def search(): temp_search = [] results_search = [] data = ast.literal_eval( location = data[0].split("*") destination = data[1].split('*') activities = data[2].split('*') final_dest_num = int(data[3]) - len(destination) for loc in location: for dest in destination: print "destination" print results_search results_search.append(yelp.query_api(dest,loc)) if (final_dest_num > 0): for loc in location: for act in activities: print "hi" print temp_search temp_search.append(yelp.query_api(act,loc)) while final_dest_num >0: n = randint(0,len(temp_search)-1) results_search.append(temp_search[n]) final_dest_num =- 1 return json.dumps(results_search)
def webhook(): """ This is the default POST webhook """"request recieved from slack...") pretty_print_POST(request) if SLACK_VARIFY_TOKEN == request.form.get('token'): text = request.form.get('text') args = text.split() terms, location = None, None if args[0].lower() == 'yelp':"calling dialogflow api") try: term, location, conf = dialogflow_api(args[1:]) except Exception as e: pass"calling yelp api..") if terms != None and location != None: slack_payload = query_api(args[0], term, location) else: slack_payload = query_api(args[0], args[1], ' '.join(args[2:])) else: slack_payload = {u'text': u'invalid action word'} return Response(json.dumps(slack_payload), status=200, mimetype='application/json') else: log.warning("message from unknown sources")
def boba(): response = yelp.query_api("Bubble Tea", "Mountain View, CA", 5) businesses = response.get('businesses') pprint.pprint(businesses) return dict(businesses=businesses)
def handler(event, context): os.environ['TZ'] = 'America/New_York' time.tzset() cur_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())).strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M') logger.debug("invokeChatBotScheduler %s" % (cur_time)) #receive and delete messages import sqs dining_setting = sqs.receive_message() logger.debug("dining_setting: {}".format(dining_setting)) if not dining_setting: return None dining_setting['Time'] = dining_setting['Time'].replace(":", '-') cuisine = dining_setting['Cuisine'] location = dining_setting['Location'] dining_date = dining_setting['Date'] dining_hour = dining_setting['Time'] phone = dining_setting['Phone'] #yelp try: restaurants = yelp.query_api(cuisine, location, dining_date, dining_hour) logger.debug(restaurants) suggestions = build_suggestion(dining_setting, restaurants) #print("sending message to {}".format(phone)) sns.send_message('1'+ phone, suggestions) except HTTPError as error: logger.debug('Encountered HTTP error {0} on {1}:\n {2}\nAbort program.'.format( error.code, error.url, return None
def get_restaurants(lat=SARAH_HOUSE_LAT,lng=SARAH_HOUSE_LNG,pmin=1,pmax=5): sleep(1) ll = str(lat) + "," + str(lng) restaurant_list = yelp.query_api(ll) if restaurant_list==None: return None counter = 1 for restaurant in restaurant_list: if counter == 10: sleep(1) lat = None lng = None name = None if 'coord' in restaurant: lat = restaurant['coord']['latitude'] lng = restaurant['coord']['longitude'] if 'name' in restaurant: name = restaurant['name'] if lat and lng and name: #print "calling google places" google_dict = google_places.query_google(lat, lng, name) if (google_dict!=None): #print "google dict was not none" restaurant['google_place_id'] = google_dict['google_place_id'] restaurant['google_rating'] = google_dict['google_rating'] restaurant['google_review_list'] = google_dict['reviews'] else: #print "google dict was none" restaurant['google_place_id'] = "" restaurant['google_rating'] = None restaurant['google_review_list'] = [] counter += 1 return restaurant_list
def query(location, distance=5.0, category='restaurant', limit=6): try: result = yelp.query_api(category, location, distance, False, 1, limit) except: result = '1' if result == None: #sometimes result will return None for an invalid category result = '1' return result
def yelpperImpl(distance, prices, uberType): currentLat #taken from JS currentLon #taken from JS addressArray = getAddress(currentLat, currentLon) #[street address, city, state] mealTime = getMealTime() restaurantData = query_api(mealTime, getRestaurant(addressArray[0])) #should be private restaurant = getRestaurant(restaurantData) #name restaurantLat = getRestaurantLat(restaurantData)#lat restaurantLon = getRestaurantLon(restaurantData)#long uberImpl( )#tbc muhommad
def get_city_info(parsed_weather_dictionary): ## WEATHER ## city_name = parsed_weather_dictionary['name'] country = parsed_weather_dictionary['sys']['country'] weather_description = parsed_weather_dictionary['weather'][0]['description'] temperature = parsed_weather_dictionary['main']['temp'] min_temp = parsed_weather_dictionary['main']['temp_min'] max_temp = parsed_weather_dictionary['main']['temp_max'] humidity = parsed_weather_dictionary['main']['humidity'] wind_speed = parsed_weather_dictionary['wind']['speed'] search_term = urllib.quote_plus(city_name) search_term = search_term.replace('%20', '+') # NEARBY RESTAURANTS AND BUSINESSES ## parsed_yelp_list = yelp.query_api(search_term) business_list = [] business = {} has_yelp = True if len(parsed_yelp_list) != 0: for i in range(len(parsed_yelp_list)): business['name'] = urllib.unquote(parsed_yelp_list[i]['id']).replace('-', ' ').title() business['rating'] = parsed_yelp_list[i]['rating'] business['url'] = parsed_yelp_list[i]['url'] address = ', '.join(parsed_yelp_list[i]['location']['display_address']) business['address'] = urllib.unquote(address) business_list.append(business.copy()) else: has_yelp = False template_vars = { 'city_name': city_name, 'country': country, 'description': weather_description, 'temperature': int(temperature), 'min_temp': int(min_temp), 'max_temp': int(max_temp), 'humidity': humidity, 'wind_speed': wind_speed, 'has_yelp': has_yelp, 'business_list': business_list } return template_vars
def get_city_info(parsed_weather_dictionary): ## WEATHER ## city_name = parsed_weather_dictionary["name"] country = parsed_weather_dictionary["sys"]["country"] weather_description = parsed_weather_dictionary["weather"][0]["description"] temperature = parsed_weather_dictionary["main"]["temp"] min_temp = parsed_weather_dictionary["main"]["temp_min"] max_temp = parsed_weather_dictionary["main"]["temp_max"] humidity = parsed_weather_dictionary["main"]["humidity"] wind_speed = parsed_weather_dictionary["wind"]["speed"] search_term = urllib.quote_plus(city_name) search_term = search_term.replace("%20", "+") # NEARBY RESTAURANTS AND BUSINESSES ## parsed_yelp_list = yelp.query_api(search_term) business_list = [] business = {} has_yelp = True if len(parsed_yelp_list) != 0: for i in range(len(parsed_yelp_list)): business["name"] = urllib.unquote(parsed_yelp_list[i]["id"]).replace("-", " ").title() business["rating"] = parsed_yelp_list[i]["rating"] business["url"] = parsed_yelp_list[i]["url"] address = ", ".join(parsed_yelp_list[i]["location"]["display_address"]) business["address"] = urllib.unquote(address) business_list.append(business.copy()) else: has_yelp = False template_vars = { "city_name": city_name, "country": country, "description": weather_description, "temperature": int(temperature), "min_temp": int(min_temp), "max_temp": int(max_temp), "humidity": humidity, "wind_speed": wind_speed, "has_yelp": has_yelp, "business_list": business_list, } return template_vars
def search(): form = SearchForm( ) # if form is submitted, take zip code and option user gave # feed it to yelp api to get a json file back if form.validate_on_submit( ): zipcode = option = businessesDict = yelp.query_api(option, str(zipcode)) # from json file, take each elements id and append it to THE GLOBAL ARRAY # shuffle GLOBAL ARRAY and return helper function global business_id_array for i in range(0, len(businessesDict)): business_id = businessesDict[i]['id'] business_id_array.append(business_id) random.shuffle(business_id_array) # print(business_id_array) return pickRestaurant() # else, return template return render_template("search.html", form=form)
stuff3['results'][b]['opening_hours']['open_now']) except: allRes['g_open_now'].append("N/A") allRes['open_days'].append(days_list) # print(allRes) for ele in range(len(allRes['url'])): temp = getIndexes(allRes['url'][ele], allRes['open_days'][ele]) allRes['pop_numbers'].append(temp[0].copy()) allRes['pop_info'].append(temp[1].copy()) print(str(ele + 1) + " Place(s) Scraped") # getIndexes("") #for testing try: for i in range(len(allRes['name'])): temp = query_api(allRes['name'][i], allRes['lat'][i], allRes['lon'][i]) allRes['y_open_now'].append(temp['y_open_now']) allRes['y_rating'].append(temp['y_rating']) allRes['y_#reviews'].append(temp['y_#reviews']) fig, ax = plt.subplots() lege = [] v = list(allRes['pop_numbers'][i].keys())[1:] for j in range(len(v)): lege.append( + float(j / 10), allRes['pop_numbers'][i].get(v[j]), width=0.1, color=co[j])[0]) ax.set_xticks( np.arange(18) + (len(list(allRes['pop_numbers'][i].keys())[1:]) - 1) / 20)
import yelp import json_format_parser import noteWriter import LocationFinder import LocationChooser PriceGUI.main() rating = PriceGUI.get_rating_level()['level'] food_type = TypeGUI.get_food_type()['type'] print rating, food_type #succesfully get input rating and food type! YAY location = LocationFinder.getCity() print location #get city succesfully json_response = yelp.query_api('food',location) r_dict = json_format_parser.get_res_dict(json_response) name_list = json_format_parser.get_name_list(r_dict) #print "------------------------------\n----------------------------------\n" chosen_res = LocationChooser.choose(name_list) print chosen_res note_dict = json_format_parser.get_name_note_dict(r_dict) print note_dict chosen_note = note_dict[chosen_res] noteWriter.writeToNote(chosen_note)
def main(cities, origin_address, origin_coordinates, search_limit=1): SEARCH_LIMIT = 1 if search_limit != 1: SEARCH_LIMIT = search_limit # coordinates of locations locations = [] # User-friendly Addresses prettyLocations = [] locations.append(origin_coordinates) prettyLocations.append(['Origin',origin_address]) counter = 0 # Get list of top restaurants in each city for city in cities: try: response = yelp.query_api('bars', city, SEARCH_LIMIT) for item in response: locations.append(str(item.get('location').get('coordinate').get('latitude')) + ',' + str(item.get('location').get('coordinate').get('longitude'))) # Save restaurant name and address prettyName = "" if len(item.get('location').get('display_address')) > 0: prettyName += item.get('location').get('display_address')[0] if len(item.get('location').get('display_address')) > 1: prettyName += ", "+item.get('location').get('display_address')[1] if len(item.get('location').get('display_address')) > 2: prettyName += ", "+item.get('location').get('display_address')[2] prettyLocations.append([item.get('name'),prettyName]) except urllib2.HTTPError as error: sys.exit('Encountered HTTP error {0}. Abort program.'.format(error.code)) # ------ # STEP 2 - Get distances between each restaurant # ------ # Generate list of locations to visit in order url = '' # Create 2D array to keep track of pairs of locations - USE NUMPY LATER pairs = [[0]*len(locations) for x in xrange(len(locations))] distances_matrix = [[0]*len(locations) for x in xrange(len(locations))] # Numbers to indicate progress lookupNum = 0 for i in range(len(locations) - 1): lookupNum += (i+1) counter = 0 for i in range(0, len(locations)): for j in range(0, len(locations)): # Skip over duplicate pairs of locations to reduce requests if pairs[i][j] != 1 and i != j: # Set parameters params = dict( origin = locations[i], destination = locations[j], key = get_server_key() ) # Set to 1 to skip later pairs[i][j] = 1 pairs[j][i] = 1 # Send request to Google Maps time.sleep(0.1) resp = requests.get(url=url, params=params) data = json.loads(resp.text) if (data.get('status') == 'ZERO_RESULTS'): return {"status": 500, "message": "Directions not found from " + prettyLocations[i][1] + " to " + prettyLocations[j][1]} else: # Storing distances in matrix for tsp_solver distances_matrix[i][j] = data.get('routes')[0].get('legs')[0].get('distance').get('value') distances_matrix[j][i] = data.get('routes')[0].get('legs')[0].get('distance').get('value') counter += 1 sys.stdout.write("\rGetting Distances...%d%%" % int((float(counter)/lookupNum) * 100)) sys.stdout.flush() # ------ # STEP 3 - Algorithm to find shortest path # ------ # Returns route cycle cities_index = tsp_solver.solve_tsp(distances_matrix, 3) # Start and end cycle at start location route_distance = 0 previous = 0 for index, city in enumerate(cities_index): route_distance += distances_matrix[previous][city] previous = city route_distance += distances_matrix[cities_index[-1]][0] print('\nDone!') route_dict = {"origin_coordinates":{"lat": float(origin_coordinates.split(",")[0]), "lng": float(origin_coordinates.split(",")[1])}, "route_coordinates":[], "route_names":[], "route_addresses":[], "status": 200} for item in cities_index: coordinates = locations[item].split(",") coordict = {"lat": float(coordinates[0]), "lng": float(coordinates[1])} route_dict["route_coordinates"].append(coordict) route_dict["route_names"].append(prettyLocations[item][0]) route_dict["route_addresses"].append(prettyLocations[item][1]) return route_dict
def get_city_info(parsed_weather_dictionary): ## WEATHER ## city_name = parsed_weather_dictionary['name'] country = parsed_weather_dictionary['sys']['country'] weather_description = parsed_weather_dictionary['weather'][0]['description'] weather_icon = parsed_weather_dictionary['weather'][0]['icon'] temperature = parsed_weather_dictionary['main']['temp'] min_temp = parsed_weather_dictionary['main']['temp_min'] max_temp = parsed_weather_dictionary['main']['temp_max'] humidity = parsed_weather_dictionary['main']['humidity'] wind_speed = parsed_weather_dictionary['wind']['speed'] icon_url = '' % weather_icon search_term = urllib.quote_plus(city_name) search_term = search_term.replace('%20', '+') ## NEWS ARTICLES ## news_search_url = ('' + '.json?fq=glocations.contains:%s&sort=newest&api-key=30721e81fcd118af473cdc4b5abf54cb:9:72577901' % search_term) news_data_source = urlfetch.fetch(news_search_url) news_json_content = news_data_source.content parsed_news_dictionary = json.loads(news_json_content) news_articles = [] article = {} for i in range(0, 3): if i < len(parsed_news_dictionary['response']['docs']): article['web_url'] = parsed_news_dictionary['response']['docs'][i]['web_url'] article['headline'] = parsed_news_dictionary['response']['docs'][i]['headline']['main'] article['pub_date'] = parsed_news_dictionary['response']['docs'][i]['pub_date'] article['snippet'] = parsed_news_dictionary['response']['docs'][i]['snippet'] news_articles.append(article.copy()) else: break has_news = True if len(news_articles) == 0: has_news = False ## FLICKR IMGS ## has_img = True if len(flickr.photos_search(tags=search_term)) != 0: while True: img_num = random.randint(1, 10) if img_num < len(flickr.photos_search(tags=search_term)): img_url = flickr.photos_search(tags=search_term)[img_num].getMedium() break else: img_url = 'null' has_img = False # NEARBY RESTAURANTS AND BUSINESSES ## parsed_yelp_list = yelp.query_api(search_term) business_list = [] business = {} has_yelp = True if len(parsed_yelp_list) != 0: for i in range(len(parsed_yelp_list)): business['name'] = urllib.unquote(parsed_yelp_list[i]['id']).replace('-', ' ').title() business['rating'] = parsed_yelp_list[i]['rating'] business['url'] = parsed_yelp_list[i]['url'] address = ', '.join(parsed_yelp_list[i]['location']['display_address']) business['address'] = urllib.unquote(address) business_list.append(business.copy()) else: has_yelp = False template_vars = { 'city_name': city_name, 'country': country, 'description': weather_description, 'icon_url': icon_url, 'temperature': int(temperature), 'min_temp': int(min_temp), 'max_temp': int(max_temp), 'humidity': humidity, 'wind_speed': wind_speed, 'has_img': has_img, 'img_url': img_url, 'has_news': has_news, 'news_articles': news_articles, 'has_yelp': has_yelp, 'business_list': business_list} return template_vars
extra_cities = raw_input('Enter cities (Ex: Boston,Cambridge,LA,Philadelphia): ').split(',') if len(extra_cities) > 0 and extra_cities[0] != '': cities += extra_cities print(cities) if len(cities) == 1: SEARCH_LIMIT = int(raw_input("Enter the number of bars to visit: ")) print('-' * 50) counter = 0 # Get list of top restaurants in each city for city in cities: try: print('') response = yelp.query_api('bars', city, SEARCH_LIMIT) #pprint.pprint(response) for item in response: locations.append(str(item.get('location').get('coordinate').get('latitude')) + ',' + str(item.get('location').get('coordinate').get('longitude'))) # change to use coordinates to be more accurate # Print out restaurant name and address prettyName = "" print("\n" + city + ':') print(item.get('name')) if len(item.get('location').get('display_address')) > 0: prettyName += item.get('location').get('display_address')[0] print(item.get('location').get('display_address')[0]) if len(item.get('location').get('display_address')) > 1: prettyName += ", "+item.get('location').get('display_address')[1] print(item.get('location').get('display_address')[1])