def mergeConfigurationFiles(base_config_file_path, update_from_config_file_path, merged_save_to_path): """Merges two iohub configuration files into one and saves it to a file using the path/file name in merged_save_to_path.""" base_config = yload(open(base_config_file_path, 'r'), Loader=yLoader) update_from_config = yload(open(update_from_config_file_path, 'r'), Loader=yLoader) def merge(update, base): if isinstance(update, dict) and isinstance(base, dict): for k, v in base.items(): if k not in update: update[k] = v else: if isinstance(update[k], list): if isinstance(v, list): v.extend(update[k]) update[k] = v else: update[k].insert(0, v) else: update[k] = merge(update[k], v) return update merged = merge(copy.deepcopy(update_from_config), base_config) ydump(merged, open(merged_save_to_path, 'w'), Dumper=yDumper) return merged
def dump(self, data, filename = None): # Dump to file if filename: filename = f'{filename}.yaml', 'write') if not self.error: try: ydump( data, default_flow_style = False, sort_keys = False, stream = self.fd ) except Exception as e: YAML.error.add(error['yaml']['save'].format( e = e, filename = )) data = None # Return dump else: try: data = ydump( data, default_flow_style = False, sort_keys = False ) data = data[:-1] except Exception as e: YAML.error.add(error['yaml']['dump'].format(e = e)) return data
def save_state(self, filename, mode='yaml'): if mode == 'yaml': with open(filename + '-state.yaml', 'w') as yd: ydump(self.computed_desc_dict, yd, sort_keys=True, Dumper=Dumper) else: with open(filename + '-state.json', 'w') as jd: json.dump(self.computed_desc_dict, jd, sort_keys=True, cls=NpEncoder)
def save_state(self, filename, mode='json'): if mode == 'yaml': with open(filename+'-clustering-state.yaml', 'w') as yd: ydump(self.pack(), yd, sort_keys=True, Dumper=Dumper) else: with open(filename+'-clustering-state.json', 'w') as jd: json.dump(self.pack(), jd, sort_keys=True, cls=NpEncoder)
def test_down_the_rabbit_hole(self): """ simulate a changed object graph """ try: from yaml import dump as ydump, safe_load as yload somethingtotest = SomethingToTest() somethingtotest.var3 = Subvar("3") yaml_ = ydump(somethingtotest) # probably not a good idea with untrusted data data = yload(yaml_) somevar = "somevalue" self.assert_exp(data, self.extension) somethingtotest.added_this = dict(somevar=somevar) somethingtotest.var3.value = "3++" yaml_ = ydump(somethingtotest) # probably not a good idea with untrusted data data = yload(yaml_) self.assert_exp(data, self.extension) except (Exception,) as e: if cpdb(): pdb.set_trace() raise
def save_descriptor_acronym_state(self, filename, mode='yaml'): if mode == 'yaml': with open(filename + '-descriptor-acronyms.yaml', 'w') as yd: ydump(self.tag_to_acronym, yd, sort_keys=True) else: with open(filename + '-descriptor-acronyms.json', 'w') as jd: json.dump(self.tag_to_acronym, jd, sort_keys=True, cls=NpEncoder)
def dump_yml(role_dir: str, f: str, y) -> None: log = logging.getLogger('ansible-galaxy-local-deps.dump.dump_yml') of = os.path.join(role_dir, f)'writing out {}...'.format(of)) with open(of, 'w') as s: ydump( y, stream=s, explicit_start=True )
def save(self, filePath=None): self._filePath = expanduser(filePath or self._filePath) try: with open(self._filePath, 'wt') as f: ydump(self.copy(), f) self.changed = False return True except: warning("File %s can't be written" % self._filePath) return False
def _getmaps(self, noask=None): if not self.maps: maplst = self.gameini if len(self.servers[self.srv]) > 1: maplst = self.servers[self.srv][1] if maplst.startswith('~'): maplst = expanduser(maplst) if not maplst.startswith('/'): print( 'error: cannot read maplist if no absolute path is provided' ) with open(maplst, 'r') as mfh: lines = mfh.readlines() try: with open(expanduser(self.maptbl), 'r') as mfh: self.mapnames = yload(, Loader=Loader) except FileNotFoundError: with open(expanduser(self.maptbl), 'w+') as mfh: mfh.write(ydump({}, Dumper=Dumper)) self.mapnames = {} for l in lines: if not l or not l.startswith('MapRotation'): continue ugcid = l.split('MapId="')[1].split('", ')[0] gmmod = l.split('GameMode="')[1].split('")')[0] name = self._getmapname(ugcid) self.maps[name] = [ugcid, gmmod] self.mapnames[ugcid] = name with open(expanduser(self.maptbl), 'w+') as mfh: mfh.write(ydump(self.mapnames, Dumper=Dumper)) if noask: return ask = [ iList( 'map', carousel=True, message='select map', choices=[m for m in self.maps.keys()] + ['<Return>'], ), ] mapp = list(prompt(ask).values())[0] if mapp == '<Return>': return mmod = self.maps[mapp][1] modes = [mmod] + [s for s in ['SND', 'TDM', 'DM', 'GUN'] if s != mmod] ask = [ iList( 'mod', carousel=True, message='select mode (irrelevant if set by map)', choices=[m for m in modes] + ['<Return>'], ), ] mode = list(prompt(ask).values())[0] if mode != '<Return>': return '%s %s' % (self.maps[mapp][0], mode)
def yaml_write(path, input): """Write a dictionary to a file. Args: path (str): the output file name. input (dict): the data. Returns: nothing. """ with open(path, "w") as f: ydump(input, f, default_flow_style=False) return
def looper(self, dirname): mappingFile = os.path.join(dirname, 'mapping.yaml') if not os.path.isfile(mappingFile): return mapping = loadYamlFile(mappingFile) for key, val in mapping.items(): if val.get('type', '') == 'Agent' and val.get('config', ''): tmpD = os.path.join(dirname, val.get('config')) self._addAgent(tmpD) elif val.get('type', '') == 'FE' and val.get('config', ''): tmpD = os.path.join(dirname, val.get('config')) self._addFE(tmpD) with open('prometheus.yml', 'w') as fd: ydump(self.default, fd) return
def write(self): ''' Write metadata once run is over ''' self.yamlfile = 'merger_data' + self.subdir + '/merged.yaml' with open(self.yamlfile,'w') as f: ydump( self.equivalence , f) self.notmergedfile = 'merger_data' + self.subdir + '/notmerged.txt' with open(self.notmergedfile,'w') as g: for item in self.notmerged: g.write(item + '\n') self.mergedlist = 'merger_data' + self.subdir + '/mfiles.txt' with open(self.mergedlist,'w') as h: for item in self.mergedfiles: h.write(item + '\n')
def write(self): ''' Write metadata once run is over ''' self.yamlfile = 'merger_data' + self.subdir + '/merged.yaml' with open(self.yamlfile, 'w') as f: ydump(self.equivalence, f) self.notmergedfile = 'merger_data' + self.subdir + '/notmerged.txt' with open(self.notmergedfile, 'w') as g: for item in self.notmerged: g.write(item + '\n') self.mergedlist = 'merger_data' + self.subdir + '/mfiles.txt' with open(self.mergedlist, 'w') as h: for item in self.mergedfiles: h.write(item + '\n')
def pretty_print_list(file_name=None, data_format="JSON"): # print YAML or JSON representations of list data assert(file_name is not None), "Provide a file name" assert((data_format == "JSON" or data_format == "YAML")), ("Format must be 'JSON'" " or 'YAML'") try: formatted_list = [] with open(file_name, "r") as f: if data_format == "JSON": some_list = jload(f) formatted_list = jdumps(some_list) elif data_format == "YAML": some_list = yload(f) formatted_list = ydump(some_list, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True, width=1, indent=2) except IOError as e: print "Could not read file: %s" % e except Exception as e: print "Unexpected exception: %s" % e print "======================" print "list from file: %s in %s data_format:" % (file_name, data_format) print "======================" print formatted_list print "======================" print "list from file: %s in pretty_print native python" % file_name print "======================" pp(some_list, width=1)
def pretty_print_list(file_name=None, data_format="JSON"): # print YAML or JSON representations of list data assert (file_name is not None), "Provide a file name" assert ((data_format == "JSON" or data_format == "YAML")), ("Format must be 'JSON'" " or 'YAML'") try: formatted_list = [] with open(file_name, "r") as f: if data_format == "JSON": some_list = jload(f) formatted_list = jdumps(some_list) elif data_format == "YAML": some_list = yload(f) formatted_list = ydump(some_list, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True, width=1, indent=2) except IOError as e: print "Could not read file: %s" % e except Exception as e: print "Unexpected exception: %s" % e print "======================" print "list from file: %s in %s data_format:" % (file_name, data_format) print "======================" print formatted_list print "======================" print "list from file: %s in pretty_print native python" % file_name print "======================" pp(some_list, width=1)
def save_state(self, filename, mode='yaml'): if mode == 'yaml': with open(filename + '-fit-errors.yaml', 'w') as yd: ydump(self.fit_error_by_learner, yd, sort_keys=True) with open(filename + '-lc.yaml', 'w') as yd: ydump(self.lc_by_learner, yd, sort_keys=True) else: with open(filename + '-fit-errors.json', 'w') as jd: json.dump(self.fit_error_by_learner, jd, sort_keys=True, cls=NpEncoder) with open(filename + '-lc.json', 'w') as jd: json.dump(self.lc_by_learner, jd, sort_keys=True, cls=NpEncoder)
def detailPipeline(version, name): repo = ModuleUltraRepo.loadRepo() pipe = repo.getPipelineInstance(name, version=version) out = { 'origins': pipe.listOrigins(), 'endpoints': pipe.listEndpoints(), } click.echo(ydump(out))
def txt2yaml(f_input, output): try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CDumper as Dumper, dump as ydump except ImportError: from yaml import Loader, Dumper, dump as ydump else: print("Please install all requirements") exit(1) file_name = output if output.endswith('.yaml') or output.endswith( '.yml') else output + '.yaml' with open(file_name, mode='w') as yml_file: yml_file.write(ydump(load_txt(f_input), Dumper=Dumper))
def main(argv=None): parser = ArgumentParser(description="Solve a vector packing problem.") parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='input file') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='-', help='output file') parser.add_argument('-P', '--pack', default='pack_by_bins', help='packing algorithm') parser.add_argument('-I', '--itemsort', default='none', help='item sorting algorithm') parser.add_argument('-B', '--binsort', default='none', help='bin sorting algorithm') parser.add_argument('-S', '--select', default='none', help='pairwise selection algorithm') parser.add_argument('-s', '--split', default=1, type=int, help='split the problem') args = parser.parse_args() args.problem = {} if isfile(args.input): args.problem = yload(open(args.input, 'r'), Loader=Loader) else: raise SystemExit("error: can't find file %s" % args.input) solution = pack_vectors(**args.__dict__) # FIXME: hacky mclient = None mcoll = None if args.output.startswith("mongodb://"): try: dbinfo = uri_parser.parse_uri(args.output) host, port = dbinfo['nodelist'][0] db, collection = dbinfo['database'].split('/') username = dbinfo['username'] password = dbinfo['password'] connect_url = host + ':' + str(port) if username is not None and password is not None: connect_url = username + ':' + password + '@' + connect_url connect_url = 'mongodb://' + connect_url except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise SystemExit('Required mongodb output url format is ' '"mongodb://[user:pass@]host[:port]/database/collection"') mclient = MongoClient(connect_url) mcoll = mclient[db][collection] if mcoll.find_one(solution) is not None: raise SystemExit('Solution To This Problem Already Exists!') if mcoll is not None and mclient is not None: mcoll.insert(solution) mclient.close() else: print(ydump(solution, Dumper=Dumper))
def to_text(self, tmp, data): try: if isinstance(data, str): raise NotImplementedError("%s.to_text(data is a string)" % (self)) return ydump(data, default_flow_style=False) except (Exception, ) as e: # pragma: no cover pylint: disable=unused-variable, broad-except if cpdb(): pdb.set_trace() raise
def write(self): """ Writes the current config to the local Config file """ LOGGER.debug('writing roster file to {}'.format(Roster.file_path)) while not Roster.lock: sleep(0.1) Roster.lock = False LOGGER.debug('lock is free, writing now') try: if Roster.encode: LOGGER.debug('encoding roster') with open(Roster.file_path, mode='wb') as f: f.write(encrypt(ydump(self.__dict__), ROSTER_KEY)) else: LOGGER.debug('writing plain') with open(Roster.file_path, mode='w') as f: f.write(ydump(self.__dict__)) except: LOGGER.exception('error while writing Roster to {}'.format( Roster.file_path)) finally: LOGGER.debug('write successfull, freeing lock') Roster.lock = True
def write_list(some_list=[]): # write list to a file using YAML try: with open("var/yaml_file.yml", "w") as f: f.write(ydump( some_list, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True, width=1, indent=2)) except IOError as e: print "Could not write to file: %s" % e # write list to a file using JSON try: with open("var/json_file.json", "w") as f: jdump(some_list, f) except IOError as e: print "Could not write to file: %s" % e
def write_list(some_list=[]): # write list to a file using YAML try: with open("var/yaml_file.yml", "w") as f: f.write( ydump(some_list, default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True, width=1, indent=2)) except IOError as e: print "Could not write to file: %s" % e # write list to a file using JSON try: with open("var/json_file.json", "w") as f: jdump(some_list, f) except IOError as e: print "Could not write to file: %s" % e
def get_k8s_resources(report, cluster, project): config_file = get_cluster_credentials(report=report, project=project,, if not config_file: return None with open(g_credentials, 'r') as f: google = jload(f) with open(config_file, 'r') as f: kcfg = full_load(f) for user in kcfg.get('users'): config = user.get('user').get('auth-provider').get('config') config['expiry'] = google['credential']['token_expiry'] config['access-token'] = google['credential']['access_token'] with open(config_file, 'w') as f: ydump(kcfg, f) configuration = Configuration() k_config.load_kube_config(config_file=config_file, client_configuration=configuration) api_client = k_client.ApiClient(configuration=configuration) k = k_client.CoreV1Api(api_client=api_client) apps = k_client.AppsV1Api(api_client=api_client) resources = [] set_names = [ "list_deployment_for_all_namespaces", "list_replica_set_for_all_namespaces", "list_daemon_set_for_all_namespaces", "list_stateful_set_for_all_namespaces", "list_service_for_all_namespaces" ] for set_name in set_names: if set_name.startswith("list_service"): k_set = getattr(k, set_name)() else: k_set = getattr(apps, set_name)() collection = {} for s in k_set.items: if s.metadata.namespace in excluded_namespaces: log.debug( "Skipping resource since it is located in the excluded namespace '%s'", s.metadata.namespace) continue if s.kind: kind = s.kind elif 'deployment' in str(type(s)).lower(): kind = "Deployment" elif 'service' in str(type(s)).lower(): kind = "Service" elif 'replicaset' in str(type(s)).lower(): kind = "ReplicaSet" elif 'daemonset' in str(type(s)).lower(): kind = "DaemonSet" elif 'statefulset' in str(type(s)).lower(): kind = "StatefulSet" s_type = None ports = None selectors = None meta = None containers = None if kind == "Service": s_type = s.spec.type ports = [{ 'protocol': port.protocol, 'target': port.target_port, 'port': port.port } for port in s.spec.ports] selectors = s.spec.selector if s_type == 'ExternalName': meta = {"external_ip": s.spec.externalIPs} elif kind == "Deployment": containers = [x.image for x in s.spec.template.spec.containers] else: containers = [x.image for x in s.spec.template.spec.containers] if kind == "Deployment" or kind == "Service" or not s.metadata.labels: _id = s.metadata.self_link else: _id = s.metadata.self_link.replace( '-' + s.metadata.labels.get('pod-template-hash', ''), '') version = int(s.metadata.resource_version) ref = collection.get(_id, {"version": -1, "resource": None}) if ref['version'] < version: collection[_id] = { "version": version, "resource": KComponent(,, namespace=s.metadata.namespace, kind=kind, labels=s.metadata.labels, containers=containers, ports=ports, selectors=selectors, subtype=s_type, meta=meta) } for _id in collection: resources.append(collection[_id]["resource"]) return resources
def saveConfig(config, dst_path): ''' Saves a config dict to dst_path in YAML format. ''' ydump(config, open(dst_path, 'w'), Dumper=yDumper) return os.path.exists(dst_path)
def graph_write(path, grph): with open(path, 'w') as f: ydump(grph, f, default_flow_style=False) return
def main(cfg): global SLURM_PARTITION time_per_job = cfg.get("time_per_job",3600.) if ":" in str(time_per_job): now = datetime(day=1,month=1,year=1900,hour=0,minute=0,second=0) dt = datetime.strptime(str(time_per_job),"%H:%M:%S") time_per_job = str(dt-now) else: time_per_job = str(timedelta(seconds=time_per_job)) environ["STIME"]=parseMultiDays(time_per_job) environ['SLURM_PARTITION'] = SLURM_PARTITION #print '** DEBUG ** SLURM_PARTITION: ',environ.get("SLURM_PARTITION") #raise Exception #print "* DEBUG * STIME: ",environ.get("STIME") #raise Exception environ["SMEM"] =cfg.get("mem_per_job","2G") environ["SWPATH"]=cfg.get("DMPSWSYS","/cvmfs/") g_maxfiles = int(cfg.get("files_per_job",10)) ncycles = 1 version=cfg.get("tag","trunk") slurm_exec_dir=dirname(abspath(__file__)) environ["SLURM_EXEC_DIR"]=slurm_exec_dir environ["DLOG"]=cfg.get("log_level","INFO") wrapper=opjoin(slurm_exec_dir,"") environ["SCRATCH"]=cfg.get("scratch_dir","${HOME}/scratch") ### LOOP OVER CYCLES #### for i in xrange(ncycles): print '++++ CYCLE %i ++++'%i txtfiles = [] for _d in cfg['inputloc']: txtfiles+=glob(_d) files_to_process = [] for t in txtfiles: print 'reading %s...'%t files_to_process+=[f.replace("\n","") for f in open(t,"r").readlines()] print 'size: ',len(files_to_process) wd=opjoin(cfg['workdir'],cfg['tag']) wd=opjoin(wd,"cycle_%i"%(i+1)) environ["WORKDIR"]=abspath(wd) mkdir(wd) print '%i: found %i files to process this cycle.'%(i+1, len(files_to_process)) print 'check if files exist already' reco_file = lambda f : mc2reco(f,version=version,newpath=cfg['outputdir']) #files_to_process = tqdm([f for f in files_to_process if not isfile(reco_file(f))]) _files_to_process = [] for f in tqdm(files_to_process): if not isfile(reco_file(f)): _files_to_process.append(f) files_to_process = _files_to_process print 'after check: found %i files to process this cycle.'%len(files_to_process) nfiles = len(files_to_process) chunks = [files_to_process[x:x+g_maxfiles] for x in xrange(0, len(files_to_process), g_maxfiles)] print 'created %i chunks this cycle'%len(chunks) for j,ch in enumerate(chunks): print '** working on chunk %i, size: %i **'%(j+1,len(ch)) ofile = opjoin(wd,"chunk_%i.yaml"%(j+1)) inf_c = ch out_c = [reco_file(f) for f in inf_c] ydump(dict(zip(inf_c,out_c)),open(ofile,'wb')) assert isfile(ofile), "yaml file missing!" print 'size of chunk: ',len(out_c) max_jobs = int(cfg.get("max_jobs",10)) nch = len(chunks) sarr = "1-{nchunks}%{jobs}".format(nchunks=nch,jobs=max_jobs) if \ nch > max_jobs else "1-{nchunks}".format(nchunks=nch) environ["SARR"]=sarr #print '*** ENV DUMP ***' #system("env | sort") new_wrapper = opjoin(wd,"") make_wrapper(wrapper,new_wrapper) system("sbatch {wrapper}".format(wrapper=new_wrapper))
if target_char not in out_dict: # Initialize the inner dictionary out_dict[target_char] = dict() for p in pinyin_dict[char]: out_dict[target_char][p] = [[], [], []] # Add this word into the correct entry if target_index == 0: out_dict[target_char][pinyin][0].append(word) elif target_index == len(word) - 1: out_dict[target_char][pinyin][2].append(word) else: out_dict[target_char][pinyin][1].append(word) # Make the dictionary with open("../data/raw1.txt", 'r') as fp: out_dict = {} lines = fp.readlines() for line in lines: formated = list(filter(None, re.split(':|,|\s', line))) for word in formated[1:]: add_wrod(formated[0], word, out_dict) # Dump the dictionary into yaml and json with open("../polyphone/polyphone.yaml", 'w') as fp: ydump(out_dict, fp, allow_unicode=True) with open("../polyphone/polyphone.json", 'w') as fp: dump(out_dict, fp, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True)
def write_options(path, opts): with open(path, 'w') as f: ydump(opts, f, default_flow_style=False) return
def save(self): f = open(self.fname, "w") f.write(ydump(self._config, Dumper=YDumper)) f.close()
def __str__(self): return ydump(self.config, Dumper=Dumper)
_params.update(params) r = apireq(path, _params) re = r['items'] if 'nextPageToken' in r: _params['pageToken'] = r['nextPageToken'] re += apireqlist(path, _params) return re try: with open('credentials.json') as f: cred = load(f) except FileNotFoundError as e: auth() playlists = apireqlist('/playlists', {'mine': 'true'}) out = [{'id': x['id'], 'title': x['snippet']['title']} for x in playlists] out = sorted(out, key=lambda x: x['title']) for pl in out: print('Downloading [%s] ' % pl['title'], end='') items = apireqlist('/playlistItems', {'playlistId': pl['id']}) pl['items'] = [{'id': x['snippet']['resourceId']['videoId'], 'title': x['snippet']['title']} for x in items] print(' Done') with open('dump.yaml', 'w') as f: ydump(out, f, width=250)