Example #1
def test_empty_startup_nodes():
    It should not be possible to create a node manager with no nodes specefied
    with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):

    with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):
Example #2
def test_random_startup_node():
    Hard to test reliable for a random
    s = [{'1': 1}, {'2': 2}, {'3': 3}]
    n = NodeManager(startup_nodes=s)
    random_node = n.random_startup_node()

    for _ in range(5):
        assert random_node in s
Example #3
async def test_all_nodes():
    Set a list of nodes and it should be possible to itterate over all
    n = NodeManager(startup_nodes=[{'host': '', 'port': 7000}])
    await n.initialize()

    nodes = list(n.nodes.values())
    for node in n.all_nodes():
        assert node in nodes
Example #4
async def test_cluster_slots_error():
    Check that exception is raised if initialize can't execute
    'CLUSTER SLOTS' command.
    with patch.object(StrictRedisCluster, 'execute_command') as execute_command_mock:
        execute_command_mock.side_effect = Exception('foobar')

        n = NodeManager(startup_nodes=[{}])

        with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):
            await n.initialize()
Example #5
async def test_init_slots_cache_slots_collision():
    Test that if 2 nodes do not agree on the same slots setup it should raise an error.
    In this test both nodes will say that the first slots block should be bound to different

    n = NodeManager(startup_nodes=[
        {'host': '', 'port': 7000},
        {'host': '', 'port': 7001},

    def monkey_link(host=None, port=None):
        Helper function to return custom slots cache data from different redis nodes
        if port == 7000:
            result = {
                (0, 5460): [{'host': '', 'port': 7000, 'node_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'server_type': 'master'},
                            {'host': '', 'port': 7003, 'node_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'server_type': 'slave'}],
                (5461, 10922): [{'host': '', 'port': 7001, 'node_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'server_type': 'master'},
                                {'host': '', 'port': 7004, 'node_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'server_type': 'slave'}],
        elif port == 7001:
            result = {
                (0, 5460): [{'host': '', 'port': 7001, 'node_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'server_type': 'master'},
                            {'host': '', 'port': 7003, 'node_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'server_type': 'slave'}],
                (5461, 10922): [{'host': '', 'port': 7000, 'node_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'server_type': 'master'},
                                {'host': '', 'port': 7004, 'node_id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'server_type': 'slave'}],
            result = {}

        r = StrictRedisCluster(host=host, port=port, decode_responses=True)
        orig_execute_command = r.execute_command

        async def execute_command(*args, **kwargs):
            if args == ('CLUSTER SLOTS',):
                return result
            if args == ('CONFIG GET', 'cluster-require-full-coverage'):
                return {'cluster-require-full-coverage': 'yes'}
            return orig_execute_command(*args, **kwargs)

        r.execute_command = execute_command
        return r

    n.get_redis_link = monkey_link
    with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex:
        await n.initialize()
    assert str(ex.value).startswith(
        'startup_nodes could not agree on a valid slots cache.'), str(ex.value)
Example #6
async def test_all_nodes_masters():
    Set a list of nodes with random masters/slaves config and it shold be possible
    to itterate over all of them.
    n = NodeManager(startup_nodes=[{'host': '', 'port': 7000}, {
                    'host': '', 'port': 7001}])
    await n.initialize()

    nodes = [node for node in n.nodes.values() if node['server_type']
             == 'master']

    for node in n.all_masters():
        assert node in nodes
Example #7
async def test_init_with_down_node():
    If I can't connect to one of the nodes, everything should still work.
    But if I can't connect to any of the nodes, exception should be thrown.
    def get_redis_link(host, port, decode_responses=False):
        if port == 7000:
            raise ConnectionError('mock connection error for 7000')
        return StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, decode_responses=decode_responses)

    with patch.object(NodeManager, 'get_redis_link', side_effect=get_redis_link):
        n = NodeManager(startup_nodes=[{'host': '', 'port': 7000}])
        with pytest.raises(ClusterUnreachableError) as e:
            await n.initialize()
        assert 'Redis Cluster cannot be connected' in str(e.value)
Example #8
async def test_reset():
    Test that reset method resets variables back to correct default values.
    class AsyncMock(Mock):
        def __await__(self):
            future = asyncio.Future(loop=asyncio.get_event_loop())
            result = yield from future
            return result

    n = NodeManager(startup_nodes=[{}])
    n.initialize = AsyncMock()
    await n.reset()
    assert n.initialize.call_count == 1
Example #9
def test_set_node():
    Test to update data in a slot.
    expected = {
        'host': '',
        'name': '',
        'port': 7000,
        'server_type': 'master',

    n = NodeManager(startup_nodes=[{}])
    assert len(n.slots) == 0, 'no slots should exist'
    res = n.set_node(host='', port=7000, server_type='master')
    assert res == expected
    assert n.nodes == {expected['name']: expected}
Example #10
def test_keyslot():
    Test that method will compute correct key in all supported cases
    n = NodeManager([{}])

    assert n.keyslot('foo') == 12182
    assert n.keyslot('{foo}bar') == 12182
    assert n.keyslot('{foo}') == 12182
    assert n.keyslot(1337) == 4314

    assert n.keyslot(125) == n.keyslot(b'125')
    assert n.keyslot(125) == n.keyslot('\x31\x32\x35')
    assert n.keyslot('大奖') == n.keyslot(b'\xe5\xa4\xa7\xe5\xa5\x96')
    assert n.keyslot('大奖') == n.keyslot(b'\xe5\xa4\xa7\xe5\xa5\x96')
    assert n.keyslot(1337.1234) == n.keyslot('1337.1234')
    assert n.keyslot(1337) == n.keyslot('1337')
    assert n.keyslot(b'abc') == n.keyslot('abc')
    assert n.keyslot('abc') == n.keyslot('abc')
    assert n.keyslot('abc') == n.keyslot(b'abc')
Example #11
async def test_cluster_one_instance():
    If the cluster exists of only 1 node then there is some hacks that must
    be validated they work.
    with patch.object(StrictRedis, 'execute_command') as mock_execute_command:
        async def patch_execute_command(*args, **kwargs):
            if args == ('CONFIG GET', 'cluster-require-full-coverage'):
                return {'cluster-require-full-coverage': 'yes'}
            return {
                (0, 16383): [{'host': '', 'port': 7006,
                              'node_id': str(uuid.uuid4()),
                              'server_type': 'master'}],

        mock_execute_command.side_effect = patch_execute_command

        n = NodeManager(startup_nodes=[{'host': '', 'port': 7006}])
        await n.initialize()

        del n.nodes['']['node_id']
        assert n.nodes == {
            '': {
                'host': '',
                'name': '',
                'port': 7006,
                'server_type': 'master',

        assert len(n.slots) == 16384
        for i in range(0, 16384):
            assert n.slots[i] == [{
                'host': '',
                'name': '',
                'port': 7006,
                'server_type': 'master',
Example #12
async def test_initialize_follow_cluster():
    n = NodeManager(nodemanager_follow_cluster=True, startup_nodes=[
                    {'host': '', 'port': 7000}])
    n.orig_startup_nodes = None
    await n.initialize()
Example #13
def test_wrong_startup_nodes_type():
    If something other then a list type itteratable is provided it should fail
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):