Example #1
 def _mark(self, status):
     """Mark the notification with status on the notify server. Return
     True if no error, False if error in response"""
     notif_id = self.notif_id
     user_id = self.user.user_id
     raw = notifyapi.update_batch([notif_id], status, user_id)
     return check_notif_error(raw)
Example #2
 def _mark(self, status):
     """Mark the notification with status on the notify server. Return
     True if no error, False if error in response"""
     notif_id = self.notif_id
     user_id = self.user.user_id
     raw = notifyapi.update_batch([notif_id], status, user_id)
     return check_notif_error(raw)
Example #3
 def _mark_notifications(self, status):
     """Mark all notifications for user as read"""
     notif_ids = [notif.notif_id for notif in self.get_notifications()]
     raw = notifyapi.update_batch(notif_ids, status, self.user_id)