Example #1
 def __init__(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs):
     self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.get_name())
     self.server = None
     self.broker_client = None
     self.pubsub = None
     self.channel = None
     self.cid = None
     self.in_reply_to = None
     self.outgoing = None
     self.cloud = None
     self.worker_store = None
     self.odb = None
     self.data_format = None
     self.transport = None
     self.wsgi_environ = None
     self.job_type = None
     self.environ = Bunch()
     self.request = Request(self.logger)
     self.response = Response(self.logger)
     self.invocation_time = None # When was the service invoked
     self.handle_return_time = None # When did its 'handle' method finished processing the request
     self.processing_time_raw = None # A timedelta object with the processing time up to microseconds
     self.processing_time = None # Processing time in milliseconds
     self.usage = 0 # How many times the service has been invoked
     self.slow_threshold = maxint # After how many ms to consider the response came too late
     self.name = self.__class__.get_name()
     self.impl_name = self.__class__.get_impl_name()
     self.time = None
     self.patterns = None
     self.user_config = None
     self.dictnav = DictNav
     self.listnav = ListNav
     self.has_validate_input = False
     self.has_validate_output = False
Example #2
 def __init__(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs):
     self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.get_name())
     self.server = None
     self.broker_client = None
     self.channel = None
     self.cid = None
     self.outgoing = None
     self.worker_store = None
     self.odb = None
     self.data_format = None
     self.transport = None
     self.wsgi_environ = None
     self.job_type = None
     self.delivery_store = None
     self.environ = {}
     self.request = Request(self.logger)
     self.response = Response(self.logger)
     self.invocation_time = None # When was the service invoked
     self.handle_return_time = None # When did its 'handle' method finished processing the request
     self.processing_time_raw = None # A timedelta object with the processing time up to microseconds
     self.processing_time = None # Processing time in milliseconds
     self.usage = 0 # How many times the service has been invoked
     self.slow_threshold = maxint # After how many ms to consider the response came too late
     self.name = self.__class__.get_name()
     self.impl_name = self.__class__.get_impl_name()
     self.time = TimeUtil(None)
     self.from_passthrough = False
     self.passthrough_request = None
Example #3
 def __init__(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs):
     self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.get_name())
     self.server = None
     self.broker_client = None
     self.pubsub = None
     self.channel = None
     self.cid = None
     self.in_reply_to = None
     self.outgoing = None
     self.cloud = None
     self.worker_store = None
     self.odb = None
     self.data_format = None
     self.transport = None
     self.wsgi_environ = None
     self.job_type = None
     self.delivery_store = None
     self.environ = {}
     self.request = Request(self.logger)
     self.response = Response(self.logger)
     self.invocation_time = None # When was the service invoked
     self.handle_return_time = None # When did its 'handle' method finished processing the request
     self.processing_time_raw = None # A timedelta object with the processing time up to microseconds
     self.processing_time = None # Processing time in milliseconds
     self.usage = 0 # How many times the service has been invoked
     self.slow_threshold = maxint # After how many ms to consider the response came too late
     self.name = self.__class__.get_name()
     self.impl_name = self.__class__.get_impl_name()
     self.time = TimeUtil(None)
     self.patterns = None
     self.user_config = None
     self.dictnav = DictNav
     self.listnav = ListNav
     self.has_validate_input = False
     self.has_validate_output = False
Example #4
class Service(object):
    """ A base class for all services deployed on Zato servers, no matter
    the transport and protocol, be it plain HTTP, SOAP, WebSphere MQ or any other,
    regardless whether they're built-in or user-defined ones.
    http_method_handlers = {}

    def __init__(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.get_name())
        self.server = None
        self.broker_client = None
        self.pubsub = None
        self.channel = None
        self.cid = None
        self.in_reply_to = None
        self.outgoing = None
        self.cloud = None
        self.worker_store = None
        self.odb = None
        self.data_format = None
        self.transport = None
        self.wsgi_environ = None
        self.job_type = None
        self.environ = Bunch()
        self.request = Request(self.logger)
        self.response = Response(self.logger)
        self.invocation_time = None # When was the service invoked
        self.handle_return_time = None # When did its 'handle' method finished processing the request
        self.processing_time_raw = None # A timedelta object with the processing time up to microseconds
        self.processing_time = None # Processing time in milliseconds
        self.usage = 0 # How many times the service has been invoked
        self.slow_threshold = maxint # After how many ms to consider the response came too late
        self.name = self.__class__.get_name()
        self.impl_name = self.__class__.get_impl_name()
        self.time = None
        self.patterns = None
        self.user_config = None
        self.dictnav = DictNav
        self.listnav = ListNav
        self.has_validate_input = False
        self.has_validate_output = False

    def get_name_static(class_):
        return Service.get_name(class_)

    def get_name(class_):
        """ Returns a service's name, settings its .name attribute along. This will
        be called once while the service is being deployed.
        if not hasattr(class_, '__name'):
            name = getattr(class_, 'name', None)
            if not name:
                name = service_name_from_impl(class_.get_impl_name())
                name = class_.convert_impl_name(name)

            class_.__name = name

        return class_.__name

    def get_impl_name(class_):
        if not hasattr(class_, '__impl_name'):
            class_.__impl_name = '{}.{}'.format(class_.__module__, class_.__name__)
        return class_.__impl_name

    def convert_impl_name(name):
        # TODO: Move the replace functionality over to uncamelify, possibly modifying its regexp
        split = uncamelify(name).split('.')

        path, class_name = split[:-1], split[-1]
        path = [elem.replace('_', '-') for elem in path]

        class_name = class_name[1:] if class_name.startswith('-') else class_name
        class_name = class_name.replace('.-', '.').replace('_-', '_')

        return '{}.{}'.format('.'.join(path), class_name)

    def add_http_method_handlers(class_):

        for name in dir(class_):
            if name.startswith('handle_'):

                if not getattr(class_, 'http_method_handlers', False):
                    setattr(class_, 'http_method_handlers', {})

                method = name.replace('handle_', '')
                class_.http_method_handlers[method] = getattr(class_, name)

    def _init(self):
        """ Actually initializes the service.
        self.odb = self.worker_store.server.odb
        self.kvdb = self.worker_store.kvdb
        self.pubsub = self.worker_store.pubsub

        self.slow_threshold = self.server.service_store.services[self.impl_name]['slow_threshold']

        # Queues
        out_amqp = PublisherFacade(self.broker_client)
        out_jms_wmq = WMQFacade(self.broker_client)
        out_zmq = ZMQFacade(self.server)

        # Patterns
        self.patterns = PatternsFacade(self)

        # SQL
        out_sql = self.worker_store.sql_pool_store

        # Regular outconns
        out_ftp, out_odoo, out_plain_http, out_soap = self.worker_store.worker_config.outgoing_connections()

        self.outgoing = Outgoing(
            out_amqp, out_ftp, out_jms_wmq, out_odoo, out_plain_http, out_soap, None,
            None, out_zmq)

        self.outgoing = Outgoing(
            out_amqp, out_ftp, out_jms_wmq, out_odoo, out_plain_http, out_soap, out_sql,
            self.worker_store.stomp_outconn_api, out_zmq)

        # Cloud
        self.cloud = Cloud()
        self.cloud.openstack.swift = self.worker_store.worker_config.cloud_openstack_swift
        self.cloud.aws.s3 = self.worker_store.worker_config.cloud_aws_s3

        # Cassandra
        self.cassandra_conn = self.worker_store.cassandra_api
        self.cassandra_query = self.worker_store.cassandra_query_api

        # E-mail
        self.email = EMailAPI(self.worker_store.email_smtp_api, self.worker_store.email_imap_api)

        # Search
        self.search = SearchAPI(self.worker_store.search_es_api, self.worker_store.search_solr_api)

        is_sio = hasattr(self, 'SimpleIO')

        if is_sio:
            self.request.init(is_sio, self.cid, self.SimpleIO, self.data_format, self.transport, self.wsgi_environ)
            self.response.init(self.cid, self.SimpleIO, self.data_format)

        self.msg = MessageFacade(self.worker_store.msg_ns_store,
            self.worker_store.json_pointer_store, self.worker_store.xpath_store, self.worker_store.msg_ns_store,
            self.request.payload, self.time)

    def set_response_data(self, service, **kwargs):
        response = service.response.payload
        if not isinstance(response, (basestring, dict, list, tuple, EtreeElement, ObjectifiedElement)):
            response = response.getvalue(serialize=kwargs['serialize'])
            if kwargs['as_bunch']:
                response = bunchify(response)
            service.response.payload = response

        return response

    def _invoke(self, service, channel, http_channels=(CHANNEL.HTTP_SOAP, CHANNEL.INVOKE)):
        # If channel is HTTP and there are any per-HTTP verb methods, it means we want for the service to be a REST target.
        # Let's say it is POST. If we have handle_POST, it is invoked. If there is no handle_POST,
        # '405 Method Not Allowed is returned'.
        # However, if we have 'handle' only, it means this is always invoked and no default 405 is returned.
        # In short, implement handle_* if you want REST behaviour. Otherwise, keep everything in handle.

        # Ok, this is HTTP
        if channel in http_channels:

            # We have at least one per-HTTP verb handler
            if service.http_method_handlers:

                # But do we have any handler matching current request's verb?
                if service.request.http.method in service.http_method_handlers:

                    # Yes, call the handler

                # No, return 405
                    service.response.status_code = METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED

            # We have no custom handlers so we always call 'handle'

        # It's not HTTP so we simply call 'handle'

    def extract_target(self, name):
        """ Splits a service's name into name and target, if the latter is provided on input at all.
        # It can be either a name or a name followed by the target to invoke the service on,
        # i.e. 'myservice' or 'myservice@mytarget'.
        if '@' in name:
            name, target = name.split('@')
            if not target:
                raise ZatoException(self.cid, 'Target must not be empty in `{}`'.format(name))
            target = ''

        return name, target

    def update_handle(self, set_response_func, service, raw_request, channel, data_format,
            transport, server, broker_client, worker_store, cid, simple_io_config, *args, **kwargs):

        wsgi_environ = kwargs.get('wsgi_environ', {})
        payload = wsgi_environ.get('zato.request.payload')

        # Here's an edge case. If a SOAP request has a single child in Body and this child is an empty element
        # (though possibly with attributes), checking for 'not payload' alone won't suffice - this evaluates
        # to False so we'd be parsing the payload again superfluously.
        if not isinstance(payload, ObjectifiedElement) and not payload:
            payload = payload_from_request(cid, raw_request, data_format, transport)

        job_type = kwargs.get('job_type')
        channel_params = kwargs.get('channel_params', {})
        merge_channel_params = kwargs.get('merge_channel_params', True)
        params_priority = kwargs.get('params_priority', PARAMS_PRIORITY.DEFAULT)

        service.update(service, channel, server, broker_client,
            worker_store, cid, payload, raw_request, transport,
            simple_io_config, data_format, wsgi_environ,
            params_priority=params_priority, in_reply_to=wsgi_environ.get('zato.request_ctx.in_reply_to', None),

        # It's possible the call will be completely filtered out
        if service.accept():

            # Assume everything goes fine
            e, exc_formatted = None, None


                self._invoke(service, channel)


            except Exception, e:
                exc_formatted = format_exc(e)

Example #5
class Service(object):
    """ A base class for all services deployed on Zato servers, no matter
    the transport and protocol, be it plain HTTP, SOAP, WebSphere MQ or any other,
    regardless whether they're built-in or user-defined ones.
    http_method_handlers = {}

    def __init__(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.get_name())
        self.server = None
        self.broker_client = None
        self.pubsub = None
        self.channel = None
        self.cid = None
        self.in_reply_to = None
        self.outgoing = None
        self.cloud = None
        self.worker_store = None
        self.odb = None
        self.data_format = None
        self.transport = None
        self.wsgi_environ = None
        self.job_type = None
        self.delivery_store = None
        self.environ = {}
        self.request = Request(self.logger)
        self.response = Response(self.logger)
        self.invocation_time = None # When was the service invoked
        self.handle_return_time = None # When did its 'handle' method finished processing the request
        self.processing_time_raw = None # A timedelta object with the processing time up to microseconds
        self.processing_time = None # Processing time in milliseconds
        self.usage = 0 # How many times the service has been invoked
        self.slow_threshold = maxint # After how many ms to consider the response came too late
        self.name = self.__class__.get_name()
        self.impl_name = self.__class__.get_impl_name()
        self.time = TimeUtil(None)
        self.patterns = None
        self.user_config = None
        self.dictnav = DictNav
        self.listnav = ListNav
        self.has_validate_input = False
        self.has_validate_output = False

    def get_name_static(class_):
        return Service.get_name(class_)

    def get_name(class_):
        """ Returns a service's name, settings its .name attribute along. This will
        be called once while the service is being deployed.
        if not hasattr(class_, '__name'):
            name = getattr(class_, 'name', None)
            if not name:
                name = service_name_from_impl(class_.get_impl_name())
                name = class_.convert_impl_name(name)

            class_.__name = name

        return class_.__name

    def get_impl_name(class_):
        if not hasattr(class_, '__impl_name'):
            class_.__impl_name = '{}.{}'.format(class_.__module__, class_.__name__)
        return class_.__impl_name

    def convert_impl_name(name):
        # TODO: Move the replace functionality over to uncamelify, possibly modifying its regexp
        split = uncamelify(name).split('.')

        path, class_name = split[:-1], split[-1]
        path = [elem.replace('_', '-') for elem in path]

        class_name = class_name[1:] if class_name.startswith('-') else class_name
        class_name = class_name.replace('.-', '.').replace('_-', '_')

        return '{}.{}'.format('.'.join(path), class_name)

    def add_http_method_handlers(class_):

        for name in dir(class_):
            if name.startswith('handle_'):

                if not getattr(class_, 'http_method_handlers', False):
                    setattr(class_, 'http_method_handlers', {})

                method = name.replace('handle_', '')
                class_.http_method_handlers[method] = getattr(class_, name)

    def _init(self):
        """ Actually initializes the service.
        self.odb = self.worker_store.server.odb
        self.kvdb = self.worker_store.kvdb
        self.time.kvdb = self.kvdb
        self.pubsub = self.worker_store.pubsub

        self.slow_threshold = self.server.service_store.services[self.impl_name]['slow_threshold']

        # Queues
        out_amqp = PublisherFacade(self.broker_client, self.server.delivery_store)
        out_jms_wmq = WMQFacade(self.broker_client, self.server.delivery_store)
        out_zmq = ZMQFacade(self.server)

        # Patterns
        self.patterns = PatternsFacade(self)

        # SQL
        out_sql = self.worker_store.sql_pool_store

        # Regular outconns
        out_ftp, out_odoo, out_plain_http, out_soap = self.worker_store.worker_config.outgoing_connections()
        self.outgoing = Outgoing(
            out_amqp, out_ftp, out_jms_wmq, out_odoo, out_plain_http, out_soap, out_sql,
            self.worker_store.stomp_outconn_api, out_zmq)

        # Cloud
        self.cloud = Cloud()
        self.cloud.openstack.swift = self.worker_store.worker_config.cloud_openstack_swift
        self.cloud.aws.s3 = self.worker_store.worker_config.cloud_aws_s3

        # Cassandra
        self.cassandra_conn = self.worker_store.cassandra_api
        self.cassandra_query = self.worker_store.cassandra_query_api

        # E-mail
        self.email = EMailAPI(self.worker_store.email_smtp_api, self.worker_store.email_imap_api)

        # Search
        self.search = SearchAPI(self.worker_store.search_es_api, self.worker_store.search_solr_api)

        is_sio = hasattr(self, 'SimpleIO')

        if is_sio:
            self.request.init(is_sio, self.cid, self.SimpleIO, self.data_format, self.transport, self.wsgi_environ)
            self.response.init(self.cid, self.SimpleIO, self.data_format)

        self.msg = MessageFacade(self.worker_store.msg_ns_store,
            self.worker_store.json_pointer_store, self.worker_store.xpath_store, self.worker_store.msg_ns_store,
            self.request.payload, self.time)

    def set_response_data(self, service, **kwargs):
        response = service.response.payload
        if not isinstance(response, (basestring, dict, list, tuple, EtreeElement, ObjectifiedElement)):
            response = response.getvalue(serialize=kwargs['serialize'])
            if kwargs['as_bunch']:
                response = bunchify(response)
            service.response.payload = response

        return response

    def _invoke(self, service, channel):
        # If channel is HTTP and there are any per-HTTP verb methods, it means we want for the service to be a REST target.
        # Let's say it is POST. If we have handle_POST, it is invoked. If there is no handle_POST,
        # '405 Method Not Allowed is returned'.
        # However, if we have 'handle' only, it means this is always invoked and no default 405 is returned.
        # In short, implement handle_* if you want REST behaviour. Otherwise, keep everything in handle.

        # Ok, this is HTTP
        if channel in (CHANNEL.HTTP_SOAP, CHANNEL.INVOKE):

            # We have at least one per-HTTP verb handler
            if service.http_method_handlers:

                # But do we have any handler matching current request's verb?
                if service.request.http.method in service.http_method_handlers:

                    # Yes, call the handler

                # No, return 405
                    service.response.status_code = METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED

            # We have no custom handlers so we always call 'handle'

        # It's not HTTP so we simply call 'handle'

    def extract_target(self, name):
        """ Splits a service's name into name and target, if the latter is provided on input at all.
        # It can be either a name or a name followed by the target to invoke the service on,
        # i.e. 'myservice' or 'myservice@mytarget'.
        if '@' in name:
            name, target = name.split('@')
            if not target:
                raise ZatoException(self.cid, 'Target must not be empty in `{}`'.format(name))
            target = ''

        return name, target

    def update_handle(self, set_response_func, service, raw_request, channel, data_format,
            transport, server, broker_client, worker_store, cid, simple_io_config, *args, **kwargs):

        wsgi_environ = kwargs.get('wsgi_environ', {})
        payload = wsgi_environ.get('zato.request.payload')

        # Here's an edge case. If a SOAP request has a single child in Body and this child is an empty element
        # (though possibly with attributes), checking for 'not payload' alone won't suffice - this evaluates
        # to False so we'd be parsing the payload again superfluously.
        if not isinstance(payload, ObjectifiedElement) and not payload:
            payload = payload_from_request(cid, raw_request, data_format, transport)

        job_type = kwargs.get('job_type')
        channel_params = kwargs.get('channel_params', {})
        merge_channel_params = kwargs.get('merge_channel_params', True)
        params_priority = kwargs.get('params_priority', PARAMS_PRIORITY.DEFAULT)

        service.update(service, channel, server, broker_client,
            worker_store, cid, payload, raw_request, transport,
            simple_io_config, data_format, wsgi_environ,
            params_priority=params_priority, in_reply_to=wsgi_environ.get('zato.request_ctx.in_reply_to', None),

        # It's possible the call will be completely filtered out
        if service.accept():

            # Assume everything goes fine
            e, exc_formatted = None, None


                self._invoke(service, channel)


            except Exception, e:
                exc_formatted = format_exc(e)

Example #6
class Service(object):
    """ A base class for all services deployed on Zato servers, no matter
    the transport and protocol, be it plain HTTP, SOAP, WebSphere MQ or any other,
    regardless whether they're built-in or user-defined ones.
    passthrough_to = ''

    def __init__(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.get_name())
        self.server = None
        self.broker_client = None
        self.channel = None
        self.cid = None
        self.outgoing = None
        self.worker_store = None
        self.odb = None
        self.data_format = None
        self.transport = None
        self.wsgi_environ = None
        self.job_type = None
        self.delivery_store = None
        self.environ = {}
        self.request = Request(self.logger)
        self.response = Response(self.logger)
        self.invocation_time = None # When was the service invoked
        self.handle_return_time = None # When did its 'handle' method finished processing the request
        self.processing_time_raw = None # A timedelta object with the processing time up to microseconds
        self.processing_time = None # Processing time in milliseconds
        self.usage = 0 # How many times the service has been invoked
        self.slow_threshold = maxint # After how many ms to consider the response came too late
        self.name = self.__class__.get_name()
        self.impl_name = self.__class__.get_impl_name()
        self.time = TimeUtil(None)
        self.from_passthrough = False
        self.passthrough_request = None

    def get_name(class_):
        """ Returns a service's name, settings its .name attribute along. This will
        be called once while the service is being deployed.
        if not hasattr(class_, '__name'):
            name = getattr(class_, 'name', None)
            if not name:
                name = service_name_from_impl(class_.get_impl_name())
                name = class_.convert_impl_name(name)

            class_.__name = name

        return class_.__name

    def get_impl_name(class_):
        if not hasattr(class_, '__impl_name'):
            class_.__impl_name = '{}.{}'.format(class_.__module__, class_.__name__)
        return class_.__impl_name

    def convert_impl_name(name):
        # TODO: Move the replace functionality over to uncamelify, possibly modifying its regexp
        split = uncamelify(name).split('.')

        path, class_name = split[:-1], split[-1]
        path = [elem.replace('_', '-') for elem in path]

        class_name = class_name[1:] if class_name.startswith('-') else class_name
        class_name = class_name.replace('.-', '.').replace('_-', '_')

        return '{}.{}'.format('.'.join(path), class_name)

    def _init(self):
        """ Actually initializes the service.
        self.odb = self.worker_store.server.odb
        self.kvdb = self.worker_store.kvdb
        self.time.kvdb = self.kvdb

        self.slow_threshold = self.server.service_store.services[self.impl_name]['slow_threshold']

        out_amqp = PublisherFacade(self.broker_client, self.server.delivery_store)
        out_jms_wmq = WMQFacade(self.broker_client, self.server.delivery_store)
        out_zmq = ZMQFacade(self.broker_client, self.server.delivery_store)
        out_sql = self.worker_store.sql_pool_store

        out_ftp, out_plain_http, out_soap = self.worker_store.worker_config.outgoing_connections()
        self.outgoing = Outgoing(out_ftp, out_amqp, out_zmq, out_jms_wmq, out_sql, out_plain_http, out_soap)

        is_sio = hasattr(self, 'SimpleIO')

        if self.passthrough_request:
            self.request = self.passthrough_request


        if is_sio:
            self.request.init(is_sio, self.cid, self.SimpleIO, self.data_format, self.transport, self.wsgi_environ)
            self.response.init(self.cid, self.SimpleIO, self.data_format)

        self.msg = MessageFacade(self.worker_store.msg_ns_store,
            self.worker_store.elem_path_store, self.worker_store.xpath_store)

    def set_response_data(self, service, **kwargs):
        response = service.response.payload
        if not isinstance(response, (basestring, dict, list, tuple)):
            response = response.getvalue(serialize=kwargs['serialize'])
            if kwargs['as_bunch']:
                response = bunchify(response)
            service.response.payload = response

        return response

    def update_handle(self, set_response_func, service, raw_request, channel, data_format,
            transport, server, broker_client, worker_store, cid, simple_io_config, *args, **kwargs):

        payload = payload_from_request(cid, raw_request, data_format, transport)

        job_type = kwargs.get('job_type')
        channel_params = kwargs.get('channel_params', {})
        merge_channel_params = kwargs.get('merge_channel_params', True)
        params_priority = kwargs.get('params_priority', PARAMS_PRIORITY.DEFAULT)
        wsgi_environ = kwargs.get('wsgi_environ', {})
        serialize = kwargs.get('serialize')
        as_bunch = kwargs.get('as_bunch')

        service.update(service, channel, server, broker_client,
            worker_store, cid, payload, raw_request, transport,
            simple_io_config, data_format, wsgi_environ,

        # Depending on whether this is a pass-through service or not we invoke
        # the target services or the one we have in hand right now. Note that
        # hooks are always invoked for the one we have a handle to right now
        # even if it's a pass-through one.


        if service.passthrough_to:
            sio = getattr(service, 'SimpleIO', None)
            return self.invoke(service.passthrough_to, raw_request, channel, data_format,
                    transport, serialize, as_bunch, sio=sio, from_passthrough=True,
                    passthrough_request=self.request, set_response_func=set_response_func)


        return set_response_func(service, data_format=data_format, transport=transport, **kwargs)

    def invoke_by_impl_name(self, impl_name, payload='', channel=CHANNEL.INVOKE, data_format=DATA_FORMAT.DICT,
            transport=None, serialize=False, as_bunch=False, **kwargs):
        """ Invokes a service synchronously by its implementation name (full dotted Python name).

        if self.impl_name == impl_name:
            msg = 'A service cannot invoke itself, name:[{}]'.format(self.name)
            raise ZatoException(self.cid, msg)

        service = self.server.service_store.new_instance(impl_name)
        service.from_passthrough = kwargs.get('from_passthrough', False)
        service.passthrough_request = kwargs.get('passthrough_request', None)

        if service.from_passthrough and kwargs.get('sio'):
            service.SimpleIO = kwargs['sio']

        set_response_func = kwargs.pop('set_response_func', self.set_response_data)

        return self.update_handle(set_response_func, service, payload, channel,
            data_format, transport, self.server, self.broker_client, self.worker_store,
            self.cid, self.request.simple_io_config, serialize=serialize, as_bunch=as_bunch,

    def invoke(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Invokes a service synchronously by its name.
        return self.invoke_by_impl_name(self.server.service_store.name_to_impl_name[name], *args, **kwargs)

    def invoke_by_id(self, service_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Invokes a service synchronously by its ID.
        return self.invoke_by_impl_name(self.server.service_store.id_to_impl_name[service_id], *args, **kwargs)

    def invoke_async(self, name, payload='', channel=CHANNEL.INVOKE_ASYNC, data_format=None,
            transport=None, expiration=BROKER.DEFAULT_EXPIRATION, to_json_string=False):
        """ Invokes a service asynchronously by its name.
        if to_json_string:
            payload = dumps(payload)

        cid = new_cid()

        msg = {}
        msg['action'] = SERVICE.PUBLISH
        msg['service'] = name
        msg['payload'] = payload
        msg['cid'] = cid
        msg['channel'] = channel
        msg['data_format'] = data_format
        msg['transport'] = transport

        self.broker_client.invoke_async(msg, expiration=expiration)

        return cid

    def deliver(self, def_name, payload, task_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Uses guaranteed delivery to send payload using a delivery definition known by def_name.
        *args and **kwargs will be passed directly as-is to the target behind the def_name.
        task_id = task_id or new_cid()
            self.server.cluster_id, def_name, payload, task_id, self.invoke,
            kwargs.pop('is_resubmit', False),
            kwargs.pop('is_auto', False),
            *args, **kwargs)

        return task_id

    def pre_handle(self):
        """ An internal method run just before the service sets to process the payload.
        Used for incrementing the service's usage count and storing the service invocation time.
        self.usage = self.kvdb.conn.incr('{}{}'.format(KVDB.SERVICE_USAGE, self.name))
        self.invocation_time = datetime.utcnow()

    def post_handle(self):
        """ An internal method executed after the service has completed and has
        a response ready to return. Updates its statistics and, optionally, stores
        a sample request/response pair.

        # Statistics

        self.handle_return_time = datetime.utcnow()
        self.processing_time_raw = self.handle_return_time - self.invocation_time

        proc_time = self.processing_time_raw.total_seconds() * 1000.0
        proc_time = proc_time if proc_time > 1 else 0

        self.processing_time = int(round(proc_time))

        self.kvdb.conn.hset('{}{}'.format(KVDB.SERVICE_TIME_BASIC, self.name), 'last', self.processing_time)
        self.kvdb.conn.rpush('{}{}'.format(KVDB.SERVICE_TIME_RAW, self.name), self.processing_time)

        key = '{}{}:{}'.format(KVDB.SERVICE_TIME_RAW_BY_MINUTE,
            self.name, self.handle_return_time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M'))
        self.kvdb.conn.rpush(key, self.processing_time)

        # .. we'll have 5 minutes (5 * 60 seconds = 300 seconds)
        # to aggregate processing times for a given minute and then it will expire

        # Note that we need Redis 2.1.3+ otherwise the key has just been overwritten
        self.kvdb.conn.expire(key, 300)

        # Sample requests/responses
        key, freq = request_response.should_store(self.kvdb, self.usage, self.name)
        if freq:

            # TODO: Don't parse it here and a moment later below
            resp = (self.response.payload.getvalue() if hasattr(self.response.payload, 'getvalue') else self.response.payload) or ''

            data = {
                'cid': self.cid,
                'req_ts': self.invocation_time.isoformat(),
                'resp_ts': self.handle_return_time.isoformat(),
                'req': self.request.raw_request or '',
            request_response.store(self.kvdb, key, self.usage, freq, **data)

        # Slow responses
        if self.processing_time > self.slow_threshold:

            # TODO: Don't parse it here and a moment earlier above
            resp = (self.response.payload.getvalue() if hasattr(self.response.payload, 'getvalue') else self.response.payload) or ''

            data = {
                'cid': self.cid,
                'proc_time': self.processing_time,
                'slow_threshold': self.slow_threshold,
                'req_ts': self.invocation_time.isoformat(),
                'resp_ts': self.handle_return_time.isoformat(),
                'req': self.request.raw_request or '',
                'resp': resp,
            slow_response.store(self.kvdb, self.name, **data)

    def translate(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('An initializer should override this method')

    def handle(self):
        """ The only method Zato services need to implement in order to process
        incoming requests.
        raise NotImplementedError('Should be overridden by subclasses')

    def lock(self, name=None, expires=20, timeout=0, backend=None):
        """ Creates a Redis-backed distributed lock.

        name - defaults to self.name effectively making access to this service serialized
        expires - defaults to 20 seconds and is the max time the lock will be held
        timeout - how long (in seconds) we will wait to acquire the lock before giving up and raising LockTimeout
        backend - a Redis connection object, defaults to self.kvdb.conn
        name = '{}{}'.format(KVDB.LOCK_SERVICE_PREFIX, name or self.name)
        backend = backend or self.kvdb.conn
        return Lock(name, expires, timeout, backend)

# ##############################################################################

    def call_job_hooks(self, prefix):
        if self.channel == CHANNEL.SCHEDULER and prefix != 'finalize':
                getattr(self, '{}_job'.format(prefix))()
            except Exception, e:
                self.logger.error("Can't run {}_job, e:[{}]".format(prefix, format_exc(e)))
                    func_name = '{}_{}_job'.format(prefix, self.job_type)
                    func = getattr(self, func_name)
                except Exception, e:
                    self.logger.error("Can't run {}, e:[{}]".format(func_name, format_exc(e)))
Example #7
class Service(object):
    """ A base class for all services deployed on Zato servers, no matter
    the transport and protocol, be it plain HTTP, SOAP, WebSphere MQ or any other,
    regardless whether they're built-in or user-defined ones.
    passthrough_to = ''

    def __init__(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.get_name())
        self.server = None
        self.broker_client = None
        self.pubsub = None
        self.channel = None
        self.cid = None
        self.outgoing = None
        self.cloud = None
        self.worker_store = None
        self.odb = None
        self.data_format = None
        self.transport = None
        self.wsgi_environ = None
        self.job_type = None
        self.delivery_store = None
        self.environ = {}
        self.request = Request(self.logger)
        self.response = Response(self.logger)
        self.invocation_time = None # When was the service invoked
        self.handle_return_time = None # When did its 'handle' method finished processing the request
        self.processing_time_raw = None # A timedelta object with the processing time up to microseconds
        self.processing_time = None # Processing time in milliseconds
        self.usage = 0 # How many times the service has been invoked
        self.slow_threshold = maxint # After how many ms to consider the response came too late
        self.name = self.__class__.get_name()
        self.impl_name = self.__class__.get_impl_name()
        self.time = TimeUtil(None)
        self.from_passthrough = False
        self.passthrough_request = None
        self.user_config = None
        self.dictnav = DictNav
        self.listnav = ListNav
        self.has_validate_input = False
        self.has_validate_output = False

    def get_name_static(class_):
        return Service.get_name(class_)

    def get_name(class_):
        """ Returns a service's name, settings its .name attribute along. This will
        be called once while the service is being deployed.
        if not hasattr(class_, '__name'):
            name = getattr(class_, 'name', None)
            if not name:
                name = service_name_from_impl(class_.get_impl_name())
                name = class_.convert_impl_name(name)

            class_.__name = name

        return class_.__name

    def get_impl_name(class_):
        if not hasattr(class_, '__impl_name'):
            class_.__impl_name = '{}.{}'.format(class_.__module__, class_.__name__)
        return class_.__impl_name

    def convert_impl_name(name):
        # TODO: Move the replace functionality over to uncamelify, possibly modifying its regexp
        split = uncamelify(name).split('.')

        path, class_name = split[:-1], split[-1]
        path = [elem.replace('_', '-') for elem in path]

        class_name = class_name[1:] if class_name.startswith('-') else class_name
        class_name = class_name.replace('.-', '.').replace('_-', '_')

        return '{}.{}'.format('.'.join(path), class_name)

    def _init(self):
        """ Actually initializes the service.
        self.odb = self.worker_store.server.odb
        self.kvdb = self.worker_store.kvdb
        self.time.kvdb = self.kvdb
        self.pubsub = self.worker_store.pubsub

        self.slow_threshold = self.server.service_store.services[self.impl_name]['slow_threshold']

        # Queues
        out_amqp = PublisherFacade(self.broker_client, self.server.delivery_store)
        out_jms_wmq = WMQFacade(self.broker_client, self.server.delivery_store)
        out_zmq = ZMQFacade(self.broker_client, self.server.delivery_store)

        # SQL
        out_sql = self.worker_store.sql_pool_store

        # Regular outconns
        out_ftp, out_plain_http, out_soap = self.worker_store.worker_config.outgoing_connections()
        self.outgoing = Outgoing(out_ftp, out_amqp, out_zmq, out_jms_wmq, out_sql, out_plain_http, out_soap)

        # Cloud
        self.cloud = Cloud()
        self.cloud.openstack.swift = self.worker_store.worker_config.cloud_openstack_swift
        self.cloud.aws.s3 = self.worker_store.worker_config.cloud_aws_s3

        # Cassandra
        self.cassandra_conn = self.worker_store.cassandra_api
        self.cassandra_query = self.worker_store.cassandra_query_api

        # E-mail
        self.email = EMailAPI(self.worker_store.email_smtp_api, self.worker_store.email_imap_api)

        # Search
        self.search = SearchAPI(self.worker_store.search_es_api, self.worker_store.search_solr_api)

        is_sio = hasattr(self, 'SimpleIO')

        if is_sio:
            self.request.init(is_sio, self.cid, self.SimpleIO, self.data_format, self.transport, self.wsgi_environ)
            self.response.init(self.cid, self.SimpleIO, self.data_format)

        self.msg = MessageFacade(self.worker_store.msg_ns_store,
            self.worker_store.json_pointer_store, self.worker_store.xpath_store, self.worker_store.msg_ns_store,
            self.request.payload, self.time)

    def set_response_data(self, service, **kwargs):
        response = service.response.payload
        if not isinstance(response, (basestring, dict, list, tuple, EtreeElement, ObjectifiedElement)):
            response = response.getvalue(serialize=kwargs['serialize'])
            if kwargs['as_bunch']:
                response = bunchify(response)
            service.response.payload = response

        return response

    def update_handle(self, set_response_func, service, raw_request, channel, data_format,
            transport, server, broker_client, worker_store, cid, simple_io_config, *args, **kwargs):

        wsgi_environ = kwargs.get('wsgi_environ', {})
        payload = wsgi_environ.get('zato.request.payload')

        # Here's an edge case. If a SOAP request has a single child in Body and this child is an empty element
        # (though possibly with attributes), checking for 'not payload' alone won't suffice - this evaluates
        # to False so we'd be parsing the payload again superfluously.
        if not isinstance(payload, ObjectifiedElement) and not payload:
            payload = payload_from_request(cid, raw_request, data_format, transport)

        job_type = kwargs.get('job_type')
        channel_params = kwargs.get('channel_params', {})
        merge_channel_params = kwargs.get('merge_channel_params', True)
        params_priority = kwargs.get('params_priority', PARAMS_PRIORITY.DEFAULT)
        serialize = kwargs.get('serialize')
        as_bunch = kwargs.get('as_bunch')
        channel_item = kwargs.get('channel_item')

        service.update(service, channel, server, broker_client,
            worker_store, cid, payload, raw_request, transport,
            simple_io_config, data_format, wsgi_environ,

        # Depending on whether this is a pass-through service or not we invoke
        # the target services or the one we have in hand right now. Note that
        # hooks are always invoked for the one we have a handle to right now
        # even if it's a pass-through one.


        if service.passthrough_to:
            sio = getattr(service, 'SimpleIO', None)
            return self.invoke(service.passthrough_to, payload, channel, data_format, transport, serialize, as_bunch,
                sio=sio, from_passthrough=True, passthrough_request=self.request, set_response_func=set_response_func,


        return set_response_func(service, data_format=data_format, transport=transport, **kwargs)

    def invoke_by_impl_name(self, impl_name, payload='', channel=CHANNEL.INVOKE, data_format=DATA_FORMAT.DICT,
            transport=None, serialize=False, as_bunch=False, timeout=None, raise_timeout=True, **kwargs):
        """ Invokes a service synchronously by its implementation name (full dotted Python name).
        if self.impl_name == impl_name:
            msg = 'A service cannot invoke itself, name:[{}]'.format(self.name)
            raise ZatoException(self.cid, msg)

        service = self.server.service_store.new_instance(impl_name)
        service.from_passthrough = kwargs.get('from_passthrough', False)
        service.passthrough_request = kwargs.get('passthrough_request', None)

        if service.from_passthrough and kwargs.get('sio'):
            service.SimpleIO = kwargs['sio']

        set_response_func = kwargs.pop('set_response_func', self.set_response_data)

        invoke_args = (set_response_func, service, payload, channel, data_format, transport, self.server,
                        self.broker_client, self.worker_store, self.cid, self.request.simple_io_config)
        kwargs.update({"serialize":serialize, "as_bunch":as_bunch})

            if timeout:
                    g = spawn(self.update_handle, *invoke_args, **kwargs)
                    return g.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
                except Timeout:
                    logger.warn('Service `%s` timed out (%s)', service.name, self.cid)
                    if raise_timeout:
                return self.update_handle(*invoke_args, **kwargs)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.warn('Could not invoke `%s`, e:`%s`', service.name, format_exc(e))
Example #8
class Service(object):
    """ A base class for all services deployed on Zato servers, no matter
    the transport and protocol, be it plain HTTP, SOAP, WebSphere MQ or any other,
    regardless whether they're built-in or user-defined ones.
    passthrough_to = ''
    http_method_handlers = {}

    def __init__(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.get_name())
        self.server = None
        self.broker_client = None
        self.pubsub = None
        self.channel = None
        self.cid = None
        self.outgoing = None
        self.cloud = None
        self.worker_store = None
        self.odb = None
        self.data_format = None
        self.transport = None
        self.wsgi_environ = None
        self.job_type = None
        self.delivery_store = None
        self.environ = {}
        self.request = Request(self.logger)
        self.response = Response(self.logger)
        self.invocation_time = None  # When was the service invoked
        self.handle_return_time = None  # When did its 'handle' method finished processing the request
        self.processing_time_raw = None  # A timedelta object with the processing time up to microseconds
        self.processing_time = None  # Processing time in milliseconds
        self.usage = 0  # How many times the service has been invoked
        self.slow_threshold = maxint  # After how many ms to consider the response came too late
        self.name = self.__class__.get_name()
        self.impl_name = self.__class__.get_impl_name()
        self.time = TimeUtil(None)
        self.pattern = PatternsFacade(self)
        self.from_passthrough = False
        self.passthrough_request = None
        self.user_config = None
        self.dictnav = DictNav
        self.listnav = ListNav
        self.has_validate_input = False
        self.has_validate_output = False

    def get_name_static(class_):
        return Service.get_name(class_)

    def get_name(class_):
        """ Returns a service's name, settings its .name attribute along. This will
        be called once while the service is being deployed.
        if not hasattr(class_, '__name'):
            name = getattr(class_, 'name', None)
            if not name:
                name = service_name_from_impl(class_.get_impl_name())
                name = class_.convert_impl_name(name)

            class_.__name = name

        return class_.__name

    def get_impl_name(class_):
        if not hasattr(class_, '__impl_name'):
            class_.__impl_name = '{}.{}'.format(class_.__module__,
        return class_.__impl_name

    def convert_impl_name(name):
        # TODO: Move the replace functionality over to uncamelify, possibly modifying its regexp
        split = uncamelify(name).split('.')

        path, class_name = split[:-1], split[-1]
        path = [elem.replace('_', '-') for elem in path]

        class_name = class_name[1:] if class_name.startswith(
            '-') else class_name
        class_name = class_name.replace('.-', '.').replace('_-', '_')

        return '{}.{}'.format('.'.join(path), class_name)

    def add_http_method_handlers(class_):

        for name in dir(class_):
            if name.startswith('handle_'):

                if not getattr(class_, 'http_method_handlers', False):
                    setattr(class_, 'http_method_handlers', {})

                method = name.replace('handle_', '')
                class_.http_method_handlers[method] = getattr(class_, name)

    def _init(self):
        """ Actually initializes the service.
        self.odb = self.worker_store.server.odb
        self.kvdb = self.worker_store.kvdb
        self.time.kvdb = self.kvdb
        self.pubsub = self.worker_store.pubsub

        self.slow_threshold = self.server.service_store.services[

        # Queues
        out_amqp = PublisherFacade(self.broker_client,
        out_jms_wmq = WMQFacade(self.broker_client, self.server.delivery_store)
        out_zmq = ZMQFacade(self.broker_client, self.server.delivery_store)

        # SQL
        out_sql = self.worker_store.sql_pool_store

        # Regular outconns
        out_ftp, out_odoo, out_plain_http, out_soap = self.worker_store.worker_config.outgoing_connections(
        self.outgoing = Outgoing(out_amqp, out_ftp, out_jms_wmq, out_odoo,
                                 out_plain_http, out_soap, out_sql, out_zmq)

        # Cloud
        self.cloud = Cloud()
        self.cloud.openstack.swift = self.worker_store.worker_config.cloud_openstack_swift
        self.cloud.aws.s3 = self.worker_store.worker_config.cloud_aws_s3

        # Cassandra
        self.cassandra_conn = self.worker_store.cassandra_api
        self.cassandra_query = self.worker_store.cassandra_query_api

        # E-mail
        self.email = EMailAPI(self.worker_store.email_smtp_api,

        # Search
        self.search = SearchAPI(self.worker_store.search_es_api,

        is_sio = hasattr(self, 'SimpleIO')

        if is_sio:
            self.request.init(is_sio, self.cid, self.SimpleIO,
                              self.data_format, self.transport,
            self.response.init(self.cid, self.SimpleIO, self.data_format)

        self.msg = MessageFacade(self.worker_store.msg_ns_store,
                                 self.request.payload, self.time)

    def set_response_data(self, service, **kwargs):
        response = service.response.payload
        if not isinstance(
            (basestring, dict, list, tuple, EtreeElement, ObjectifiedElement)):
            response = response.getvalue(serialize=kwargs['serialize'])
            if kwargs['as_bunch']:
                response = bunchify(response)
            service.response.payload = response

        return response

    def update_handle(self, set_response_func, service, raw_request, channel,
                      data_format, transport, server, broker_client,
                      worker_store, cid, simple_io_config, *args, **kwargs):

        wsgi_environ = kwargs.get('wsgi_environ', {})
        payload = wsgi_environ.get('zato.request.payload')

        # Here's an edge case. If a SOAP request has a single child in Body and this child is an empty element
        # (though possibly with attributes), checking for 'not payload' alone won't suffice - this evaluates
        # to False so we'd be parsing the payload again superfluously.
        if not isinstance(payload, ObjectifiedElement) and not payload:
            payload = payload_from_request(cid, raw_request, data_format,

        job_type = kwargs.get('job_type')
        channel_params = kwargs.get('channel_params', {})
        merge_channel_params = kwargs.get('merge_channel_params', True)
        params_priority = kwargs.get('params_priority',
        serialize = kwargs.get('serialize')
        as_bunch = kwargs.get('as_bunch')
        channel_item = kwargs.get('channel_item')


        # Depending on whether this is a pass-through service or not we invoke
        # the target services or the one we have in hand right now. Note that
        # hooks are always invoked for the one we have a handle to right now
        # even if it's a pass-through one.


        if service.passthrough_to:
            sio = getattr(service, 'SimpleIO', None)
            return self.invoke(service.passthrough_to,

            # If channel is HTTP and there are any per-HTTP verb methods, it means we want for the service to be a REST target.
            # Let's say it is POST. If we have handle_POST, it is invoked. If there is no handle_POST,
            # '405 Method Not Allowed is returned'.
            # However, if we have 'handle' only, it means this is always invoked and no default 405 is returned.
            # In short, implement handle_* if you want REST behaviour. Otherwise, keep everything in handle.

            # Ok, this is HTTP
            if channel in (CHANNEL.HTTP_SOAP, CHANNEL.INVOKE):

                # We have at least one per-HTTP verb handler
                if service.http_method_handlers:

                    # But do we have any handler matching current request's verb?
                    if service.request.http.method in service.http_method_handlers:

                        # Yes, call the handler

                    # No, return 405
                        service.response.status_code = METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED

                # We have no customer handlers so we always call 'handle'

            # It's not HTTP so we simply call 'handle'



        return set_response_func(service,

    def invoke_by_impl_name(self,
        """ Invokes a service synchronously by its implementation name (full dotted Python name).
        if self.impl_name == impl_name:
            msg = 'A service cannot invoke itself, name:[{}]'.format(self.name)
            raise ZatoException(self.cid, msg)

        service = self.server.service_store.new_instance(impl_name)
        service.from_passthrough = kwargs.get('from_passthrough', False)
        service.passthrough_request = kwargs.get('passthrough_request', None)

        if service.from_passthrough and kwargs.get('sio'):
            service.SimpleIO = kwargs['sio']

        set_response_func = kwargs.pop('set_response_func',

        invoke_args = (set_response_func, service, payload, channel,
                       data_format, transport, self.server, self.broker_client,
                       self.worker_store, self.cid,
        kwargs.update({"serialize": serialize, "as_bunch": as_bunch})

            if timeout:
                    g = spawn(self.update_handle, *invoke_args, **kwargs)
                    return g.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
                except Timeout:
                    logger.warn('Service `%s` timed out (%s)', service.name,
                    if raise_timeout:
                return self.update_handle(*invoke_args, **kwargs)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.warn('Could not invoke `%s`, e:`%s`', service.name,