Example #1
def test_quadratic_check():
    #keep this updated with the deg_dim used in subdivision solve
    deg_dim = {1: 100, 2: 20, 3: 9, 4: 9}
    num_tests_per_dim = 100
    tests_per_batch = num_tests_per_dim // 2
    tol = 1.e-4
    for dim in deg_dim.keys():
        deg = deg_dim[dim]
        interval_data = IntervalData(-np.ones(dim), np.ones(dim), [])
        subintervals = interval_data.get_subintervals(interval_data.a,
                                                      interval_data.b, [], tol,
        _quadratic_check = lambda c, tol: ~quadratic_check(
            c, interval_data.mask, tol, interval_data.RAND, subintervals)
        rand_test_cases = np.random.rand(*[tests_per_batch] +
                                         [deg] * dim) * 2 - 1
        randn_test_cases = np.random.randn(*[tests_per_batch] + [deg] * dim)
        for c in rand_test_cases:
            assert np.allclose(base_quadratic_check(c, tol),
                               _quadratic_check(c, tol).flatten())
        for c in randn_test_cases:
            assert np.allclose(base_quadratic_check(c, tol),
                               _quadratic_check(c, tol).flatten())
Example #2
def base_quadratic_check(test_coeff, tol):
    """Slow nd-quadratic check to test against. """
    #get the dimension and make sure the coeff tensor has all the right
    # quadratic coeff spots, set to zero if necessary
    dim = test_coeff.ndim
    interval_data = IntervalData(-np.ones(dim), np.ones(dim), [])
    intervals = interval_data.get_subintervals(interval_data.a,
                                               interval_data.b, [], tol, False)
    padding = [(0, max(0, 3 - i)) for i in test_coeff.shape]
    test_coeff = np.pad(test_coeff.copy(), padding, mode='constant')

    #Possible extrema of qudaratic part are where D_xk = 0 for some subset of the variables xk
    # with the other variables are fixed to a boundary value
    #Dxk = c[0,...,0,1,0,...0] (k-spot is 1) + 4c[0,...,0,2,0,...0] xk (k-spot is 2)
    #       + \Sum_{j\neq k} xj c[0,...,0,1,0,...,0,1,0,...0] (k and j spot are 1)
    #This gives a symmetric system of equations AX+B = 0
    #We will fix different columns of X each time, resulting in slightly different
    #systems, but storing A and B now will be helpful later

    #pull out coefficients we care about
    quad_coeff = np.zeros([3] * dim)
    A = np.zeros([dim, dim])
    B = np.zeros(dim)
    for spot in itertools.product(np.arange(3), repeat=dim):
        if np.sum(spot) < 3:
            spot_array = np.array(spot)
            if np.sum(spot_array != 0) == 2:
                #coef of cross terms
                i, j = np.where(spot_array != 0)[0]
                A[i, j] = test_coeff[spot].copy()
                A[j, i] = test_coeff[spot].copy()
            elif np.any(spot_array == 2):
                #coef of pure quadratic terms
                i = np.where(spot_array != 0)[0][0]
                A[i, i] = 4 * test_coeff[spot].copy()
            elif np.any(spot_array == 1):
                #coef of linear terms
                i = np.where(spot_array != 0)[0][0]
                B[i] = test_coeff[spot].copy()
            quad_coeff[spot] = test_coeff[spot]
            test_coeff[spot] = 0

    #create a poly object for evaluations
    quad_poly = MultiCheb(quad_coeff)

    #The sum of the absolute values of everything else
    other_sum = np.sum(np.abs(test_coeff))

    def powerset(iterable):
        "powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"
        s = list(iterable)
        return itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(s, r)\
                                                     for r in range(len(s)+1))

    mask = []
    for interval_num, interval in enumerate(intervals):

        extreme_points = []
        for fixed in powerset(np.arange(dim)):
            fixed = np.array(fixed)
            if len(fixed) == 0:
                #fix no vars--> interior
                if np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) < A.shape[0]:
                    #no interior critical point
                X = la.solve(A, -B, assume_a='sym')
                #make sure it's in the domain
                if np.all([
                        interval[0][i] <= X[i] <= interval[1][i]
                        for i in range(dim)
            elif len(fixed) == dim:
                #fix all variables--> corners
                for corner in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=dim):
                    #j picks if upper/lower bound. i is which var
                            [interval[j][i] for i, j in enumerate(corner)]))
                #fixed some variables --> "sides"
                #we only care about the equations from the unfixed variables
                unfixed = np.delete(np.arange(dim), fixed)
                A_ = A[unfixed][:, unfixed]
                if np.linalg.matrix_rank(A_) < A_.shape[0]:
                    #no solutions
                fixed_A = A[unfixed][:, fixed]
                B_ = B[unfixed]

                for side in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=len(fixed)):
                    X0 = np.array([interval[j][i] for i, j in enumerate(side)])
                    X_ = la.solve(A_, -B_ - fixed_A @ X0, assume_a='sym')
                    X = np.zeros(dim)
                    X[fixed] = X0
                    X[unfixed] = X_
                    if np.all([
                            interval[0][i] <= X[i] <= interval[1][i]
                            for i in range(dim)

        #No root if min(extreme_points) > (other_sum + tol)
        # OR max(extreme_points) < -(other_sum+tol)
        #Logical negation gives the boolean we want
            np.min(extreme_points) < (other_sum + tol)
            and np.max(extreme_points) > -(other_sum + tol))

    return mask