = bytearray(W * H * 4)
     #the pixel value is derived from the sum of its coordinates (modulo 256)
     for x in range(W):
         for y in range(H):
             #4 bytes per pixel:
             for i in range(4):
                 buf[y * (W * 4) + x * 4 + i] = (x + y) % 256
     img = ImageWrapper(X,
                        W * 4,
     #verify attributes:
     assert img.get_x() == X
     assert img.get_y() == Y
     assert img.get_target_x() == X
     assert img.get_target_y() == Y
     assert img.get_width() == W
     assert img.get_height() == H
     assert img.get_depth() == D
     assert img.get_bytesperpixel() == 4
     assert img.get_rowstride() == W * 4
     assert img.get_size() == W * 4 * H
     assert img.has_pixels()
     assert len(img.get_geometry()) == 5
     assert img.get_pixel_format() == "RGBX"
     assert img.get_planes() == ImageWrapper.PACKED
     #print("image pixels head=%s" % (binascii.hexlify(img.get_pixels()[:128]), ))
     for x in range(3):
         SW, SH = 6, 6
         sub = img.get_sub_image(x, 0, SW, SH)
         #print("%s.get_sub_image%s=%s" % (img, (x, 0, SW, SH), sub))
         #this is only true for the pure python ImageWrapper:
         #(the X11 image wrapper references the same underlying XShm pixels, with the same rowstride)
         assert sub.get_rowstride() == (SW * 4)
         sub_buf = sub.get_pixels()
         #print("pixels for %ix%i: %i" % (SW, SH, len(sub_buf)))
         #print("pixels=%s" % (binascii.hexlify(sub_buf), ))
         #verify that the pixels are set to 1 / 0:
         for y in range(SH):
             v = (x + y) % 256
             for i in range(4):
                 av = sub_buf[y * (SW * 4) + i]
                 if av != v:
                     raise Exception("""expected value %#x for pixel (0, %i)
                                     of sub-image %s at (%i, 0), but got %#x"""
                                     % (v, y, sub, x, av))
     start = monotonic_time()
     copy = img.get_sub_image(0, 0, W, H)
     end = monotonic_time()
     if SHOW_PERF:
         print("image wrapper full %ix%i copy speed: %iMB/s" %
               (W, H, (W * 4 * H) / (end - start) / 1024 / 1024))
     assert copy.get_pixels() == img.get_pixels()
     total = 0
     N = 10
     for i in range(N):
         region = (W // 4 - N // 2 + i, H // 4 - N // 2 + i, W // 2, H // 2)
         start = monotonic_time()
         copy = img.get_sub_image(*region)
         end = monotonic_time()
         total += end - start
     if SHOW_PERF:
         print("image wrapper sub image %ix%i copy speed: %iMB/s" %
               (W // 2, H // 2, N *
                (W // 2 * 4 * H // 2) / total / 1024 / 1024))
     #invalid sub-image should fail:
     for x, y, w, h in (
         (-1, 0, 1, 1),
         (0, -1, 1, 1),
         (0, 0, 0, 1),
         (0, 0, 1, 0),
         (1, 0, W, 1),
         (0, 1, 1, H),
             img.get_sub_image(x, y, w, h)
         except Exception:
             raise Exception(
                 "sub image of %s with coords %s should have failed" %
                 (img, (x, y, w, h)))
     #freeze is a no-op in the default wrapper:
     assert img.freeze() is False
Example #5
 def get_sub_image(self, *args):
     return ImageWrapper.get_sub_image(self, *args)