Example #1
    def getEq(self):
        #print self.read_operands[1]
        sdir = ""

        src1, src2 = self.getOperands(self.read_operands)
        dst = self.getOperands(self.write_operands)[0]
        n = self.read_operands[1].getValue()

        if n > 0:
            sdir = "left"
        elif n < 0:
            sdir = "right"
            #self.read_operands[1].name = self.read_operands[1].name.replace("-","") #ugly hack!
            sdir = "null"

        #print self.read_operands[1].name

        #print sdir, src2.as_long()
        if sdir == "right":
            return [(z3.Extract(self.write_operands[0].getSizeInBits() - 1, 0,
                                z3.LShR(src1, -n)) == dst)]
        elif sdir == "left":
            return [(z3.Extract(self.write_operands[0].getSizeInBits() - 1, 0,
                                (src1 << n)) == dst)]
        elif sdir == "null":
            return [(src1 == dst)]
            assert (False)
Example #2
def itoa_helper(state, value, string, base, sign=True):
    addr = state.evalcon(string).as_long()

    # ok so whats going on here is... uhh it works
    data = [BZERO]
    nvalue = z3.SignExt(96, z3.Extract(31, 0, value))
    pvalue = z3.ZeroExt(64, value)
    do_neg = z3.And(nvalue < 0, base == 10, z3.BoolVal(sign))
    base = z3.ZeroExt(64, base)
    new_value = z3.If(do_neg, -nvalue, pvalue)
    shift = BV(0, 128)
    for i in range(32):
        d = (new_value % bvpow(base, i + 1)) / bvpow(base, i)
        c = z3.Extract(7, 0, d)
        shift = z3.If(c == BZERO, shift + BV(8, 128), BV(0, 128))
        data.append(z3.If(c < 10, c + BV_0, (c - 10) + BV_a))

    pbv = z3.Concat(*data)
    szdiff = pbv.size() - shift.size()
    pbv = pbv >> z3.ZeroExt(szdiff, shift)
    nbv = z3.simplify(z3.Concat(pbv, BV(ord("-"), 8)))
    pbv = z3.simplify(z3.Concat(BV(0, 8), pbv))  # oof
    state.memory[addr] = z3.If(do_neg, nbv, pbv)

    return string
Example #3
    def eval(self, ctx):
        expr = self.expr.eval(ctx)
        hi, lo = self.hi.eval(ctx), self.lo.eval(ctx)
        width = hi - lo + 1

        if is_z3(expr):
            shifted = match_width_fn(expr, lo, lambda l, r: l >> r)

            # Big hack! Simplify (x+y)-x -> y to get the width when we don't
            # know x. This is pretty common, e.g. a[index*8+7:index*8]
            if (isinstance(self.hi, BinaryOp) and self.hi.op == '+'
                    and self.hi.lhs == self.lo):
                width1 = try_simplify(self.hi.rhs.eval(ctx))
                return z3.Extract(width1, 0, shifted)

            # HACK!! Z3 will complain if we try to Extract with a non-constant
            # range [lo, hi], since it can't determine if lo <= hi. Well, it
            # actually can, but the Z3 python wrapper doesn't simplify that
            # expression before checking it. So, as a special case, see if we
            # can at least determine that lo == hi (which is common because Slice
            # is used for single-bit indexing like a[i]), then replace the
            # expression with a variable shift and a single-bit extract.
            if is_z3(hi) and is_z3(lo) and try_bool(hi == lo):
                return z3.Extract(0, 0, shifted)

            return z3.Extract(width - 1, 0, shifted)

        # Slice integers with normal bit ops
        assert width > 0
        mask = ((1 << width) - 1)
        return (expr >> lo) & mask
Example #4
    def getEq(self):

        sdir = ""
        if self.read_operands[1].getValue() > 0:
            sdir = "left"
        elif self.read_operands[1].getValue() < 0:
            sdir = "right"
            self.read_operands[1].name = self.read_operands[1].name.replace(
                "-", "")  #ugly hack!
            sdir = "null"

        #print self.read_operands[1].name
        src1, src2 = self.getOperands(self.read_operands)
        dst = self.getOperands(self.write_operands)[0]

        #print sdir, src2.as_long()
        if sdir == "right":
            return [(z3.Extract(self.write_operands[0].size * 8 - 1, 0,
                                z3.LShR(src1, src2)) == dst)]
        elif sdir == "left":
            return [(z3.Extract(self.write_operands[0].size * 8 - 1, 0,
                                (src1 << src2)) == dst)]
        elif sdir == "null":
            return [(src1 == dst)]
            assert (False)
Example #5
    def from_ExprOp(self, expr):
        args = map(self.from_expr, expr.args)
        res = args[0]

        if len(args) > 1:
            for arg in args[1:]:
                if expr.op in self.trivial_ops:
                    res = eval("res %s arg" % expr.op)
                elif expr.op == ">>":
                    res = z3.LShR(res, arg)
                elif expr.op == "a>>":
                    res = res >> arg
                elif expr.op == "a<<":
                    res = res << arg
                elif expr.op == "idiv":
                    res = res / arg
                    raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported OP yet: %s" %
        elif expr.op == 'parity':
            arg = z3.Extract(7, 0, res)
            res = z3.BitVecVal(1, 1)
            for i in xrange(8):
                res = res ^ z3.Extract(i, i, arg)
        elif expr.op == '-':
            res = -res
            raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported OP yet: %s" % expr.op)

        return res
Example #6
def _(src, tgt, v):
  w = z3.fpToIEEEBV(v)
  i = z3.If(z3.Or(z3.fpIsZero(v), z3.fpIsSubnormal(v)),

  return z3.Concat(z3.Extract(78,63,w), i, z3.Extract(62,0,w))
Example #7
    def eval(self, ctx):
        [name, lo, hi, scale, result_width] = get_range(self, ctx)
        expr = ctx.get(name) if isinstance(name, str) else name.eval(ctx)

        [expr, _, width, signed] = match_types(expr, lo)

        assert is_z3(expr)

        # Weird: always treat the low index (shift value) as unsigned. Shifting
        # by negative values doesn't make sense, and shifting a signed value by
        # an unknown-signedness value shouldn't sign extend the shift value
        lo = extend(lo, width, signed=False)

        expr = expr >> lo
        # Unwrap the value. Should be fine, we have signed/width from the old value
        if isinstance(expr, Value):
            expr = expr.value

        # Big hack! Simplify (x+y)-x -> y to get the width when we don't
        # know x. This is pretty common, e.g. a[index*8+7:index*8]
        if (isinstance(self.hi, BinaryOp) and self.hi.op == '+'
                and equal(self.hi.lhs, self.lo)):
            width1 = try_simplify(self.hi.rhs.eval(ctx))
            result = z3.Extract(width1, 0, expr)
            result = z3.Extract(result_width - 1, 0, expr)

        return Value(result, signed=signed, width=result_width)
Example #8
    def fn(self, inp, sbox, key):
        assert inp.size() == 8
        assert key.size() == 24

        # Get the symbolic expressions for the key parts.
        k1 = z3.Extract( 5,  0, key)
        k2 = z3.Extract(11,  6, key)
        k3 = z3.Extract(17, 12, key)
        k4 = z3.Extract(23, 18, key)

        # Get symbolic expressions for different 6-bit input sets.
        i1 = sbox.inputs_z3(inp, 0)
        i2 = sbox.inputs_z3(inp, 1)
        i3 = sbox.inputs_z3(inp, 2)
        i4 = sbox.inputs_z3(inp, 3)

        # Get symbolic expressions for all sboxes.
        s1 = self.sboxes[sbox][0]
        s2 = self.sboxes[sbox][1]
        s3 = self.sboxes[sbox][2]
        s4 = self.sboxes[sbox][3]

        # Get the output variables as separate 8-bit quantities.
        o1 = sbox.outputs_z3(s1[i1 ^ k1], 0)
        o2 = sbox.outputs_z3(s2[i2 ^ k2], 1)
        o3 = sbox.outputs_z3(s3[i3 ^ k3], 2)
        o4 = sbox.outputs_z3(s4[i4 ^ k4], 3)

        # Compose and simplify them.
        return z3.simplify(o1 | o2 | o3 | o4)
Example #9
    def set_slice(self, ctx, lval, rval):
        slice_l = ctx.resolve_expr(lval.slice_l)
        slice_r = ctx.resolve_expr(lval.slice_r)
        lval = lval.val
        lval, slice_l, slice_r = self.find_nested_slice(lval, slice_l, slice_r)

        # need to resolve everything first, these can be members
        lval_expr = ctx.resolve_expr(lval)

        # z3 requires the extract value to be a bitvector, so we must cast ints
        # actually not sure where this could happen...
        if isinstance(lval_expr, int):
            lval_expr = lval_expr.as_bitvec

        rval_expr = ctx.resolve_expr(rval)

        lval_expr_max = lval_expr.size() - 1
        if slice_l == lval_expr_max and slice_r == 0:
            # slice is full lval, nothing to do
            ctx.set_or_add_var(lval, rval_expr)
        assemble = []
        if slice_l < lval_expr_max:
            # left slice is smaller than the max, leave that chunk unchanged
            assemble.append(z3.Extract(lval_expr_max, slice_l + 1, lval_expr))
        # fill the rval_expr into the slice
        # this cast is necessary to match the margins and to handle integers
        rval_expr = z3_cast(rval_expr, slice_l + 1 - slice_r)
        if slice_r > 0:
            # right slice is larger than zero, leave that chunk unchanged
            assemble.append(z3.Extract(slice_r - 1, 0, lval_expr))
        rval_expr = z3.Concat(*assemble)
        ctx.set_or_add_var(lval, rval_expr)
Example #10
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        size = self.size
        if isinstance(index, slice):
            start, stop, step = index.start, index.stop, index.step

            if start is None:
                start = 0
            elif start < 0:
                start = size + start

            if stop is None:
                stop = size
            elif stop < 0:
                stop = size + stop

            stop = min(stop, size)

            if step is None:
                step = 1
            elif step != 1:
                raise IndexError('SMT extract does not support step != 1')

            v = z3.Extract(stop - 1, start, self.value)
            return type(self).unsized_t[v.sort().size()](v)
        elif isinstance(index, int):
            if index < 0:
                index = size + index

            if not (0 <= index < size):
                raise IndexError()

            v = z3.Extract(index, index, self.value)
            return self.get_family().Bit(v == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1))
            raise TypeError()
Example #11
 def createIf(index):
     if index == msb:
         return z3.Extract(msb, msb, wz3)
         return z3.If(
             bz3 == z3.BitVecVal(index, self.bsz), 
             z3.Extract(index, index, wz3), 
Example #12
    def from_ExprOp(self, expr):
        args = map(self.from_expr, expr.args)
        res = args[0]

        if len(args) > 1:
            for arg in args[1:]:
                if expr.op in self.trivial_ops:
                    res = eval("res %s arg" % expr.op)
                elif expr.op == ">>":
                    res = z3.LShR(res, arg)
                elif expr.op == "a>>":
                    res = res >> arg
                elif expr.op == "<<<":
                    res = z3.RotateLeft(res, arg)
                elif expr.op == ">>>":
                    res = z3.RotateRight(res, arg)
                elif expr.op == "idiv":
                    res = self._idivC(res, arg)
                elif expr.op == "udiv":
                    res = z3.UDiv(res, arg)
                elif expr.op == "imod":
                    res = res - (arg * (self._idivC(res, arg)))
                elif expr.op == "umod":
                    res = z3.URem(res, arg)
                    raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported OP yet: %s" %
        elif expr.op == 'parity':
            arg = z3.Extract(7, 0, res)
            res = z3.BitVecVal(1, 1)
            for i in xrange(8):
                res = res ^ z3.Extract(i, i, arg)
        elif expr.op == '-':
            res = -res
        elif expr.op == "cnttrailzeros":
            size = expr.size
            src = res
            res = z3.If(src == 0, size, src)
            for i in xrange(size - 1, -1, -1):
                res = z3.If((src & (1 << i)) != 0, i, res)
        elif expr.op == "cntleadzeros":
            size = expr.size
            src = res
            res = z3.If(src == 0, size, src)
            for i in xrange(size, 0, -1):
                index = -i % size
                out = size - (index + 1)
                res = z3.If((src & (1 << index)) != 0, out, res)
        elif expr.op.startswith("zeroExt"):
            arg, = expr.args
            res = z3.ZeroExt(expr.size - arg.size, self.from_expr(arg))
        elif expr.op.startswith("signExt"):
            arg, = expr.args
            res = z3.SignExt(expr.size - arg.size, self.from_expr(arg))
            raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported OP yet: %s" % expr.op)

        return res
Example #13
    def eval(self, ctx):
        expr = self.expr.eval(ctx)
        # Handle assignment to slices
        if isinstance(self.target, Slice):
            [name, lo, hi, scale, width] = get_range(self.target, ctx)

            assert isinstance(
                name, str), 'slice assignment to non-identifier: %s' % name

            old = ctx.get(name)

            # Get the old signedness value if it has one
            signed = None
            if isinstance(old, Value):
                signed = old.signed
                old = old.value

            if not is_z3(old):
                old = z3.BitVec('undef', width)

            # Hack around Z3 API to get a bit vector of the expected width
            if isinstance(expr, Value):
                if signed is None:
                    signed = expr.signed
                expr = extend(expr.value, width, signed=expr.signed)
            if is_z3(expr):
                expr = z3.Extract(width - 1, 0, expr)
            elif width > 0:
                expr = z3.BitVecVal(expr, width)

            if hi is None:
                hi = lo + scale - 1
            # Append the unassigned and assigned portions of this vector
            args = []
            if old.size() - 1 >= hi + 1:
                args.append(z3.Extract(old.size() - 1, hi + 1, old))
            if width > 0:
            if lo - 1 >= 0:
                args.append(z3.Extract(lo - 1, 0, old))

            new = z3.Concat(*args) if len(args) > 1 else args[0]

            # XXX we can't always rely on this, think of a better way to check
            #assert new.size() == old.size()

            value = try_simplify(ctx.predicate(new, old))
            value = Value(value, width=new.size(), signed=signed)

            ctx.set(name, value)
        # Assigning to a raw variable. Only need to deal with predication.
            assert isinstance(self.target, Identifier)
            name = self.target.name
            ctx.set(name, ctx.predicate(expr, ctx.get(name)))

        return None
Example #14
    def test1(self):
        b = multiagent.Board('b1', 3, 3)
        s = b.sum_of_adj(1, 1)
        smt =  z3.BV2Int(z3.Extract(1, 1, b.BV)) +\
          z3.BV2Int(z3.Extract(7, 7, b.BV)) +\
          z3.BV2Int(z3.Extract(3, 3, b.BV)) +\
          z3.BV2Int(z3.Extract(5, 5, b.BV))

        self.assertTrue(z3.simplify(smt == s))
Example #15
 def pack_f32(n: f32):
     if utils.is_all_real(n):
         float_bytes = struct.pack('<f', n)
         return [float_bytes for float_byte in float_bytes]
     f32_bv = z3.fpToIEEEBV(n)
     return [
         z3.Extract(7, 0, f32_bv),
         z3.Extract(15, 8, f32_bv),
         z3.Extract(23, 16, f32_bv),
         z3.Extract(31, 24, f32_bv)
def hash2(name):
    h = z3.BitVecVal(0, 16)
    assert len(name) % 2 == 0  # for simplicity
    for i in range(0, len(name), 2):
        a = z3.BitVecVal(0, 16)
        a |= z3.Extract(15, 0, name[i])
        a |= z3.Extract(15, 0, name[i + 1]) << 8
        h ^= a
    a = z3.LShR(h, 10)
    b = z3.ZeroExt(8, z3.Extract(7, 0, h ^ z3.LShR(h, 5)))
    h = (a ^ b) & 0x1f
    return h
 def __init__(self, nbits, key):
     self.nbits = nbits
     self.slvr = z3.Goal()
     self.init = z3.BitVec('init', nbits)
     tmp = z3.BitVec('tmp', nbits)
     # make sure Goal() start with `init` (at step 2)
     for i in range(nbits):
         self.slvr.add(z3.Extract(i, i, tmp) == z3.Extract(i, i, self.init))
     self.state = self.init
     self.poly = z3.BitVecVal(key, nbits)
     self.zero = z3.BitVecVal(0, nbits)
     self.one = z3.BitVecVal(1, nbits)
Example #18
    def from_ExprOp(self, expr):
        args = map(self.from_expr, expr.args)
        res = args[0]

        if len(args) > 1:
            for arg in args[1:]:
                if expr.op in self.trivial_ops:
                    res = eval("res %s arg" % expr.op)
                elif expr.op == ">>":
                    res = z3.LShR(res, arg)
                elif expr.op == "a>>":
                    res = res >> arg
                elif expr.op == "a<<":
                    res = res << arg
                elif expr.op == "<<<":
                    res = z3.RotateLeft(res, arg)
                elif expr.op == ">>>":
                    res = z3.RotateRight(res, arg)
                elif expr.op == "idiv":
                    res = res / arg
                elif expr.op == "udiv":
                    res = z3.UDiv(res, arg)
                elif expr.op == "imod":
                    res = res % arg
                elif expr.op == "umod":
                    res = z3.URem(res, arg)
                    raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported OP yet: %s" %
        elif expr.op == 'parity':
            arg = z3.Extract(7, 0, res)
            res = z3.BitVecVal(1, 1)
            for i in xrange(8):
                res = res ^ z3.Extract(i, i, arg)
        elif expr.op == '-':
            res = -res
        elif expr.op == "bsf":
            size = expr.size
            src = res
            res = z3.If((src & (1 << (size - 1))) != 0, size - 1, src)
            for i in xrange(size - 2, -1, -1):
                res = z3.If((src & (1 << i)) != 0, i, res)
        elif expr.op == "bsr":
            size = expr.size
            src = res
            res = z3.If((src & 1) != 0, 0, src)
            for i in xrange(size - 1, 0, -1):
                index = -i % size
                res = z3.If((src & (1 << index)) != 0, index, res)
            raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported OP yet: %s" % expr.op)

        return res
Example #19
 def invariants(self):
     constraint = []
     if self._is_x_pow2:
         ix = self.fabric.cols.bit_length()
         constraint.append(z3.Extract(ix, ix, self.x) == 0)
         constraint.append(z3.ULT(self.x, self.fabric.cols))
     if self._is_y_pow2:
         iy = self.fabric.rows.bit_length()
         constraint.append(z3.Extract(iy, iy, self.y) == 0)
         constraint.append(z3.ULT(self.y, self.fabric.rows))
     return z3.And(constraint)
Example #20
 def pack_u32(n: u32):
     if utils.is_all_real(n):
         return [
             n & 0xFF, (n & 0xFF00) >> 8, (n & 0xFF0000) >> 16,
             (n & 0xFF000000) >> 24
         return [
             z3.Extract(7, 0, n),
             z3.Extract(15, 8, n),
             z3.Extract(23, 16, n),
             z3.Extract(31, 24, n)
    def constrain_bytes(self, bv, regex: Union[str, bytes]):

        # if its a bytes expr just constrain beginning to those values
        if type(regex) == bytes:
            for i in range(len(regex)):
                self.constrain(z3.Extract(7 + i * 8, i * 8, bv) == regex[i])


        all_bytes = "".join([chr(x) for x in range(256)])

        if z3.is_bv(bv):
            bv = [
                z3.Extract(b * 8 + 7, b * 8, bv)
                for b in range(int(bv.size() / 8))

        # this is gross and could probably break
        opts = []
        new_regex = regex[:]
        negate = False
        if len(regex) > 2 and regex[:2] == "[^":
            negate = True
            new_regex = new_regex.replace("[^", "[")

        dashes = [i for i, c in enumerate(regex) if c == "-"]
        for d in dashes:
            if regex[d - 1] != "\\" and len(regex) > d:
                x = ord(regex[d - 1])
                y = ord(regex[d + 1])
                opts.append([x, y])
                new_regex = new_regex.replace(regex[d - 1:d + 2], "")

        vals = []
        if new_regex != "[]":
            vals = [
                ord(x) for x in re.findall(new_regex, all_bytes, re.DOTALL)

        for b in bv:
            or_vals = []
            for val in vals:
                or_vals.append(b == val)

            for opt in opts:
                or_vals.append(z3.And(b >= opt[0], b <= opt[1]))

            if negate:
Example #22
 def createIf(i):
     if i < len(self.choiceBools):
         cvi = self.choiceBools[i]
         starti = self.rangeStarts[i]
         stopi = starti - self.width + 1
         assert starti >= stopi
         expri = z3.Extract(starti, stopi, rfun(self.bitvec, prefix))
         return z3.If(cvi, expri, createIf(i+1))
         starti = self.width - 1
         stopi = 0
         assert starti >= stopi
         expri = z3.Extract(starti, stopi, rfun(self.bitvec, prefix))
         return expri
Example #23
    def feistel(self, inp, key):
        assert key.size() == 96

        # Partition the key into batches of 24 bits.
        k1 = z3.Extract(23,  0, key)
        k2 = z3.Extract(47, 24, key)
        k3 = z3.Extract(71, 48, key)
        k4 = z3.Extract(95, 72, key)

        l = [ z3.Extract(b, b, inp) for b in reversed(fn2_groupB) ]
        l = z3.Concat(l)

        r = [ z3.Extract(a, a, inp) for a in reversed(fn2_groupA) ]
        r = z3.Concat(r)

        l ^= self.fn(r, self.f2_sbox[0], k1)
        r ^= self.fn(l, self.f2_sbox[1], k2)
        l ^= self.fn(r, self.f2_sbox[2], k3)
        r ^= self.fn(l, self.f2_sbox[3], k4)

        # Collect all bits for the return value.
        ret_in  = [ z3.Extract(i, i, l) for i in range(8) ]
        ret_in += [ z3.Extract(i, i, r) for i in range(8) ]

        # Apply the shuffle from groupA and B.
        ret = [None] * 16
        for i, b in enumerate(fn2_groupA + fn2_groupB):
            ret[b] = ret_in[i]

        return z3.simplify(z3.Concat(*reversed(ret)))
Example #24
def pte64(value):
    if value.size() != 64:
        raise Exception("pte64 requires a bitvector of size 64")
    v = simplify(z3.Extract(0, 0, value) == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1))
    r = simplify(z3.Extract(1, 1, value) == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1))
    w = simplify(z3.Extract(2, 2, value) == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1))
    x = simplify(z3.Extract(3, 3, value) == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1))
    u = simplify(z3.Extract(4, 4, value) == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1))
    g = simplify(z3.Extract(5, 5, value) == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1))
    a = simplify(z3.Extract(6, 6, value) == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1))
    d = simplify(z3.Extract(7, 7, value) == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1))
    n = simplify(z3.Extract(62, 62, value) == z3.BitVecVal(1, 1))
    ppn = z3.Extract(53, 10, value)

    return PTE64(ppn=ppn, d=d, a=a, g=g, u=u, x=x, w=w, r=r, v=v, n=n)
Example #25
 def Extract(self, high: int, low: int):
     assert high >= low
     new_interval = self.interval.Extract(high, low)
     if new_interval.high == new_interval.low:
         # extract is concrete
         return BVV(new_interval.high, high-low+1)
     return BVExpr(high-low+1, z3.Extract(high, low, self.z3obj), new_interval)
Example #26
def int2i64(i: int) -> i64:
    if utils.is_all_real(i):
        i = i & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
        if i & 0x8000000000000000:
            return i - 0x10000000000000000
        return i
    return z3.Extract(63, 0, i)
Example #27
def int2i32(i: int) -> i32:
    if utils.is_all_real(i):
        i = i & 0xFFFFFFFF
        if i & 0x80000000:
            return i - 0x100000000
        return i
    return z3.Extract(31, 0, i)
Example #28
 def _op_raw_Reverse(a):
     if a.size() == 8:
         return a
     elif a.size() % 8 != 0:
         raise ClaripyOperationError("can't reverse non-byte sized bitvectors")
         return z3.Concat(*[z3.Extract(i+7, i, a) for i in range(0, a.size(), 8)])
Example #29
def EXTRACT(s, offset, size):
    if isinstance(s, Symbol):
        retv = BitVec(z3.Extract(offset + size - 1, offset, s.symbol))
        return retv.simplify()
    if isInt(s):
        return (s >> offset) & ((1 << size) - 1)
    raise Exception("!@#$")
Example #30
def int2i16(i: int) -> i16:
    if utils.is_all_real(i):
        i = i & 0xFFFF
        if i & 0x8000:
            return i - 0x10000
        return i
    return z3.Extract(15, 0, i)