def _gan(self, dataset=None, params=None, optimizer_params=None, cook=True, root='.', verbose=1): """ This function is a demo example of a generative adversarial network. This is an example code. You should study this code rather than merely run it. Args: dataset: Supply a dataset. root: location to save down stuff. params: Initialize network with parameters. cook: <True> If False, won't cook. increment: which number of GAN to verbose: Similar to the rest of the dataset. Returns: net: A Network object. Notes: This is not setup properly therefore does not learn at the moment. This network here mimics Ian Goodfellow's original code and implementation for MNIST adapted from his source code: .It might not be a perfect replicaiton, but I tried as best as I could. """ if dataset is None: dataset = self.dataset[-1] else: self.dataset.append(dataset) if verbose >= 2: print(".. Creating the initial GAN network") input_params = None if optimizer_params is None: optimizer_params = { "momentum_type": 'false', "momentum_params": (0.55, 0.9, 20), "regularization": (0.00001, 0.00001), "optimizer_type": 'adam', "id": "main" } dataset_params = {"dataset": dataset, "type": 'xy', "id": 'data'} visualizer_params = { "root": root + '/visualizer/gan_' + str(self.increment), "frequency": 1, "sample_size": 225, "rgb_filters": True, "debug_functions": False, "debug_layers": True, "id": 'main' } resultor_params = { "root": root + "/resultor/gan_" + str(self.increment), "id": "resultor" } regularize = True batch_norm = True dropout_rate = 0.5 # intitialize the network gan_net = gan(borrow=True, verbose=verbose) gan_net.add_module(type='datastream', params=dataset_params, verbose=verbose) gan_net.add_module(type='visualizer', params=visualizer_params, verbose=verbose) gan_net.add_module(type='resultor', params=resultor_params, verbose=verbose) self.mini_batch_size = gan_net.datastream['data'].mini_batch_size #z - latent space created by random layer gan_net.add_layer( type='random', id='z', num_neurons=(self.mini_batch_size, 32), distribution='normal', mu=0, sigma=1, # limits = (0,1), verbose=verbose) # Generator layers if not params is None: input_params = params['G1'] gan_net.add_layer(type="dot_product", origin="z", id="G1", num_neurons=1200, activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, input_params=input_params, verbose=verbose) if not params is None: input_params = params['G2'] gan_net.add_layer(type="dot_product", origin="G1", id="G2", num_neurons=5408, activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, input_params=input_params, verbose=verbose) gan_net.add_layer(type="unflatten", origin="G2", id="G2-unflatten", shape=(13, 13, 32), batch_norm=batch_norm, verbose=verbose) if not params is None: input_params = params['G3'] gan_net.add_layer(type="deconv", origin="G2-unflatten", id="G3", num_neurons=32, filter_size=(3, 3), output_shape=(28, 28, 32), activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, input_params=input_params, stride=(2, 2), verbose=verbose) if not params is None: input_params = params['G4'] gan_net.add_layer(type="deconv", origin="G3", id="G4", num_neurons=32, filter_size=(3, 3), output_shape=(30, 30, 64), activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, input_params=input_params, stride=(1, 1), verbose=verbose) if not params is None: input_params = params['G(z)'] gan_net.add_layer(type="deconv", origin="G4", id="G(z)", num_neurons=64, filter_size=(3, 3), output_shape=(32, 32, 3), activation='tanh', regularize=regularize, stride=(1, 1), input_params=input_params, verbose=verbose) #x - inputs come from dataset 1 X 3072 gan_net.add_layer( type="input", id="x", verbose=verbose, datastream_origin= 'data', # if you didnt add a dataset module, now is # the time. mean_subtract=False) #D(x) - Contains params theta_d creates features 1 X 800. # Discriminator Layers # add first convolutional layer if not params is None: input_params = params['D1-x'] gan_net.add_layer(type="conv_pool", origin="x", id="D1-x", num_neurons=20, filter_size=(5, 5), pool_size=(2, 2), activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, input_params=input_params, verbose=verbose) gan_net.add_layer(type="conv_pool", origin="G(z)", id="D1-z", num_neurons=20, filter_size=(5, 5), pool_size=(2, 2), activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, input_params=gan_net.dropout_layers["D1-x"].params, verbose=verbose) if not params is None: input_params = params['D2-x'] gan_net.add_layer(type="conv_pool", origin="D1-x", id="D2-x", num_neurons=50, filter_size=(3, 3), pool_size=(2, 2), activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, input_params=input_params, verbose=verbose) gan_net.add_layer( type="conv_pool", origin="D1-z", # origin = "G(z)", id="D2-z", num_neurons=50, filter_size=(3, 3), pool_size=(2, 2), activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, input_params=gan_net.dropout_layers["D2-x"].params, verbose=verbose) if not params is None: input_params = params['D3-x'] gan_net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="D3-x", origin="D2-x", num_neurons=1200, activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, input_params=input_params, verbose=verbose) gan_net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="D3-z", origin="D2-z", input_params=gan_net.dropout_layers["D3-x"].params, num_neurons=1200, activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, verbose=verbose) if not params is None: input_params = params['D4-x'] gan_net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="D4-x", origin="D3-x", num_neurons=1200, activation='relu', regularize=regularize, batch_norm=batch_norm, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, input_params=input_params, verbose=verbose) gan_net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="D4-z", origin="D3-z", input_params=gan_net.dropout_layers["D4-x"].params, num_neurons=1200, activation='relu', regularize=regularize, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, batch_norm=batch_norm, verbose=verbose) #C(D(x)) - This is the opposite of C(D(G(z))), real if not params is None: input_params = params['D(x)'] gan_net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="D(x)", origin="D4-x", num_neurons=1, activation='sigmoid', regularize=regularize, input_params=input_params, verbose=verbose) #C(D(G(z))) fake - the classifier for fake/real that always predicts fake gan_net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="D(G(z))", origin="D4-z", num_neurons=1, activation='sigmoid', regularize=regularize, input_params=gan_net.dropout_layers["D(x)"].params, verbose=verbose) #C(D(x)) - This is the opposite of C(D(G(z))), real if not params is None: input_params = params['softmax'] gan_net.add_layer(type="classifier", id="softmax", origin="D4-x", num_classes=10, regularize=regularize, input_params=input_params, activation='softmax', verbose=verbose) # objective layers # discriminator objective gan_net.add_layer (type = "tensor", input = 0.5 * T.mean(T.sqr(gan_net.layers['D(x)'].output - 1)) + \ 0.5 * T.mean(T.sqr(gan_net.layers['D(G(z))'].output)), input_shape = (1,), id = "discriminator_task" ) gan_net.add_layer( type="objective", id="discriminator_obj", origin="discriminator_task", layer_type='value', objective=gan_net.dropout_layers['discriminator_task'].output, datastream_origin='data', verbose=verbose) #generator objective gan_net.add_layer(type="tensor", input=0.5 * T.mean(T.sqr(gan_net.layers['D(G(z))'].output - 1)), input_shape=(1, ), id="objective_task") gan_net.add_layer( type="objective", id="generator_obj", layer_type='value', origin="objective_task", objective=gan_net.dropout_layers['objective_task'].output, datastream_origin='data', verbose=verbose) #softmax objective. gan_net.add_layer(type="objective", id="classifier_obj", origin="softmax", objective="nll", layer_type='discriminator', datastream_origin='data', verbose=verbose) # from yann.utils.graph import draw_network # draw_network(net.graph, filename = 'gan.png') # gan_net.pretty_print() if cook is True: """gan_net.datastream['data'].batches2train = 10 gan_net.datastream['data'].batches2validate = 2 gan_net.datastream['data'].batches2test = 1""" gan_net.cook( objective_layers=[ "classifier_obj", "discriminator_obj", "generator_obj" ], optimizer_params=optimizer_params, discriminator_layers=["D1-x", "D2-x", "D3-x", "D4-x"], generator_layers=["G1", "G2", "G3", "G4", "G(z)"], classifier_layers=["D1-x", "D2-x", "D3-x", "D4-x", "softmax"], softmax_layer="softmax", game_layers=("D(x)", "D(G(z))"), verbose=verbose) return gan_net
def shallow_gan(dataset=None, verbose=1): """ This function is a demo example of a generative adversarial network. This is an example code. You should study this code rather than merely run it. Args: dataset: Supply a dataset. verbose: Similar to the rest of the dataset. """ optimizer_params = { "momentum_type": 'polyak', "momentum_params": (0.65, 0.9, 50), "regularization": (0.000, 0.000), "optimizer_type": 'rmsprop', "id": "main" } dataset_params = {"dataset": dataset, "type": 'xy', "id": 'data'} visualizer_params = { "root": '.', "frequency": 1, "sample_size": 225, "rgb_filters": False, "debug_functions": False, "debug_layers": True, "id": 'main' } # intitialize the network net = gan(borrow=True, verbose=verbose) net.add_module(type='datastream', params=dataset_params, verbose=verbose) net.add_module(type='visualizer', params=visualizer_params, verbose=verbose) #z - latent space created by random layer net.add_layer(type='random', id='z', num_neurons=(100, 32), distribution='normal', mu=0, sigma=1, verbose=verbose) #x - inputs come from dataset 1 X 784 net.add_layer( type="input", id="x", verbose=verbose, datastream_origin='data', # if you didnt add a dataset module, now is # the time. mean_subtract=False) net.add_layer( type="dot_product", origin="z", id="G(z)", num_neurons=784, activation='tanh', verbose=verbose) # This layer is the one that creates the images. #D(x) - Contains params theta_d creates features 1 X 800. net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="D(x)", origin="x", num_neurons=800, activation='relu', regularize=True, verbose=verbose) net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="D(G(z))", origin="G(z)", input_params=net.dropout_layers["D(x)"].params, num_neurons=800, activation='relu', regularize=True, verbose=verbose) #C(D(x)) - This is the opposite of C(D(G(z))), real net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="real", origin="D(x)", num_neurons=1, activation='sigmoid', verbose=verbose) #C(D(G(z))) fake - the classifier for fake/real that always predicts fake net.add_layer( type="dot_product", id="fake", origin="D(G(z))", num_neurons=1, activation='sigmoid', input_params=net.dropout_layers["real"]. params, # Again share their parameters verbose=verbose) #C(D(x)) - This is the opposite of C(D(G(z))), real net.add_layer(type="classifier", id="softmax", origin="D(x)", num_classes=10, activation='softmax', verbose=verbose) # objective layers # discriminator objective net.add_layer (type = "tensor", input = - 0.5 * T.mean(T.log(net.layers['real'].output)) - \ 0.5 * T.mean(T.log(1-net.layers['fake'].output)), input_shape = (1,), id = "discriminator_task" ) net.add_layer(type="objective", id="discriminator_obj", origin="discriminator_task", layer_type='value', objective=net.dropout_layers['discriminator_task'].output, datastream_origin='data', verbose=verbose) #generator objective net.add_layer(type="tensor", input=-0.5 * T.mean(T.log(net.layers['fake'].output)), input_shape=(1, ), id="objective_task") net.add_layer(type="objective", id="generator_obj", layer_type='value', origin="objective_task", objective=net.dropout_layers['objective_task'].output, datastream_origin='data', verbose=verbose) #softmax objective. net.add_layer(type="objective", id="classifier_obj", origin="softmax", objective="nll", layer_type='discriminator', datastream_origin='data', verbose=verbose) from yann.utils.graph import draw_network draw_network(net.graph, filename='gan.png') net.pretty_print() net.cook(objective_layers=[ "classifier_obj", "discriminator_obj", "generator_obj" ], optimizer_params=optimizer_params, discriminator_layers=["D(x)"], generator_layers=["G(z)"], classifier_layers=["D(x)", "softmax"], softmax_layer="softmax", game_layers=("fake", "real"), verbose=verbose) learning_rates = (0.05, 0.01) net.train(epochs=(20), k=2, pre_train_discriminator=3, validate_after_epochs=1, visualize_after_epochs=1, training_accuracy=True, show_progress=True, early_terminate=True, verbose=verbose) return net
def deep_deconvolutional_lsgan(dataset, regularize = True, batch_norm = True, dropout_rate = 0.5, verbose = 1 ): """ This function is a demo example of a generative adversarial network. This is an example code. You should study this code rather than merely run it. This method uses a few deconvolutional layers as was used in the DCGAN paper. This method is setup to produce images of size 32X32. Args: dataset: Supply a dataset. regularize: ``True`` (default) supplied to layer arguments batch_norm: ``True`` (default) supplied to layer arguments dropout_rate: ``None`` (default) supplied to layer arguments verbose: Similar to the rest of the dataset. Returns: net: A Network object. Notes: This method is setupfor SVHN / CIFAR10. This is an implementation of th least squares GAN with a = 0, b = 1 and c= 1 (equation 9) [1] Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks, Xudong Mao, Qing Li, Haoran Xie, Raymond Y.K. Lau, Zhen Wang """ if verbose >=2: print (".. Creating a GAN network") optimizer_params = { "momentum_type" : 'polyak', "momentum_params" : (0.55, 0.9, 20), "regularization" : (0.00001, 0.00001), "optimizer_type" : 'adagrad', "id" : "main" } dataset_params = { "dataset" : dataset, "type" : 'xy', "id" : 'data' } visualizer_params = { "root" : '.', "frequency" : 1, "sample_size": 225, "rgb_filters": True, "debug_functions" : False, "debug_layers": False, "id" : 'main' } # intitialize the network net = gan ( borrow = True, verbose = verbose ) net.add_module ( type = 'datastream', params = dataset_params, verbose = verbose ) net.add_module ( type = 'visualizer', params = visualizer_params, verbose = verbose ) #z - latent space created by random layer net.add_layer(type = 'random', id = 'z', num_neurons = (500,32), distribution = 'normal', mu = 0, sigma = 1, limits = (0,1), verbose = verbose) # Generator layers net.add_layer ( type = "dot_product", origin = "z", id = "G1", num_neurons = 1200, activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, batch_norm = batch_norm, verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "dot_product", origin = "G1", id = "G2", num_neurons = 5408, activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, batch_norm = batch_norm, verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "unflatten", origin = "G2", id = "G2-unflatten", shape = (13, 13, 32), batch_norm = batch_norm, verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "deconv", origin = "G2-unflatten", id = "G3", num_neurons = 32, filter_size = (3,3), output_shape = (28,28,32), activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, batch_norm = batch_norm, stride = (2,2), verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "deconv", origin = "G3", id = "G(z)", num_neurons = 32, filter_size = (5,5), output_shape = (32,32,3), activation = 'tanh', # regularize = regularize, stride = (1,1), verbose = verbose ) #x - inputs come from dataset 1 X 784 net.add_layer ( type = "input", id = "x", verbose = verbose, datastream_origin = 'data', # if you didnt add a dataset module, now is # the time. mean_subtract = False ) #D(x) - Contains params theta_d creates features 1 X 800. # Discriminator Layers # add first convolutional layer net.add_layer ( type = "conv_pool", origin = "x", id = "D1-x", num_neurons = 20, filter_size = (5,5), pool_size = (2,2), activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, batch_norm = batch_norm, verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "conv_pool", origin = "G(z)", id = "D1-z", num_neurons = 20, filter_size = (5,5), pool_size = (2,2), activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, batch_norm = batch_norm, input_params = net.dropout_layers["D1-x"].params, verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "conv_pool", origin = "D1-x", # origin = "x", id = "D2-x", num_neurons = 50, filter_size = (3,3), pool_size = (2,2), activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, batch_norm = batch_norm, verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "conv_pool", origin = "D1-z", # origin = "G(z)", id = "D2-z", num_neurons = 50, filter_size = (3,3), pool_size = (2,2), activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, batch_norm = batch_norm, input_params = net.dropout_layers["D2-x"].params, verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "dot_product", id = "D3-x", origin = "D2-x", num_neurons = 1200, activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, batch_norm = batch_norm, dropout_rate = dropout_rate, verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "dot_product", id = "D3-z", origin = "D2-z", input_params = net.dropout_layers["D3-x"].params, num_neurons = 1200, activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, batch_norm = batch_norm, dropout_rate = dropout_rate, verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "dot_product", id = "D4-x", origin = "D3-x", num_neurons = 1200, activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, batch_norm = batch_norm, dropout_rate = dropout_rate, verbose = verbose ) net.add_layer ( type = "dot_product", id = "D4-z", origin = "D3-z", input_params = net.dropout_layers["D4-x"].params, num_neurons = 1200, activation = 'relu', regularize = regularize, dropout_rate = dropout_rate, batch_norm = batch_norm, verbose = verbose ) #C(D(x)) - This is the opposite of C(D(G(z))), real net.add_layer ( type = "dot_product", id = "D(x)", origin = "D4-x", num_neurons = 1, activation = 'sigmoid', regularize = regularize, verbose = verbose ) #C(D(G(z))) fake - the classifier for fake/real that always predicts fake net.add_layer ( type = "dot_product", id = "D(G(z))", origin = "D4-z", num_neurons = 1, activation = 'sigmoid', regularize = regularize, input_params = net.dropout_layers["D(x)"].params, verbose = verbose ) #C(D(x)) - This is the opposite of C(D(G(z))), real net.add_layer ( type = "classifier", id = "softmax", origin = "D4-x", num_classes = 10, regularize = regularize, activation = 'softmax', verbose = verbose ) # objective layers # discriminator objective net.add_layer (type = "tensor", input = 0.5 * T.mean(T.sqr(net.layers['D(x)'].output-1)) + \ 0.5 * T.mean(T.sqr(net.layers['D(G(z))'].output)), input_shape = (1,), id = "discriminator_task" ) net.add_layer ( type = "objective", id = "discriminator_obj", origin = "discriminator_task", layer_type = 'value', objective = net.dropout_layers['discriminator_task'].output, datastream_origin = 'data', verbose = verbose ) #generator objective net.add_layer (type = "tensor", input = 0.5 * T.mean(T.sqr(net.layers['D(G(z))'].output-1)), input_shape = (1,), id = "objective_task" ) net.add_layer ( type = "objective", id = "generator_obj", layer_type = 'value', origin = "objective_task", objective = net.dropout_layers['objective_task'].output, datastream_origin = 'data', verbose = verbose ) #softmax objective. net.add_layer ( type = "objective", id = "classifier_obj", origin = "softmax", objective = "nll", layer_type = 'discriminator', datastream_origin = 'data', verbose = verbose ) # from yann.utils.graph import draw_network # draw_network(net.graph, filename = 'gan.png') net.pretty_print() net.cook ( objective_layers = ["classifier_obj", "discriminator_obj", "generator_obj"], optimizer_params = optimizer_params, discriminator_layers = ["D1-x", "D2-x","D3-x","D4-x"], generator_layers = ["G1","G2","G3","G(z)"], classifier_layers = ["D1-x", "D2-x","D3-x","D4-x","softmax"], softmax_layer = "softmax", game_layers = ("D(x)", "D(G(z))"), verbose = verbose ) learning_rates = (0.04, 0.01 ) net.train( epochs = (20), k = 2, pre_train_discriminator = 0, validate_after_epochs = 1, visualize_after_epochs = 1, training_accuracy = True, show_progress = True, early_terminate = True, verbose = verbose) return net
def deep_deconvolutional_gan(dataset, verbose=1): """ This function is a demo example of a generative adversarial network. This is an example code. You should study this code rather than merely run it. This method uses a few deconvolutional layers as was used in the DCGAN paper. Args: dataset: Supply a dataset. verbose: Similar to the rest of the dataset. Returns: net: A Network object. Notes: This is not setup properly therefore does not learn at the moment. This network here mimics Ian Goodfellow's original code and implementation for MNIST adapted from his source code: .It might not be a perfect replicaiton, but I tried as best as I could. """ if verbose >= 2: print(".. Creating a GAN network") optimizer_params = { "momentum_type": 'polyak', "momentum_params": (0.5, 0.7, 20), "regularization": (0.000, 0.000), "optimizer_type": 'rmsprop', "id": "main" } dataset_params = {"dataset": dataset, "type": 'xy', "id": 'data'} visualizer_params = { "root": '.', "frequency": 1, "sample_size": 225, "rgb_filters": False, "debug_functions": False, "debug_layers": False, "id": 'main' } # intitialize the network net = gan(borrow=True, verbose=verbose) net.add_module(type='datastream', params=dataset_params, verbose=verbose) net.add_module(type='visualizer', params=visualizer_params, verbose=verbose) #z - latent space created by random layer net.add_layer( type='random', id='z', num_neurons=(100, 10), distribution='normal', mu=0, sigma=1, # limits = (0,1), verbose=verbose) # Generator layers net.add_layer( type="dot_product", origin="z", id="G1", num_neurons=1200, activation='relu', regularize=True, # batch_norm = True, verbose=verbose) net.add_layer( type="dot_product", origin="G1", id="G2", num_neurons=1440, activation='relu', regularize=True, # batch_norm = True, verbose=verbose) net.add_layer(type="unflatten", origin="G2", id="G2-unflatten", shape=(12, 12, 10), verbose=verbose) net.add_layer(type="deconv", origin="G2-unflatten", id="G3", num_neurons=10, filter_size=(3, 3), output_shape=(26, 26, 20), activation='relu', regularize=True, stride=(2, 2), verbose=verbose) net.add_layer( type="deconv", origin="G3", id="G(z)", num_neurons=20, filter_size=(3, 3), output_shape=(28, 28, 1), activation='tanh', # regularize = True, stride=(1, 1), verbose=verbose) #x - inputs come from dataset 1 X 784 net.add_layer( type="input", id="x", verbose=verbose, datastream_origin='data', # if you didnt add a dataset module, now is # the time. mean_subtract=False) #D(x) - Contains params theta_d creates features 1 X 800. # Discriminator Layers # add first convolutional layer net.add_layer(type="conv_pool", origin="x", id="D1-x", num_neurons=20, filter_size=(5, 5), pool_size=(2, 2), activation='relu', regularize=True, verbose=verbose) net.add_layer(type="conv_pool", origin="G(z)", id="D1-z", num_neurons=20, filter_size=(5, 5), pool_size=(2, 2), activation='relu', regularize=True, input_params=net.dropout_layers["D1-x"].params, verbose=verbose) net.add_layer( type="conv_pool", origin="D1-x", # origin = "x", id="D2-x", num_neurons=50, filter_size=(3, 3), pool_size=(2, 2), activation='relu', regularize=True, verbose=verbose) net.add_layer( type="conv_pool", origin="D1-z", # origin = "G(z)", id="D2-z", num_neurons=50, filter_size=(3, 3), pool_size=(2, 2), activation='relu', regularize=True, input_params=net.dropout_layers["D2-x"].params, verbose=verbose) net.add_layer( type="dot_product", id="D3-x", origin="D2-x", num_neurons=1200, activation='relu', regularize=True, # batch_norm = True, dropout_rate=0.5, verbose=verbose) net.add_layer( type="dot_product", id="D3-z", origin="D2-z", input_params=net.dropout_layers["D3-x"].params, num_neurons=1200, activation='relu', regularize=True, # batch_norm = True, dropout_rate=0.5, verbose=verbose) net.add_layer( type="dot_product", id="D4-x", origin="D3-x", num_neurons=1200, activation='relu', regularize=True, # batch_norm = True, dropout_rate=0.5, verbose=verbose) net.add_layer( type="dot_product", id="D4-z", origin="D3-z", input_params=net.dropout_layers["D4-x"].params, num_neurons=1200, activation='relu', regularize=True, dropout_rate=0.5, # batch_norm = True, verbose=verbose) #C(D(x)) - This is the opposite of C(D(G(z))), real net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="D(x)", origin="D4-x", num_neurons=1, activation='sigmoid', verbose=verbose) #C(D(G(z))) fake - the classifier for fake/real that always predicts fake net.add_layer(type="dot_product", id="D(G(z))", origin="D4-z", num_neurons=1, activation='sigmoid', input_params=net.dropout_layers["D(x)"].params, verbose=verbose) #C(D(x)) - This is the opposite of C(D(G(z))), real net.add_layer(type="classifier", id="softmax", origin="D4-x", num_classes=10, activation='softmax', verbose=verbose) # objective layers # discriminator objective net.add_layer (type = "tensor", input = - 0.5 * T.mean(T.log(net.layers['D(x)'].output)) - \ 0.5 * T.mean(T.log(1-net.layers['D(G(z))'].output)), input_shape = (1,), id = "discriminator_task" ) net.add_layer(type="objective", id="discriminator_obj", origin="discriminator_task", layer_type='value', objective=net.dropout_layers['discriminator_task'].output, datastream_origin='data', verbose=verbose) #generator objective net.add_layer(type="tensor", input=-0.5 * T.mean(T.log(net.layers['D(G(z))'].output)), input_shape=(1, ), id="objective_task") net.add_layer(type="objective", id="generator_obj", layer_type='value', origin="objective_task", objective=net.dropout_layers['objective_task'].output, datastream_origin='data', verbose=verbose) #softmax objective. net.add_layer(type="objective", id="classifier_obj", origin="softmax", objective="nll", layer_type='discriminator', datastream_origin='data', verbose=verbose) # from yann.utils.graph import draw_network # draw_network(net.graph, filename = 'gan.png') net.pretty_print() net.cook(objective_layers=[ "classifier_obj", "discriminator_obj", "generator_obj" ], optimizer_params=optimizer_params, discriminator_layers=["D1-x", "D2-x", "D3-x", "D4-x"], generator_layers=["G1", "G2", "G3", "G(z)"], classifier_layers=["D1-x", "D2-x", "D3-x", "D4-x", "softmax"], softmax_layer="softmax", game_layers=("D(x)", "D(G(z))"), verbose=verbose) learning_rates = (0.00004, 0.001) net.train(epochs=(20), k=1, pre_train_discriminator=0, validate_after_epochs=1, visualize_after_epochs=1, training_accuracy=True, show_progress=True, early_terminate=True, verbose=verbose) return net
"rgb_filters": <bool> flag. if True a 3D-RGB rendition of the CNN filters is rendered. Default value is False. "debug_functions" : <bool> visualize train and test and other theano functions. default is False. Needs pydot and dv2viz to be installed. "debug_layers" : <bool> Will print layer activities from input to that layer output. ( this is almost always useless because test debug function will combine all these layers and print directly.) "id" : id of the visualizer } Returns: A visualizer object. """ # intitialize the network with a datastream, visualizer and an optimizer net = gan ( borrow = True, verbose = verbose ) """ add_module(type, params=None, verbose=2): used to add a module to net type: which module to add. Options are 'datastream', 'visualizer', 'optimizer' and 'resultor' params: dicitionary as used above verbose: similar to the rest of the toolbox """ net.add_module ( type = 'datastream', params = dataset_params, verbose = verbose )