def run(self):

        if not self.package_is_installed("postgresql-9.6"):

        if not self.package_is_installed("postgresql-11"):
            raise YunohostError("migration_0017_postgresql_11_not_installed")

        # Make sure there's a 9.6 cluster
            self.runcmd("pg_lsclusters | grep -q '^9.6 '")
        except Exception:
                "It looks like there's not active 9.6 cluster, so probably don't need to run this migration"

        if not space_used_by_directory(
                "/var/lib/postgresql/9.6") > free_space_in_directory(
            raise YunohostError("migration_0017_not_enough_space",

        self.runcmd("systemctl stop postgresql")
            "LC_ALL=C pg_dropcluster --stop 11 main || true"
        )  # We do not trigger an exception if the command fails because that probably means cluster 11 doesn't exists, which is fine because it's created during the pg_upgradecluster)
        self.runcmd("LC_ALL=C pg_upgradecluster -m upgrade 9.6 main")
        self.runcmd("LC_ALL=C pg_dropcluster --stop 9.6 main")
        self.runcmd("systemctl start postgresql")
    def check_assertions(self):

        # Be on stretch (9.x) and yunohost 3.x
        # NB : we do both check to cover situations where the upgrade crashed
        # in the middle and debian version could be > 9.x but yunohost package
        # would still be in 3.x...
        if not self.debian_major_version() == 9 \
           and not self.yunohost_major_version() == 3:
            raise YunohostError("migration_0015_not_stretch")

        # Have > 1 Go free space on /var/ ?
        if free_space_in_directory("/var/") / (1024**3) < 1.0:
            raise YunohostError("migration_0015_not_enough_free_space")

        # Check system is up to date
        # (but we don't if 'stretch' is already in the sources.list ...
        # which means maybe a previous upgrade crashed and we're re-running it)
        if " buster " not in read_file("/etc/apt/sources.list"):
            upgradable_system_packages = list(_list_upgradable_apt_packages())
            if upgradable_system_packages:
                raise YunohostError(