Example #1
def transaction_delete():
    id_ = request.form.get('id')
    t = Transaction.query_one({'_id': ObjectId(id_)})

    # 做一次反向操作
    if t.type_ == 'sell':
        t.type_ = 'buy'
    elif t.type_ == 'buy':
        t.type_ = 'sell'
    Position.do_op(t, reverse=True)

    return jsonify(status=200)
Example #2
def position_list():
    search = request.args.get('search', '')
    sort = request.args.get('sort', 'total_increase')
    order = request.args.get('order', 'desc')

    user = current_user._id
    position = Position.user_position(user)
    if search:
        position = list(filter(
            lambda x: search in x['exchange'] or
            search in x['name'] or
            search in x['symbol'],
    position = sorted(position,
                      key=lambda x: x[sort] or 0,
                      reverse=order == 'desc')
    for p in position:
        p['name'] = (p['name'] or '')[:5]
        p['increase'] = '{:.1f}%'.format((p['increase'] or 0) * 100)
        p['total_increase'] = '{:.1f}%'.format((p['total_increase'] or 0)
                                               * 100)
        p['unrealized_profit'] = '{:.1f}'.format(p['unrealized_profit'] or 0)
        p['avg_buy_price'] = '{:.2f}'.format(p['avg_buy_price'])
        if p['latest_price']:
            p['latest_price'] = '{:.2f}'.format(p['latest_price'])
    position = [p for p in position if p['quantity'] > 0]
    return jsonify(total=len(position), rows=position)
Example #3
def position_op(type_):
        user = current_user._id
        operated_at = datetime.strptime(request.form.get('operated_at'),
        exchange = request.form.get('exchange')
        symbol = request.form.get('symbol')
        price = float(request.form.get('price'))
        quantity = int(request.form.get('quantity'))
        t = Transaction({
            'user': user,
            'type_': type_,
            'operated_at': operated_at,
            'exchange': exchange,
            'symbol': symbol,
            'price': price,
            'quantity': quantity,
        if not Position.do_op(t):
        return jsonify(status=200)
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify(status=500, reason=str(e))
Example #4
def position():
    nav = 'position'
    today = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=8)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    user = current_user._id
    num_collections = Position.num_collections(user)
    average_increase = Position.average_increase(user)
    market_value = Position.market_value(user)
    realized_profit = Position.realized_profit(user)
    unrealized_profit = Position.unrealized_profit(user)
    annual_profit = Position.annual_profit(user)
    position = Position.user_position(user)

    # charts
    pfs = ProfitLog.profits(user)
    pldates = [pf['date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for pf in pfs]
    plvalues = [int(pf['profit']) for pf in pfs]

    exchanges = [{'value': n, 'text': n}
                 for n in sorted(ABBRS)]
    total_transactions = Transaction.user_total_transactions(user)
    transactions = Transaction.user_recent_transactions(
    for t in transactions:
        t.typecn = '买入' if t.type_ == 'buy' else '卖出'
    return render_template('user/position.html', **locals())
Example #5
File: trader.py Project: sopnic/ybk
 def add_transaction(type_, exchange, symbol, price, quantity):
     t = Transaction({
         'user': user._id,
         'type_': type_,
         'operated_at': operated_at,
         'exchange': exchange,
         'symbol': symbol,
         'price': price,
         'quantity': quantity,
     if not Position.do_op(t):
Example #6
 def add_transaction(type_, exchange, symbol, price, quantity):
     t = Transaction({
         'user': user._id,
         'type_': type_,
         'operated_at': operated_at,
         'exchange': exchange,
         'symbol': symbol,
         'price': price,
         'quantity': quantity,
     if not Position.do_op(t):
Example #7
File: trader.py Project: sopnic/ybk
def accounting(user):
    """ 对账号进行自动记账(如果用户已配置) """
    operated_at = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=8)

    def add_transaction(type_, exchange, symbol, price, quantity):
        t = Transaction({
            'user': user._id,
            'type_': type_,
            'operated_at': operated_at,
            'exchange': exchange,
            'symbol': symbol,
            'price': price,
            'quantity': quantity,
        if not Position.do_op(t):

    if user.auto_accounting:
        op = Position.user_position(user._id)
        p2pairs = {}
        for ta in TradeAccount.query({'user': user._id}):
            for p in ta.position or []:
                pair = (ta.exchange, p.symbol)
                if pair not in p2pairs:
                    p2pairs[pair] = p
                    pp = p2pairs[pair]
                    amount = p.average_price * p.quantity + \
                        pp.average_price * pp.quantity
                    p.quantity += pp.quantity
                    if p.quantity > 0:
                        p.average_price = amount / p.quantity
                    p2pairs[pair] = p
        p1pairs = {(p1['exchange'], p1['symbol']): p1 for p1 in op}
        # 检查更改项
        for p1 in op:
            pair = p1['exchange'], p1['symbol']
            if pair[0] in ['湖南文交所', '海西文交所', '上海邮币卡',
                           '上海文交所', '中俄邮币卡']:
            if pair in p2pairs:
                p2 = p2pairs[pair]
                quantity = p2.quantity - p1['quantity']
                if quantity != 0:
                    type_ = 'buy' if quantity > 0 else 'sell'
                    if type_ == 'buy':
                        price = (p2.average_price * p2.quantity -
                                 p1['avg_buy_price'] * p1['quantity']) / quantity
                        price = p2.price
                    if price < 0.01:
                        price = Quote.latest_price(p1['exchange'], p1['symbol'])
                    price = int(price * 100) / 100.
                        type_, pair[0], pair[1], price, abs(quantity))
                # 按现价计算已卖出
                if p1['quantity'] > 0:
                    price = Quote.latest_price(p1['exchange'], p1['symbol'])
                    price = int(price * 100) / 100.
                        'sell', pair[0], pair[1], price, p1['quantity'])
        # 检查新增项
        for pair, p2 in p2pairs.items():
            if pair[0] in ['湖南文交所', '海西文交所', '上海邮币卡',
                           '上海文交所', '中俄邮币卡']:
            if pair not in p1pairs and p2.quantity > 0:
                price = int(p2.average_price * 100) / 100.
                add_transaction('buy', pair[0], pair[1], price, p2.quantity)
Example #8
File: trade.py Project: sopnic/ybk
def trade_quote_realtime():
    """ 实时数据/列表 """
    # 全部 -> all
    # 指数 -> index
    # 持仓 -> position
    # 自选 -> diy
    category = request.args.get('category', '').strip()
    search = request.args.get('search', '').strip()
    sort = request.args.get('sort', '').strip()
    order = request.args.get('order', 'asc').strip()

    today = Quote.cached(3600).query_one({'quote_type': '1d'},
                                         sort=[('quote_at', -1)]).quote_at
    cond = {'quote_type': '1d',
            'quote_at': today}
    colls = set()
    symbols = []
    if search:
        pairs = Collection.search(search)
        symbols = [p[1] for p in pairs]
        colls = set(pairs)
        cond['symbol'] = {'$in': symbols}
    elif category == 'all':
    elif category == 'index':
        cs = list(Collection.cached(3600).query({'name': {'$regex': '指数$'}}))
        colls = set((c.exchange, c.symbol) for c in cs)
        symbols = [c.symbol for c in cs]
        cond['symbol'] = {'$in': symbols}
    elif category == 'position':
        position = Position.user_position(current_user._id)
        colls = set((p['exchange'], p['symbol']) for p in position)
        symbols = [p['symbol'] for p in position]
        cond['symbol'] = {'$in': symbols}
    elif category == 'diy':
        raise NotImplementedError

    qs = [q for q in Quote.query(cond)
          if (not colls) or
          ((q.exchange, q.symbol) in colls)]

    qs = [{
        'open_': q.open_,
        'high': q.high,
        'low': q.low,
        'close': q.close,
        'lclose': q.lclose,
        'volume': q.volume,
        'amount': q.amount,
        'increase': 0 if not q.lclose else q.close / q.lclose - 1,
        'exchange': q.exchange,
        'symbol': q.symbol,
        'name': Collection.get_name(q.exchange, q.symbol),
    } for q in qs]

    # sort
    if sort:
        qs = sorted(qs,
                    key=lambda x: x[sort],
                    reverse=order == 'desc')

    # format
    for q in qs:
        if q['lclose']:
            q['lclose'] = '{:.2f}'.format(q['lclose'])
        q['open_'] = '{:.2f}'.format(q['open_'])
        q['high'] = '{:.2f}'.format(q['high'])
        q['low'] = '{:.2f}'.format(q['low'])
        q['close'] = '{:.2f}'.format(q['close'])
        q['amount'] = '{:.1f}万'.format(q['amount'] / 10000)
        q['increase'] = '{:.1f}%'.format(q['increase'] * 100)

    # add no result symbols
    exist_pairs = set((q['exchange'], q['symbol']) for q in qs)
    for exchange, symbol in (colls - exist_pairs):
            'open_': '-',
            'high': '-',
            'low': '-',
            'close': '-',
            'lclose': '-',
            'volume': '-',
            'amount': '-',
            'increase': '-',
            'exchange': exchange,
            'symbol': symbol,
            'name': Collection.get_name(exchange, symbol),

    return jsonify(status=200,
Example #9
def accounting(user):
    """ 对账号进行自动记账(如果用户已配置) """
    operated_at = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=8)

    def add_transaction(type_, exchange, symbol, price, quantity):
        t = Transaction({
            'user': user._id,
            'type_': type_,
            'operated_at': operated_at,
            'exchange': exchange,
            'symbol': symbol,
            'price': price,
            'quantity': quantity,
        if not Position.do_op(t):

    if user.auto_accounting:
        op = Position.user_position(user._id)
        p2pairs = {}
        for ta in TradeAccount.query({'user': user._id}):
            for p in ta.position or []:
                pair = (ta.exchange, p.symbol)
                if pair not in p2pairs:
                    p2pairs[pair] = p
                    pp = p2pairs[pair]
                    amount = p.average_price * p.quantity + \
                        pp.average_price * pp.quantity
                    p.quantity += pp.quantity
                    if p.quantity > 0:
                        p.average_price = amount / p.quantity
                    p2pairs[pair] = p
        p1pairs = {(p1['exchange'], p1['symbol']): p1 for p1 in op}
        # 检查更改项
        for p1 in op:
            pair = p1['exchange'], p1['symbol']
            if pair[0] in ['湖南文交所', '海西文交所', '上海邮币卡', '上海文交所', '中俄邮币卡']:
            if pair in p2pairs:
                p2 = p2pairs[pair]
                quantity = p2.quantity - p1['quantity']
                if quantity != 0:
                    type_ = 'buy' if quantity > 0 else 'sell'
                    if type_ == 'buy':
                        price = (
                            p2.average_price * p2.quantity -
                            p1['avg_buy_price'] * p1['quantity']) / quantity
                        price = p2.price
                    if price < 0.01:
                        price = Quote.latest_price(p1['exchange'],
                    price = int(price * 100) / 100.
                    add_transaction(type_, pair[0], pair[1], price,
                # 按现价计算已卖出
                if p1['quantity'] > 0:
                    price = Quote.latest_price(p1['exchange'], p1['symbol'])
                    price = int(price * 100) / 100.
                    add_transaction('sell', pair[0], pair[1], price,
        # 检查新增项
        for pair, p2 in p2pairs.items():
            if pair[0] in ['湖南文交所', '海西文交所', '上海邮币卡', '上海文交所', '中俄邮币卡']:
            if pair not in p1pairs and p2.quantity > 0:
                price = int(p2.average_price * 100) / 100.
                add_transaction('buy', pair[0], pair[1], price, p2.quantity)
Example #10
File: trade.py Project: maocis/ybk
def trade_quote_realtime():
    """ 实时数据/列表 """
    # 全部 -> all
    # 指数 -> index
    # 持仓 -> position
    # 自选 -> diy
    category = request.args.get('category', '').strip()
    search = request.args.get('search', '').strip()
    sort = request.args.get('sort', '').strip()
    order = request.args.get('order', 'asc').strip()

    today = Quote.cached(3600).query_one({
        'quote_type': '1d'
                                         sort=[('quote_at', -1)]).quote_at
    cond = {'quote_type': '1d', 'quote_at': today}
    colls = set()
    symbols = []
    if search:
        pairs = Collection.search(search)
        symbols = [p[1] for p in pairs]
        colls = set(pairs)
        cond['symbol'] = {'$in': symbols}
    elif category == 'all':
    elif category == 'index':
        cs = list(Collection.cached(3600).query({'name': {'$regex': '指数$'}}))
        colls = set((c.exchange, c.symbol) for c in cs)
        symbols = [c.symbol for c in cs]
        cond['symbol'] = {'$in': symbols}
    elif category == 'position':
        position = Position.user_position(current_user._id)
        colls = set((p['exchange'], p['symbol']) for p in position)
        symbols = [p['symbol'] for p in position]
        cond['symbol'] = {'$in': symbols}
    elif category == 'diy':
        raise NotImplementedError

    qs = [
        q for q in Quote.query(cond)
        if (not colls) or ((q.exchange, q.symbol) in colls)

    qs = [{
        'open_': q.open_,
        'high': q.high,
        'low': q.low,
        'close': q.close,
        'lclose': q.lclose,
        'volume': q.volume,
        'amount': q.amount,
        'increase': 0 if not q.lclose else q.close / q.lclose - 1,
        'exchange': q.exchange,
        'symbol': q.symbol,
        'name': Collection.get_name(q.exchange, q.symbol),
    } for q in qs]

    # sort
    if sort:
        qs = sorted(qs, key=lambda x: x[sort], reverse=order == 'desc')

    # format
    for q in qs:
        if q['lclose']:
            q['lclose'] = '{:.2f}'.format(q['lclose'])
        q['open_'] = '{:.2f}'.format(q['open_'])
        q['high'] = '{:.2f}'.format(q['high'])
        q['low'] = '{:.2f}'.format(q['low'])
        q['close'] = '{:.2f}'.format(q['close'])
        q['amount'] = '{:.1f}万'.format(q['amount'] / 10000)
        q['increase'] = '{:.1f}%'.format(q['increase'] * 100)

    # add no result symbols
    exist_pairs = set((q['exchange'], q['symbol']) for q in qs)
    for exchange, symbol in (colls - exist_pairs):
            'open_': '-',
            'high': '-',
            'low': '-',
            'close': '-',
            'lclose': '-',
            'volume': '-',
            'amount': '-',
            'increase': '-',
            'exchange': exchange,
            'symbol': symbol,
            'name': Collection.get_name(exchange, symbol),

    return jsonify(status=200, total=len(qs), rows=qs)