Example #1
class TemplateParser(object):
	'''The parser to parse template files into a hierarchic tree of

	# Build parse tree like:
	#  - text
	#  - IF expr=...
	#    - text
	#    - GET expr=...
	#    - text
	#  - ELIF expr= ..
	#    - text
	#  - text
	# So:
	#   GET token: append
	#   IF token: start IF
	#   ELIF token: end IF (error if unmatched), start ELIF
	#   END token: end whatever is on the stack
	# Keywords are case sensitive: must be upper case

	_set_token_re = re.compile(r'^([\w\.]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$') # var = expr

	_token_with_expr_re = re.compile(r'^(\w+)\s+(.*)$') # TOKEN expr

	_for_in_token_re = re.compile(r'^(\w+)\s+IN\s+(.*)$') # name IN expr

	_for_is_token_re = re.compile(r'^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$') # name = expr

	_block_token_re = re.compile(r'^\w+$') # name

	_tokens_with_expr = (
		'GET', 'SET',
		'IF', 'ELIF', 'ELSIF', 'ELSE',
	)	# These tokens take an argument

	_tokens_without_expr = ('ELSE', 'END')
		# These tokens do not take an argument

	_tokens_with_end = (
		'IF', 'ELIF', 'ELSIF', 'ELSE',
	)	# These tokens start a block that is delimited by END

	_tokens_with_line_chomp = _tokens_with_end + (
	)	# For these tokens strip whitespace of token is on it's own line

	_tokens_with_default_chomp = ('SET',)
		# For these tokens always strip whitespace left and right

	def __init__(self):
		self.text_parser = self.build_text_parser()
		self.expr_parser = ExpressionParser()
		self._stack = []

	def parse(self, text):
		'''Parse template text
		@param text: the template text
		@returns: a list of L{SimpleTreeElements} for the main template
		structure and any blocks defined in the template
		builder = TemplateTreeBuilder()
		self.__call__(builder, text)
		return builder.get_root()

	def __call__(self, builder, text):
		wrapper = TemplateBuilderTextBuffer(builder)
		if text:
			self.text_parser(wrapper, text)

	def build_text_parser(self):
		# Rules capture [% .. %] and <!--[% ... %]--> including "chomp" flags
		# First two rules block level instruction on it's own line
		# next two rules are embdedded in content
		line_tokens = '|'.join(map(re.escape, self._tokens_with_line_chomp))
		text_parser = (
			Rule('X-XML-Token', r'''
				^[^\S\n]*			# whitespace at line start
				\<\!--\[%%			# start of instruction
					-?				# rchomp
					(?:%s)			# line tokens
					(?:\s[^%%]*?)?	# optional expression -- the [^%%] os a bit of a hack here..
					-?				# lchomp
				%%\]--\>			# end of instruction
				[^\S\n]*\n			# whitespace and end of line
				''' % line_tokens,
				process=self._process_token )
			| Rule('X-Text-Token', r'''
				^[^\S\n]*			# whitespace at line start
				\[%%				# start of instruction
					-?				# rchomp
					(?:%s)			# line tokens
					(?:\s[^%%]*?)?	# optional expression -- the [^%%] os a bit of a hack here..
					-?				# lchomp
				%%\]				# end of instruction
				[^\S\n]*\n			# whitespace and end of line
				''' % line_tokens,
				process=self._process_token )
			| Rule('X-Inline-XML-Token',
				process=self._process_token )
			| Rule('X-Inline-Text-Token',
				process=self._process_token )
		return text_parser

	def _process_token(self, builder, text):
		rchomp = text.startswith('-') # rstrip prev text
		lchomp = text.endswith('-') # lstrip next text
		text = text.strip('-').strip()

		m = self._token_with_expr_re.match(text)
		if m and m.group(1) in self._tokens_with_expr:
			token = m.group(1)
			expr = m.group(2).strip()
			assert expr, 'Missing expression' # Should never occur if regexp is strict
		elif text in self._tokens_without_expr:
			token = text
			expr = None
			m = self._set_token_re.match(text)
			if m:
				token = 'SET'
				token = 'GET'
			expr = text

		if token in self._tokens_with_default_chomp:
			rchomp = True
			lchomp = True

		if rchomp:

		method = getattr(self, '_process_token_' + token.lower())
		method(builder, token, expr)

		if lchomp:

	def _process_append_token(self, b, t, e):
		e = self.expr_parser.parse(e)
		b.append(t, {'expr': e})

	_process_token_get = _process_append_token
	_process_token_include = _process_append_token

	def _process_token_set(self, b, t, e):
		m = self._set_token_re.match(e)
		if m:
			v = ExpressionParameter(m.group(1))
			e = self.expr_parser.parse(m.group(2))
			b.append(t, {'var': v, 'expr': e})
			raise AssertionError, 'Invalid syntax for SET, expected assignment'

	def _process_token_if(self, b, t, e):
		e = self.expr_parser.parse(e)
		b.start('IF', {'expr': e})

	def _process_token_elif(self, b, t, e):
		if not (self._stack and self._stack[-1] in ('IF', 'ELIF')):
			raise AssertionError, 'Expected IF statement instead of ELIF'
		b.end(self._stack.pop()) # raises if unmatched
		e = self.expr_parser.parse(e)
		b.start('ELIF', {'expr': e})

	_process_token_elsif = _process_token_elif

	def _process_token_else(self, b, t, e):
		if not (self._stack and self._stack[-1] in ('IF', 'ELIF')):
			raise AssertionError, 'Unexpected ELSE statement'
		b.end(self._stack.pop()) # raises if unmatched

	def _process_token_for(self, b, t, e):
		m = self._for_in_token_re.match(e)
		if t == 'FOREACH' and not m:
			m = self._for_is_token_re.match(e)

		if m:
			v = ExpressionParameter(m.group(1))
			e = self.expr_parser.parse(m.group(2))
			b.start('FOR', {'var': v, 'expr': e})
			if t == 'FOR':
				raise AssertionError, 'Invalid syntax in FOR, expected "IN"'
				raise AssertionError, 'Invalid syntax in FOREACH, expected "IN" or "="'

	_process_token_foreach = _process_token_for

	def _process_token_block(self, b, t, e):
		if not self._block_token_re.match(e):
			raise AssertionError, 'Invalid syntax in BLOCK, expected name'
		b.start('BLOCK', {'name': e})

	def _process_token_end(self, b, t, e):
		if not self._stack:
			raise AssertionError, 'Unexpected END statement'
		b.end(self._stack.pop()) # raises if unmatched
Example #2
	def __init__(self):
		self.text_parser = self.build_text_parser()
		self.expr_parser = ExpressionParser()
		self._stack = []