def gt_test(): import tensorflow_datasets as tfds strat = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strat.scope(): train, info = tfds.load('coco', split='train', shuffle_files=True, with_info=True) test, info = tfds.load('coco', split='validation', shuffle_files=False, with_info=True) model = build_model( model_version="v4", policy="mixed_float16" ) #, weights_file= "testing_weights/yolov3-regular.weights") model.get_summary() loss_fn = model.generate_loss(loss_type="ciou") train, test = model.process_datasets(train, test, jitter_boxes=None, jitter_im=0.1, batch_size=1, _eval_is_training=False) colors = gen_colors(80) coco_names = get_coco_names() i = 0 for image, label in train: print(label.keys()) pred = model.predict(image) image = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(image, pred["bbox"], [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) image = tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes(image, _xcycwh_to_yxyx(label["bbox"]), [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) image = image[0].numpy() plt.imshow(image) loss, metric_dict = model.apply_loss_fn(label, pred["raw_output"]) print(f"loss: {loss}") if i == 10: break i += 1 return
def video_processor(model, version , vidpath, device="/CPU:0"): img_array = [] i = 0 t = 0 start = time.time() tick = 0 e, f, a, b, c, d = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 if isinstance(model, str): with tf.device(device): model = build_model(name=model, model_version=version) model.make_predict_function() if hasattr(model, "predict"): predfunc = model.predict print("using pred function") else: predfunc = model print("using call function") colors = gen_colors(80) label_names = get_coco_names( path="yolo/dataloaders/dataset_specs/coco.names") print(label_names) # output_writer = cv2.VideoWriter('yolo_output.mp4', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), frame_count, (480, 640)) # change output file name if needed pred = None cap = cv2.VideoCapture(vidpath) assert cap.isOpened() width = int(cap.get(3)) height = int(cap.get(4)) print('width, height, fps:', width, height, int(cap.get(5))) frame_count = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) while cap.isOpened(): success, image = #with tf.device(device): e = image = tf.cast(image, dtype=tf.float32) image = image / 255 f = if t % 1 == 0: a = #with tf.device(device): pimage = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0) pimage = tf.image.resize(pimage, (416, 416)) pred = predfunc(pimage) b = image = image.numpy() if pred != None: c = boxes, classes = int_scale_boxes(pred["bbox"], pred["classes"], width, height) draw = get_draw_fn(colors, label_names, 'YOLO') draw_box(image, boxes[0].numpy(), classes[0].numpy(), pred["confidence"][0], draw) d = cv2.imshow('frame', image) i += 1 t += 1 if time.time() - start - tick >= 1: tick += 1 print_opt((((f - e) + (b - a) + (d - c))), i) i = 0 if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() return
def __init__(self, file_name, model="regular", model_version="v3", preprocess_function=None, process_width=416, process_height=416, disp_h=720, classes=80, labels=None, print_conf=True, max_batch=None, wait_time=None, preprocess_with_gpu=False, scale_que=1, policy="float16", gpu_device="/GPU:0", preprocess_gpu="/GPU:0"): self._cap = cv2.VideoCapture(file_name) if not self._cap.isOpened(): raise IOError("video file was not found") #support for ANSI cahracters in windows support_windows() self._file = file_name self._fps = 120000000 self._gpu_device = gpu_device if preprocess_with_gpu: self._pre_process_device = preprocess_gpu else: self._pre_process_device = "/CPU:0" self._preprocess_function = preprocess_function self._height = int(self._cap.get(4)) if disp_h == None else disp_h self._og_height = int(self._cap.get(4)) self._width = int(self._cap.get(3) * (self._height / self._og_height)) self._classes = classes self._p_width = process_width self._p_height = process_height self._model_version = model_version self._policy = policy self._model = self._load_model(model) # fast but as close to one 2 one as possible if max_batch == None: if file_name == 0: self._batch_size = 5 # 40 fps more conistent frame to frame else: # faster but more potential for delay from input to output if tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.global_policy( ).name == "mixed_float16" or tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.global_policy( ).name == "float16": #self._batch_size = 9 # 45 fps faster but less frame to frame consistent, it will remain consistant, but there is opertunity for more frames to be loaded than self._batch_size = 5 else: self._batch_size = 3 if process_width > 416 or process_height > 416: self._batch_size = 3 else: self._batch_size = max_batch self._colors = gen_colors(self._classes) if labels == None: self._labels = get_coco_names( path="yolo/dataloaders/dataset_specs/coco.names") else: self._labels = labels self._draw_fn = get_draw_fn(self._colors, self._labels, print_conf) self._load_que = Queue(self._batch_size * scale_que) self._display_que = Queue(1 * scale_que) self._running = True if self._batch_size != 1: self._wait_time = 0.0015 * self._batch_size if wait_time == None else wait_time # 0.05 default else: self._wait_time = 0.0001 self._read_fps = 1 self._display_fps = 1 self._latency = -1 self._batch_proc = 1 self._frames = 1 self._obj_detected = -1 return
def __init__(self, file_name, model="regular", preprocess_function=None, process_width=416, process_height=416, classes=80, labels=None, preprocess_with_gpu=False, gpu_device="/GPU:0", preprocess_gpu="/GPU:0"): self._cap = cv2.VideoCapture(file_name) if not self._cap.isOpened(): raise IOError("video file was not found") #support for ANSI cahracters in windows support_windows() self._file = file_name self._fps = 120 # fast but as close to one 2 one as possible if file_name == 0: self._batch_size = 5 # 40 fps more conistent frame to frame else: # faster but more potential for delay from input to output self._batch_size = 9 # 45 fps faster but less frame to frame consistent, it will remain consistant, but there is opertunity for more frames to be loaded than if process_width > 416 or process_height > 416: self._batch_size = 3 self._gpu_device = gpu_device if preprocess_with_gpu: self._pre_process_device = preprocess_gpu else: self._pre_process_device = "/CPU:0" self._preprocess_function = preprocess_function self._width = int(self._cap.get(3)) self._height = int(self._cap.get(4)) self._classes = classes self._model = model self._p_width = process_width self._p_height = process_height self._colors = gen_colors(self._classes) if labels == None: self._labels = get_coco_names( path="yolo/dataloaders/dataset_specs/coco.names") else: self._labels = labels self._load_que = Queue(self._batch_size * 5) self._display_que = Queue(self._batch_size) self._running = True self._wait_time = 0.01 self._read_fps = 1 self._display_fps = 1 self._latency = None self._batch_proc = 1 self._frames = 0 self._obj_detected = 0 return