Example #1
def json_report_unnarrow_time(request, user_profile,
    request._log_data["extra"] = "[%sms/%sms]" % (initial_core, initial_free)
    statsd.timing("unnarrow.initial_core.%s" % (statsd_key(user_profile.realm.domain, clean_periods=True),), initial_core)
    statsd.timing("unnarrow.initial_free.%s" % (statsd_key(user_profile.realm.domain, clean_periods=True),), initial_free)
    return json_success()
Example #2
def json_report_narrow_time(request, user_profile,
    # type: (HttpRequest, UserProfile, int, int, int) -> HttpResponse
    request._log_data["extra"] = "[%sms/%sms/%sms]" % (initial_core, initial_free, network)
    statsd.timing("narrow.initial_core.%s" % (statsd_key(user_profile.realm.domain, clean_periods=True),), initial_core)
    statsd.timing("narrow.initial_free.%s" % (statsd_key(user_profile.realm.domain, clean_periods=True),), initial_free)
    statsd.timing("narrow.network.%s" % (statsd_key(user_profile.realm.domain, clean_periods=True),), network)
    return json_success()
Example #3
        def func_with_caching(*args, **kwargs):
            # type: (*Any, **Any) -> Callable[..., Any]
            key = keyfunc(*args, **kwargs)

            val = cache_get(key, cache_name=cache_name)

            extra = ""
            if cache_name == 'database':
                extra = ".dbcache"

            if with_statsd_key is not None:
                metric_key = with_statsd_key
                metric_key = statsd_key(key)

            status = "hit" if val is not None else "miss"
            statsd.incr("cache%s.%s.%s" % (extra, metric_key, status))

            # Values are singleton tuples so that we can distinguish
            # a result of None from a missing key.
            if val is not None:
                return val[0]

            val = func(*args, **kwargs)

            cache_set(key, val, cache_name=cache_name, timeout=timeout)

            return val
Example #4
def report_send_times(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                      time: int=REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int),
                      received: int=REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int, default=-1),
                      displayed: int=REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int, default=-1),
                      locally_echoed: bool=REQ(validator=check_bool, default=False),
                      rendered_content_disparity: bool=REQ(validator=check_bool,
                                                           default=False)) -> HttpResponse:
    received_str = "(unknown)"
    if received > 0:
        received_str = str(received)
    displayed_str = "(unknown)"
    if displayed > 0:
        displayed_str = str(displayed)

    request._log_data["extra"] = "[%sms/%sms/%sms/echo:%s/diff:%s]" \
        % (time, received_str, displayed_str, locally_echoed, rendered_content_disparity)

    base_key = statsd_key(user_profile.realm.string_id, clean_periods=True)
    statsd.timing("endtoend.send_time.%s" % (base_key,), time)
    if received > 0:
        statsd.timing("endtoend.receive_time.%s" % (base_key,), received)
    if displayed > 0:
        statsd.timing("endtoend.displayed_time.%s" % (base_key,), displayed)
    if locally_echoed:
    if rendered_content_disparity:
    return json_success()
Example #5
def report_send_times(
    request: HttpRequest,
    user_profile: UserProfile,
    time: int = REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int),
    received: int = REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int, default=-1),
    displayed: int = REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int, default=-1),
    locally_echoed: bool = REQ(json_validator=check_bool, default=False),
    rendered_content_disparity: bool = REQ(json_validator=check_bool,
) -> HttpResponse:
    received_str = "(unknown)"
    if received > 0:
        received_str = str(received)
    displayed_str = "(unknown)"
    if displayed > 0:
        displayed_str = str(displayed)

    log_data = RequestNotes.get_notes(request).log_data
    assert log_data is not None
        "extra"] = f"[{time}ms/{received_str}ms/{displayed_str}ms/echo:{locally_echoed}/diff:{rendered_content_disparity}]"

    base_key = statsd_key(user_profile.realm.string_id, clean_periods=True)
    statsd.timing(f"endtoend.send_time.{base_key}", time)
    if received > 0:
        statsd.timing(f"endtoend.receive_time.{base_key}", received)
    if displayed > 0:
        statsd.timing(f"endtoend.displayed_time.{base_key}", displayed)
    if locally_echoed:
    if rendered_content_disparity:
    return json_success(request)
Example #6
def report_unnarrow_times(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                          initial_core: int=REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int),
                          initial_free: int=REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int)) -> HttpResponse:
    request._log_data["extra"] = "[%sms/%sms]" % (initial_core, initial_free)
    base_key = statsd_key(user_profile.realm.string_id, clean_periods=True)
    statsd.timing("unnarrow.initial_core.%s" % (base_key,), initial_core)
    statsd.timing("unnarrow.initial_free.%s" % (base_key,), initial_free)
    return json_success()
Example #7
def json_report_send_time(request, user_profile,
                          received=REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int, default="(unknown)"),
                          displayed=REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int, default="(unknown)"),
                          locally_echoed=REQ(validator=check_bool, default=False),
                          rendered_content_disparity=REQ(validator=check_bool, default=False)):
    request._log_data["extra"] = "[%sms/%sms/%sms/echo:%s/diff:%s]" \
        % (time, received, displayed, locally_echoed, rendered_content_disparity)
    statsd.timing("endtoend.send_time.%s" % (statsd_key(user_profile.realm.domain, clean_periods=True),), time)
    if received != "(unknown)":
        statsd.timing("endtoend.receive_time.%s" % (statsd_key(user_profile.realm.domain, clean_periods=True),), received)
    if displayed != "(unknown)":
        statsd.timing("endtoend.displayed_time.%s" % (statsd_key(user_profile.realm.domain, clean_periods=True),), displayed)
    if locally_echoed:
    if rendered_content_disparity:
    return json_success()
Example #8
def report_unnarrow_times(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: Union[UserProfile, AnonymousUser],
                          initial_core: int=REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int),
                          initial_free: int=REQ(converter=to_non_negative_int)) -> HttpResponse:
    request._log_data["extra"] = f"[{initial_core}ms/{initial_free}ms]"
    realm = get_valid_realm_from_request(request)
    base_key = statsd_key(realm.string_id, clean_periods=True)
    statsd.timing(f"unnarrow.initial_core.{base_key}", initial_core)
    statsd.timing(f"unnarrow.initial_free.{base_key}", initial_free)
    return json_success()
Example #9
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None
        # Get list of all active users in the last 1 week
        cutoff = timezone_now() - timedelta(minutes=30, hours=168)

        users = UserPresence.objects.select_related().filter(timestamp__gt=cutoff)

        # Calculate 10min, 2hrs, 12hrs, 1day, 2 business days (TODO business days), 1 week bucket of stats
        hour_buckets = [0.16, 2, 12, 24, 48, 168]
        user_info = defaultdict(dict)  # type: Dict[str, Dict[float, List[str]]]

        for last_presence in users:
            if last_presence.status == UserPresence.IDLE:
                known_active = last_presence.timestamp - timedelta(minutes=30)
                known_active = last_presence.timestamp

            for bucket in hour_buckets:
                if bucket not in user_info[last_presence.user_profile.realm.string_id]:
                    user_info[last_presence.user_profile.realm.string_id][bucket] = []
                if timezone_now() - known_active < timedelta(hours=bucket):

        for realm, buckets in user_info.items():
            print("Realm %s" % (realm,))
            for hr, users in sorted(buckets.items()):
                print("\tUsers for %s: %s" % (hr, len(users)))
                statsd.gauge("users.active.%s.%shr" % (statsd_key(realm, True), statsd_key(hr, True)), len(users))

        # Also do stats for how many users have been reading the app.
        users_reading = UserActivity.objects.select_related().filter(query="/json/messages/flags")
        user_info = defaultdict(dict)
        for activity in users_reading:
            for bucket in hour_buckets:
                if bucket not in user_info[activity.user_profile.realm.string_id]:
                    user_info[activity.user_profile.realm.string_id][bucket] = []
                if timezone_now() - activity.last_visit < timedelta(hours=bucket):
        for realm, buckets in user_info.items():
            print("Realm %s" % (realm,))
            for hr, users in sorted(buckets.items()):
                print("\tUsers reading for %s: %s" % (hr, len(users)))
                statsd.gauge("users.reading.%s.%shr" % (statsd_key(realm, True), statsd_key(hr, True)), len(users))
Example #10
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None
        # Get list of all active users in the last 1 week
        cutoff = timezone.now() - timedelta(minutes=30, hours=168)

        users = UserPresence.objects.select_related().filter(timestamp__gt=cutoff)

        # Calculate 10min, 2hrs, 12hrs, 1day, 2 business days (TODO business days), 1 week bucket of stats
        hour_buckets = [0.16, 2, 12, 24, 48, 168]
        user_info = defaultdict(dict) # type: Dict[str, Dict[float, List[str]]]

        for last_presence in users:
            if last_presence.status == UserPresence.IDLE:
                known_active = last_presence.timestamp - timedelta(minutes=30)
                known_active = last_presence.timestamp

            for bucket in hour_buckets:
                if bucket not in user_info[last_presence.user_profile.realm.string_id]:
                    user_info[last_presence.user_profile.realm.string_id][bucket] = []
                if timezone.now() - known_active < timedelta(hours=bucket):

        for realm, buckets in user_info.items():
            print("Realm %s" % (realm,))
            for hr, users in sorted(buckets.items()):
                print("\tUsers for %s: %s" % (hr, len(users)))
                statsd.gauge("users.active.%s.%shr" % (statsd_key(realm, True), statsd_key(hr, True)), len(users))

        # Also do stats for how many users have been reading the app.
        users_reading = UserActivity.objects.select_related().filter(query="/json/messages/flags")
        user_info = defaultdict(dict)
        for activity in users_reading:
            for bucket in hour_buckets:
                if bucket not in user_info[activity.user_profile.realm.string_id]:
                    user_info[activity.user_profile.realm.string_id][bucket] = []
                if timezone.now() - activity.last_visit < timedelta(hours=bucket):
        for realm, buckets in user_info.items():
            print("Realm %s" % (realm,))
            for hr, users in sorted(buckets.items()):
                print("\tUsers reading for %s: %s" % (hr, len(users)))
                statsd.gauge("users.reading.%s.%shr" % (statsd_key(realm, True), statsd_key(hr, True)), len(users))
def get_data_url(buckets, realm):
    realm_key = statsd_key(realm, True)

    # This is the slightly-cleaned up JSON api version of https://graphiti.zulip.net/graphs/945c7aafc2d
    # Fetches 1 month worth of data
    for bucket in buckets:
        if realm != 'all':
            statsd_target = "stats.gauges.staging.users.active.%s.%s" % (realm_key, bucket)
            DATA_URL += "&target=%s" % (statsd_target,)
            # all means adding up all realms, but exclude the .all. metrics since that would double things
            DATA_URL += "&target=sum(exclude(stats.gauges.staging.users.active.*.%s, 'all'))" % (bucket,)
    return DATA_URL
                  help='Which realm to query',
                  help='Which bucket to query',

if __name__ == '__main__':
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if not options.user or not options.password:
        parser.error("You must enter a username and password to log into graphite with")

    startfrom = noon_of(day=datetime.now())
    if options.start_from != 'today':
        startfrom = noon_of(day=datetime.fromtimestamp(int(options.start_from)))
        print("Using baseline of today as %s" % (startfrom,))

    realm_key = statsd_key(options.realm, True)
    buckets = [options.bucket]

    # This is the slightly-cleaned up JSON api version of https://graphiti.zulip.net/graphs/945c7aafc2d
    # Fetches 1 month worth of data
    DATA_URL = get_data_url(buckets, options.realm)
    data = get_data(DATA_URL, options.user, options.password)

    parse_data(data, startfrom)