def test_brier_score_vs_fair_brier_score(o, f_prob, dim):
    """Test that brier_score scores lower for limited ensemble than bias brier_score."""
    fbs = brier_score((o > 0.5), (f_prob > 0.5), dim=dim, fair=True)
    bs = brier_score((o > 0.5), (f_prob > 0.5).mean("member"),
    assert (fbs <= bs).all(), print("fairBS", fbs, "\nBS", bs)
def test_brier_score_forecast_member_dim(o, f_prob):
    """Check that brier_score allows forecasts with member dim and binary/boolean
    f_prob > 0.5
    o = o > 0.5
    assert_identical(brier_score(o, f_prob),
                     brier_score(o, f_prob.mean("member")))
def test_2_category_rps_equals_brier_score(o, f_prob):
    """Test that RPS for two categories equals the Brier Score."""
    category_edges = np.array([0.0, 0.5, 1.0])
        rps(o, f_prob, category_edges=category_edges, dim=None),
        brier_score(o > 0.5, (f_prob > 0.5).mean("member"), dim=None),
def test_brier_score_dim(o, f_prob, dim, fair_bool):
    """Check that brier_score reduces only dim."""
    f_prob > 0.5
    if not fair_bool:
        f_prob = f_prob.mean("member")
    o = o > 0.5
    actual = brier_score(o, f_prob, dim=dim, fair=fair_bool)
    assert_only_dim_reduced(dim, actual, o)
Example #5
def test_2_category_rps_equals_brier_score(o, f_prob, fair_bool):
    """Test that RPS for two categories equals the Brier Score."""
    category_edges = np.array([0.0, 0.5, 1.0])
        rps(o, f_prob, category_edges=category_edges, dim=None,
                ["forecasts_category_edge", "observations_category_edge"]),
        brier_score(o > 0.5, (f_prob > 0.5), dim=None, fair=fair_bool),
def test_brier_score(o, f_prob, keep_attrs):
    actual = brier_score(
        (o > 0.5).assign_attrs(**o.attrs),
        (f_prob > 0.5).mean("member"),
    assert actual.chunks is None or actual.chunks == ()
    if keep_attrs:
        assert actual.attrs == o.attrs
        assert actual.attrs == {}
def test_brier_score_accessor(o, f_prob, threshold, outer_bool):
    actual = brier_score(o > threshold, (f_prob > threshold).mean("member"))
    ds = xr.Dataset()
    ds["o"] = o > threshold
    ds["f_prob"] = (f_prob > threshold).mean("member")
    if outer_bool:
        ds = ds.drop_vars("f_prob")
        expected = ds.xs.brier_score("o", (f_prob > threshold).mean("member"))
        expected = ds.xs.brier_score("o", "f_prob")
    assert_allclose(actual, expected)
def test_brier_score_float_forecast_or_observations(o, f_prob):
    """Test that forecast and observations can be float."""
    o = o > 0.5
    f_prob = (f_prob > 0.5).mean("member")
    brier_score(o, f_prob)
    brier_score(o, 0.5)
    brier_score(1, f_prob)
def test_brier_score_accessor(o, f, threshold, dask_bool, outer_bool):
    if dask_bool:
        o = o.chunk()
        f = f.chunk()
    actual = brier_score(o > threshold, (f > threshold).mean('member'))

    ds = xr.Dataset()
    ds['o'] = o > threshold
    ds['f'] = (f > threshold).mean('member')
    if outer_bool:
        ds = ds.drop_vars('f')
        expected = ds.xs.brier_score('o', (f > threshold).mean('member'))
        expected = ds.xs.brier_score('o', 'f')
    assert_allclose(actual, expected)
def test_brier_score_api_and_inputs(o, f_prob, keep_attrs, fair_bool,
                                    chunk_bool, input_type):
    """Test that brier_score keeps attributes, chunking, input types."""
    o, f_prob = modify_inputs(o, f_prob, input_type, chunk_bool)
    f_prob > 0.5
    if not fair_bool:
        f_prob = f_prob.mean("member")
    o = (o > 0.5).assign_attrs(**o.attrs)
    actual = brier_score(
    # test that returns chunks
    assert_chunk(actual, chunk_bool)
    # test that attributes are kept
    assert_keep_attrs(actual, o, keep_attrs)
    # test that input types equal output types
    assign_type_input_output(actual, o)
def test_brier_score_dask(o_dask, f_prob_dask, keep_attrs):
    actual = brier_score(
        (o_dask > 0.5).assign_attrs(**o_dask.attrs),
        (f_prob_dask > 0.5).mean("member"),
    assert actual.chunks is not None
    expected = properscoring.brier_score((o_dask > 0.5),
                                         (f_prob_dask > 0.5).mean("member"))
    expected = xr.DataArray(expected, coords=o_dask.coords).mean()
    # test for numerical identity of brier_score and properscoring brier_score
    assert_allclose(actual, expected)
    # test that xskillscore brier_score returns chunks
    assert actual.chunks is not None
    # show that properscoring brier_score returns no chunks
    assert expected.chunks is None
    if keep_attrs:
        assert actual.attrs == o_dask.attrs
        assert actual.attrs == {}
def test_brier_score_dim(o, f_prob, dim):
    actual = brier_score((o > 0.5), (f_prob > 0.5).mean("member"), dim=dim)
    assert_only_dim_reduced(dim, actual, o)