Example #1
    def _hidden_files(self):
        """Find any files that are hidden between memebers of this archive"""
        # Establish the file boundaries, start - end, for each file
        # initial file boundaries are the start and end of the zip up to the
        # central directory
        file_boundaries = [{
            "start": 0,
            "end": 0
        }, {
            "start": self.start_dir,
            "end": self.start_dir
        # Include removed files - we don't want to count them as hidden
        for fileinfo in self.filelist + self.removed_filelist:

            # establish the end_offset
            end_offset = fileinfo.header_offset
            end_offset += zipfile.sizeFileHeader
            end_offset += len(fileinfo.orig_filename)
            end_offset += len(fileinfo.extra)
            end_offset += fileinfo.compress_size
            is_encrypted = fileinfo.flag_bits & 0x1
            if is_encrypted:
                end_offset += 12

            # add to the file boundaries
                "start": fileinfo.header_offset,
                "end": end_offset

        # Look for data inbetween the file boundaries
        current = file_boundaries.pop(0)
        hidden_files = []
        for next in file_boundaries:
            if current["end"] > next["start"]:
                # next is contained within current |--c.s---n.s--n.e---c.e--|
            elif current["end"] != next["start"]:
                # There is some data inbetween
                file = zipfile._SharedFile(self.fp, current["end"],
                                           self._fpclose, self._lock)
                file.length = next["start"] - current["end"]
            current = next

        return hidden_files
    def _hidden_files(self):
        """Find any files that are hidden between memebers of this archive"""
        # Establish the file boundaries, start - end, for each file
        # initial file boundaries are the start and end of the zip up to the
        # central directory
        file_boundaries = [{"start": 0, "end": 0},
                           {"start": self.start_dir, "end": self.start_dir}]
        # Include removed files - we don't want to count them as hidden
        for fileinfo in self.filelist + self.removed_filelist:

            # establish the end_offset
            end_offset = fileinfo.header_offset
            end_offset += zipfile.sizeFileHeader
            end_offset += len(fileinfo.orig_filename)
            end_offset += len(fileinfo.extra)
            end_offset += fileinfo.compress_size
            is_encrypted = fileinfo.flag_bits & 0x1
            if is_encrypted:
                end_offset += 12

            # add to the file boundaries
            file_boundaries.append({"start": fileinfo.header_offset,
                                    "end": end_offset})

        # Look for data inbetween the file boundaries
        current = file_boundaries.pop(0)
        hidden_files = []
        for next in file_boundaries:
            if current["end"] > next["start"]:
                # next is contained within current |--c.s---n.s--n.e---c.e--|
            elif current["end"] != next["start"]:
                # There is some data inbetween
                file = zipfile._SharedFile(self.fp, current["end"], self._fpclose, self._lock)
                file.length = next["start"] - current["end"]
            current = next

        return hidden_files
Example #3
    def open(self, name, mode="r", pwd=None, *, force_zip64=False):
        """Return file-like object for 'name'.

        name is a string for the file name within the ZIP file, or a ZipInfo

        mode should be 'r' to read a file already in the ZIP file, or 'w' to
        write to a file newly added to the archive.

        pwd is the password to decrypt files (only used for reading).

        When writing, if the file size is not known in advance but may exceed
        2 GiB, pass force_zip64 to use the ZIP64 format, which can handle large
        files.  If the size is known in advance, it is best to pass a ZipInfo
        instance for name, with zinfo.file_size set.
        if mode not in {"r", "w"}:
            raise ValueError('open() requires mode "r" or "w"')
        if pwd and not isinstance(pwd, bytes):
            raise TypeError("pwd: expected bytes, got %s" % type(pwd).__name__)
        if pwd and (mode == "w"):
            raise ValueError("pwd is only supported for reading files")
        if not self.fp:
            raise ValueError(
                "Attempt to use ZIP archive that was already closed")

        # Make sure we have an info object
        if isinstance(name, P4KInfo):
            # 'name' is already an info object
            zinfo = name
        elif mode == "w":
            zinfo = P4KInfo(name)
            zinfo.compress_type = self.compression
            zinfo._compresslevel = self.compresslevel
            # Get info object for name
            zinfo = self.getinfo(name)

        if mode == "w":
            return self._open_to_write(zinfo, force_zip64=force_zip64)

        if self._writing:
            raise ValueError("Can't read from the ZIP file while there "
                             "is an open writing handle on it. "
                             "Close the writing handle before trying to read.")

        # Open for reading:
        self._fileRefCnt += 1
        zef_file = zipfile._SharedFile(
            lambda: self._writing,
            # Skip the file header:
            fheader = zef_file.read(zipfile.sizeFileHeader)
            if len(fheader) != zipfile.sizeFileHeader:
                raise zipfile.BadZipFile("Truncated file header")
            fheader = struct.unpack(zipfile.structFileHeader, fheader)
            if (fheader[zipfile._FH_SIGNATURE] != p4kFileHeader
                    and fheader[zipfile._FH_SIGNATURE] !=
                raise zipfile.BadZipFile("Bad magic number for file header")

            fname = zef_file.read(fheader[zipfile._FH_FILENAME_LENGTH])
            if fheader[zipfile._FH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]:

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x20:
                # Zip 2.7: compressed patched data
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "compressed patched data (flag bit 5)")

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x40:
                # strong encryption
                raise NotImplementedError("strong encryption (flag bit 6)")

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x800:
                # UTF-8 filename
                fname_str = fname.decode("utf-8")
                fname_str = fname.decode("cp437")

            if fname_str != zinfo.orig_filename:
                raise zipfile.BadZipFile(
                    "File name in directory %r and header %r differ." %
                    (zinfo.orig_filename, fname))

            zd = None
            if self.key and zinfo.is_encrypted:
                zd = _P4KDecrypter(self.key)

            return P4KExtFile(zef_file, mode, zinfo, zd, True)
    def open(self, name, mode="r", pwd=None):
        """Return file-like object for 'name'."""
        if mode not in ("r", "U", "rU"):
            raise RuntimeError('open() requires mode "r", "U", or "rU"')
        if 'U' in mode:
            import warnings
            warnings.warn("'U' mode is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2)
        if pwd and not isinstance(pwd, bytes):
            raise TypeError("pwd: expected bytes, got %s" % type(pwd))
        if not self.fp:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Attempt to read ZIP archive that was already closed")

        # Make sure we have an info object
        if isinstance(name, zipfile.ZipInfo):
            # 'name' is already an info object
            zinfo = name
            # Get info object for name
            zinfo = self.getinfo(name)

        self._fileRefCnt += 1
        zef_file = zipfile._SharedFile(self.fp, zinfo.header_offset,
                                       self._fpclose, self._lock)
            # Skip the file header:
            fheader = zef_file.read(zipfile.sizeFileHeader)
            if len(fheader) != zipfile.sizeFileHeader:
                raise zipfile.BadZipFile("Truncated file header")
            fheader = struct.unpack(zipfile.structFileHeader, fheader)
            if fheader[zipfile._FH_SIGNATURE] != zipfile.stringFileHeader:
                raise zipfile.BadZipFile("Bad magic number for file header")

            fname = zef_file.read(fheader[zipfile._FH_FILENAME_LENGTH])
            if fheader[zipfile._FH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]:

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x20:
                # Zip 2.7: compressed patched data
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "compressed patched data (flag bit 5)")

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x40:
                # strong encryption
                raise NotImplementedError("strong encryption (flag bit 6)")

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x800:
                # UTF-8 filename
                fname_str = fname.decode("utf-8")
                fname_str = fname.decode("cp437")

            fname_str = '/'.join(fname_str.split('\\'))

            if fname_str != zinfo.orig_filename:
                raise zipfile.BadZipFile(
                    'File name in directory %r and header %r differ.' %
                    (zinfo.orig_filename, fname_str))

            # check for encrypted flag & handle password
            is_encrypted = zinfo.flag_bits & 0x1
            zd = None
            if is_encrypted:
                if not pwd:
                    pwd = self.pwd
                if not pwd:
                    raise RuntimeError("File %s is encrypted, password "
                                       "required for extraction" % name)

                zd = zipfile._ZipDecrypter(pwd)
                # The first 12 bytes in the cypher stream is an encryption header
                #  used to strengthen the algorithm. The first 11 bytes are
                #  completely random, while the 12th contains the MSB of the CRC,
                #  or the MSB of the file time depending on the header type
                #  and is used to check the correctness of the password.
                header = zef_file.read(12)
                h = list(map(zd, header[0:12]))
                if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x8:
                    # compare against the file type from extended local headers
                    check_byte = (zinfo._raw_time >> 8) & 0xff
                    # compare against the CRC otherwise
                    check_byte = (zinfo.CRC >> 24) & 0xff
                if h[11] != check_byte:
                    raise RuntimeError("Bad password for file", name)

            return zipfile.ZipExtFile(zef_file, mode, zinfo, zd, True)
Example #5
    def open(self, name, mode="r", pwd=None, *, force_zip64=False):
        Returns file-like object for 'name'.

        @param      name    is a string for the file name within the ZIP file, or a ZipInfo
        @param      mode    should be 'r' to read a file already in the ZIP file, or 'w' to
                            write to a file newly added to the archive.
        @param      pwd     is the password to decrypt files (only used for reading).

        When writing, if the file size is not known in advance but may exceed
        2 GiB, pass force_zip64 to use the ZIP64 format, which can handle large
        files.  If the size is known in advance, it is best to pass a ZipInfo
        instance for name, with zinfo.file_size set.
        if mode not in {"r", "w"}:
            raise ValueError('open() requires mode "r" or "w"')
        if pwd and not isinstance(pwd, bytes):
            raise TypeError("pwd: expected bytes, got %s" % type(pwd).__name__)
        if pwd and (mode == "w"):
            raise ValueError("pwd is only supported for reading files")
        if not self.fp:
            raise ValueError(
                "Attempt to use ZIP archive that was already closed")

        # Make sure we have an info object
        if isinstance(name, ZipInfo):
            # 'name' is already an info object
            zinfo = name
        elif mode == 'w':
            zinfo = ZipInfo(name)
            zinfo.compress_type = self.compression
            # Get info object for name
            zinfo = self.getinfo(name)

        if mode == 'w':
            return self._open_to_write(zinfo, force_zip64=force_zip64)

        if hasattr(self, "_writing") and self._writing:
            raise ValueError("Can't read from the ZIP file while there "
                             "is an open writing handle on it. "
                             "Close the writing handle before trying to read.")

        # Open for reading:
        self._fileRefCnt += 1
        if sys.version_info[:2] <= (3, 5):
            zef_file = _SharedFile(  # pylint: disable=E1120
                self.fp, zinfo.header_offset, self._fpclose, self._lock)
        zef_file = _SharedFile(
            self.fp, zinfo.header_offset, self._fpclose, self._lock,
            lambda: hasattr(self, "_writing") and self._writing)
            # Skip the file header:
            fheader = zef_file.read(sizeFileHeader)
            if len(fheader) != sizeFileHeader:
                raise BadZipFile("Truncated file header")
            fheader = struct.unpack(structFileHeader, fheader)
            if fheader[_FH_SIGNATURE] != stringFileHeader:
                raise BadZipFile("Bad magic number for file header")

            fname = zef_file.read(fheader[_FH_FILENAME_LENGTH])
            if fheader[_FH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]:

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x20:
                # Zip 2.7: compressed patched data
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "compressed patched data (flag bit 5)")

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x40:
                # strong encryption
                raise NotImplementedError("strong encryption (flag bit 6)")

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x800:
                # UTF-8 filename
                fname_str = fname.decode("utf-8")
                fname_str = fname.decode("cp437")

            if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
                if fname_str.replace("\\", "/") != zinfo.orig_filename.replace(
                        "\\", "/"):
                    raise BadZipFile(
                        'File name in directory %r and header %r differ.' %
                        (zinfo.orig_filename, fname))
                if fname_str != zinfo.orig_filename:
                    raise BadZipFile(
                        'File name in directory %r and header %r differ.' %
                        (zinfo.orig_filename, fname))

            # check for encrypted flag & handle password
            is_encrypted = zinfo.flag_bits & 0x1
            zd = None
            if is_encrypted:
                if not pwd:
                    pwd = self.pwd
                if not pwd:
                    raise RuntimeError("File %r is encrypted, password "
                                       "required for extraction" % name)

                zd = _ZipDecrypter(pwd)
                # The first 12 bytes in the cypher stream is an encryption header
                #  used to strengthen the algorithm. The first 11 bytes are
                #  completely random, while the 12th contains the MSB of the CRC,
                #  or the MSB of the file time depending on the header type
                #  and is used to check the correctness of the password.
                header = zef_file.read(12)
                h = list(map(zd, header[0:12]))
                if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x8:
                    # compare against the file type from extended local headers
                    check_byte = (zinfo._raw_time >> 8) & 0xff
                    # compare against the CRC otherwise
                    check_byte = (zinfo.CRC >> 24) & 0xff
                if h[11] != check_byte:
                    raise RuntimeError("Bad password for file %r" % name)

            return ZipExtFile(zef_file, mode, zinfo, zd, True)
        except Exception:
Example #6
    def open(self, name, mode="r", pwd=None, *, force_zip64=False):
        Returns file-like object for 'name'.

        @param      name    is a string for the file name within the ZIP file, or a ZipInfo
        @param      mode    should be 'r' to read a file already in the ZIP file, or 'w' to
                            write to a file newly added to the archive.
        @param      pwd     is the password to decrypt files (only used for reading).

        When writing, if the file size is not known in advance but may exceed
        2 GiB, pass force_zip64 to use the ZIP64 format, which can handle large
        files.  If the size is known in advance, it is best to pass a ZipInfo
        instance for name, with zinfo.file_size set.
        if mode not in {"r", "w"}:
            raise ValueError('open() requires mode "r" or "w"')
        if pwd and not isinstance(pwd, bytes):
            raise TypeError("pwd: expected bytes, got %s" % type(pwd).__name__)
        if pwd and (mode == "w"):
            raise ValueError("pwd is only supported for reading files")
        if not self.fp:
            raise ValueError(
                "Attempt to use ZIP archive that was already closed")

        # Make sure we have an info object
        if isinstance(name, ZipInfo):
            # 'name' is already an info object
            zinfo = name
        elif mode == 'w':
            zinfo = ZipInfo(name)
            zinfo.compress_type = self.compression
            # Get info object for name
            zinfo = self.getinfo(name)

        if mode == 'w':
            return self._open_to_write(zinfo, force_zip64=force_zip64)

        if hasattr(self, "_writing") and self._writing:
            raise ValueError("Can't read from the ZIP file while there "
                             "is an open writing handle on it. "
                             "Close the writing handle before trying to read.")

        # Open for reading:
        self._fileRefCnt += 1
        if sys.version_info[:2] <= (3, 5):
            zef_file = _SharedFile(  # pylint: disable=E1120
                self.fp, zinfo.header_offset, self._fpclose, self._lock)
        zef_file = _SharedFile(self.fp, zinfo.header_offset,
                               self._fpclose, self._lock, lambda: hasattr(self, "_writing") and self._writing)
            # Skip the file header:
            fheader = zef_file.read(sizeFileHeader)
            if len(fheader) != sizeFileHeader:
                raise BadZipFile("Truncated file header")
            fheader = struct.unpack(structFileHeader, fheader)
            if fheader[_FH_SIGNATURE] != stringFileHeader:
                raise BadZipFile("Bad magic number for file header")

            fname = zef_file.read(fheader[_FH_FILENAME_LENGTH])
            if fheader[_FH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]:

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x20:
                # Zip 2.7: compressed patched data
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "compressed patched data (flag bit 5)")

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x40:
                # strong encryption
                raise NotImplementedError("strong encryption (flag bit 6)")

            if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x800:
                # UTF-8 filename
                fname_str = fname.decode("utf-8")
                fname_str = fname.decode("cp437")

            if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
                if fname_str.replace("\\", "/") != zinfo.orig_filename.replace("\\", "/"):
                    raise BadZipFile(
                        'File name in directory %r and header %r differ.'
                        % (zinfo.orig_filename, fname))
                if fname_str != zinfo.orig_filename:
                    raise BadZipFile(
                        'File name in directory %r and header %r differ.'
                        % (zinfo.orig_filename, fname))

            # check for encrypted flag & handle password
            is_encrypted = zinfo.flag_bits & 0x1
            zd = None
            if is_encrypted:
                if not pwd:
                    pwd = self.pwd
                if not pwd:
                    raise RuntimeError("File %r is encrypted, password "
                                       "required for extraction" % name)

                zd = _ZipDecrypter(pwd)
                # The first 12 bytes in the cypher stream is an encryption header
                #  used to strengthen the algorithm. The first 11 bytes are
                #  completely random, while the 12th contains the MSB of the CRC,
                #  or the MSB of the file time depending on the header type
                #  and is used to check the correctness of the password.
                header = zef_file.read(12)
                h = list(map(zd, header[0:12]))
                if zinfo.flag_bits & 0x8:
                    # compare against the file type from extended local headers
                    check_byte = (zinfo._raw_time >> 8) & 0xff
                    # compare against the CRC otherwise
                    check_byte = (zinfo.CRC >> 24) & 0xff
                if h[11] != check_byte:
                    raise RuntimeError("Bad password for file %r" % name)

            return ZipExtFile(zef_file, mode, zinfo, zd, True)
        except Exception: