def get_raw_data(table_all, dir_name, table, table2, message):
    is_yaml = 0
    file_name = ""
    file_names = os.listdir(dir_name)  # get the file names in dir_name
    # just ready for a file have one yaml file, if need more Please find all
    for file_s in file_names:
        if file_s[-5:] == '.yaml':
            file_name = file_s
            is_yaml = 1
    if is_yaml == 0:
        print("Can't find the yaml file!\n")
    file_name = dir_name + '/' + file_name
    print("Please wait to get the yaml data! name:\t %s" % file_name)
    g_t1 = time.time()
    f_value = open(file_name)
    raw_values = yaml.load(f_value)
    g_t2 = time.time()
        在这里需要加一个进行全局管理的函数将names 和 yaml 存入其中
        同时 这两者的名字处理需要设定标准

    fm.storage_values_specie(table_all, table, table2, 'Likeyo', message,

    print("Load yaml over! Cost time: %.3f" % (g_t2 - g_t1))
    raw_values = raw_values
    g_all_length = len(raw_values)
    # print g_all_length
    print("Now read the data to move to database.")
    for i in range(2, g_all_length):
        value_temp = yl.deal_val_strategy(raw_values[i])
        temp_id = test_db.insert_yaml(table2, message, value_temp)
        print("The insert value's csv_file name: %s " %
              value_temp[10])  # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
        if value_temp[10] in file_names:
            s = dir_name + '/' + value_temp[10]
            name = value_temp[10][:-4]
            name1 = deal_name(name)
            create_table(name1, message)
            storage(name1, s, message)
            storage_name(name1, table, message, temp_id)
    print("Now make the single sort name table full!\n")
    insert_index_names_16(table, message)
Example #2
def test_unit1(table, message):
    dir_name1 = '/home/liziqiang/Desktop/SHOWyou/j_zs_WH_WOBV_DX_QG_GZ_20180102-81542_grid.yaml'
    file_names = os.listdir(dir_name1)
    yaml_file = ""
    file_num = 0
    is_yaml = 0
    print "1 is ok"
    for file_s in file_names:
        if '.yaml' in file_s:
            print file_s[-5:]
            yaml_file = file_s
            is_yaml = 1
            # f_yaml = open(yaml_file)
    print yaml_file
    print file_names[0]
    print len(file_names)

    yaml_file = dir_name1+'/'+yaml_file
    if is_yaml == 0:
        print "can't find the yaml file"
    yaml_file = "5PP5LY1.yaml"
    print "Please wait to get the yaml data! name:\t %s" % yaml_file
    g_t1 = time.time()
    f_value = open(yaml_file)
    raw_values = yaml.load(f_value)
    g_t2 = time.time()
    print "Load yaml over! Cost time: %.3f" % (g_t2 - g_t1)
    g_all_length = len(raw_values)

    for i in range(2, g_all_length):
        # g_t3 = time.time()
        # value_temp = yl.deal_val_strategy(raw_values[i])
        value_temp = yl.deal_val_strategy(raw_values[i])
        if len(value_temp) < 11:
            print "Wrong!"
        temp_id = test_db.insert_yaml(table, message, value_temp)
Example #3
def test_unit(table, message):
    dir_name1 = '/home/liziqiang/Desktop/SHOWyou/j_zs_WH_WOBV_DX_QG_GZ_20180102-81542_grid.yaml'
    file_names = os.listdir(dir_name1)
    yaml_file = ""
    file_num = 0
    is_yaml = 0
    print "1 is ok"
    for file_s in file_names:
        if '.yaml' in file_s:
            print file_s[-5:]
            yaml_file = file_s
            is_yaml = 1
            # f_yaml = open(yaml_file)
    print yaml_file
    print file_names[0]
    print len(file_names)

    yaml_file = dir_name1 + '/' + yaml_file
    if is_yaml == 0:
        print "can't find the yaml file"

    # f_yaml = open(yaml_file)
    print "Please wait to get the yaml data! name:\t %s" % yaml_file
    g_t1 = time.time()
    f_value = open(yaml_file)
    raw_values = yaml.load(f_value)
    g_t2 = time.time()
    print "Load yaml over! Cost time: %.3f" % (g_t2 - g_t1)
    g_all_length = len(raw_values)
    print g_all_length - 2
    for i in range(2, g_all_length):
        value_temp = yl.deal_val_strategy(raw_values[i])
        temp_id = test_db.insert_yaml(table1, message, value_temp)
        if value_temp[10] in file_names:
            file_num += 1
        print "NUM: ", temp_id
    print "The total file number: ", file_num
Example #4
def test_unit3():
    yaml_file = "5PP5LY1.yaml"
    print "Please wait to get the yaml data! name:\t %s" % yaml_file
    g_t1 = time.time()
    f_value = open(yaml_file)
    raw_values = yaml.load(f_value)
    g_t2 = time.time()
    print "Load yaml over! Cost time: %.3f" % (g_t2 - g_t1)
    g_all_length = len(raw_values)
    val = yl.deal_val_strategy(raw_values[178])
    for i in val:
        print i
    val1 = yl.deal_val_strategy(raw_values[179])
    for i in val1:
        print i

    val2 = yl.deal_val_strategy(raw_values[181])
    test_db.insert_yaml(table1, message1, val2)
    for i in val2:
        print i
    print raw_values[181][2]['Optimum']
def get_raw_data_selected_good(table_all, dir_name, message, file_name_vals):
    is_yaml = 0
    file_name = ""
    file_names = os.listdir(dir_name)  # get the file names in dir_name
    # just ready for a file have one yaml file, if need more Please find all
    for file_s in file_names:
        if file_s[-5:] == '.yaml':
            file_name = file_s
            is_yaml = 1
    if is_yaml == 0:
    here need a name to make sure the single sort!
    file_temp_name = file_name
    # make the table standard table = specie_table_name, table2 = specie_table_yaml
    file_temp_name = get_name_yaml_table_name(file_temp_name)
    specie_table_name = file_temp_name + '_name'
    specie_table_yaml = file_temp_name + '_yaml'
    table = specie_table_name
    table2 = specie_table_yaml
    file_name = dir_name + '/' + file_name

    print("Create yaml_table: ")
    test_db.create_yaml_table(table2, message)  # 1
    print("Create yaml_table success!")
    print("Create name_table:")
    create_names_table(table, table2, message)  # 2
    print("Create name_table success!")

    print("Please wait to get the yaml data! name:\t %s" % file_name)
    g_t1 = time.time()
    f_value = open(file_name)
    raw_values = yaml.load(f_value)
    g_t2 = time.time()
    print("Load yaml over! Cost time: %.3f" % (g_t2 - g_t1))

    fm.storage_values_specie_new_test(table_all, table, table2, 'Likeyo',
                                      message, file_name, raw_values[:2])
    raw_values = raw_values
    g_all_length = len(raw_values)
    # print g_all_length
    print("\nNow read the data to move to database.\n")
    flag = 0
    # in here create csv table and storage it, make name's can do it and yaml tables have it's information
    for i in range(2, g_all_length):
        value_temp = yl.deal_val_strategy(raw_values[i])

        if value_temp[10] in file_name_vals:
            print("The flag: ", flag)
            temp_id = test_db.insert_yaml(table2, message, value_temp)
            print("The insert value's csv_file name: %s " %
                  value_temp[10])  # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
            if value_temp[10] in file_names:
                s = dir_name + '/' + value_temp[10]
                name = value_temp[10][:-4]
                name1 = deal_name(name)
                create_table(name1, message)
                storage(name1, s, message)
                storage_name(name1, table, message, temp_id)
    insert_index_names_16(table, message)