def make_wrapper(self): path = self.buildout["buildout"]["bin-directory"] egg_paths = [ self.buildout["buildout"]["develop-eggs-directory"], self.buildout["buildout"]["eggs-directory"], ] arguments = "'%s'" % self.ininame ws = easy_install.working_set(["isotoma.recipe.pound"], sys.executable, egg_paths) easy_install.scripts([(, "isotoma.recipe.pound.cyclescript", "execute")], ws, sys.executable, path, arguments=arguments) self.options.created(os.path.join(path,
def install(self): path = self.buildout["buildout"]["bin-directory"] egg_paths = [ self.buildout["buildout"]["develop-eggs-directory"], self.buildout["buildout"]["eggs-directory"], ] ws = easy_install.working_set(["isotoma.recipe.apache"], sys.executable, egg_paths) easy_install.scripts([(, "isotoma.recipe.apache.logfilter", "main")], ws, sys.executable, path) self.installed.append(os.path.join(path, return self.installed
def create_script(self, name, path, settings, template, arguments): """Create arbitrary script. This script will also include the eventual code found in ``initialization`` and will also set (via ``os.environ``) the environment variables found in ``environment-vars`` """"Creating script at %s" % (os.path.join(path, name), )) settings = settings.rsplit(".", 1) module = settings[0] attrs = "" if len(settings) > 1: attrs = "." + settings[1] old_script_template = easy_install.script_template easy_install.script_template = template script = easy_install.scripts(reqs=[(name, module, attrs)], working_set=self.working_set[1], executable=self.options['executable'], dest=path, extra_paths=self.extra_paths, initialization=self.get_initialization(), arguments=str(arguments)) easy_install.script_template = old_script_template return script
def create_script(self, name, path, settings, template, arguments): """Create arbitrary script. This script will also include the eventual code found in ``initialization`` and will also set (via ``os.environ``) the environment variables found in ``environment-vars`` """ "Creating script at %s" % (os.path.join(path, name),) ) settings = settings.rsplit(".", 1) module = settings[0] attrs = "" if len(settings) > 1: attrs = "." + settings[1] old_script_template = easy_install.script_template easy_install.script_template = template script = easy_install.scripts( reqs=[(name, module, attrs)], working_set=self.working_set[1], executable=self.options['executable'], dest=path, extra_paths=self.extra_paths, initialization=self.get_initialization(), arguments=str(arguments) ) easy_install.script_template = old_script_template return script
def wrapper(self, postfix, module, call): scriptname = + postfix bin_directory = self.buildout['buildout']['bin-directory'] egg_paths = [ self.buildout["buildout"]["develop-eggs-directory"], self.buildout["buildout"]["eggs-directory"], ] module = "badgerproxy.scripts." + module working_set = easy_install.working_set(["badgerproxy"], sys.executable, egg_paths) arguments = "'%s'" % self.options['systemconf'] easy_install.scripts( [(scriptname, module, call)], working_set, sys.executable, bin_directory, arguments=arguments) self.options.created(os.path.join(bin_directory, scriptname))
def install(self): if self.options['settings'] and self.options['inst_apps']: raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'Cannot define a settings module and a list of installed apps') __, working_set = self.egg.working_set(self._packages()) return easy_install.scripts( [(, self.script_path, 'main')], working_set, sys.executable, self.options['bin_dir'], extra_paths=self.options['extra-paths'].split(';'), arguments=self._arguments(), initialization=self._initialization())
def install(self): # Create var dirs var = os.path.join(self.buildout['buildout']['directory'], 'var') fs = os.path.join(self.buildout['buildout']['directory'], 'var', 'filestorage') bs = os.path.join(self.buildout['buildout']['directory'], 'var', 'blobstorage') mkdir(var) mkdir(fs) mkdir(bs) # Generate paster script requirements, ws = self.egg.working_set(['collective.recipe.bluebream']) return scripts(['PasteScript'], ws, self.buildout['buildout']['executable'], self.buildout['buildout']['bin-directory'])
def install(self): if self.__skip:'skipped') return [] from zc.buildout import easy_install import pkg_resources import sys ws = [pkg_resources.get_distribution(dist) for dist in ['unokit', 'oxt.tool']] entrypoints = [(self.__name, 'oxt_tool', 'install')] arguments = '%r' % self.__unopkg return easy_install.scripts(entrypoints, ws, sys.executable, self.__bindir, arguments=arguments)
def install(self): pybin = self.buildout["buildout"]["executable"] bindir = self.buildout['buildout']['bin-directory'] partsdir = os.path.join(self.buildout['buildout']['parts-directory'], cfg = os.path.join(partsdir, "cluster.cfg") if not os.path.exists(partsdir): os.makedirs(partsdir) services = [] for s in self.options["services"].strip().split(): s = s.strip() if s: services.append(s) config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.add_section('cluster') config.set('cluster', 'services', ' '.join(services)) config.set('cluster', 'name', config.set('cluster', 'bindir', bindir) config.set('cluster', 'varrundir', self.options["varrun-directory"]) config.set('cluster', 'user', self.options.get("force-user", "root")) config.set('cluster', 'owner', self.options.get("owner", "root")) for s in services: config.add_section(s) config.set(s, "name", s) part = self.buildout[s] for key, value in part.items(): config.set(s, key, value) config.write(open(cfg, 'wb')) ws = easy_install.working_set( ["isotoma.recipe.cluster"], pybin, [self.buildout["buildout"]['develop-eggs-directory'], self.buildout['buildout']['eggs-directory']]) scripts = easy_install.scripts( [(, "isotoma.recipe.cluster.ctl", "main")], ws, pybin, bindir, arguments='"%s"' % cfg, initialization=self.options.get("preamble", "")) return [os.path.join(bindir,, cfg]
def createPythonScript(self, name, absolute_function, args=(), kw={}): """Create a python script using zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts * function should look like 'module.function', or only 'function' if it is a builtin function.""" function = absolute_function.rsplit('.', 1) if len(function) == 1: module = '__builtin__' function, = function else: module, function = function path, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(name)) assert not isinstance(args, (six.string_types, dict)), args args = itertools.chain(map(repr, args), map('%s=%r'.__mod__, six.iteritems(kw))) return easy_install.scripts([(filename, module, function)], self._ws, sys.executable, path, arguments=', '.join(args))[0]
def install(self): if self.__skip:'skipped') return [] from zc.buildout import easy_install import pkg_resources import sys ws = [pkg_resources.get_distribution(dist) for dist in ['unokit', 'oxt.tool', 'discover']] entrypoints = [(self.__name, 'oxt_tool', 'test_remotely')] arguments = '%r, %r, %r, %r' arguments = arguments % (self.__soffice, self.__discover, self.__extra_path, self.__logconf_path) if self.__python: python = self.__python else: python = sys.executable return easy_install.scripts(entrypoints, ws, python, self.__bindir, arguments=arguments)
def install(self): if self.__skip:'skipped') return [] from zc.buildout import easy_install import pkg_resources import sys ws = [pkg_resources.get_distribution(dist) for dist in ['unokit', 'oxt.tool']] if self.__in_proc: func = 'console_in_proc' else: func = 'console' entrypoints = [(self.__name, 'oxt_tool', func)] arguments = '%r' % self.__soffice if self.__python: python = self.__python else: python = sys.executable return easy_install.scripts(entrypoints, ws, python, self.__bindir, arguments=arguments)
def install_scripts(self, source_dir, project_dir): """ Install the control scripts that we need """ # use the working set to correctly create the scripts with the correct # python path ws = self.working_set(extra=('isotoma.recipe.django',))[1] easy_install.scripts( [( "django-admin", "", "execute_from_command_line" )], ws, self.options['executable'], self.options['bin-directory'], extra_paths = self.extra_paths ) # this is a bit nasty # we need to add the project to the working set so we can import from it # so we're adding it's directory as an extra_path, as egg installing it # doesn't seem to be much success # install the project script ("") easy_install.scripts( [( self.options["control-script"], "", "execute_from_command_line" )], ws, self.options['executable'], self.options['bin-directory'], arguments="sys.argv", initialization=self.initialization(), extra_paths = self.extra_paths ) # install the wsgi script if required if self.options["wsgi"].lower() == "true": # the name of the wsgi script that will end up in bin-directory wsgi_name = "%s.%s" % (self.options["control-script"], "wsgi") # install the wsgi script # we need to reset the template, as we need a custom script, rather # than the standard buildout one # store the old one _script_template = easy_install.script_template # set our new template easy_install.script_template = easy_install.script_header + open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates/wsgi.tmpl") ).read() project_real_path = os.path.realpath(project_dir) easy_install.scripts( [( wsgi_name, "django.core.wsgi", "get_wsgi_application" )], ws, self.options['executable'], self.options['bin-directory'], arguments="", initialization=self.initialization(), extra_paths = [project_real_path] + self.extra_paths ) zc.buildout.easy_install.script_template = _script_template # add the created scripts to the buildout installed stuff, so they get # removed correctly self.options.created( os.path.join(self.options["bin-directory"], "django-admin"), os.path.join( self.options["bin-directory"], self.options.get("control-script", "django") ), )
def make_wrapper(self, name, module, func, path, **kwargs): reqs, ws = self.egg.working_set() easy_install.scripts([(name, module, func)], ws, sys.executable, path, **kwargs) self.installed.append(os.path.join(path, name))
def install_scripts(self, source_dir, project_dir): """ Install the control scripts that we need """ # use the working set to correctly create the scripts with the correct # python path ws = self.working_set(extra=('isotoma.recipe.django', ))[1] easy_install.scripts([("django-admin", "", "execute_from_command_line")], ws, self.options['executable'], self.options['bin-directory'], extra_paths=self.extra_paths) # this is a bit nasty # we need to add the project to the working set so we can import from it # so we're adding it's directory as an extra_path, as egg installing it # doesn't seem to be much success # install the project script ("") easy_install.scripts([(self.options["control-script"], "", "execute_manager")], ws, self.options['executable'], self.options['bin-directory'], arguments="settings", initialization=self.initialization(), extra_paths=self.extra_paths) # install the wsgi script if required if self.options["wsgi"].lower() == "true": # the name of the wsgi script that will end up in bin-directory wsgi_name = "%s.%s" % (self.options["control-script"], "wsgi") # install the wsgi script # we need to reset the template, as we need a custom script, rather # than the standard buildout one # store the old one _script_template = easy_install.script_template # set our new template easy_install.script_template = easy_install.script_header + open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates/wsgi.tmpl")).read() project_real_path = os.path.realpath(project_dir) easy_install.scripts( [(wsgi_name, "isotoma.recipe.django.wsgi", "main")], ws, self.options['executable'], self.options['bin-directory'], arguments="settings", initialization=self.initialization(), extra_paths=[project_real_path] + self.extra_paths) zc.buildout.easy_install.script_template = _script_template # add the created scripts to the buildout installed stuff, so they get # removed correctly self.options.created( os.path.join(self.options["bin-directory"], "django-admin"), os.path.join(self.options["bin-directory"], self.options.get("control-script", "django")), )
def install(self): __, working_set = self.egg.working_set(self._packages()) venv = self.options['virtualenv'] venv_path = '' if venv: workon_home = os.environ.get('WORKON_HOME', '') if workon_home: envs = os.listdir(workon_home) if venv in envs: bin_dir = 'Scripts' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'bin' venv_path = os.path.join(workon_home, venv, bin_dir, '') if not os.path.isfile(venv_path): logging.getLogger( "part [%s], option virtualenv: " "was not found in %s." % (, os.path.dirname(venv_path))) else: logging.getLogger( "part [%s]: no virtualenv named '%s' is available on " "this system. Please create it or update the " "virtualenv option." % (, venv)) else: logging.getLogger( "The 'virtualenv' option is set in part [%(part)s] while " "no WORKON_HOME environment variable is available. " "Part [%(part)s] will be installed in the global python " "environment." % {'part':}) _script_template = easy_install.script_template easy_install.script_template = easy_install.script_header + \ ((venv_setup % venv_path) if venv_path else '') + \ (self.script_template if self.script_template else _script_template.split('\n', 1)[1]) # (we use split to strip the 1st line of _script_template, which is # the header) if self.options['script_path']: dest = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.options['root_dir'], self.options['script_path'])) dest_dir, dest_name = os.path.split(dest) if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) else: dest_dir = self.options['bin_dir'] dest_name = module_name = self.__class__.__module__.replace('recipes', 'scripts') script = easy_install.scripts( [(dest_name, module_name, 'main')], working_set, sys.executable, dest_dir, extra_paths=self.options['extra-paths'].split(';'), arguments=self._arguments(), initialization=self._initialization()) easy_install.script_template = _script_template if self.options['script_path'] and sys.platform == 'win32': # on windows, the must be renamed and the .exe # deleted if the script path is provided for s in script: if s.endswith('.py'): # we rename the .py file, deleting the existing one if any if os.path.exists(dest): os.remove(dest) os.rename(s, dest) else: # we remove the .exe file os.remove(s) script = [dest] return script
def install(self): options = self.options location = options['location'] reqs, ws = self.egg.working_set(['plone.recipe.alltests']) packages = [] paths = {} for dist in ws.by_key.values(): name = dist.project_name packages.append(name) paths[name] = dist.location excludes = [re.compile(e) for e in self.exclude] includes = [re.compile(e) for e in self.include] filtered_packages = [] for p in list(set(packages) - EXCLUDE_PACKAGES): match = False if self.default_policy == 'include': for e in excludes: if is not None: match = True break if not match: filtered_packages.append(p) elif self.default_policy == 'exclude': for i in includes: if is not None: match = True break if match: filtered_packages.append(p) packages = filtered_packages # Allow to map distribution names to different package names pmap = dict() package_map = options.get('package-map', '').strip() if package_map: pmap = self.buildout[package_map] for k, v in pmap.items(): if k in packages: packages.remove(k) packages.append(v) paths[v] = paths[k] del paths[k] packages.sort() # Allow to group multiple packages into one test run groups = dict() groups_section = options.get('groups', '').strip() if groups_section: data = self.buildout[groups_section] for k, v in data.items(): if self.default_policy == 'include': if k in self.exclude_groups: for p in v.split(): if p in packages: packages.remove(p) else: groups[k] = v.split() elif self.default_policy == 'exclude' and k in self.include_groups: groups[k] = v.split() easy_install.scripts( [(, 'plone.recipe.alltests.runner', 'main')], ws, options['executable'], options['bin-directory'], arguments=dict( packages=packages, testscript=self.testscript, paths=paths, groups=groups, ), ) return location