Example #1
    def do_chart19(self, wikis):
        """Compute wiki commentors, projectwise
        { project.id : [ [ wikipath, [ [commentor, count], ... ] ]
        from zeta.lib.base import BaseController
        wdets = []
        allcmtrs = {}
        cntlr = BaseController()
        for w in wikis:
            cmtrs = h.computecount(w.comments, lambda x: x.commentby.username)
            allcmtrs.setdefault(w.project.id, []).extend(cmtrs.keys())
            wdets.append([w.project.id, h.wiki_parseurl(w.wikiurl), cmtrs])

        allcmtrs = dict([(p, sorted(set(allcmtrs[p]))) for p in allcmtrs])

        for w in wdets:
            pid = w[0]
            cmtrs = w[2]
            w[2] = [[u, cmtrs.get(u, 0)] for u in allcmtrs[pid]]

        chart19_usrs = dict([(pid, [[u, cntlr.url_user(u)] for u in users])
                             for pid, users in allcmtrs.iteritems()])
        chart19_data = {}
        [chart19_data.setdefault(w[0], []).append(w[1:]) for w in wdets]
        return chart19_data, chart19_usrs
Example #2
    def do_chart20(self, tags):
        """Compute chart for wiki Vs tags
        { project: [ tagname, [ [ wiki.id, wiki.wikiurl ], ... ] ... ],
        { project: [ tagname, ...],
        data = {}
        for tag in tags:
            for w in tag.wikipages:
                data.setdefault(w.project.id, {}).setdefault(
                                h.wiki_parseurl(w.wikiurl), w.wikiurl])
        data = dict([(p,
                      sorted([[k, v] for k, v in data[p].iteritems()],
                             key=lambda x: x[0])) for p in data])

        chart20_data = data
        chart20_tags = {}
        for p, tlist in chart20_data.iteritems():
            chart20_tags[p] = sorted(map(lambda x: x[0], tlist))
        return chart20_data, chart20_tags
Example #3
    def do_chart18(self, wikicomp, wikis):
        """Compute wiki authors, projectwise
        { project.id : [ [ wikipath, [ [author, edits], ... ] ]
        from zeta.lib.base import BaseController

        wdets = []
        allauthors = {}
        cntlr = BaseController()
        for w in wikis:
            wcnts = wikicomp.get_content(w, all=True)
            authors = h.computecount(wcnts, lambda x: x.author)
            allauthors.setdefault(w.project.id, []).extend(authors.keys())

            wdets.append([w.project.id, h.wiki_parseurl(w.wikiurl), authors])

        allauthors = dict([(p, sorted(set(allauthors[p])))
                           for p in allauthors])

        for w in wdets:
            pid = w[0]
            authors = w[2]
            w[2] = [[u, authors.get(u, 0)] for u in allauthors[pid]]

        chart18_usrs = dict([(pid, [[u, cntlr.url_user(u)] for u in users])
                             for pid, users in allauthors.iteritems()])
        chart18_data = {}
        [chart18_data.setdefault(w[0], []).append(w[1:]) for w in wdets]
        return chart18_data, chart18_usrs
Example #4
    def list_wiki( self, projectname ) :
        """List wiki urls for project `projectname`"""
        from zeta.config.environment import wikicomp

        wikipages = [ h.wiki_parseurl( wu )
                      for wid, wu in wikicomp.wikiurls( projectname ) ]

        return ( True, wikipages, '' )
Example #5
    def test_7_listwiki(self):
        """Testing method list_wiki()"""
        log.info("Testing method list_wiki()")

        projects = projcomp.get_project()

        # For valid project
        p = choice(projects)
        rc, wikipages, msg = xicomp.list_wiki(p.projectname)
                     sorted([h.wiki_parseurl(w.wikiurl) for w in p.wikis]),
                     'Mismatch for valid call to list_wiki()')

        # For invalid project
        rc, wikipages, msg = xicomp.list_wiki(u'invalidproject')
        assert_equal(wikipages, [], 'Mismatch for invalid call to list_wiki()')
Example #6
    def do_chart17(self, wikis):
        """Compute wiki votes, projectwise
        { project.id : [ [ wikipath, upvotes, downvotes ]
        wdets = sorted([[
            w.project.id, w.wikiurl,
            sum([1 for v in w.votes if v.votedas == 'up']),
            sum([1 for v in w.votes if v.votedas == 'down'])
        ] for w in wikis],
                       key=lambda x: x[2])

        chart17_data = {}
        [chart17_data.setdefault(w[0], []).append(w[2:]) for w in wdets]
        return chart17_data
Example #7
    def do_chart16(self, wikis):
        """Compute wiki edits and comments, projectwise
        { project.id : [ [ wikipath, versioncount, commentscount ]
        wdets = sorted([[
            w.project.id, w.wikiurl,
            h.wiki_parseurl(w.wikiurl), w.latest_version,
        ] for w in wikis],
                       key=lambda x: x[2])

        chart16_wiki = {}
        chart16_data = {}
        [chart16_data.setdefault(w[0], []).append(w[2:]) for w in wdets]
        [chart16_wiki.setdefault(w[0], []).append([w[1], w[2]]) for w in wdets]
        return chart16_data, chart16_wiki
Example #8
    def titleindex(self, environ, projectname):
        """Title index of all Project wiki pages.
        URLS :
        from zeta.config.environment import projcomp, wikicomp

        c.rclose = h.ZResp()

        # Setup context for page generation
        c.projsummary = c.project.summary
        wikiurls = wikicomp.wikiurls(c.project)
        c.wikipagenames = self.wikipagename(wikiurls)
        fn = lambda wu: (wu[0], h.wiki_parseurl(wu[1]))
        c.titlepages = sorted(map(fn, wikiurls), key=lambda x: x[1])
        c.wikipagename = None
        c.wa = ca.get_analyticobj('wiki')
        c.wsnippets = getattr(c.wa, 'pagesnippets', {}).get(c.project.id, {})
        c.title = '%s:titleindex' % projectname

        # HTML page generation
        return c.rclose
Example #9
 def do_wdets(self, wikis):
     wdets = dict([(w.id,
                     h.wiki_parseurl(w.wikiurl)]) for w in wikis])
     return wdets
Example #10
 def wikipagenames(self, wikiurls):
     fn = lambda wu: [wu[1], h.wiki_parseurl(wu[1])]
     pagenames = map(fn, wikiurls)
     return pagenames
Example #11
    def documentof(self, wiki, search='xapian'):
        """Make a document for 'wiki' entry to create a searchable index
            [ metadata, attributes, document ], where

            metadata   : { key, value } pairs to be associated with document
            attributes : searchable { key, value } pairs to be associated with
            document   : [ list , of, ... ] document string, with increasing
        wiki = self.get_wiki(wiki,
                             attrload=['type', 'project', 'creator', 'tags'])
        wcnts = self.get_content(wiki, all=True)

        q = select(
            [t_user.c.username, t_wiki_comment.c.text],
                    at_wiki_commentors.c.commentorid == t_user.c.id)).where(
                        t_wiki.c.id == wiki.id)
        cmtusers = []
        cmttexts = []
        for tup in q.execute().fetchall():
            tup[0] and cmtusers.append(tup[0])
            tup[1] and cmttexts.append(tup[1])

        wikiusers = [ wiki.creator.username ] + \
                    [ wcnt.author for wcnt in wcnts ] + cmtusers
        tagnames = [t.tagname for t in wiki.tags]
        url = h.wiki_parseurl(wiki.wikiurl)
        projname = getattr(wiki.project, 'projectname', '')

        metadata = {
            'doctype': 'wiki',
            'id': wiki.id,
            'projectname': projname,

        attributes = \
            search == 'xapian' and \
                [ 'XID:wiki_%s'     % wiki.id,                      # id
                  'XCLASS:wiki',                                    # class
                  'XPROJECT:%s'     % projname,                     # project
                ] + \
                [ 'XUSER:%s'        % u                             # user
                  for u in wikiusers ] + \
                [ 'XTAG:%s'        % t                              # tag
                  for t in tagnames ] \
            or \

        attrs    = ' '.join( [ projname, wiki.type.wiki_typename ] +\
                             wikiusers + tagnames )
        sourceurl = wiki.sourceurl or u''
        document = [
            ' '.join([wcnt.text for wcnt in wcnts] + cmttexts),
            ' '.join([url, wiki.summary, sourceurl]), attrs

        return [metadata, attributes, document]
Example #12
    def test_1_tag(self):
        """Testing Tag analytics"""
        log.info("Testing Tag analytics")

        ta = ca.get_analyticobj('tags')
        ta = ca.get_analyticobj('tags')

        attrs = [
            'attachments', 'licenses', 'projects', 'tickets', 'reviews',

        # chart1_data
        for t, v in ta.chart1_data.iteritems():
            t = tagcomp.get_tag(t)
            data = [[a, len(getattr(t, a, []))] for a in attrs]
            assert_equal(sorted(v, key=lambda x: x[0]),
                         sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[0]),
                         'Mismatch in chart1_data')

        # chart1_rtags
        # TODO : not testing the percentile of related tags.
        for t, v in ta.chart1_rtags.iteritems():
            t = tagcomp.get_tag(t)
            ref = []
            for a in attrs:
                objs = getattr(t, a)
                    rtag.tagname for obj in objs
                    for rtag in getattr(obj, 'tags', [])
                    if rtag.tagname != t.tagname
            ref = list(set(ref))
            data = map(lambda x: x[0], v)
            assert_equal(sorted(data), sorted(ref), 'Mismatch in chart1_rtag')

        # chart4_data
        for t, atts in ta.chart4_data:
            t = tagcomp.get_tag(t)
            ref = sorted([[a.id, a.filename] for a in t.attachments],
                         key=lambda x: x[0])
            data = sorted(atts, key=lambda x: x[0])
            assert_equal(data, ref, 'Mismatch in chart4_data')

        # chart4_tags
        data = []
        for a in attachcomp.get_attach(attrload=['tags']):
            data.extend([t.tagname for t in a.tags])
        data = list(set(data))
        assert_equal(sorted(data), sorted(ta.chart4_tags),
                     'Mismatch in chart4_tag')

        # chart7_data
        for t, lics in ta.chart7_data:
            t = tagcomp.get_tag(t)
            ref = sorted([[l.id, l.licensename] for l in t.licenses],
                         key=lambda x: x[0])
            data = sorted(lics, key=lambda x: x[0])
            assert_equal(data, ref, 'Mismatch in chart7_data')

        # chart7_tags
        data = []
        for l in liccomp.get_license(attrload=['tags']):
            data.extend([t.tagname for t in l.tags])
        data = list(set(data))
        assert_equal(sorted(data), sorted(ta.chart7_tags),
                     'Mismatch in chart7_tag')

        # chart20_data
        for p, v in ta.chart20_data.iteritems():
            p = projcomp.get_project(p)
            for t, wikis in v:
                t = tagcomp.get_tag(t)
                ref = sorted(
                    [[w.id, h.wiki_parseurl(w.wikiurl), w.wikiurl]
                     for w in t.wikipages if w.project == p],
                    key=lambda x: x[0])
                data = sorted(wikis, key=lambda x: x[0])
                assert_equal(data, ref, 'mismatch in chart20_data')

        # chart20_tag
        data = []
        projects = projcomp.get_project(attrload=['wikis'],
        for p in projects:
            ref = sorted(
                list(set([t.tagname for w in p.wikis for t in w.tags])))
            assert_equal(ref, ta.chart20_tags[p.id], 'mismatch in chart20_tag')