Example #1
def hashing(request):
    Handles initialization, generation, and saving of answer test
    result hashes.
    no_hash = request.config.getoption("--no-hash")
    store_hash = request.config.getoption("--answer-store")
    raw = request.config.getoption("--answer-raw-arrays")
    raw_store = request.config.getoption("--raw-answer-store")
    # This check is so that, when checking if the answer file exists in
    # _get_answer_files, we don't continuously fail. With this check,
    # _get_answer_files is called once per class, despite this having function
    # scope
    if request.cls.answer_file is None:
        request.cls.answer_file, request.cls.raw_answer_file = _get_answer_files(
    if not no_hash and not store_hash and request.cls.saved_hashes is None:
            with open(request.cls.answer_file) as fd:
                request.cls.saved_hashes = yaml.safe_load(fd)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            module_filename = f"{request.function.__module__.replace('.', os.sep)}.py"
            with open(f"generate_test_{os.getpid()}.txt", "a") as fp:
            pytest.fail(msg="Answer file not found.", pytrace=False)
    request.cls.hashes = {}
    # Load the saved answers if we're comparing. We don't do this for the raw
    # answers because those are huge
    # Get arguments and their values passed to the test (e.g., axis, field, etc.)
    params = _param_list(request)
    # Hash the test results. Don't save to request.cls.hashes so we still have
    # raw data, in case we want to work with that
    hashes = _hash_results(request.cls.hashes)
    # Add the other test parameters
    # Add the function name as the "master" key to the hashes dict
    hashes = {request.node.name: hashes}
    # Save hashes
    if not no_hash and store_hash:
        _save_result(hashes, request.cls.answer_file)
    # Compare hashes
    elif not no_hash and not store_hash:
            for test_name, test_hash in hashes.items():
                assert test_name in request.cls.saved_hashes
                assert test_hash == request.cls.saved_hashes[test_name]
        except AssertionError:
            pytest.fail(f"Comparison failure: {request.node.name}",
    # Save raw data
    if raw and raw_store:
        _save_raw_arrays(request.cls.hashes, request.cls.raw_answer_file,
    # Compare raw data. This is done one test at a time because the
    # arrays can get quite large and storing everything in memory would
    # be bad
    if raw and not raw_store:
        _compare_raw_arrays(request.cls.hashes, request.cls.raw_answer_file,
Example #2
def hashing(request):
    Handles initialization, generation, and saving of answer test
    result hashes.
    no_hash = request.config.getoption("--no-hash")
    store_hash = request.config.getoption("--answer-store")
    raw = request.config.getoption("--answer-raw-arrays")
    raw_store = request.config.getoption("--raw-answer-store")
    # This check is so that, when checking if the answer file exists in
    # _get_answer_files, we don't continuously fail. With this check,
    # _get_answer_files is called once per class, despite this having function
    # scope
    if request.cls.answer_file is None:
        request.cls.answer_file, request.cls.raw_answer_file = _get_answer_files(
    if not no_hash and not store_hash and request.cls.saved_hashes is None:
            with open(request.cls.answer_file) as fd:
                request.cls.saved_hashes = yaml.safe_load(fd)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            # On travis and appveyor only a minimal set of answer tests are
            # run, which means that, for most answer tests, there won't be
            # an existing answer file when comparing. There is currently no
            # list of the minimal answer tests, so they can't be marked.
            # As such, if we're comparing and the file of saved hashes isn't
            # found, we just skip the test. We do the skip before the test
            # is run to save time
            pytest.skip("Answer file not found.")
    request.cls.hashes = {}
    # Load the saved answers if we're comparing. We don't do this for the raw
    # answers because those are huge
    # Get arguments and their values passed to the test (e.g., axis, field, etc.)
    params = _param_list(request)
    # Hash the test results. Don't save to request.cls.hashes so we still have
    # raw data, in case we want to work with that
    hashes = _hash_results(request.cls.hashes)
    # Add the other test parameters
    # Add the function name as the "master" key to the hashes dict
    hashes = {request.node.name: hashes}
    # Save hashes
    if not no_hash and store_hash:
        _save_result(hashes, request.cls.answer_file)
    # Compare hashes
    elif not no_hash and not store_hash:
            assert hashes == request.cls.saved_hashes
        except AssertionError:
            pytest.fail(f"Comparison failure: {request.node.name}",
    # Save raw data
    if raw and raw_store:
        _save_raw_arrays(request.cls.hashes, request.cls.raw_answer_file,
    # Compare raw data. This is done one test at a time because the
    # arrays can get quite large and storing everything in memory would
    # be bad
    if raw and not raw_store:
        _compare_raw_arrays(request.cls.hashes, request.cls.raw_answer_file,