Example #1
def _rmse(forecast, reference, dim='svd', comparison=None):
    Calculate the Root Mean Sqaure Error (RMSE).

    .. math::
        RMSE = \\sqrt{\\overline{(f - o)^{2}}}

        * perfect: 0
        * min: 0
        * max: ∞

    See also:
        * xskillscore.rmse
    return rmse(forecast, reference, dim=dim)
Example #2
def rmse(x, y, dim):
    Compute Root Mean Squared Error.

    x : Dataset, DataArray, GroupBy, Variable, numpy/dask arrays or scalars
        Mix of labeled and/or unlabeled arrays to which to apply the function.
    y : Dataset, DataArray, GroupBy, Variable, numpy/dask arrays or scalars
        Mix of labeled and/or unlabeled arrays to which to apply the function.
    dim : str
        The dimension to apply the correlation along.

    Root Mean Squared Error
        Single value or tuple of Dataset, DataArray, Variable, dask.array.Array or
        numpy.ndarray, the first type on that list to appear on an input.


    return xs.rmse(x, y, dim)
Example #3
        _model = 'FIM'
        _line_color = 'red'
    if _model == 'GEFS':
        _line_color = 'green'
    if _model == 'GEM':
        _line_color = 'blue'
    if _model == 'GEM':
        _line_color = 'blue'
    if _model == 'GEOS_V2p1':
        _model = 'GEOS'
        _line_color = 'purple'
    if _model == 'NESM':
        _line_color = 'orange'

    r = xs.pearson_r(obs, fct, 'S')
    _r = r.values
    rmse = xs.rmse(obs, fct, 'S')
    _rmse = rmse.values

    _x = np.arange(1, len(da.L) + 1)

    ax1.plot(_x, _r, label=_model, linewidth=2, color=_line_color)

    ax2.plot(_x, _rmse, linewidth=2, color=_line_color)

ax1.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=16)

plt.savefig(fsavename + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig(fsavename + '.eps', bbox_inches='tight', format='eps')
    hysal2 = hysal.salinity

    # mean_sbe_RSS = RSS.SAL_CTD_MEAN
    # mean_RSS_40km = RSS.smap_SSS_40km

    # Comparing RSS SMAP data with saildrone data
    if "RSS" in x:
        #hysal2 = sail.sat_anc_sss
        SBE = sail.SAL_CTD_MEAN
        RBR = sail.SAL_RBR_MEAN
        RSS = sail.sat_sss_smap
        RSS_40 = sail.sat_sss_smap_40km

        # RMSE
        rmse_RSS_sbe = xs.rmse(SBE, RSS, dim="time", skipna="True")
        rmse_RSS_rbr = xs.rmse(RBR, RSS, dim="time", skipna="True")
        rmse_RSS_40 = xs.rmse(SBE, RSS_40, dim="time", skipna="True")

        # Mean Difference
        RBR_RSS = (RBR - RSS).mean(dim='time').values
        SBE_RSS = (SBE - RSS).mean(dim='time').values
        SBE_RSS40 = (SBE - RSS_40).mean(dim='time').values

        # Difference in Standard Deviation
        RBR_RSS_std = (RBR - RSS).std(dim='time').values
        SBE_RSS_std = (SBE - RSS).std(dim='time').values
        SBE_RSS40_std = (SBE - RSS_40).std(dim='time').values

        with open('RSS_8DAY_Stats' '' + str(num) + '.csv', 'w') as csvfile1:
            fieldnames = ['stat', 'value']
Example #5
### Deterministic metrics
# Pearson's correlation coefficient
r = xs.pearson_r(obs, fct, "nlocs")

# 2-tailed p-value of Pearson's correlation coefficient
#jkim r_p_value = xs.pearson_r_p_value(obs, fct, "nlocs")

# Spearman's correlation coefficient
rs = xs.spearman_r(obs, fct, "nlocs")

# 2-tailed p-value associated with Spearman's correlation coefficient
#jkim rs_p_value = xs.spearman_r_p_value(obs, fct, "nlocs")

# Root Mean Squared Error
rmse = xs.rmse(obs, fct, "nlocs")

# Mean Squared Error
mse = xs.mse(obs, fct, "nlocs")

# Mean Absolute Error
mae = xs.mae(obs, fct, "nlocs")

# Median Absolute Error
median_absolute_error = xs.median_absolute_error(obs, fct, "nlocs")

# Mean Absolute Percentage Error
mape = xs.mape(obs, fct, "nlocs")

# Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error
#jkim smape = xs.smape(obs, fct, "nlocs")
Example #6
files = [x for x in glob(data_sail+'saildrone*.nc')]

#Comparing RBR and SBE37 Saildrone Instruments
for x in files:

    sail = xr.open_dataset(x).isel(trajectory=0).swap_dims({'obs': 'time'})

    ##Data stats
    #Difference in Standard Deviation
    std_rbr= sail["SAL_RBR_MEAN"].std(dim="time", skipna=None)
    std_sbe37= sail["SAL_SBE37_MEAN"].std(dim="time",skipna=None)

    rmse_sal=xs.rmse(sail.SAL_SBE37_MEAN,sail.SAL_RBR_MEAN, dim="time",skipna="True")

    #Mean Difference

    print("SAILDRONE " +str(num))
    print("STD Difference SBE37 - RBR = " + str(sail_diff.values))
    print("RMSE = " + str(rmse_sal.values))
    print("Mean Difference SBE37 - RBR = " +str(sail_mean.values))

#Comparing 8 day and orbital satellite data
##Netcdf Satellite files into xarray