Example #1
    def get_text(self, sha=None):
        if self.chapter.tutorial:
            tutorial = self.chapter.tutorial
            tutorial = self.chapter.part.tutorial        
        repo = Repo(tutorial.get_path())

        # find hash code
        if sha is None:
            sha = tutorial.sha_draft
        manifest = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, "manifest.json")
        tutorial_version = json_reader.loads(manifest)
        if "parts" in tutorial_version:
            for part in tutorial_version["parts"]:
                if "chapters" in part:
                    for chapter in part["chapters"]:
                        if "extracts" in chapter:
                            for extract in chapter["extracts"]:
                                if extract["pk"] == self.pk:
                                    path_ext = extract["text"]
        if "chapter" in tutorial_version:
            chapter = tutorial_version["chapter"]
            if "extracts" in chapter:
                for extract in chapter["extracts"]:
                    if extract["pk"] == self.pk:
                        path_ext = extract["text"]

        if path_ext:
            return get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, path_ext)
            return None
Example #2
    def get_text(self, sha=None):

        if self.chapter.tutorial:
            tutorial = self.chapter.tutorial
            tutorial = self.chapter.part.tutorial
        repo = Repo(tutorial.get_path())

        # find hash code
        if sha is None:
            sha = tutorial.sha_draft

        manifest = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, "manifest.json")
        tutorial_version = json_reader.loads(manifest)
        if "parts" in tutorial_version:
            for part in tutorial_version["parts"]:
                if "chapters" in part:
                    for chapter in part["chapters"]:
                        if "extracts" in chapter:
                            for extract in chapter["extracts"]:
                                if extract["pk"] == self.pk:
                                    path_ext = extract["text"]
        if "chapter" in tutorial_version:
            chapter = tutorial_version["chapter"]
            if "extracts" in chapter:
                for extract in chapter["extracts"]:
                    if extract["pk"] == self.pk:
                        path_ext = extract["text"]

        if path_ext:
            return get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, path_ext)
            return None
Example #3
    def get_conclusion(self, sha=None):
        # find hash code
        if sha is None:
            sha = self.sha_draft
        repo = Repo(self.get_path())

        manifest = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, "manifest.json")
        tutorial_version = json_reader.loads(manifest)
        if "introduction" in tutorial_version:
            path_tuto = tutorial_version["conclusion"]

        if path_tuto:
            return get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, path_tuto)
Example #4
    def get_conclusion(self, sha=None):
        # find hash code
        if sha is None:
            sha = self.sha_draft
        repo = Repo(self.get_path())
        manifest = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, "manifest.json")
        tutorial_version = json_reader.loads(manifest)
        if "introduction" in tutorial_version:
            path_tuto = tutorial_version["conclusion"]

        if path_tuto:
            return get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, path_tuto)
Example #5
    def load_version(self, sha=None, public=None):
        """Using git, load a specific version of the content. if ``sha`` is ``None``,
        the draft/public version is used (if ``public`` is ``True``).

        .. attention::

            for practical reason, the returned object is filled with information from DB.

        :param sha: version
        :param public: if set with the right object, return the public version
        :type public: PublishedContent
        :raise BadObject: if sha is not None and related version could not be found
        :raise IOError: if the path to the repository is wrong
        :raise NotAPublicVersion: if the sha does not correspond to a public version
        :return: the versioned content
        :rtype: zds.tutorialv2.models.models_versioned.VersionedContent

        # load the good manifest.json
        if sha is None:
            if not public:
                sha = self.sha_draft
                sha = self.sha_public
        max_title_length = PublishableContent._meta.get_field('title').max_length
        if public and isinstance(public, PublishedContent):  # use the public (altered and not versioned) repository
            path = public.get_prod_path()
            slug = public.content_public_slug

            if not os.path.isdir(path):
                raise IOError(path)

            if sha != public.sha_public:
                raise NotAPublicVersion

            manifest = open(os.path.join(path, 'manifest.json'), 'r')
            json = json_reader.loads(manifest.read())
            versioned = get_content_from_json(json, public.sha_public,
                                              slug, public=True, max_title_len=max_title_length)

        else:  # draft version, use the repository (slower, but allows manipulation)
            path = self.get_repo_path()
            slug = self.slug

            if not os.path.isdir(path):
                raise IOError(path)

            repo = Repo(path)
            data = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, 'manifest.json')
                json = json_reader.loads(data)
            except ValueError:
                raise BadManifestError(
                    _(u'Une erreur est survenue lors de la lecture du manifest.json, est-ce du JSON ?'))

            versioned = get_content_from_json(json, sha, self.slug, max_title_len=max_title_length)

        return versioned
Example #6
    def load_json_for_public(self, sha=None):
        if sha is None:
            sha = self.sha_public
        repo = Repo(self.get_path())
        mantuto = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, 'manifest.json')
        data = json_reader.loads(mantuto)

        return data
Example #7
    def load_json_for_public(self, sha=None):
        if sha is None:
            sha = self.sha_public
        repo = Repo(self.get_path())
        mantuto = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, 'manifest.json')
        data = json_reader.loads(mantuto)

        return data
Example #8
 def load_json_for_public(self, sha=None):
     if sha is None:
         sha = self.sha_public
     repo = Repo(self.get_path())
     mantuto = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, 'manifest.json')
     data = json_reader.loads(mantuto)
     if 'licence' in data:
         data['licence'] = Licence.objects.filter(
     return data
Example #9
    def get_conclusion(self, sha=None):

        tutorial = self.tutorial

        # find hash code
        if sha is None:
            sha = tutorial.sha_draft
        repo = Repo(tutorial.get_path())

        manifest = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, "manifest.json")
        tutorial_version = json_reader.loads(manifest)
        if "parts" in tutorial_version:
            for part in tutorial_version["parts"]:
                if part["pk"] == self.pk:
                    path_part = part["conclusion"]

        if path_part:
            return get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, path_part)
            return None
Example #10
    def get_conclusion(self, sha=None):

        tutorial = self.tutorial

        # find hash code
        if sha is None:
            sha = tutorial.sha_draft
        repo = Repo(tutorial.get_path())
        manifest = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, "manifest.json")
        tutorial_version = json_reader.loads(manifest)
        if "parts" in tutorial_version:
            for part in tutorial_version["parts"]:
                if part["pk"] == self.pk:
                    path_part = part["conclusion"]

        if path_part:
            return get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, path_part)
            return None
Example #11
    def load_json_for_public(self):
        repo = Repo(self.get_path())
        mantuto = get_blob(repo.commit(self.sha_public).tree, 'manifest.json')
        data = json_reader.loads(mantuto)

        return data
Example #12
    def load_version(self, sha=None, public=None):
        """Using git, load a specific version of the content. if ``sha`` is ``None``,
        the draft/public version is used (if ``public`` is ``True``).

        .. attention::

            for practical reason, the returned object is filled with information from DB.

        :param sha: version
        :param public: if set with the right object, return the public version
        :type public: PublishedContent
        :raise BadObject: if sha is not None and related version could not be found
        :raise OSError: if the path to the repository is wrong
        :raise NotAPublicVersion: if the sha does not correspond to a public version
        :return: the versioned content
        :rtype: zds.tutorialv2.models.versioned.VersionedContent

        # load the good manifest.json
        if sha is None:
            if not public:
                sha = self.sha_draft
                sha = self.sha_public
        max_title_length = PublishableContent._meta.get_field('title').max_length
        if public and isinstance(public, PublishedContent):  # use the public (altered and not versioned) repository
            path = public.get_prod_path()
            slug = public.content_public_slug

            if not os.path.isdir(path):
                raise OSError(path)

            if sha != public.sha_public:
                raise NotAPublicVersion

            with open(os.path.join(path, 'manifest.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as manifest:
                json = json_handler.loads(manifest.read())
                versioned = get_content_from_json(

        else:  # draft version, use the repository (slower, but allows manipulation)
            path = self.get_repo_path()

            if not os.path.isdir(path):
                raise OSError(path)

            repo = Repo(path)
            data = get_blob(repo.commit(sha).tree, 'manifest.json')
                json = json_handler.loads(data)
            except ValueError:
                raise BadManifestError(
                    _('Une erreur est survenue lors de la lecture du manifest.json, est-ce du JSONĀ ?'))

            versioned = get_content_from_json(json, sha, self.slug, max_title_len=max_title_length)

        return versioned