Example #1
 def test_blockav_psd(self):
     out = xu.blockAveragePSD(self.seq2d, self.n)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(out[0, 0], numpy.average(self.seq2d[0,
                       numpy.ceil(self.seq2d.shape[1] / float(self.n))))
 def test_blockav_psd(self):
     out = xu.blockAveragePSD(self.seq2d, self.n)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(out[0, 0],
                            numpy.average(self.seq2d[0, 0:self.n]))
          numpy.ceil(self.seq2d.shape[1] / float(self.n))))
# InP (333) reciprocal space map
omalign = 43.0529  # experimental aligned values
ttalign = 86.0733
[omnominal, dummy, dummy,
 ttnominal] = hxrd.Q2Ang(InP.Q(3, 3,
                               3))  # nominal values of the substrate peak

# read the data from the HDF5 file (scan number:36, names of motors in
# spec file: omega= sample rocking, gamma = twotheta)
[om, tt], MAP = xu.io.geth5_scan(h5file, 36, 'omega', 'gamma')
# normalize the intensity values (absorber and count time corrections)
psdraw = normalizer_detcorr(MAP)
# remove unusable detector channels/regions (no averaging of detector channels)
psd = xu.blockAveragePSD(psdraw, 1, roi=roi)

# determine offset of substrate peak from experimental values (optional)
omalign, ttalign, p, cov = xu.analysis.fit_bragg_peak(om,

# convert angular coordinates to reciprocal space + correct for offsets
[qx, qy,
 qz] = hxrd.Ang2Q.linear(om,
                         delta=[omalign - omnominal, ttalign - ttnominal])
# InP (333) reciprocal space map
omalign = 43.0529  # experimental aligned values
ttalign = 86.0733
[omnominal, dummy, dummy, ttnominal] = hxrd.Q2Ang(
    InP.Q(3, 3, 3))  # nominal values of the substrate peak

# read the data from the HDF5 file
# scan number:36, names of motors in spec file: omega= sample rocking, gamma =
# twotheta
[om, tt], MAP = xu.io.geth5_scan(h5file, 36, 'omega', 'gamma')
# normalize the intensity values (absorber and count time corrections)
psdraw = normalizer_detcorr(MAP)
# remove unusable detector channels/regions (no averaging of detector channels)
psd = xu.blockAveragePSD(psdraw, 1, roi=roi)

# convert angular coordinates to reciprocal space + correct for offsets
[qx, qy, qz] = hxrd.Ang2Q.linear(
    om, tt,
    delta=[omalign - omnominal, ttalign - ttnominal])

# calculate data on a regular grid of 200x201 points
gridder = xu.Gridder2D(200, 201)
gridder(qy, qz, psd)
# maplog function limits the shown dynamic range to 8 orders of magnitude
# from the maxium
INT = xu.maplog(gridder.data.T, 8., 0)

# plot the intensity as contour plot using matplotlib