def pause_ros_backup_job(session,
    Pauses a remote object storage backup job.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type ros_backup_job_id: str
    :param ros_backup_job_id: The remote object storage backup job 'name'
        value as returned by get_all_ros_backup_jobs.  For example:
        'bkpjobs-00000001'.  Required.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.

    path = '/api/object_storage_backup_jobs/{0}/pause.json' \

    return session.post_api(path=path, return_type=return_type, **kwargs)
def get_ros_destination(session,
    Retrieves details for a single remote object storage destination.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type ros_destination_id: str
    :param ros_destination_id: The remote object storage destination 'name'
        value as returned by get_all_ros_destinations.  For example:
        'obsdst-00000001'.  Required.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.

    path = '/api/object_storage_destinations/{0}.json' \

    return session.get_api(path=path, return_type=return_type, **kwargs)
def get_all_ros_destination_backup_jobs(session,
    Retrieves details for all remote object storage backup jobs for the
    specified remote object storage destination.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type ros_destination_id: str
    :param ros_destination_id: The remote object storage destination 'name'
        value as returned by get_all_ros_destinations.  For example:
        'obsdst-00000001'.  Required.

    :type start: int
    :param start: The offset to start displaying remote object storage
        backup jobs from.  Optional.

    :type: limit: int
    :param limit: The maximum number of remote object storage backup jobs to
        return.  Optional.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.

    path = '/api/object_storage_destinations/{0}/backup_jobs.json' \

    parameters = verify_start_limit(start, limit)

    return session.get_api(path=path,
def create_ros_restore_job(session,
    Creates a new remote object storage backup job.  Backups are based on
    snapshots taken by the specified snapshot policy.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type display_name: str
    :param display_name: A text label to assign to the remote object storage
        restore job.  For example: 'PDF archive restore'.  May not contain a
        single quote (') character.  Required.

    :type ros_destination_id: str
    :param ros_destination_id: The remote object storage destination 'name'
        value as returned by get_all_ros_destinations for the destination
        where the snapshot is stored.  For example: 'obsdst-00000001'.

    :type pool_id: str
    :param pool_id: The pool 'name' value as returned by get_all_pools where
        the snapshot will be restored.  For example: 'pool-00000001'.  The
        volume will be created on this pool.  Required.

    :type restore_mode: str
    :param restore_mode: This parameter expects one of three values:
        'restore', 'clone', or 'import_seed'.  When set to 'restore', the
        volume can be immediately attached to servers; data is retrieved from
        object storage on demand and in a background process; and all data
        will eventually be restored.  When set to 'clone', the volume can be
        immediately attached to servers; and starting with zero capacity, data
        is retrieved from object storage only on-demand when accessed by the
        attached servers.  When set to 'import_seed', a full capacity clone is
        created, including snapshot time-stamping; The volume can be attached
        to servers only after the volume's data was fully retrieved from
        object storage; use this mode to import initial data seed for remote
        mirroring.  Required.

    :type volume_name: str
    :param volume_name: A text label to assign to the restored volume.  For
        example: 'pdf-files'.  May not contain a single quote (') character.

    :type local_snapshot_id: str
    :param local_snapshot_id: Either this or object_store_key is required.
        If using local_snapshot_id, the desired snapshot 'name' is passed as
        returned by get_all_snapshots (with the ros_backup_job_id specified).
        For example: 'snap-00000001'.  Optional.

    :type object_store_key: str
    :param object_store_key: Either this or local_snapshot_id is required.  If
        using object_store_key, this is the full object storage key for the
        "path" to the individual snapshot to be restored.  For example:
        myvol.volume-00000011/2015-07-01T09:26:01+0000_snap-0000003e/".  This
        is useful when there is no local_snapshot_id to reference; for
        example, if the snapshot is being restored to a different VPSA than
        the original source.  Optional.

    :type crypt: str
    :param crypt: If set to 'YES', the resulting volume of the restoration
        will be encrypted with the VPSA's encryption key.  If 'NO', the
        resulting volume will not be encrypted.  Required.

    :type dedupe: str
    :param dedupe: If set to 'YES', deduplication will be enabled on the
        volume.  If 'NO', it won't.  Optional.

    :type compress: str
    :param compress: If set to 'YES', compression will be enabled on the
        volume.  If 'NO', it won't.  Optional.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.

    body_values = {
        'name': verify_field(display_name, "display_name"),
        'remote_object_store': ros_destination_id,
        'poolname': pool_id,
        'mode': restore_mode,
        'volname': verify_field(volume_name, "volume"),
        'crypt': verify_boolean(crypt, "crypt")

    if local_snapshot_id is None and object_store_key is None:
        raise ValueError('Either "local_snapshot_id" or "object_store_key" '
                         'needs to be passed as a parameter.')

    if local_snapshot_id is not None:
        body_values['local_snapname'] = local_snapshot_id

    if object_store_key is not None:
        body_values['key'] = verify_field(object_store_key, "object_store_key")

    if dedupe is not None:
        body_values["dedupe"] = verify_boolean(dedupe, 'dedupe')

    if compress is not None:
        body_values["compress"] = verify_boolean(compress, 'compress')

    path = '/api/object_storage_restore_jobs.json'

    return session.post_api(path=path,
def create_ros_backup_job(session,
    Creates a new remote object storage backup job.  Backups are based on
    snapshots taken by the specified snapshot policy.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type display_name: str
    :param display_name: A text label to assign to the remote object storage
        backup job.  For example: 'Daily S3 Backup'.  May not contain a single
        quote (') character.  Required.

    :type sse: str
    :param sse: The remote object storage destination SSE:
     'NO', 'AES256', 'KMS', 'KMSKEYID  Required.

    :type ros_destination_id: str
    :param ros_destination_id: The remote object storage destination 'name'
        value as returned by get_all_ros_destinations.  For example:
        'obsdst-00000001'.  Required.

    :type volume_id: str
    :param volume_id: The volume 'name' value as returned by get_all_volumes
        for the volume to be backed up.  For example: 'volume-00000001'.

    :type policy_id: str
    :param policy_id: The snapshot policy 'name' value as returned by
        get_all_snapshot_policies.  For example: 'policy-00000001'.  This
        policy will determine the frequency and retention of backups for this
        job.  Required.

    :type compression: str
    :param compression: If set to 'YES', backup data will be compressed in
        flight.  If 'NO', backup data will not be compressed.  Set to 'YES' by
        default.  Optional.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.
    display_name = verify_field(display_name, "display_name")

    body_values = {
        'name': display_name,
        'destination': ros_destination_id,
        'volume': volume_id,
        'policy': policy_id,
        'sse': sse,
        'compression': verify_boolean(compression, "compression")

    path = '/api/object_storage_backup_jobs.json'

    return session.post_api(path=path,
def update_ros_destination(session,
    Updates options for an existing remote object storage destination.
    Parameters set to 'None' will not have their existing values changed.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type ros_destination_id: str
    :param ros_destination_id: The remote object storage destination 'name'
        value as returned by get_all_ros_destinations.  For example:
        'obsdst-00000001'.  Required.

    :type bucket: str
    :param bucket: See documentation for create_ros_destination.  Optional.

    :type endpoint: str
    :param endpoint: See documentation for create_ros_destination.  Optional.

    :type username: str
    :param username: See documentation for create_ros_destination.  Optional.

    :type password: str
    :param password: See documentation for create_ros_destination.  Optional.

    :type public: str
    :param public: See documentation for create_ros_destination.  Optional.

    :type use_proxy: str
    :param use_proxy: See documentation for create_ros_destination.  Optional.

    :type proxy_host: str
    :param proxy_host: See documentation for create_ros_destination.

    :type proxy_port: str
    :param proxy_port: See documentation for create_ros_destination.

    :type proxy_username: str
    :param proxy_username: See documentation for create_ros_destination.

    :type proxy_password: str
    :param proxy_username: See documentation for create_ros_destination.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.

    body_values = {}

    if bucket is not None:
        body_values['bucket'] = verify_field(bucket, "bucket")

    if endpoint is not None:
        body_values['endpoint'] = endpoint

    if username is not None:
        body_values['username'] = verify_field(username, "username")

    if password is not None:
        body_values['password'] = verify_field(password, "password")

    if public is not None:
        public = verify_boolean(public, "public")
        body_values['connectVia'] = 'public' if public == 'YES' else 'fe'

    if use_proxy is not None:
        use_proxy = verify_boolean(use_proxy, "use_proxy")
        body_values['use_proxy'] = str(use_proxy == 'YES').lower()

    if proxy_host is not None or use_proxy == 'YES':
        body_values['proxyhost'] = proxy_host

    if proxy_port is not None or use_proxy == 'YES':
        body_values['proxyport'] = verify_port(proxy_port)

    if proxy_username is not None:
        body_values['proxyuser'] = verify_field(proxy_username,

    if proxy_password is not None:
        body_values['proxypassword'] = verify_field(proxy_password,

    if not body_values:
        raise ValueError('At least one of the following must be set: '
                         '"bucket", "endpoint", "username", "password", '
                         '"public", "use_proxy", "proxy_host", "proxy_port", '
                         '"proxy_username", "proxy_password"')

    path = '/api/object_storage_destinations/{0}.json' \

    return session.put_api(path=path,