def setUp(self): self.root = self.layer.get_application() self.layer.login('author') factory = self.root.manage_addProduct['SilvaFind'] factory.manage_addSilvaFind('search', 'Search your Site') factory = self.root.manage_addProduct['Silva'] factory.manage_addFolder('folder', 'Folder') factory = self.root.folder.manage_addProduct['Silva'] factory.manage_addMockupVersionedContent('info', 'Information') self.documents = Batch( self.root.service_catalog(meta_type=['Mockup VersionedContent'], path='/root/folder')) self.empty = Batch([])
def update(self, topic=None, text=None, anonymous=False): super(ForumView, self).update() topic = str(topic or '', 'UTF-8').strip() text = str(text or '', 'UTF-8').strip() for name, action in self.ACTIONS: if name in self.request.form: action(self, topic, text, anonymous) break self.topics = Batch(self.context.topics(), count=self.context.topic_batch_size, name='topics', request=self.request) # We don't want batch links to include form data. navigation = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.topics, self.request), IBatching) navigation.keep_query_string = False self.navigation = navigation()
def update(self, title=None, text=None, anonymous=False): super(TopicView, self).update() title = str(title or '', 'UTF-8').strip() text = str(text or '', 'UTF-8').strip() for name, action in self.ACTIONS: if name in self.request.form: action(self, title, text, anonymous) break self.comments = Batch(self.context.comments(), count=self.context.comment_batch_size, name='comments', request=self.request) # We don't want batch links to include form data. navigation = getMultiAdapter( (self.context, self.comments, self.request), IBatching) navigation.keep_query_string = False self.navigation = navigation() self.action_url = navigation.batch_last['url'] + '#forum-bottom'
def to_html(self, content, request, **parameters): """ render HTML for SQL source """ values = self._get_data(parameters) names = values.names() batch_size = self._default_batch_size if parameters.get('sqlbatchsize'): batch_size = int(parameters.get('sqlbatchsize')) data = Batch( values.dictionaries(), factory=self._decode_dict_helper, count=batch_size, name=self.getId(), request=request) model = content if IVersion.providedBy(content): model = content.get_content() layout = self._getOb(self._layout_id) batch = getMultiAdapter((model, data, request), IBatching)() return layout( table=data, batch=batch, names=names, parameters=parameters)
def to_html(self, content, request, **parameters): """ render HTML for CSV source """ rows = self._data[:] param = {} param.update(parameters) if not param.get('csvtableclass'): param['csvtableclass'] = 'default' batch_size = self._default_batch_size batch = '' if param.get('csvbatchsize'): batch_size = int(param.get('csvbatchsize')) model = content if IVersion.providedBy(content): model = content.get_content() if rows: headings = rows[0] rows = Batch(rows[1:], count=batch_size, name=self.getId(), request=request) param['headings'] = headings batch = getMultiAdapter((model, rows, request), IBatching)() return self.layout(table=rows, batch=batch, parameters=param)