Example #1
    def conf_objectness_loss(self, conf_data, conf_t, batch_size, loc_p, loc_t,
        Instead of using softmax, use class[0] to be p(obj) * p(IoU) as in YOLO.
        Then for the rest of the classes, softmax them and apply CE for only the positive examples.

        conf_t = conf_t.view(-1)  # [batch_size*num_priors]
        conf_data = conf_data.view(
            -1, conf_data.size(-1))  # [batch_size*num_priors, num_classes]

        pos_mask = (conf_t > 0)
        neg_mask = (conf_t == 0)

        obj_data = conf_data[:, 0]
        obj_data_pos = obj_data[pos_mask]
        obj_data_neg = obj_data[neg_mask]

        # Don't be confused, this is just binary cross entropy similified
        obj_neg_loss = -F.logsigmoid(-obj_data_neg).sum()

        with torch.no_grad():
            pos_priors = priors.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1,
                                                                4)[pos_mask, :]

            boxes_pred = decode(loc_p, pos_priors, cfg.use_yolo_regressors)
            boxes_targ = decode(loc_t, pos_priors, cfg.use_yolo_regressors)

            iou_targets = elemwise_box_iou(boxes_pred, boxes_targ)

        obj_pos_loss = -iou_targets * F.logsigmoid(obj_data_pos) - (
            1 - iou_targets) * F.logsigmoid(-obj_data_pos)
        obj_pos_loss = obj_pos_loss.sum()

        # All that was the objectiveness loss--now time for the class confidence loss
        conf_data_pos = (
            conf_data[:, 1:])[pos_mask]  # Now this has just 80 classes
        conf_t_pos = conf_t[pos_mask] - 1  # So subtract 1 here

        class_loss = F.cross_entropy(conf_data_pos,

        return cfg.conf_alpha * (class_loss + obj_pos_loss + obj_neg_loss)
Example #2
    def direct_mask_loss(self, pos_idx, idx_t, loc_data, mask_data, priors, masks):
        """Crops the gt masks using the predicted bboxes, scales them down, and outputs the BCE loss."""
        loss_m = 0
        for idx in range(mask_data.size(0)):
            with torch.no_grad():
                cur_pos_idx = pos_idx[idx, :, :]
                cur_pos_idx_squeezed = cur_pos_idx[:, 1]

                # Shape: [num_priors, 4], decoded predicted bboxes
                pos_bboxes = decode(
                    loc_data[idx, :, :], priors.data, self.cfg.use_yolo_regressors
                pos_bboxes = pos_bboxes[cur_pos_idx].view(-1, 4).clamp(0, 1)
                pos_lookup = idx_t[idx, cur_pos_idx_squeezed]

                cur_masks = masks[idx]
                pos_masks = cur_masks[pos_lookup, :, :]

                # Convert bboxes to absolute coordinates
                num_pos, img_height, img_width = pos_masks.size()

                # Take care of all the bad behavior that can be caused by out of bounds coordinates
                x1, x2 = sanitize_coordinates(
                    pos_bboxes[:, 0], pos_bboxes[:, 2], img_width
                y1, y2 = sanitize_coordinates(
                    pos_bboxes[:, 1], pos_bboxes[:, 3], img_height

                # Crop each gt mask with the predicted bbox and rescale to the predicted mask size
                # Note that each bounding box crop is a different size so I don't think we can vectorize this
                scaled_masks = []
                for jdx in range(num_pos):
                    tmp_mask = pos_masks[jdx, y1[jdx] : y2[jdx], x1[jdx] : x2[jdx]]

                    # Restore any dimensions we've left out because our bbox was 1px wide
                    while tmp_mask.dim() < 2:
                        tmp_mask = tmp_mask.unsqueeze(0)

                    new_mask = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(
                        tmp_mask.unsqueeze(0), self.cfg.mask_size
                    scaled_masks.append(new_mask.view(1, -1))

                mask_t = (
                    torch.cat(scaled_masks, 0).gt(0.5).float()
                )  # Threshold downsampled mask

            pos_mask_data = mask_data[idx, cur_pos_idx_squeezed, :]
            loss_m += (
                    torch.clamp(pos_mask_data, 0, 1), mask_t, reduction="sum"
                * self.cfg.mask_alpha

        return loss_m
Example #3
    def __call__(self, predictions, net):
             loc_data: (tensor) Loc preds from loc layers
                Shape: [batch, num_priors, 4]
            conf_data: (tensor) Shape: Conf preds from conf layers
                Shape: [batch, num_priors, num_classes]
            mask_data: (tensor) Mask preds from mask layers
                Shape: [batch, num_priors, mask_dim]
            prior_data: (tensor) Prior boxes and variances from priorbox layers
                Shape: [num_priors, 4]
            proto_data: (tensor) If using mask_type.lincomb, the prototype masks
                Shape: [batch, mask_h, mask_w, mask_dim]

            output of shape (batch_size, top_k, 1 + 1 + 4 + mask_dim)
            These outputs are in the order: class idx, confidence, bbox coords, and mask.

            Note that the outputs are sorted only if cross_class_nms is False

        loc_data = predictions['loc']
        conf_data = predictions['conf']
        mask_data = predictions['mask']
        prior_data = predictions['priors']

        proto_data = predictions['proto'] if 'proto' in predictions else None
        inst_data = predictions['inst'] if 'inst' in predictions else None

        out = []

        with timer.env('Detect'):
            batch_size = loc_data.size(0)
            num_priors = prior_data.size(0)

            conf_preds = conf_data.view(batch_size, num_priors,
                                            2, 1).contiguous()

            for batch_idx in range(batch_size):
                decoded_boxes = decode(loc_data[batch_idx], prior_data)
                result = self.detect(batch_idx, conf_preds, decoded_boxes,
                                     mask_data, inst_data)

                if result is not None and proto_data is not None:
                    result['proto'] = proto_data[batch_idx]

                out.append({'detection': result, 'net': net})

        return out
Example #4
    def __call__(self, predictions, net):
             loc_data: (tensor) Loc preds from loc layers
                Shape: [batch, num_priors, 4]
            conf_data: (tensor) Shape: Conf preds from conf layers
                Shape: [batch, num_priors, num_classes]
            mask_data: (tensor) Mask preds from mask layers
                Shape: [batch, num_priors, mask_dim]
            prior_data: (tensor) Prior boxes and variances from priorbox layers
                Shape: [num_priors, 4]
            proto_data: (tensor) If using MaskType.LINCOMB, the prototype masks
                Shape: [batch, mask_h, mask_w, mask_dim]

            output of shape (batch_size, top_k, 1 + 1 + 4 + mask_dim)
            These outputs are in the order: class idx, confidence, bbox coords, and mask.

            Note that the outputs are sorted only if cross_class_nms is False

        loc_data = predictions["loc"]
        conf_data = predictions["conf"]
        mask_data = predictions["mask"]
        prior_data = predictions["priors"]

        proto_data = predictions["proto"] if "proto" in predictions else None
        inst_data = predictions["inst"] if "inst" in predictions else None

        out = []

        with timer.env("Detect"):
            batch_size = loc_data.size(0)
            num_priors = prior_data.size(0)

            conf_preds = (conf_data.view(batch_size, num_priors,
                                             2, 1).contiguous())

            for batch_idx in range(batch_size):
                decoded_boxes = decode(loc_data[batch_idx], prior_data)
                result = self.detect(batch_idx, conf_preds, decoded_boxes,
                                     mask_data, inst_data)

                if result is not None and proto_data is not None:
                    result["proto"] = proto_data[batch_idx]

                out.append({"detection": result, "net": net})

        return out
Example #5
    def lincomb_mask_loss(self,
        mask_h = proto_data.size(1)
        mask_w = proto_data.size(2)

        process_gt_bboxes = cfg.mask_proto_normalize_emulate_roi_pooling or cfg.mask_proto_crop

        if cfg.mask_proto_remove_empty_masks:
            # Make sure to store a copy of this because we edit it to get rid of all-zero masks
            pos = pos.clone()

        loss_m = 0
        loss_d = 0  # Coefficient diversity loss

        maskiou_t_list = []
        maskiou_net_input_list = []
        label_t_list = []

        for idx in range(mask_data.size(0)):
            with torch.no_grad():
                downsampled_masks = F.interpolate(
                    masks[idx].unsqueeze(0), (mask_h, mask_w),
                downsampled_masks = downsampled_masks.permute(1, 2,

                if cfg.mask_proto_binarize_downsampled_gt:
                    downsampled_masks = downsampled_masks.gt(0.5).float()

                if cfg.mask_proto_remove_empty_masks:
                    # Get rid of gt masks that are so small they get downsampled away
                    very_small_masks = (downsampled_masks.sum(dim=(0, 1)) <=
                    for i in range(very_small_masks.size(0)):
                        if very_small_masks[i]:
                            pos[idx, idx_t[idx] == i] = 0

                if cfg.mask_proto_reweight_mask_loss:
                    # Ensure that the gt is binary
                    if not cfg.mask_proto_binarize_downsampled_gt:
                        bin_gt = downsampled_masks.gt(0.5).float()
                        bin_gt = downsampled_masks

                    gt_foreground_norm = bin_gt / (
                        torch.sum(bin_gt, dim=(0, 1), keepdim=True) + 0.0001)
                    gt_background_norm = (1 - bin_gt) / (torch.sum(
                        1 - bin_gt, dim=(0, 1), keepdim=True) + 0.0001)

                    mask_reweighting = gt_foreground_norm * cfg.mask_proto_reweight_coeff + gt_background_norm
                    mask_reweighting *= mask_h * mask_w

            cur_pos = pos[idx]
            pos_idx_t = idx_t[idx, cur_pos]

            if process_gt_bboxes:
                # Note: this is in point-form
                if cfg.mask_proto_crop_with_pred_box:
                    pos_gt_box_t = decode(loc_data[idx, :, :], priors.data,
                    pos_gt_box_t = gt_box_t[idx, cur_pos]

            if pos_idx_t.size(0) == 0:

            proto_masks = proto_data[idx]
            proto_coef = mask_data[idx, cur_pos, :]
            if cfg.use_mask_scoring:
                mask_scores = score_data[idx, cur_pos, :]

            if cfg.mask_proto_coeff_diversity_loss:
                if inst_data is not None:
                    div_coeffs = inst_data[idx, cur_pos, :]
                    div_coeffs = proto_coef

                loss_d += self.coeff_diversity_loss(div_coeffs, pos_idx_t)

            # If we have over the allowed number of masks, select a random sample
            old_num_pos = proto_coef.size(0)
            if old_num_pos > cfg.masks_to_train:
                perm = torch.randperm(proto_coef.size(0))
                select = perm[:cfg.masks_to_train]

                proto_coef = proto_coef[select, :]
                pos_idx_t = pos_idx_t[select]

                if process_gt_bboxes:
                    pos_gt_box_t = pos_gt_box_t[select, :]
                if cfg.use_mask_scoring:
                    mask_scores = mask_scores[select, :]

            num_pos = proto_coef.size(0)
            mask_t = downsampled_masks[:, :, pos_idx_t]
            label_t = labels[idx][pos_idx_t]

            # Size: [mask_h, mask_w, num_pos]
            pred_masks = proto_masks @ proto_coef.t()
            pred_masks = cfg.mask_proto_mask_activation(pred_masks)

            if cfg.mask_proto_double_loss:
                if cfg.mask_proto_mask_activation == activation_func.sigmoid:
                    pre_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(torch.clamp(
                        pred_masks, 0, 1),
                    pre_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(pred_masks,

                loss_m += cfg.mask_proto_double_loss_alpha * pre_loss

            if cfg.mask_proto_crop:
                pred_masks = crop(pred_masks, pos_gt_box_t)

            if cfg.mask_proto_mask_activation == activation_func.sigmoid:
                pre_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(torch.clamp(
                    pred_masks, 0, 1),
                pre_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(pred_masks,

            if cfg.mask_proto_normalize_mask_loss_by_sqrt_area:
                gt_area = torch.sum(mask_t, dim=(0, 1), keepdim=True)
                pre_loss = pre_loss / (torch.sqrt(gt_area) + 0.0001)

            if cfg.mask_proto_reweight_mask_loss:
                pre_loss = pre_loss * mask_reweighting[:, :, pos_idx_t]

            if cfg.mask_proto_normalize_emulate_roi_pooling:
                weight = mask_h * mask_w if cfg.mask_proto_crop else 1
                pos_gt_csize = center_size(pos_gt_box_t)
                gt_box_width = pos_gt_csize[:, 2] * mask_w
                gt_box_height = pos_gt_csize[:, 3] * mask_h
                pre_loss = pre_loss.sum(
                    dim=(0, 1)) / gt_box_width / gt_box_height * weight

            # If the number of masks were limited scale the loss accordingly
            if old_num_pos > num_pos:
                pre_loss *= old_num_pos / num_pos

            loss_m += torch.sum(pre_loss)

            if cfg.use_maskiou:
                if cfg.discard_mask_area > 0:
                    gt_mask_area = torch.sum(mask_t, dim=(0, 1))
                    select = gt_mask_area > cfg.discard_mask_area

                    if torch.sum(select) < 1:

                    pos_gt_box_t = pos_gt_box_t[select, :]
                    pred_masks = pred_masks[:, :, select]
                    mask_t = mask_t[:, :, select]
                    label_t = label_t[select]

                maskiou_net_input = pred_masks.permute(
                    2, 0, 1).contiguous().unsqueeze(1)
                pred_masks = pred_masks.gt(0.5).float()
                maskiou_t = self._mask_iou(pred_masks, mask_t)


        losses = {'M': loss_m * cfg.mask_alpha / mask_h / mask_w}

        if cfg.mask_proto_coeff_diversity_loss:
            losses['D'] = loss_d

        if cfg.use_maskiou:
            # discard_mask_area discarded every mask in the batch, so nothing to do here
            if len(maskiou_t_list) == 0:
                return losses, None

            maskiou_t = torch.cat(maskiou_t_list)
            label_t = torch.cat(label_t_list)
            maskiou_net_input = torch.cat(maskiou_net_input_list)

            num_samples = maskiou_t.size(0)
            if cfg.maskious_to_train > 0 and num_samples > cfg.maskious_to_train:
                perm = torch.randperm(num_samples)
                select = perm[:cfg.masks_to_train]
                maskiou_t = maskiou_t[select]
                label_t = label_t[select]
                maskiou_net_input = maskiou_net_input[select]

            return losses, [maskiou_net_input, maskiou_t, label_t]

        return losses