Example #1
def getContractDetail(request, ldict):
    ls_sql = "select id,bill_no,vslvoy,cargo_name,origin_place,client_id,cargo_piece,cargo_weight," \
             "cargo_volume,booking_date,in_port_date,return_cntr_date,custom_id,ship_corp_id,port_id," \
             "yard_id,finish_flag,finish_time,remark,contract_no,dispatch_place,custom_title1," \
             "custom_title2,landtrans_id,check_yard_id,unbox_yard_id,credit_id,cargo_type,cntr_freedays," \
             "pre_inport_date from contract"

    #ldict = json.loads(request.POST['jpargs'])
    lrtn = rawsql2json(*rawsql4request(ls_sql, ldict))
    if lrtn["total"] > 0 :
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(lrtn,ensure_ascii = False))

    # lrtn 包含提单号、用于统计后续箱量。所有的提单号,用于统计所有箱量。
    ls_sqlsum = ''' select b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(cntr_num) as showsum,  b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(check_num) as checksum  from contract_cntr as A , c_cntr_type as B
                    where A.contract_id in ( %s )
                    and A.cntr_type = B.id
                    group by b.cntr_type
    ls_sql4action = ''' select action_name from  contract_action as A, c_contract_action as B
                        where  contract_id = %s and A.action_id = B.id order by B.sortno desc limit 1;
    list_contrId = []
    for i in lrtn["rows"]:
        #get all the cntr in the bill
        l_sumCntr = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlsum % str(i["id"])  )
        if len(l_sumCntr) > 0:
            ls = ";".join([x["showsum"] for x in l_sumCntr])
            i.update({ "cntr_sum": ls  })
            ls2 = ";".join([x["checksum"] for x in l_sumCntr])
            i.update({ "check_num": ls2  })
            i.update({ "cntr_sum": "None"  })
            i.update({ "check_num": "None"  })
        # get the last cntr action , as to say, have the biggest sortno of the c_cntr_action
        l_lastAction = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sql4action % str(i["id"]) )
        if len(l_lastAction) > 0:
            ls = ";".join([x["action_name"] for x in l_lastAction])
            i.update({ "current_action": ls  })
            i.update({ "current_action": "None"  })

    # get all the cntr for all the sum bill .
    ldict_sum = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlsum % ( ",".join(list_contrId) ) )
    ls_sumCheck = "None"
    if len(ldict_sum) > 0 :
        ls_sumCheck = ";".join([x["checksum"] for x in ldict_sum])
        ls_sumall = ";".join([x["showsum"] for x in ldict_sum])
        lrtn.update( { "footer" : [{"cntr_sum":ls_sumall , "bill_no": "合计", "check_num": ls_sumCheck } ] } )
        lrtn.update( { "footer" : [{"cntr_sum":"None" , "bill_no": "合计", "check_num": "None" } ] } )
    # get all the cntr for check  from the contract.

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(lrtn, ensure_ascii = False))

    '''   test:
Example #2
def getBussSumary(request, aDict):
    ls_time1 = str(aDict["ex_parm"]["begindate"])
    ls_time2 = str(aDict["ex_parm"]["enddate"])
    ls_clientid = str(aDict["ex_parm"]["client_id"]).strip(" ")
    ls_sqlclient = ""
    if len(ls_clientid) > 0:
        ls_sqlclient = " client_id = %s and "  % ls_clientid

    ls_sql = "select client_id, cargo_type, cargo_name,  origin_place,  sum(cargo_volume)" \
             " from contract where " + ls_sqlclient + \
            " finish_time between '%s' and '%s' group by client_id, cargo_type, cargo_name, origin_place" % ( ls_time1, ls_time2)

    lrtn = rawsql2json(*rawsql4request(ls_sql, aDict))
    if lrtn["total"] > 0 :
        lrtn = { "msg":"查询成功",  "stateCod": "1", "error": [""],"rows":[],"footer":[] }
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(lrtn,ensure_ascii = False))

    ls_sqlsum = ''' select b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(cntr_num) as showsum, b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(check_num) as checksum   from contract_cntr as A , c_cntr_type as B
                    where A.contract_id in (select id from contract where COALESCE(client_id,0) = %s and COALESCE(cargo_type,0)  = %s and COALESCE(cargo_name,0) = %s and COALESCE(origin_place,0) = %s)
                    and A.cntr_type = B.id
                    group by b.cntr_type

    for i in lrtn["rows"]:
        #get all the cntr in the bill
        ls_cargoType = "0"
        ls_cargoName = "0"
        ls_originPlace = "0"
        if len(str(i["cargo_type"])) > 0:
            ls_cargoType = str(i["cargo_type"])
        if len(str(i["cargo_name"])) > 0:
            ls_cargoName = str(i["cargo_name"])
        if len(str(i["origin_place"])) > 0:
            ls_originPlace = str(i["origin_place"])
        #l_sumCntr = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlsum % (str(i["client_id"]),str(i["cargo_type"]),str(i["cargo_name"]),str(i["origin_place"])) )
        l_sumCntr = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlsum % (str(i["client_id"]),ls_cargoType,ls_cargoName,ls_originPlace ))
        if len(l_sumCntr) > 0:
            ls = ";".join([x["showsum"] for x in l_sumCntr])
            ls2 = ";".join([x["checksum"] for x in l_sumCntr])
            i.update({  "cntr_num": ls  , "check_num": ls2  })
            i.update({ "cntr_num": "None",  "check_num": "None"   })

    # get all the cntr for all the sum bill .
    ls_sumcntr4footer =  ''' select b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(cntr_num) as showsum,  b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(check_num) as checksum  from contract_cntr as A , c_cntr_type as B
                        where  A.contract_id in  (select id from contract where %s  finish_time between '%s' and '%s')
                        and A.cntr_type = B.id group by b.cntr_type  '''  % ( ls_sqlclient, ls_time1, ls_time2)
    ldict_sum = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sumcntr4footer )
    ls_sumCheck = "None"
    if len(ldict_sum) > 0 :
        ls_sumCheck = ";".join([x["checksum"] for x in ldict_sum])
        ls_sumall = ";".join([x["showsum"] for x in ldict_sum])
        lrtn.update( { "footer" : [{"cntr_num":ls_sumall , "client_id": "合计", "check_num": ls_sumCheck } ] } )
        lrtn.update( { "footer" : [{"cntr_num":"None" , "client_id": "合计", "check_num": "None" } ] } )
    # get all the cntr for check  from the contract.
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(lrtn, ensure_ascii = False))
Example #3
def auditDeleteQuery(request, ldict):
    l_rtn = {}
    l_clientid = str(ldict['ex_parm']['client_id'])
    l_feetyp = str(ldict['ex_parm']['fee_typ'])
    ls_sql = "select ex_over, audit_tim from act_fee where client_id=%s and fee_typ='%s' and audit_id=true order by id desc limit 1 " % (
        l_clientid, l_feetyp)
    l_actRecord = cursorSelect(ls_sql)
    if len(l_actRecord) > 0:
            "msg": "查询成功,但没有符合条件记录",
            "error": '',
            "stateCod": 1,
            "result": {
                "act": [],
                "pre": []
        return l_rtn
    ls_auditTim = l_actRecord[0][1]
    ls_exOver = l_actRecord[0][0]
    ls_sqlpre1 = "select id,contract_id,fee_typ,fee_cod,client_id,amount," \
                 "fee_tim,lock_flag,fee_financial_tim,remark,ex_from,ex_over,ex_feeid,audit_id,audit_tim " \
                 "from pre_fee where audit_id = true " \
                 "and audit_tim = '%s' and ex_over='%s' " % (ls_auditTim, ls_exOver)
    ls_sqlpre2 = "select id,contract_id,fee_typ,fee_cod,client_id,(0-amount) amount," \
                 "fee_tim,lock_flag,fee_financial_tim,remark,ex_from,ex_over,ex_feeid,audit_id,audit_tim " \
                 "from pre_fee where audit_id = false and rec_tim = '%s' and ex_from='%s' " % (ls_auditTim, ls_exOver)
    ls_sqlact1 = "select id,client_id,fee_typ,amount,invoice_no,check_no,pay_type," \
                 "fee_tim,remark,ex_from,ex_over,ex_feeid,audit_id,audit_tim,accept_no " \
                 "from act_fee where audit_id = true " \
                 "and audit_tim = '%s' and ex_over='%s' " % (ls_auditTim, ls_exOver)
    ls_sqlact2 = "select id,client_id,fee_typ,(0-amount) amount,invoice_no,check_no,pay_type," \
                 "fee_tim,remark,ex_from,ex_over,ex_feeid,audit_id,audit_tim,accept_no " \
                 "from act_fee where audit_id = false and rec_tim = '%s' and ex_from='%s' " % (ls_auditTim, ls_exOver)
        list_pre = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlpre1)
        list_act = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlact1)
        l_result = {"act": list_act, "pre": list_pre}
            "msg": "查询成功",
            "error": [],
            "stateCod": 1,
            "result": l_result
    except Exception as e:
            "msg": "查询失败",
            "error": list((str(e.args), )),
            "stateCod": -5
    return l_rtn
Example #4
def initProtElemContent(request, adict):
    '''  # 协议要素内容初始化
    import App.ajaxRespFee
    import zdCommon.dbhelp
    aaa = { "func": '协议要素内容初始化',
        "reqtype": 'update',
        "ex_parm": {   "id": '1'  } }
    App.ajaxRespFee.initProtElemContent(aaa, aaa)
    l_rtn = {"msg": "成功", "stateCod": "001", "error": [], "rows": [] }
    l_recnam = request.session['userid']
    ls_eleId = str(adict["ex_parm"]["id"])
    ls_sqlinit = "select init_data_sql from p_fee_ele where id = %s"
    lds_rtn = cursorSelect(ls_sqlinit, [ls_eleId])
        if lds_rtn:
            ls_sub = str(lds_rtn[0][0]).replace('"',"'")
            ls_sqlIns = ''' insert into p_fee_ele_lov(ele_id, lov_cod, lov_name, rec_nam, rec_tim)
                      select '%s' as ele_id , lov_cod, lov_name, %s, now()  from
                      ( %s ) tt2
                      where lov_cod not in (select lov_cod from p_fee_ele_lov where ele_id = '%s')
                  ''' %  (ls_eleId,  l_recnam , ls_sub, ls_eleId)
        ls_sqlrtn = "select id,ele_id,lov_cod,lov_name,remark from p_fee_ele_lov where ele_id = %s "
        l_result = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlrtn, [ls_eleId])
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "操作成功", "error":[], "stateCod" : 202, "rows": l_result } )
    except Exception as e:
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "操作失败", "error": list( (str(e.args),) ) , "stateCod" : -1 } )
    return l_rtn
Example #5
def clientFeeDetailReport(request, adict):
    '''  客户费用明细报表   ex_parm:{ client_id:'', //客户id  fee_typ:'', //费用类型  begin_tim:'', //开始时间 end_tim:'' //截止时间 }'''
    l_rtn = { }
    ls_clientId = str(adict['ex_parm']['client_id']).strip()
    ls_feeType = str(adict['ex_parm']['fee_typ']).strip()

    ls_client_q = ("p.client_id = %s and " % ls_clientId) if len(ls_clientId) > 0 else ""
    ls_feeType_q =  ("p.fee_typ = '%s' and " % ls_feeType) if len(ls_feeType) > 0 else ""

    ls_sql = '''
        select c.bill_no,sum(case p.fee_cod when 1 then amount else 0 end) baogan,sum(case p.fee_cod when 2 then amount else 0 end) chaoqi,
        sum(case p.fee_cod when 3 then amount else 0 end) duicun,sum(case p.fee_cod when 4 then amount else 0 end) banyi,
        sum(case p.fee_cod when 5 then amount else 0 end) yanhuo,sum(case p.fee_cod when 6 then amount else 0 end) xunzheng,
        sum(case p.fee_cod when 7 then amount else 0 end) changdi,sum(case p.fee_cod when 8 then amount else 0 end) tuoche,
        sum(case p.fee_cod when 11 then amount else 0 end) zhibao,
        sum(case p.fee_cod in(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11) when true then 0 else amount end) qita
        from pre_fee as p,contract as c
        where  %s  %s  and p.ex_feeid = 'O'
        and (p.fee_financial_tim between '%s' and '%s')
        and p.contract_id = c.id
        group by c.bill_no

        list_rtn = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sql % ( ls_client_q, ls_feeType_q, str(adict['ex_parm']['begin_tim'] ), str(adict['ex_parm']['end_tim'])) )
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询成功", "error":[], "stateCod" : 1, "rows": list_rtn } )
    except Exception as e:
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询失败", "error": list( (str(e.args),) ) , "stateCod" : -1 } )
    return l_rtn
Example #6
def auditSumQuery(request, ldict):
    l_rtn = { }
    ls_clientid = str(ldict['ex_parm']['client_id'])
    ls_feetyp = str(ldict['ex_parm']['fee_typ'])
    ls_begin = str(ldict['ex_parm']['begin_audit_tim'])
    ls_end = str(ldict['ex_parm']['end_audit_tim'])
    # 处理参数
    ls_clientsql = " client_id > 0 " if len(ls_clientid) < 1 or int(ls_clientid) < 1 else (" client_id = " + ls_clientid)
    ls_feesql = " " if len(ls_feetyp) < 1 else (" and fee_typ = '%s' " % ls_feetyp)
    ls_timesql = ""
    if len(ls_begin) > 0 : ls_timesql += " and audit_tim > '%s' " % ls_begin
    if len(ls_end) > 0 : ls_timesql  += " and audit_tim < '%s' " % ls_end
    # 生成sql语句
    ls_sql1 = '''select s.client_id, s.fee_typ, s.ex_over,s.audit_tim,s.amount - sum(COALESCE(a.amount,0)) amount
                  from act_fee a right join
                ( select client_id, fee_typ, ex_over,audit_tim,sum(amount) amount from act_fee
    ls_sql2 = " where audit_id = true and " + ls_clientsql + ls_feesql + ls_timesql
    ls_sql3 = ''' group by client_id, fee_typ, ex_over,audit_tim) s
            on a.ex_from = s.ex_over
            group by s.client_id, s.fee_typ, s.ex_over,s.audit_tim,s.amount
    # 执行并返回。
        l_result = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sql1 + ls_sql2 + ls_sql3)
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询成功", "error":[], "stateCod" : 1, "rows": l_result } )
    except Exception as e:
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询失败", "error": list( (str(e.args),) ) , "stateCod" : -1 } )
    return l_rtn
Example #7
def auditDetailQuery(request, ldict):
    l_rtn = {}
    ls_exOver = str(ldict['ex_parm']['ex_over'])
    if len(ls_exOver) < 1:
            "msg": "查询失败",
            "error": list(("缺少核销参数", )),
            "stateCod": -1
        return l_rtn


        list_pre = rawSql2JsonDict(
            "select bill_no,fee_typ,fee_cod,amount from pre_fee,contract "
            "where contract.id = pre_fee.contract_id"
            "  and ex_over = '%s'" % ls_exOver)
                "select bill_no,fee_typ,fee_cod,(0-amount) amount from pre_fee,contract "
                " where contract.id = pre_fee.contract_id"
                "   and ex_from = '%s'" % ls_exOver))
        list_act = rawSql2JsonDict(
            "select client_id,fee_typ,amount,pay_type,invoice_no,check_no  from act_fee where ex_over = '%s'"
            % ls_exOver)
                "select client_id,fee_typ,(0-amount) amount,pay_type,invoice_no,check_no from act_fee where ex_from = '%s'"
                % ls_exOver))

        l_result = {"act": list_act, "pre": list_pre}
            "msg": "查询成功",
            "error": [],
            "stateCod": 1,
            "result": l_result
    except Exception as e:
            "msg": "查询失败",
            "error": list((str(e.args), )),
            "stateCod": -1
    return l_rtn
Example #8
def queryRptFee(request, adict):
    1.where  p.client_id = %s and p.fee_typ = '%s'
        如果参数client_id为空 则p.client_id = %s 条件忽略
        如果参数fee_typ为空 则为p.fee_typ = '%s' 条件忽略
2. p.fee_typ 是应收的 金额取正值, 应付的 金额取负值
    l_rtn = {"msg": "成功", "stateCod": "001", "error": [], "rows": [] }
    ls_clientId = str(adict["ex_parm"]["client_id"])
    ls_feeType = str(adict["ex_parm"]["fee_typ"])
    ls_beginTim = str(adict["ex_parm"]["begin_tim"])
    ls_endTim = str(adict["ex_parm"]["end_tim"])
    ls_rptid = str(adict["ex_parm"]["rpt"])
    ls_sqlFee = '''select c_rpt_fee.fee_id,c_rpt_fee.fee_typ, c_fee.fee_name from c_rpt_fee,c_fee
                      where c_rpt_fee.rpt_id = %s and c_rpt_fee.item_id in
                      (select id from c_rpt_item where rpt_id = %s )
                      and c_rpt_fee.fee_id = c_fee.id;''' % (ls_rptid, ls_rptid)
        l_fee = cursorSelect(ls_sqlFee)
        l_cacheFeeCod = []
        l_cacheFeeSql = []
        for i_fee in l_fee:
            l_cacheFeeSql.append( (" sum(case (p.fee_cod = %s and p.fee_typ = '%s')" + ' when true then amount else 0 end) "%s" ') % (str(i_fee[0]), str(i_fee[1]), str(i_fee[0]) ) )
        if len(l_cacheFeeCod) > 0:
            ls_client_q = ("p.client_id = %s and" % ls_clientId) if len(ls_clientId.strip()) > 0 else ""
            ls_feeType_q =  ("p.fee_typ = '%s' and" % ls_feeType) if len(ls_feeType.strip()) > 0 else ""

            ls_sqlAll = ''' select c.bill_no,%s,
                  sum(case fee_typ when 'I' then amount else 0 end) zongji_in,
                  sum(case fee_typ when 'O' then amount else 0 end) zongji_out,
                  sum(case fee_typ when 'I' then amount else 0-amount end) zongji_gain
                  from pre_fee as p,contract as c
                  where   %s %s  p.ex_feeid = 'O'
                  and (c.finish_time between '%s' and '%s')
                  and p.contract_id = c.id
                  group by c.bill_no
            ''' % ( ",".join(l_cacheFeeSql) ,  ls_client_q, ls_feeType_q, ls_beginTim, ls_endTim )
            # % ( ",".join(l_cacheFeeSql) ,  ",".join(l_cacheFeeCod), ls_client_q, ls_feeType_q, ls_beginTim, ls_endTim )

            l_result = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlAll)
            l_zongji_in = sum([float(i["zongji_in"]) for i in l_result])
            l_zongji_out = sum([float(i["zongji_out"]) for i in l_result])
            l_zongji_gain = sum([float(i["zongji_gain"]) for i in l_result])
            l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询成功", "error":[], "stateCod" : 1, "rows": l_result,
                "footer":[{"bill_no":"合计:",  "zongji_in": l_zongji_in,"zongji_out": l_zongji_out,"zongji_gain": l_zongji_gain }]
                } )
            l_rtn.update( {"msg": "没定义查询数据列。", "error": [] , "stateCod" : 0 } )
    except Exception as e:
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询失败", "error": list( (str(e.args),) ) , "stateCod" : -1 } )
    return l_rtn
Example #9
def auditDetailQuery(request,ldict):
    l_rtn = {}
    ls_exOver = str(ldict['ex_parm']['ex_over'])
    if len(ls_exOver) < 1:
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询失败", "error": list( ("缺少核销参数",) ) , "stateCod" : -1 } )
        return l_rtn


        list_pre = rawSql2JsonDict("select bill_no,fee_typ,fee_cod,amount from pre_fee,contract "
                                   "where contract.id = pre_fee.contract_id"
                                   "  and ex_over = '%s'" % ls_exOver)
        list_pre.extend(rawSql2JsonDict("select bill_no,fee_typ,fee_cod,(0-amount) amount from pre_fee,contract "
                                        " where contract.id = pre_fee.contract_id"
                                        "   and ex_from = '%s'" % ls_exOver))
        list_act = rawSql2JsonDict("select client_id,fee_typ,amount,pay_type,invoice_no,check_no  from act_fee where ex_over = '%s'" % ls_exOver)
        list_act.extend(rawSql2JsonDict("select client_id,fee_typ,(0-amount) amount,pay_type,invoice_no,check_no from act_fee where ex_from = '%s'" % ls_exOver))

        l_result = { "act":list_act, "pre":list_pre }
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询成功", "error":[], "stateCod" : 1, "result": l_result } )
    except Exception as e:
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询失败", "error": list( (str(e.args),) ) , "stateCod" : -1 } )
    return l_rtn
Example #10
def auditDeleteQuery(request, ldict):
    l_rtn = {}
    l_clientid = str(ldict['ex_parm']['client_id'])
    l_feetyp = str(ldict['ex_parm']['fee_typ'])
    ls_sql = "select ex_over, audit_tim from act_fee where client_id=%s and fee_typ='%s' and audit_id=true order by id desc limit 1 " % (l_clientid, l_feetyp)
    l_actRecord = cursorSelect(ls_sql)
    if len(l_actRecord) > 0 :
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询成功,但没有符合条件记录", "error": '',"stateCod":1,"result":{"act":[], "pre":[]} } )
        return l_rtn
    ls_auditTim = l_actRecord[0][1]
    ls_exOver = l_actRecord[0][0]
    ls_sqlpre1 = "select id,contract_id,fee_typ,fee_cod,client_id,amount," \
                 "fee_tim,lock_flag,fee_financial_tim,remark,ex_from,ex_over,ex_feeid,audit_id,audit_tim " \
                 "from pre_fee where audit_id = true " \
                 "and audit_tim = '%s' and ex_over='%s' " % (ls_auditTim, ls_exOver)
    ls_sqlpre2 = "select id,contract_id,fee_typ,fee_cod,client_id,(0-amount) amount," \
                 "fee_tim,lock_flag,fee_financial_tim,remark,ex_from,ex_over,ex_feeid,audit_id,audit_tim " \
                 "from pre_fee where audit_id = false and rec_tim = '%s' and ex_from='%s' " % (ls_auditTim, ls_exOver)
    ls_sqlact1 = "select id,client_id,fee_typ,amount,invoice_no,check_no,pay_type," \
                 "fee_tim,remark,ex_from,ex_over,ex_feeid,audit_id,audit_tim,accept_no " \
                 "from act_fee where audit_id = true " \
                 "and audit_tim = '%s' and ex_over='%s' " % (ls_auditTim, ls_exOver)
    ls_sqlact2 = "select id,client_id,fee_typ,(0-amount) amount,invoice_no,check_no,pay_type," \
                 "fee_tim,remark,ex_from,ex_over,ex_feeid,audit_id,audit_tim,accept_no " \
                 "from act_fee where audit_id = false and rec_tim = '%s' and ex_from='%s' " % (ls_auditTim, ls_exOver)
        list_pre = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlpre1)
        list_act = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlact1)
        l_result = { "act":list_act, "pre":list_pre }
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询成功", "error":[], "stateCod" : 1, "result": l_result } )
    except Exception as e:
        l_rtn.update( {"msg": "查询失败", "error": list( (str(e.args),) ) , "stateCod" : -5 } )
    return l_rtn
Example #11
def clientFeeDetailReport(request, adict):
    '''  客户费用明细报表   ex_parm:{ client_id:'', //客户id  fee_typ:'', //费用类型  begin_tim:'', //开始时间 end_tim:'' //截止时间 }'''
    l_rtn = {}
    ls_clientId = str(adict['ex_parm']['client_id']).strip()
    ls_feeType = str(adict['ex_parm']['fee_typ']).strip()

    ls_client_q = ("p.client_id = %s and " %
                   ls_clientId) if len(ls_clientId) > 0 else ""
    ls_feeType_q = ("p.fee_typ = '%s' and " %
                    ls_feeType) if len(ls_feeType) > 0 else ""

    ls_sql = '''
        select c.bill_no,sum(case p.fee_cod when 1 then amount else 0 end) baogan,sum(case p.fee_cod when 2 then amount else 0 end) chaoqi,
        sum(case p.fee_cod when 3 then amount else 0 end) duicun,sum(case p.fee_cod when 4 then amount else 0 end) banyi,
        sum(case p.fee_cod when 5 then amount else 0 end) yanhuo,sum(case p.fee_cod when 6 then amount else 0 end) xunzheng,
        sum(case p.fee_cod when 7 then amount else 0 end) changdi,sum(case p.fee_cod when 8 then amount else 0 end) tuoche,
        sum(case p.fee_cod when 11 then amount else 0 end) zhibao,
        sum(case p.fee_cod in(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11) when true then 0 else amount end) qita
        from pre_fee as p,contract as c
        where  %s  %s  and p.ex_feeid = 'O'
        and (p.fee_financial_tim between '%s' and '%s')
        and p.contract_id = c.id
        group by c.bill_no

        list_rtn = rawSql2JsonDict(
            ls_sql %
            (ls_client_q, ls_feeType_q, str(adict['ex_parm']['begin_tim']),
            "msg": "查询成功",
            "error": [],
            "stateCod": 1,
            "rows": list_rtn
    except Exception as e:
            "msg": "查询失败",
            "error": list((str(e.args), )),
            "stateCod": -1
    return l_rtn
Example #12
def auditSumQuery(request, ldict):
    l_rtn = {}
    ls_clientid = str(ldict['ex_parm']['client_id'])
    ls_feetyp = str(ldict['ex_parm']['fee_typ'])
    ls_begin = str(ldict['ex_parm']['begin_audit_tim'])
    ls_end = str(ldict['ex_parm']['end_audit_tim'])
    # 处理参数
    ls_clientsql = " client_id > 0 " if len(ls_clientid) < 1 or int(
        ls_clientid) < 1 else (" client_id = " + ls_clientid)
    ls_feesql = " " if len(ls_feetyp) < 1 else (" and fee_typ = '%s' " %
    ls_timesql = ""
    if len(ls_begin) > 0: ls_timesql += " and audit_tim > '%s' " % ls_begin
    if len(ls_end) > 0: ls_timesql += " and audit_tim < '%s' " % ls_end
    # 生成sql语句
    ls_sql1 = '''select s.client_id, s.fee_typ, s.ex_over,s.audit_tim,s.amount - sum(COALESCE(a.amount,0)) amount
                  from act_fee a right join
                ( select client_id, fee_typ, ex_over,audit_tim,sum(amount) amount from act_fee
    ls_sql2 = " where audit_id = true and " + ls_clientsql + ls_feesql + ls_timesql
    ls_sql3 = ''' group by client_id, fee_typ, ex_over,audit_tim) s
            on a.ex_from = s.ex_over
            group by s.client_id, s.fee_typ, s.ex_over,s.audit_tim,s.amount
    # 执行并返回。
        l_result = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sql1 + ls_sql2 + ls_sql3)
            "msg": "查询成功",
            "error": [],
            "stateCod": 1,
            "rows": l_result
    except Exception as e:
            "msg": "查询失败",
            "error": list((str(e.args), )),
            "stateCod": -1
    return l_rtn
Example #13
def initProtElemContent(request, adict):
    '''  # 协议要素内容初始化
    import yardApp.ajaxRespFee
    import zdCommon.dbhelp
    aaa = { "func": '协议要素内容初始化',
        "reqtype": 'update',
        "ex_parm": {   "id": '1'  } }
    yardApp.ajaxRespFee.initProtElemContent(aaa, aaa)
    l_rtn = {"msg": "成功", "stateCod": "001", "error": [], "rows": []}
    l_recnam = request.session['userid']
    ls_eleId = str(adict["ex_parm"]["id"])
    ls_sqlinit = "select init_data_sql from p_fee_ele where id = %s"
    lds_rtn = cursorSelect(ls_sqlinit, [ls_eleId])
        if lds_rtn:
            ls_sub = str(lds_rtn[0][0]).replace('"', "'")
            ls_sqlIns = ''' insert into p_fee_ele_lov(ele_id, lov_cod, lov_name, rec_nam, rec_tim)
                      select '%s' as ele_id , lov_cod, lov_name, %s, now()  from
                      ( %s ) tt2
                      where lov_cod not in (select lov_cod from p_fee_ele_lov where ele_id = '%s')
                  ''' % (ls_eleId, l_recnam, ls_sub, ls_eleId)
        ls_sqlrtn = "select id,ele_id,lov_cod,lov_name,remark from p_fee_ele_lov where ele_id = %s "
        l_result = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlrtn, [ls_eleId])
            "msg": "操作成功",
            "error": [],
            "stateCod": 202,
            "rows": l_result
    except Exception as e:
            "msg": "操作失败",
            "error": list((str(e.args), )),
            "stateCod": -1
    return l_rtn
Example #14
def getBussSumary(request, aDict):
    ls_time1 = str(aDict["ex_parm"]["begindate"])
    ls_time2 = str(aDict["ex_parm"]["enddate"])
    ls_clientid = str(aDict["ex_parm"]["client_id"]).strip(" ")
    ls_sqlclient = ""
    if len(ls_clientid) > 0:
        ls_sqlclient = " client_id = %s and " % ls_clientid

    ls_sql = "select client_id, cargo_type, cargo_name,  origin_place,  sum(cargo_volume)" \
             " from contract where " + ls_sqlclient + \
            " finish_time between '%s' and '%s' group by client_id, cargo_type, cargo_name, origin_place" % ( ls_time1, ls_time2)

    lrtn = rawsql2json(*rawsql4request(ls_sql, aDict))
    if lrtn["total"] > 0:
        lrtn = {
            "msg": "查询成功",
            "stateCod": "1",
            "error": [""],
            "rows": [],
            "footer": []
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(lrtn, ensure_ascii=False))

    ls_sqlsum = ''' select b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(cntr_num) as showsum, b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(check_num) as checksum   from contract_cntr as A , c_cntr_type as B
                    where A.contract_id in (select id from contract where COALESCE(client_id,0) = %s and COALESCE(cargo_type,0)  = %s and COALESCE(cargo_name,0) = %s and COALESCE(origin_place,0) = %s)
                    and A.cntr_type = B.id
                    group by b.cntr_type

    for i in lrtn["rows"]:
        #get all the cntr in the bill
        ls_cargoType = "0"
        ls_cargoName = "0"
        ls_originPlace = "0"
        if len(str(i["cargo_type"])) > 0:
            ls_cargoType = str(i["cargo_type"])
        if len(str(i["cargo_name"])) > 0:
            ls_cargoName = str(i["cargo_name"])
        if len(str(i["origin_place"])) > 0:
            ls_originPlace = str(i["origin_place"])
        #l_sumCntr = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlsum % (str(i["client_id"]),str(i["cargo_type"]),str(i["cargo_name"]),str(i["origin_place"])) )
        l_sumCntr = rawSql2JsonDict(
            ls_sqlsum %
            (str(i["client_id"]), ls_cargoType, ls_cargoName, ls_originPlace))
        if len(l_sumCntr) > 0:
            ls = ";".join([x["showsum"] for x in l_sumCntr])
            ls2 = ";".join([x["checksum"] for x in l_sumCntr])
            i.update({"cntr_num": ls, "check_num": ls2})
            i.update({"cntr_num": "None", "check_num": "None"})

    # get all the cntr for all the sum bill .
    ls_sumcntr4footer = ''' select b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(cntr_num) as showsum,  b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(check_num) as checksum  from contract_cntr as A , c_cntr_type as B
                        where  A.contract_id in  (select id from contract where %s  finish_time between '%s' and '%s')
                        and A.cntr_type = B.id group by b.cntr_type  ''' % (
        ls_sqlclient, ls_time1, ls_time2)
    ldict_sum = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sumcntr4footer)
    ls_sumCheck = "None"
    if len(ldict_sum) > 0:
        ls_sumCheck = ";".join([x["checksum"] for x in ldict_sum])
        ls_sumall = ";".join([x["showsum"] for x in ldict_sum])
            "footer": [{
                "cntr_num": ls_sumall,
                "client_id": "合计",
                "check_num": ls_sumCheck
            "footer": [{
                "cntr_num": "None",
                "client_id": "合计",
                "check_num": "None"
    # get all the cntr for check  from the contract.
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(lrtn, ensure_ascii=False))
Example #15
def getContractDetail(request, ldict):
    ls_sql = "select id,bill_no,vslvoy,cargo_name,origin_place,client_id,cargo_piece,cargo_weight," \
             "cargo_volume,booking_date,in_port_date,return_cntr_date,custom_id,ship_corp_id,port_id," \
             "yard_id,finish_flag,finish_time,remark,contract_no,dispatch_place,custom_title1," \
             "custom_title2,landtrans_id,check_yard_id,unbox_yard_id,credit_id,cargo_type,cntr_freedays," \
             "pre_inport_date from contract"

    #ldict = json.loads(request.POST['jpargs'])
    lrtn = rawsql2json(*rawsql4request(ls_sql, ldict))
    if lrtn["total"] > 0:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(lrtn, ensure_ascii=False))

    # lrtn 包含提单号、用于统计后续箱量。所有的提单号,用于统计所有箱量。
    ls_sqlsum = ''' select b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(cntr_num) as showsum,  b.cntr_type  || ' X ' ||  sum(check_num) as checksum  from contract_cntr as A , c_cntr_type as B
                    where A.contract_id in ( %s )
                    and A.cntr_type = B.id
                    group by b.cntr_type
    ls_sql4action = ''' select action_name from  contract_action as A, c_contract_action as B
                        where  contract_id = %s and A.action_id = B.id order by B.sortno desc limit 1;
    list_contrId = []
    for i in lrtn["rows"]:
        #get all the cntr in the bill
        l_sumCntr = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlsum % str(i["id"]))
        if len(l_sumCntr) > 0:
            ls = ";".join([x["showsum"] for x in l_sumCntr])
            i.update({"cntr_sum": ls})
            ls2 = ";".join([x["checksum"] for x in l_sumCntr])
            i.update({"check_num": ls2})
            i.update({"cntr_sum": "None"})
            i.update({"check_num": "None"})
        # get the last cntr action , as to say, have the biggest sortno of the c_cntr_action
        l_lastAction = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sql4action % str(i["id"]))
        if len(l_lastAction) > 0:
            ls = ";".join([x["action_name"] for x in l_lastAction])
            i.update({"current_action": ls})
            i.update({"current_action": "None"})

    # get all the cntr for all the sum bill .
    ldict_sum = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlsum % (",".join(list_contrId)))
    ls_sumCheck = "None"
    if len(ldict_sum) > 0:
        ls_sumCheck = ";".join([x["checksum"] for x in ldict_sum])
        ls_sumall = ";".join([x["showsum"] for x in ldict_sum])
            "footer": [{
                "cntr_sum": ls_sumall,
                "bill_no": "合计",
                "check_num": ls_sumCheck
            "footer": [{
                "cntr_sum": "None",
                "bill_no": "合计",
                "check_num": "None"
    # get all the cntr for check  from the contract.

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(lrtn, ensure_ascii=False))
    '''   test:
Example #16
def queryRptFee(request, adict):
    1.where  p.client_id = %s and p.fee_typ = '%s'
        如果参数client_id为空 则p.client_id = %s 条件忽略
        如果参数fee_typ为空 则为p.fee_typ = '%s' 条件忽略
2. p.fee_typ 是应收的 金额取正值, 应付的 金额取负值
    l_rtn = {"msg": "成功", "stateCod": "001", "error": [], "rows": []}
    ls_clientId = str(adict["ex_parm"]["client_id"])
    ls_feeType = str(adict["ex_parm"]["fee_typ"])
    ls_beginTim = str(adict["ex_parm"]["begin_tim"])
    ls_endTim = str(adict["ex_parm"]["end_tim"])
    ls_rptid = str(adict["ex_parm"]["rpt"])
    ls_sqlFee = '''select c_rpt_fee.fee_id,c_rpt_fee.fee_typ, c_fee.fee_name from c_rpt_fee,c_fee
                      where c_rpt_fee.rpt_id = %s and c_rpt_fee.item_id in
                      (select id from c_rpt_item where rpt_id = %s )
                      and c_rpt_fee.fee_id = c_fee.id;''' % (ls_rptid,
        l_fee = cursorSelect(ls_sqlFee)
        l_cacheFeeCod = []
        l_cacheFeeSql = []
        for i_fee in l_fee:
                (" sum(case (p.fee_cod = %s and p.fee_typ = '%s')" +
                 ' when true then amount else 0 end) "%s" ') %
                (str(i_fee[0]), str(i_fee[1]), str(i_fee[0])))
        if len(l_cacheFeeCod) > 0:
            ls_client_q = ("p.client_id = %s and" %
                           ls_clientId) if len(ls_clientId.strip()) > 0 else ""
            ls_feeType_q = ("p.fee_typ = '%s' and" %
                            ls_feeType) if len(ls_feeType.strip()) > 0 else ""

            ls_sqlAll = ''' select c.bill_no,%s,
                  sum(case fee_typ when 'I' then amount else 0 end) zongji_in,
                  sum(case fee_typ when 'O' then amount else 0 end) zongji_out,
                  sum(case fee_typ when 'I' then amount else 0-amount end) zongji_gain
                  from pre_fee as p,contract as c
                  where   %s %s  p.ex_feeid = 'O'
                  and (c.finish_time between '%s' and '%s')
                  and p.contract_id = c.id
                  group by c.bill_no
            ''' % (",".join(l_cacheFeeSql), ls_client_q, ls_feeType_q,
                   ls_beginTim, ls_endTim)
            # % ( ",".join(l_cacheFeeSql) ,  ",".join(l_cacheFeeCod), ls_client_q, ls_feeType_q, ls_beginTim, ls_endTim )

            l_result = rawSql2JsonDict(ls_sqlAll)
            l_zongji_in = sum([float(i["zongji_in"]) for i in l_result])
            l_zongji_out = sum([float(i["zongji_out"]) for i in l_result])
            l_zongji_gain = sum([float(i["zongji_gain"]) for i in l_result])
                "error": [],
                "footer": [{
                    "bill_no": "合计:",
                    "zongji_in": l_zongji_in,
                    "zongji_out": l_zongji_out,
                    "zongji_gain": l_zongji_gain
            l_rtn.update({"msg": "没定义查询数据列。", "error": [], "stateCod": 0})
    except Exception as e:
            "msg": "查询失败",
            "error": list((str(e.args), )),
            "stateCod": -1
    return l_rtn