def _test_partial(num_entries: int, step: int = 1) -> None:
        Take the first 'num_entries' from TEST_VALUES. Cut them at each possible
        place and submit them as two halves to the contract, receiving back the
        root for the updated tree.
        leaves = TEST_VALUES[:num_entries]

        mktree = MerkleTree.empty_with_depth(ZETH_MERKLE_TREE_DEPTH)
        for leaf in leaves:
        expected_root = mktree.recompute_root()

        for cut in range(0, num_entries + 1, step):
            print(f"_test_partial: num_entries={num_entries}, cut={cut}")
            first = leaves[:cut]
            second = leaves[cut:]
            root = contract.functions.testAddLeaves(first, second).call()
            assert_root(expected_root, root,
                        f"num_entries: {num_entries}, cut: {cut}: ")
def test_tree_empty(contract: Any) -> None:
    mktree = MerkleTree.empty_with_depth(ZETH_MERKLE_TREE_DEPTH)
    expected_root = mktree.recompute_root()
    root = contract.functions.testAddLeaves([], []).call()
    assert_root(expected_root, root, "test_tree_empty")