Example #1
def encode_file_not_really_and_hash(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096):
    hasher = sha1.new()
    enc = zfec.Encoder(k, m)
    l = tuple([ array.array('c') for i in range(k) ])
    indatasize = k*chunksize # will be reset to shorter upon EOF
    eof = False
    ZEROES=array.array('c', ['\x00'])*chunksize
    while not eof:
        # This loop body executes once per segment.
        i = 0
        while (i<len(l)):
            # This loop body executes once per chunk.
            a = l[i]
            del a[:]
                a.fromfile(inf, chunksize)
                i += 1
            except EOFError:
                eof = True
                indatasize = i*chunksize + len(a)

                # padding
                a.fromstring("\x00" * (chunksize-len(a)))
                i += 1
                while (i<len(l)):
                    a = l[i]
                    a[:] = ZEROES
                    i += 1

        # res = enc.encode(l)
        for thing in l:
        cb(None, None)
Example #2
def ecDecodeChunks(n, k, src, blocknums, dest, setting, failed=[], nativeFailed=True):
    '''Generate a full list of chunks.'''
    '''Use zfec library.'''
    if nativeFailed:
        decoder = zfec.Decoder(k, n)
        indatalist = []
        for filename in src:
            infile = open(filename, 'rb')
        #Get native data chunks:
        outdatalist = decoder.decode(indatalist, blocknums)
        outdatalist = []
        for filename in src:
            infile = open(filename, 'rb')

        #Generate full list of chunks:
        encoder = zfec.Encoder(k, n)
        outdatalist = encoder.encode(outdatalist)

    for i in range(len(outdatalist)):
        if i in failed:
            filename = dest[i]
            outfile = open(filename, 'wb')
Example #3
 def set_params(self, data_size, required_shares, max_shares):
     assert required_shares <= max_shares
     self.data_size = data_size
     self.required_shares = required_shares
     self.max_shares = max_shares
     self.share_size = mathutil.div_ceil(data_size, required_shares)
     self.last_share_padding = mathutil.pad_size(self.share_size, required_shares)
     self.encoder = zfec.Encoder(required_shares, max_shares)
Example #4
def encode_file(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096):
    Read in the contents of inf, encode, and call cb with the results.

    First, k "input blocks" will be read from inf, each input block being of
    size chunksize.  Then these k blocks will be encoded into m "result
    blocks".  Then cb will be invoked, passing a list of the m result blocks
    as its first argument, and the length of the encoded data as its second
    argument.  (The length of the encoded data is always equal to k*chunksize,
    until the last iteration, when the end of the file has been reached and
    less than k*chunksize bytes could be read from the file.)  This procedure
    is iterated until the end of the file is reached, in which case the space
    of the input blocks that is unused is filled with zeroes before encoding.

    Note that the sequence passed in calls to cb() contains mutable array
    objects in its first k elements whose contents will be overwritten when
    the next segment is read from the input file.  Therefore the
    implementation of cb() has to either be finished with those first k arrays
    before returning, or if it wants to keep the contents of those arrays for
    subsequent use after it has returned then it must make a copy of them to

    @param inf the file object from which to read the data
    @param cb the callback to be invoked with the results
    @param k the number of shares required to reconstruct the file
    @param m the total number of shares created
    @param chunksize how much data to read from inf for each of the k input
    enc = zfec.Encoder(k, m)
    l = tuple([ array.array('c') for i in range(k) ])
    indatasize = k*chunksize # will be reset to shorter upon EOF
    eof = False
    ZEROES=array.array('c', ['\x00'])*chunksize
    while not eof:
        # This loop body executes once per segment.
        i = 0
        while (i<len(l)):
            # This loop body executes once per chunk.
            a = l[i]
            del a[:]
                a.fromfile(inf, chunksize)
                i += 1
            except EOFError:
                eof = True
                indatasize = i*chunksize + len(a)

                # padding
                a.fromstring("\x00" * (chunksize-len(a)))
                i += 1
                while (i<len(l)):
                    a = l[i]
                    a[:] = ZEROES
                    i += 1

        res = enc.encode(l)
        cb(res, indatasize)
Example #5
    def test_bad_args_construct_encoder(self):
            zfec.Encoder(-1, -1)
        except zfec.Error as e:
            assert "argument is required to be greater than or equal to 1" in str(
                e), e
                "Should have gotten an exception from out-of-range arguments.")

            zfec.Encoder(1, 257)
        except zfec.Error as e:
            assert "argument is required to be less than or equal to 256" in str(
                e), e
                "Should have gotten an exception from out-of-range arguments.")
Example #6
 def test_instantiate_encoder_no_args(self):
         e = zfec.Encoder()
     except TypeError:
         # Okay, so that's because we're required to pass constructor args.
         # Oops, it should have raised an exception.
         self.fail("Should have raised exception from incorrect arguments to constructor.")
Example #7
    def test_from_agl_py(self):
        e = zfec.Encoder(3, 5)
        b0 = '\x01'*8 ; b1 = '\x02'*8 ; b2 = '\x03'*8
        # print "_from_py before encoding:"
        # print "b0: %s, b1: %s, b2: %s" % tuple(base64.b16encode(x) for x in [b0, b1, b2])

        b3, b4 = e.encode([b0, b1, b2], (3, 4))
        # print "after encoding:"
        # print "b3: %s, b4: %s" % tuple(base64.b16encode(x) for x in [b3, b4])

        d = zfec.Decoder(3, 5)
        r0, r1, r2 = d.decode((b2, b3, b4), (1, 2, 3))
Example #8
def _h(k, m, ss):
    encer = zfec.Encoder(k, m)
    nums_and_blocks = list(enumerate(encer.encode(ss)))
    assert isinstance(nums_and_blocks, list), nums_and_blocks
    assert len(nums_and_blocks) == m, (len(nums_and_blocks), m,)
    nums_and_blocks = random.sample(nums_and_blocks, k)
    blocks = [ x[1] for x in nums_and_blocks ]
    nums = [ x[0] for x in nums_and_blocks ]
    decer = zfec.Decoder(k, m)
    decoded = decer.decode(blocks, nums)
    assert len(decoded) == len(ss), (len(decoded), len(ss),)
    assert tuple([str(s) for s in decoded]) == tuple([str(s) for s in ss]), (tuple([ab(str(s)) for s in decoded]), tuple([ab(str(s)) for s in ss]),)
def main():
    for i in range(2, 8):
        N = 2**i
        t = 2**(i - 2)
        Threshold = ceil((N - t + 1) / 2.0)
        zfecEncoder = zfec.Encoder(Threshold, N)
        zfecDecoder = zfec.Decoder(Threshold, N)
        for j in range(9, 12):
            Tx = os.urandom((2**j) * 250)
            start = time.time()
            fragList = testEncoder(N, t, Tx, Threshold, zfecEncoder)
            print N, t, 2**j, 'encode', time.time() - start
            start = time.time()
            zfecDecoder.decode(fragList[:Threshold], range(Threshold))
            print N, t, 2**j, 'decode', time.time() - start
Example #10
    def _encode_obj(self, data):
        """Encode a single FEC object

            data : Data to encode (bytes array)

            Unlike method encode(), this method must take a data object that
            fits within 256 chunks with overhead so that it fits into a single
            FEC object. Furthermore, while encode() returns FEC packets,
            this method returns FEC chunks.

            List of FEC-encoded chunks.

        assert (isinstance(data, bytes))

        n_chunks = ceil(len(data) / CHUNK_SIZE)
        n_overhead_chunks = ceil(self.overhead * n_chunks)
        n_fec_chunks = n_chunks + n_overhead_chunks

        assert (n_fec_chunks <= MAX_FEC_CHUNKS)
        logger.debug("Original Chunks: {} / "
                     "Overhead Chunks: {} / "
                     "Total: {}".format(n_chunks, n_overhead_chunks,

        # Split the given data array into chunks
        chunks = []
        for i_chunk in range(n_chunks):
            # Byte range of the next chunk:
            s_byte = i_chunk * CHUNK_SIZE  # starting byte
            e_byte = (i_chunk + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE  # ending byte
            chunk = data[s_byte:e_byte]

            # The last chunk may need zero-padding
            if (i_chunk + 1 == n_chunks and len(chunk) < CHUNK_SIZE):
                chunk += bytes(CHUNK_SIZE - len(chunk))

            assert (len(chunk) == CHUNK_SIZE)

        # Generate the corresponding FEC chunks
        encoder = zfec.Encoder(n_chunks, n_fec_chunks)
        return encoder.encode(chunks)
Example #11
def encode(K, N, m):
    """Erasure encodes string ``m`` into ``N`` blocks, such that any ``K``
    can reconstruct.
    :param int K: K
    :param int N: number of blocks to encode string ``m`` into.
    :param int m: string to encode.
    :return list: Erasure codes resulting from encoding ``m`` into
        ``N`` blocks using ``zfec`` lib.
    encoder = zfec.Encoder(K, N)
    assert K <= 256  # TODO: Record this assumption!
    # pad m to a multiple of K bytes
    padlen = K - (len(m) % K)
    m += padlen * chr(K - padlen)
    step = len(m) / K
    blocks = [m[i * step:(i + 1) * step] for i in range(K)]
    stripes = encoder.encode(blocks)
    return stripes
Example #12
def ecEncode(src, dataChunks, parityChunks, setting):
    '''Encode a file into data and parity chunks by erasure coding.'''
    '''Use zfec library.'''
    k = len(dataChunks)
    n = k + len(parityChunks)

    #Split src file into data chunks:
    infile = open(src, 'rb')
    data = infile.read()
    totalchunk = len(dataChunks)
    filesize = len(data)
    if filesize == 0:
        for i in range(totalchunk):
            outfile = open(dataChunks[i], 'wb')
        chunksize = filesize/totalchunk + 1
        setting.chunksize = chunksize
        chunkid = 0
        for i in range(0, filesize+1, chunksize):
            outfile = open(dataChunks[chunkid], 'wb')
            startaddr = i
            endaddr = i + chunksize
            if endaddr > filesize:
                paddingsize = endaddr - (filesize)
                for j in range(0, paddingsize):
            chunkid += 1

    #Encode to generate parity chunks:
    encoder = zfec.Encoder(k, n)
    indatalist = []
    for filename in dataChunks:
        infile = open(filename, 'rb')
    outdatalist = encoder.encode(indatalist)
    for i in range(n-k):
        outfile = open(parityChunks[i],'wb')
Example #13
def encode_file_stringy(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096):
    Read in the contents of inf, encode, and call cb with the results.

    First, k "input blocks" will be read from inf, each input block being of
    size chunksize.  Then these k blocks will be encoded into m "result
    blocks".  Then cb will be invoked, passing a list of the m result blocks
    as its first argument, and the length of the encoded data as its second
    argument.  (The length of the encoded data is always equal to k*chunksize,
    until the last iteration, when the end of the file has been reached and
    less than k*chunksize bytes could be read from the file.)  This procedure
    is iterated until the end of the file is reached, in which case the part
    of the input shares that is unused is filled with zeroes before encoding.

    @param inf the file object from which to read the data
    @param cb the callback to be invoked with the results
    @param k the number of shares required to reconstruct the file
    @param m the total number of shares created
    @param chunksize how much data to read from inf for each of the k input
    enc = zfec.Encoder(k, m)
    indatasize = k*chunksize # will be reset to shorter upon EOF
    while indatasize == k*chunksize:
        # This loop body executes once per segment.
        i = 0
        l = []
        ZEROES = b'\x00'*chunksize
        while i<k:
            # This loop body executes once per chunk.
            i += 1
            if len(l[-1]) < chunksize:
                indatasize = i*chunksize + len(l[-1])

                # padding
                l[-1] = l[-1] + b"\x00" * (chunksize-len(l[-1]))
                while i<k:
                    i += 1

        res = enc.encode(l)
        cb(res, indatasize)
Example #14
def encode(k, n, m):
    """Erasure encodes string ``m`` into ``n`` blocks, such that any ``k``
    can reconstruct.
    :param int k: k
    :param int n: number of blocks to encode string ``m`` into.
    :param bytes m: bytestring to encode.
    :return list: Erasure codes resulting from encoding ``m`` into
        ``n`` blocks using ``zfec`` lib.
        m = m.encode()
    except AttributeError:
    encoder = zfec.Encoder(k, n)
    assert k <= 256  # TODO: Record this assumption!
    # pad m to a multiple of K bytes
    padlen = k - (len(m) % k)
    m += padlen * chr(k - padlen).encode()
    step = len(m) // k
    blocks = [m[i * step:(i + 1) * step] for i in range(k)]
    stripes = encoder.encode(blocks)
    return stripes
Example #15
def multiSigBr(pid, N, t, msg, broadcast, receive, outputs, send):
    # Since all the parties we have are symmetric, so I implement this function for N instances of A-cast as a whole
    # Here msg is a set of transactions
    assert (isinstance(outputs, list))
    for i in outputs:
        assert (isinstance(i, Queue))

    keys = getECDSAKeys()
    Threshold = N - 2 * t
    Threshold2 = N - t
    zfecEncoder = zfec.Encoder(Threshold, N)
    zfecDecoder = zfec.Decoder(Threshold, N)

    def merkleTree(strList, someHash=coolSHA256Hash):
        # someHash is a mapping from a int to a int
        treeLength = 2**ceil(math.log(len(strList)) / math.log(2))
        mt = [0] * (treeLength * 2)  # find a place to put our leaves
        for i in range(len(strList)):
            mt[i + treeLength] = someHash(
            )  # TODO: need to change strList[i] from a string to an integer here.
        for i in range(treeLength - 1, 0, -1):  # 1, 2, 3, ..., treeLength - 1
            # mt[i] = someHash(''.join([chr(ord(a) ^ ord(b)) for a, b in zip(mt[i*2], mt[i*2+1])]))  # XOR is commutative
            mt[i] = someHash(mt[i * 2] +
                             mt[i * 2 + 1])  # concat is not commutative
        return mt

    def getMerkleBranch(index, mt):
        res = []
        t = index + (len(mt) >> 1)
        while t > 1:
            res.append(mt[t ^ 1])  # we are picking up the sibling
            t /= 2
        return res

    def merkleVerify(val, rootHash, branch, someHash, index):
        # index has information on whether we are facing a left sibling or a right sibling
        tmp = someHash(val)
        tindex = index
        for br in branch:
            tmp = someHash((tindex & 1) and br + tmp or tmp + br)
            tindex >>= 1
        if tmp != rootHash:
            print "Verification failed with", someHash(
                val), rootHash, branch, tmp == rootHash
        return tmp == rootHash

    def Listener():
        opinions = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(N)]
        rootHashes = dict()
        readyCounter = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(N)]
        signed = [False] * N
        readySent = [False] * N
        reconstDone = [False] * N
        while True:  # main loop
            sender, msgBundle = receive()
            if msgBundle[0] == 'i' and not signed[sender]:
                if keys[sender].verify(
                            msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1],
                        ])), msgBundle[2]):
                    assert isinstance(msgBundle[1], tuple)
                    if not merkleVerify(msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1],
                                        msgBundle[1][2], coolSHA256Hash, pid):
                    if sender in rootHashes:
                        if rootHashes[sender] != msgBundle[1][1]:
                            print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                        rootHashes[sender] = msgBundle[1][1]
                    newBundle = (sender, msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1],
                                 )  # assert each frag has a length of step
                    broadcast(('e', newBundle, keys[pid].sign(
                            str(newBundle[0]), newBundle[1], newBundle[2],
                    signed[sender] = True
                    raise ECDSASignatureError()
            elif msgBundle[0] == 'e':
                if keys[sender].verify(
                            str(msgBundle[1][0]), msgBundle[1][1],
                            msgBundle[1][2], ''.join(msgBundle[1][3])
                        ])), msgBundle[2]):
                    originBundle = msgBundle[1]
                    if not merkleVerify(originBundle[1], originBundle[2],
                                        originBundle[3], coolSHA256Hash,
                    if originBundle[0] in rootHashes:
                        if rootHashes[originBundle[0]] != originBundle[2]:
                            print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                        rootHashes[originBundle[0]] = originBundle[2]
                    opinions[originBundle[0]][sender] = originBundle[
                        1]  # We are going to move this part to kekeketktktktk
                    if len(opinions[originBundle[0]]
                           ) >= Threshold2 and not readySent[originBundle[0]]:
                        readySent[originBundle[0]] = True
                            ('r', originBundle[0],
                             originBundle[2]))  # We are broadcasting its hash
                    raise ECDSASignatureError()
            elif msgBundle[0] == 'r':
                readyCounter[msgBundle[1]][msgBundle[2]] += 1
                tmp = readyCounter[msgBundle[1]][msgBundle[2]]
                if tmp >= t + 1 and not readySent[msgBundle[1]]:
                    readySent[msgBundle[1]] = True
                    broadcast(('r', msgBundle[1], msgBundle[2]))
                if tmp >= Threshold2 and not outputs[msgBundle[1]].full() and \
                        not reconstDone[msgBundle[1]] and len(opinions[msgBundle[1]]) >= Threshold:
                    reconstDone[msgBundle[1]] = True
                    if msgBundle[1] in rootHashes:
                        if rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] != msgBundle[2]:
                            print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                        rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] = msgBundle[2]
                    if opinions[msgBundle[1]].values()[0] == '':
                        reconstruction = ['']
                        reconstruction = zfecDecoder.decode(
                        )  # We only take the first [Threshold] fragments
                    rawbuf = ''.join(reconstruction)
                    buf = rawbuf[:-ord(rawbuf[-1])]
                    # Check root hash
                    step = len(
                    ) / Threshold + 1  # len(buf) % Threshold == 0 and len(buf) / Threshold or (len(buf) / Threshold + 1)
                    assert step * Threshold - len(buf) < 256  # assumption
                    buf_ = buf.ljust(step * Threshold - 1,
                                     '\xFF') + chr(step * Threshold - len(buf))
                    fragList = [
                        buf_[i * step:(i + 1) * step] for i in range(Threshold)
                    encodedFragList = zfecEncoder.encode(fragList)
                    mt = merkleTree(encodedFragList, coolSHA256Hash)
                    assert rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] == mt[
                        1]  # full binary tree
                    if outputs[msgBundle[1]].empty():

    greenletPacker(Greenlet(Listener), 'multiSigBr.Listener',
                   (pid, N, t, msg, broadcast, receive, outputs)).start()
    buf = msg  # We already assumed the proposals are byte strings

    step = len(
    ) / Threshold + 1  # len(buf) % Threshold == 0 and len(buf) / Threshold or (len(buf) / Threshold + 1)
    assert step * Threshold - len(buf) < 256  # assumption
    buf = buf.ljust(step * Threshold - 1,
                    '\xFF') + chr(step * Threshold - len(buf))
    fragList = [buf[i * step:(i + 1) * step] for i in range(Threshold)]
    encodedFragList = zfecEncoder.encode(fragList)
    mt = merkleTree(encodedFragList, coolSHA256Hash)
    rootHash = mt[1]  # full binary tree
    for i in range(N):
        mb = getMerkleBranch(
            i, mt)  # notice that index starts from 1 and pid starts from 0
        newBundle = (encodedFragList[i], rootHash, mb)
        send(i, ('i', newBundle, keys[pid].sign(
                [newBundle[0], newBundle[1], ''.join(newBundle[2])])))))
Example #16
 def test_bad_args_construct_encoder(self):
         zfec.Encoder(-1, -1)
     except zfec.Error, e:
         assert "argument is required to be greater than or equal to 1" in str(e), e
Example #17
            zfec.Decoder(3, 2)
        except zfec.Error, e:
            assert "first argument is required to be less than or equal to the second argument" in str(e), e
            self.fail("Should have gotten an exception from out-of-range arguments.")

    def test_bad_args_construct_encoder(self):
            zfec.Encoder(-1, -1)
        except zfec.Error, e:
            assert "argument is required to be greater than or equal to 1" in str(e), e
            self.fail("Should have gotten an exception from out-of-range arguments.")

            zfec.Encoder(1, 257)
        except zfec.Error, e:
            assert "argument is required to be less than or equal to 256" in str(e), e
            self.fail("Should have gotten an exception from out-of-range arguments.")

    def test_bad_args_dec(self):
        decer = zfec.Decoder(2, 4)

            decer.decode(98, []) # first argument is not a sequence
        except TypeError, e:
            assert "First argument was not a sequence" in str(e), e
            self.fail("Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument.")
Example #18
 def __init__(self, k, m):
     self.fec = zfec.Encoder(k, m)
Example #19
import zfec

print(zfec.Encoder(1, 9).encode('hi'))
import os
import struct

from JumpScale import j


#@todo NOT WORKING, need to  implement

import zfec
encoder = zfec.Encoder(10, 14)

filename = "/var/lib/libvirt/images/Ubuntu.img"

counter = 0

def encode(counter, series):
    counter += 1
    counterSeries = 0
    seriesOut = encoder.encode(series)
    for out in seriesOut:
        counterSeries += 1
        pathout = "out/Ubuntu.img.%s_%s" % (counter, counterSeries)
        j.system.fs.writeFile(pathout, out)
        print "%s_%s" % (counter, counterSeries)
    return counter

size = 0
series = []
Example #21
 def __init__(self, k, m):
     self.k = k
     self.m = m
     self.z_encoder = zfec.Encoder(k=k, m=m)
     self.z_decoder = zfec.Decoder(k=k, m=m)