class ICoupon(model.Schema): code = schema.TextLine(title=u'Code', ) categories = schema.Set( title=u'Product Category', description=u'If specified, this coupon will only apply to ' u'products from the specified categories.', value_type=schema.Choice( vocabulary='', ), ) scope = schema.Choice( title=u'Discount applies to', values=( u'One item', u'All items in cart', ), ) amount = Currency(title=u'Discount Amount', ) unit = schema.Choice( title=u'Discount Unit', values=(u'$', u'%'), ) per_user_limit = schema.Int( title=u'Use Limit Per User', description=u'The number of times this coupon may be used ' u'by an individual. Enter 0 for unlimited.', default=1, ) product = schema.Choice( title=u'Specific Product', description=u'Optionally specify one product to which this coupon ' u'may be applied.', source=CatalogSource( object_provides=''), required=False, ) # excluded_products = schema.Set( # title=u'Excluded Products', # description=u'Products for which this coupon may not be used.', # value_type=schema.Choice( # source=CatalogSource( # object_provides=''), # ), # required=False, # ) start = schema.Datetime(title=u'Start Date', ) end = schema.Datetime(title=u'End Date', )
class IProduct(model.Schema): """Marker for content that can be purchased.""" product_category = schema.Choice( title=u'Product Category', required=False, vocabulary='', ) price = Currency( title=u'Unit Price', default=Decimal("0.00"), min=Decimal("0.00"), ) stock_level = schema.Int( title=u'Stock Level', description=u'Number of items remaining in warehouse. ' u'Leave blank for no limit.', required=False, min=0, ) taxable = schema.Bool( title=u'Taxable?', description=u'Mark the box if this product is subject to sales tax.', default=True, ) weight = schema.Float( title=u'Weight (lbs)', description=u'Used to calculate shipping.', required=False, ) recommended_products = RelationList( title=u'Recommended products', description= u'Recommendations to users who bought this product, shown during checkout.', default=[], required=False, value_type=schema.Choice(source=CatalogSource( object_provides=''), )) model.fieldset( 'shop', label=u"Shop", fields=( 'product_category', 'price', 'stock_level', 'taxable', 'weight', 'recommended_products', ), )
class IProduct(model.Schema): """Marker for content that can be purchased.""" product_category = schema.Choice( title=u'Product Category', required=False, vocabulary='', ) price = Currency( title=u'Unit Price', default=Decimal("0.00"), min=Decimal("0.00"), ) stock_level = schema.Int( title=u'Stock Level', description=u'Number of items remaining in warehouse. ' u'Leave blank for no limit.', required=False, min=0, ) taxable = schema.Bool( title=u'Taxable?', description=u'Mark the box if this product is subject to sales tax.', default=True, ) weight = schema.Float( title=u'Weight (lbs)', description=u'Used to calculate shipping.', required=False, ) model.fieldset( 'shop', label=u"Shop", fields=( 'product_category', 'price', 'stock_level', 'taxable', 'weight', ), )
class IWeightPrice(model.Schema): min = schema.Float( title=u'Min Weight', required=False, ) form.widget('min', size=4) max = schema.Float( title=u'Max Weight', required=False, ) form.widget('max', size=4) rate = Currency( title=u'Rate', required=False, ) form.widget('rate', size=4) is_percent = schema.Bool( title=u'Percent', default=False, )
class IShippingMethod(model.Schema): name = schema.TextLine(title=u'Name') zones = schema.Set( title=u'Zones', description=u'Where is this shipping method available?', value_type=schema.Choice( vocabulary=SimpleVocabulary.fromValues(config.SHIPPING_ZONES)), ) form.widget('zones', CheckBoxWidget) min_purchase = Currency( title=u'Minimum Purchase', description=u'If specified, this shipping method will only be ' u'available for orders with a subtotal greater than this ' u'value.', required=False, ) form.widget('min_purchase', size=3) calculation = schema.Choice( title=u'Calculation Method', vocabulary=CALCULATION_METHODS, ) weight_table = schema.List(title=u'Shipping Fee by Weight', value_type=DictRow(schema=IWeightPrice)) form.widget('weight_table', DataGridFieldFactory)