Example #1
 def assertUnitsEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
     r"""Assertion for equality in case of objects with units."""
     if units.has_units(first) and units.has_units(second):
         first = units.convert_to(first, units.get_units(second))
Example #2
 def test_convert_to(self, vars_units):
     r"""Test convert_to."""
     units.convert_to(1, 'm')
     for v in vars_units:
         units.convert_to(v, 'm')
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
             units.convert_to(v, 's')
     x = units.add_units(int(1), 'umol')
     units.convert_to(x, 'mol')
Example #3
    def transform_type(cls, obj, typedef=None):
        r"""Transform an object based on type info.

            obj (object): Object to transform.
            typedef (dict, optional): Type definition that should be used to
                transform the object. Defaults to None.

            object: Transformed object.

        if typedef is None:
            return obj
        typedef0 = cls.encode_type(obj)
        typedef1 = copy.deepcopy(typedef0)
        dtype = ScalarMetaschemaProperties.definition2dtype(typedef1)
        arr = cls.to_array(obj).astype(dtype, casting='same_kind')
        out = cls.from_array(arr, unit_str=typedef0.get('units', None), dtype=dtype)
        out = cls.as_python_type(out, typedef)
        return units.convert_to(out, typedef1.get('units', None))
Example #4
def assert_equal(x, y):
    r"""Assert that two messages are equivalent.

        x (object): Python object to compare against y.
        y (object): Python object to compare against x.

        AssertionError: If the two messages are not equivalent.

    if isinstance(y, (list, tuple)):
        assert(isinstance(x, (list, tuple)))
        ut.assertEqual(len(x), len(y))
        for ix, iy in zip(x, y):
            assert_equal(ix, iy)
    elif isinstance(y, dict):
        assert(issubclass(y.__class__, dict))
        # ut.assertEqual(type(x), type(y))
        ut.assertEqual(len(x), len(y))
        for k, iy in y.items():
            ix = x[k]
            assert_equal(ix, iy)
    elif isinstance(y, (np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)):
        if units.has_units(y) and (not units.has_units(x)):  # pragma: debug
            y = units.get_data(y)
        elif (not units.has_units(y)) and units.has_units(x):
            x = units.get_data(x)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(x, y)
        if units.has_units(y) and units.has_units(x):
            x = units.convert_to(x, units.get_units(y))
            assert_equal(units.get_data(x), units.get_data(y))
            if units.has_units(y) and (not units.has_units(x)):  # pragma: debug
                y = units.get_data(y)
            elif (not units.has_units(y)) and units.has_units(x):
                x = units.get_data(x)
            ut.assertEqual(x, y)
Example #5
 def test_convert_to(self):
     r"""Test convert_to."""
     units.convert_to(1, 'm')
     for v in self._vars_units:
         units.convert_to(v, 'm')
         self.assert_raises(ValueError, units.convert_to, v, 's')
Example #6
    def response_loop(cls, client_model, request_id, rpc, time,
                      internal_variables, external_variables, tables,
                      table_units, table_lock, synonyms, interpolation,
        r"""Check for available data and send response if it is

            client_model (str): Name of model that made the request.
            request_id (str): ID associated with request that should
                be responded to.
            rpc (ServerComm): Server RPC comm that should be used to
                reply to the request when the data is available.
            time (pandas.Timedelta): Time to get variables at.
            internal_variables (list): Variables that model is requesting
                that it also calculates.
            external_variables (list): Variables that model is requesting
                that will be provided by other models.
            tables (dict): Mapping from model name to pandas DataFrames
                containing variables supplied by the model.
            table_units (dict): Mapping from model name to dictionaries
                mapping from variable names to units.
            table_lock (RLock): Thread-safe lock for accessing table.
            synonyms (dict): Dictionary mapping from base variables to
                alternate variables and mapping functions used to convert
                between the variables. Defaults to empty dict and no
                conversions are performed.
            interpolation (dict): Mapping from model name to the
                interpolation kwargs that should be used. Defaults to
                empty dictionary.
            aggregation (dict): Mapping from variable name to the
                aggregation method that should be used. Defaults to
                empty dictionary.

        if not (rpc.all_clients_connected and cls.check_for_data(
                time, tables, table_units, table_lock, rpc.open_clients)):
            # Don't start sampling until all clients have connected
            # and there is data available for the requested timestep
        tot = cls.merge(tables, table_units, table_lock, rpc.open_clients,
                        synonyms, interpolation, aggregation)
        # Update external units
        for k in external_variables:
            if k not in table_units[client_model]:
                table_units[client_model][k] = table_units['base'][k]
        # Check if data is available at the desired timestep?
        # Convert units
        for k in tot.columns:
            funits = units.get_conversion_function(
                table_units['base'][k], table_units[client_model][k])
            tot[k] = tot[k].apply(funits)
        # Transform back to variables expected by the model
        for kbase, alt in synonyms.get(client_model, {}).items():
            if alt['base2alt'] is not None:
                alt_vars = alt['base2alt'](tot[kbase])
                if isinstance(alt_vars, (tuple, list)):
                    assert (len(alt_vars) == len(alt['alt']))
                    for k, v in zip(alt['alt'], alt_vars):
                        tot[k] = v
                    assert (len(alt['alt']) == 1)
                    tot[alt['alt'][0]] = alt_vars
                tot[alt['alt'][0]] = tot[kbase]
        # Get state
        state = {}
        for v in internal_variables + external_variables:
            v_res = tot.loc[time, v]
            state[v] = units.add_units(v_res, table_units[client_model][v])
        time_u = units.convert_to(units.convert_from_pandas_timedelta(time),
        flag = rpc.send_to(request_id, state)
        if not flag:  # pragma: debug
            raise RuntimeError(
                ("Failed to send response to "
                 "request %s for time %s from "
                 "model %s.") % (request_id, time_u, client_model))
        raise multitasking.BreakLoopException