Example #1
def main(t_step, t_units):
    r"""Function to execute integration.

        t_step (float): The time step that should be used.
        t_units (str): Units of the time step.

    print('Hello from Python other_model: timestep = %s %s' %
          (t_step, t_units))
    t_step = units.add_units(t_step, t_units)
    t_start = units.add_units(0.0, t_units)
    t_end = units.add_units(1.0, 'day')
    state = timestep_calc(t_start)

    # Set up connections matching yaml
    # Timestep synchonization connection will default to 'timesync'
    timesync = YggTimesync('timesync')
    out = YggOutput('output')

    # Initialize state and synchronize with other models
    t = t_start
    ret, state = timesync.call(t, state)
    if not ret:
        raise RuntimeError("other_model(Python): Initial sync failed.")
    print('other_model(Python): t = % 8s' % t, end='')
    for k, v in state.items():
        print(', %s = %+ 5.2f' % (k, v), end='')

    # Send initial state to output
    flag = out.send(dict(state, time=t))
    if not flag:
        raise RuntimeError("other_model(Python): Failed to send "
                           "initial output for t=%s." % t)

    # Iterate until end
    while t < t_end:

        # Perform calculations to update the state
        t = t + t_step
        state = timestep_calc(t)

        # Synchronize the state
        ret, state = timesync.call(t, state)
        if not ret:
            raise RuntimeError("other_model(Python): sync for t=%f failed." %
        print('other_model(Python): t = % 8s' % t, end='')
        for k, v in state.items():
            print(', %s = %+ 5.2f' % (k, v), end='')

        # Send output
        flag = out.send(dict(state, time=t))
        if not flag:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "other_model(Python): Failed to send output for t=%s." % t)

    print('Goodbye from Python other_model')
Example #2
def fibClient(args):

    iterations = int(args[0])
    print('Hello from Python rpcFibCli: iterations = %d ' % iterations)

    # Set up connections matching yaml
    # RPC client-side connection will be $(server_name)_$(client_name)
    ymlfile = YggInput("yaml_in")
    rpc = YggRpcClient("rpcFibSrv_rpcFibCli", "%d", "%d %d")
    log = YggOutput("output_log")

    # Read entire contents of yaml
    ret, ycontent = ymlfile.recv()
    if not ret:
        raise RuntimeError('rpcFibCli(P): RECV ERROR')
    print('rpcFibCli: yaml has %d lines' % len(ycontent.split(b'\n')))

    for i in range(1, iterations + 1):

        # Call the server and receive response
        print('rpcFibCli(P): fib(->%-2d) ::: ' % i, end='')
        ret, fib = rpc.rpcCall(np.int32(i))
        if not ret:
            raise RuntimeError('rpcFibCli(P): RPC CALL ERROR')

        # Log result by sending it to the log connection
        s = 'fib(%2d<-) = %-2d<-\n' % tuple(fib)
        print(s, end='')
        ret = log.send(s)
        if not ret:
            raise RuntimeError('rpcFibCli(P): SEND ERROR')

    print('Goodbye from Python rpcFibCli')
Example #3
def main(iterations):
    r"""Function to execute client communication with server that computes
    numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.

        iterations (int): The number of Fibonacci numbers to log.


    print('Hello from Python client: iterations = %d ' % iterations)

    # Set up connections matching yaml
    # RPC client-side connection will be $(server_name)_$(client_name)
    rpc = YggRpcClient("server_client", "%d", "%d")
    log = YggOutput("output_log", 'fib(%-2d) = %-2d\n')

    # Iterate over Fibonacci sequence
    for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
        # Call the server and receive response
        print('client(Python): Calling fib(%d)' % i)
        ret, result = rpc.call(np.int32(i))
        if not ret:
            raise RuntimeError('client(Python): RPC CALL ERROR')
        fib = result[0]
        print('client(Python): Response fib(%d) = %d' % (i, fib))

        # Log result by sending it to the log connection
        ret = log.send(np.int32(i), fib)
        if not ret:
            raise RuntimeError('client(Python): SEND ERROR')

    print('Goodbye from Python client')
Example #4
def run(args):
    msg_count = int(args[0])
    msg_size = int(args[1])
    print('Hello from Python pipe_src: msg_count = %d, msg_size = %d' % (
        msg_count, msg_size))

    # Ins/outs matching with the the model yaml
    outq = YggOutput('output_pipe')
    print("pipe_src(P): Created I/O channels")

    # Send test message multiple times
    test_msg = b'0' * msg_size
    count = 0
    for i in range(msg_count):
        ret = outq.send(test_msg)
        if not ret:
            raise RuntimeError('pipe_src(P): SEND ERROR ON MSG %d' % i)
        count += 1

    print('Goodbye from Python source. Sent %d messages.' % count)
Example #5
def run():
    print('Hello from Python pipe_dst')

    # Ins/outs matching with the the model yaml
    inq = YggInput('input_pipe')
    outf = YggOutput('output_file')
    print("pipe_dst(P): Created I/O channels")

    # Continue receiving input from the queue
    count = 0
    while True:
        ret, buf = inq.recv()
        if not ret:
            print("pipe_dst(P): Input channel closed")
        ret = outf.send(buf)
        if not ret:
            raise RuntimeError("pipe_dst(P): SEND ERROR ON MSG %d" % count)
        count += 1

    print('Goodbye from Python destination. Received %d messages.' % count)
Example #6
def runhello():
    print('Hello from Python')

    # Ins/outs matching with the the model yaml
    inf = YggInput('inFile')
    outf = YggOutput('outFile')
    inq = YggInput('helloQueueIn')
    outq = YggOutput('helloQueueOut')
    print("hello(P): Created I/O channels")

    # Receive input from a local file
    ret, buf = inf.recv()
    if not ret:
        raise RuntimeError('hello(P): ERROR FILE RECV')
    print('hello(P): Received %d bytes from file: %s' % (len(buf), buf))

    # Send output to the output queue
    ret = outq.send(buf)
    if not ret:
        raise RuntimeError('hello(P): ERROR QUEUE SEND')
    print('hello(P): Sent to outq')

    # Receive input form the input queue
    ret, buf = inq.recv()
    if not ret:
        raise RuntimeError('hello(P): ERROR QUEUE RECV')
    print('hello(P): Received %d bytes from queue: %s' % (len(buf), buf))

    # Send output to a local file
    ret = outf.send(buf)
    if not ret:
        raise RuntimeError('hello(P): ERROR FILE SEND')
    print('hello(P): Sent to outf')

    print('Goodbye from Python')
Example #7
from yggdrasil.interface.YggInterface import YggInput, YggOutput

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Get input and output channels matching yaml
    in1 = YggInput('input1_python')
    in2 = YggInput('static_python')
    out1 = YggOutput('output_python')
    print('SaM(P): Set up I/O channels')

    # Get input from input1 channel
    ret, adata = in1.recv()
    if not ret:
        raise RuntimeError('SaM(P): ERROR RECV from input1')
    a = int(adata)
    print('SaM(P): Received %d from input1' % a)

    # Get input from static channel
    ret, bdata = in2.recv()
    if not ret:
        raise RuntimeError('SaM(P): ERROR RECV from static')
    b = int(bdata)
    print('SaM(P): Received %d from static' % b)

    # Compute sum and send message to output channel
    sum = a + b
    outdata = '%d' % sum
    ret = out1.send(outdata)
    if not ret:
        raise RuntimeError('SaM(P): ERROR SEND to output')
# Import classes for input/output channels
from yggdrasil.interface.YggInterface import YggInput, YggOutput

# Initialize input/output channels
in_channel = YggInput('inputB')
out_channel = YggOutput('outputB')

# Loop until there is no longer input or the queues are closed
while True:

    # Receive input from input channel
    # If there is an error, the flag will be False
    flag, obj = in_channel.recv()
    if not flag:
        print("Model B: No more input.")

    # Print received message
    print('Model B: %s' % str(obj))

    # Send output to output channel
    # If there is an error, the flag will be False
    flag = out_channel.send(obj)
    if not flag:
        raise RuntimeError("Model B: Error sending output.")
Example #9
import numpy as np

numb = np.array(np.random.randint(low=1, high=1000, size=50000)) 
# Import classes for input/output channels
from yggdrasil.interface.YggInterface import YggInput, YggOutput

# Initialize input/output channels
in_channel = YggInput('inputA')
out_channel = YggOutput('outputA')

Example #10
# Import classes for input/output channels
from yggdrasil.interface.YggInterface import YggInput, YggOutput

# Initialize input/output channels
in_channel = YggInput('inputA')
out_channel = YggOutput('outputA')

# Loop until there is no longer input or the queues are closed
while True:

    # Receive input from input channel
    # If there is an error, the flag will be False
    flag, msg = in_channel.recv()
    if not flag:
        print("Model A: No more input.")

    # Print received message
    print('Model A: %s' % msg)

    # Send output to output channel
    # If there is an error, the flag will be False
    flag = out_channel.send(msg)
    if not flag:
        raise RuntimeError("Model A: Error sending output.")
Example #11
import numpy as np
# Import classes for input/output channels
from yggdrasil.interface.YggInterface import YggInput, YggOutput

# Initialize input/output channels
in_channel = YggInput('inputB')
out_channel = YggOutput('outputB')

# flag, msg = in_channel.recv()
# out_channel.send(msg**2)

# Loop until there is no longer input or the queues are closed
while True:

    # Receive input from input channel
    # If there is an error, the flag will be False
    flag, msg = in_channel.recv()
    if not flag:
        print("Model B: No more input.")
    # Print received message
    print('Model B: %s' % msg)

    # Send output to output channel
    # If there is an error, the flag will be False
    flag = out_channel.send(msg, msg**2)
    if not flag:
        raise RuntimeError("Model B: Error sending output.")