Example #1
    def _check_algo(self,

        algo._handle_data = handle_data
        with self.assertRaises(expected_exc) if expected_exc else nullctx():
Example #2
class CustomFilter(PositiveWindowLengthMixin, CustomTermMixin, Filter):
    Base class for user-defined Filters.

    inputs : iterable, optional
        An iterable of `BoundColumn` instances (e.g. USEquityPricing.close),
        describing the data to load and pass to `self.compute`.  If this
        argument is passed to the CustomFilter constructor, we look for a
        class-level attribute named `inputs`.
    window_length : int, optional
        Number of rows to pass for each input.  If this argument is not passed
        to the CustomFilter constructor, we look for a class-level attribute
        named `window_length`.

    Users implementing their own Filters should subclass CustomFilter and
    implement a method named `compute` with the following signature:

    .. code-block:: python

        def compute(self, today, assets, out, *inputs):

    On each simulation date, ``compute`` will be called with the current date,
    an array of sids, an output array, and an input array for each expression
    passed as inputs to the CustomFilter constructor.

    The specific types of the values passed to `compute` are as follows::

        today : np.datetime64[ns]
            Row label for the last row of all arrays passed as `inputs`.
        assets : np.array[int64, ndim=1]
            Column labels for `out` and`inputs`.
        out : np.array[bool, ndim=1]
            Output array of the same shape as `assets`.  `compute` should write
            its desired return values into `out`.
        *inputs : tuple of np.array
            Raw data arrays corresponding to the values of `self.inputs`.

    See the documentation for
    :class:`~zipline.pipeline.factors.factor.CustomFactor` for more details on
    implementing a custom ``compute`` method.

    See Also
    ctx = nullctx()
Example #3
class CustomFactor(RequiredWindowLengthMixin, CustomTermMixin, Factor):
    Base class for user-defined Factors operating on windows of raw data.

    TODO: This is basically the most important class to document in the whole
    FFC API...

    We currently only support CustomFactors of type float64.
    dtype = float64
    ctx = nullctx()

    def _validate(self):
        if self.dtype != float64:
            raise UnsupportedDataType(self.dtype)
        return super(CustomFactor, self)._validate()
Example #4
class CustomFactor(PositiveWindowLengthMixin, CustomTermMixin, Factor):
    Base class for user-defined Factors.

    inputs : iterable, optional
        An iterable of `BoundColumn` instances (e.g. USEquityPricing.close),
        describing the data to load and pass to `self.compute`.  If this
        argument is passed to the CustomFactor constructor, we look for a
        class-level attribute named `inputs`.
    window_length : int, optional
        Number of rows to pass for each input.  If this argument is not passed
        to the CustomFactor constructor, we look for a class-level attribute
        named `window_length`.

    Users implementing their own Factors should subclass CustomFactor and
    implement a method named `compute` with the following signature:

    .. code-block:: python

        def compute(self, today, assets, out, *inputs):

    On each simulation date, ``compute`` will be called with the current date,
    an array of sids, an output array, and an input array for each expression
    passed as inputs to the CustomFactor constructor.

    The specific types of the values passed to `compute` are as follows::

        today : np.datetime64[ns]
            Row label for the last row of all arrays passed as `inputs`.
        assets : np.array[int64, ndim=1]
            Column labels for `out` and`inputs`.
        out : np.array[self.dtype, ndim=1]
            Output array of the same shape as `assets`.  `compute` should write
            its desired return values into `out`.
        *inputs : tuple of np.array
            Raw data arrays corresponding to the values of `self.inputs`.

    ``compute`` functions should expect to be passed NaN values for dates on
    which no data was available for an asset.  This may include dates on which
    an asset did not yet exist.

    For example, if a CustomFactor requires 10 rows of close price data, and
    asset A started trading on Monday June 2nd, 2014, then on Tuesday, June
    3rd, 2014, the column of input data for asset A will have 9 leading NaNs
    for the preceding days on which data was not yet available.


    A CustomFactor with pre-declared defaults:

    .. code-block:: python

        class TenDayRange(CustomFactor):
            Computes the difference between the highest high in the last 10
            days and the lowest low.

            Pre-declares high and low as default inputs and `window_length` as

            inputs = [USEquityPricing.high, USEquityPricing.low]
            window_length = 10

            def compute(self, today, assets, out, highs, lows):
                from numpy import nanmin, nanmax

                highest_highs = nanmax(highs, axis=0)
                lowest_lows = nanmin(lows, axis=0)
                out[:] = highest_highs - lowest_lows

        # Doesn't require passing inputs or window_length because they're
        # pre-declared as defaults for the TenDayRange class.
        ten_day_range = TenDayRange()

    A CustomFactor without defaults:

    .. code-block:: python

        class MedianValue(CustomFactor):
            Computes the median value of an arbitrary single input over an
            arbitrary window..

            Does not declare any defaults, so values for `window_length` and
            `inputs` must be passed explicitly on every construction.

            def compute(self, today, assets, out, data):
                from numpy import nanmedian
                out[:] = data.nanmedian(data, axis=0)

        # Values for `inputs` and `window_length` must be passed explicitly to
        # MedianValue.
        median_close10 = MedianValue([USEquityPricing.close], window_length=10)
        median_low15 = MedianValue([USEquityPricing.low], window_length=15)
    dtype = float64_dtype
    ctx = nullctx()
Example #5
class CustomFilter(PositiveWindowLengthMixin, CustomTermMixin, Filter):
    Filter analog to ``CustomFactor``.
    ctx = nullctx()
Example #6
class CustomTermMixin(object):
    Mixin for user-defined rolling-window Terms.

    Implements `_compute` in terms of a user-defined `compute` function, which
    is mapped over the input windows.

    Used by CustomFactor, CustomFilter, CustomClassifier, etc.
    ctx = nullctx()

    def __new__(cls,

        unexpected_keys = set(kwargs) - set(cls.params)
        if unexpected_keys:
            raise TypeError(
                "{termname} received unexpected keyword "
                "arguments {unexpected}".format(
                    unexpected={k: kwargs[k]
                                for k in unexpected_keys},

        return super(CustomTermMixin, cls).__new__(cls,

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, *arrays):
        Override this method with a function that writes a value into `out`.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _allocate_output(self, windows, shape):
        Allocate an output array whose rows should be passed to `self.compute`.

        The resulting array must have a shape of ``shape``.

        If we have standard outputs (i.e. self.outputs is NotSpecified), the
        default is an empty ndarray whose dtype is ``self.dtype``.

        If we have an outputs tuple, the default is an empty recarray with
        ``self.outputs`` as field names. Each field will have dtype

        This can be overridden to control the kind of array constructed
        (e.g. to produce a LabelArray instead of an ndarray).
        missing_value = self.missing_value
        outputs = self.outputs
        if outputs is not NotSpecified:
            out = recarray(
                formats=[self.dtype.str] * len(outputs),
            out[:] = missing_value
            out = full(shape, missing_value, dtype=self.dtype)
        return out

    def _format_inputs(self, windows, column_mask):
        inputs = []
        for input_ in windows:
            window = next(input_)
            if window.shape[1] == 1:
                # Do not mask single-column inputs.
                inputs.append(window[:, column_mask])
        return inputs

    def _compute(self, windows, dates, assets, mask):
        Call the user's `compute` function on each window with a pre-built
        output array.
        format_inputs = self._format_inputs
        compute = self.compute
        params = self.params
        ndim = self.ndim

        shape = (len(mask), 1) if ndim == 1 else mask.shape
        out = self._allocate_output(windows, shape)

        with self.ctx:
            for idx, date in enumerate(dates):
                # Never apply a mask to 1D outputs.
                out_mask = array([True]) if ndim == 1 else mask[idx]

                # Mask our inputs as usual.
                inputs_mask = mask[idx]

                masked_assets = assets[inputs_mask]
                out_row = out[idx][out_mask]
                inputs = format_inputs(windows, inputs_mask)

                compute(date, masked_assets, out_row, *inputs, **params)
                out[idx][out_mask] = out_row
        return out

    def short_repr(self):
        """Short repr to use when rendering Pipeline graphs."""
        return type(self).__name__ + '(%d)' % self.window_length
Example #7
class CustomTermMixin(object):
    Mixin for user-defined rolling-window Terms.

    Implements `_compute` in terms of a user-defined `compute` function, which
    is mapped over the input windows.

    Used by CustomFactor, CustomFilter, CustomClassifier, etc.
    ctx = nullctx()

    def __new__(cls,

        unexpected_keys = set(kwargs) - set(cls.params)
        if unexpected_keys:
            raise TypeError(
                "{termname} received unexpected keyword "
                "arguments {unexpected}".format(
                    unexpected={k: kwargs[k]
                                for k in unexpected_keys},

        return super(CustomTermMixin, cls).__new__(cls,

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, *arrays):
        Override this method with a function that writes a value into `out`.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _allocate_output(self, windows, shape):
        Allocate an output array whose rows should be passed to `self.compute`.

        The resulting array must have a shape of ``shape``.

        If we have standard outputs (i.e. self.outputs is NotSpecified), the
        default is an empty ndarray whose dtype is ``self.dtype``.

        If we have an outputs tuple, the default is an empty recarray with
        ``self.outputs`` as field names. Each field will have dtype

        This can be overridden to control the kind of array constructed
        (e.g. to produce a LabelArray instead of an ndarray).
        missing_value = self.missing_value
        outputs = self.outputs
        if outputs is not NotSpecified:
            out = recarray(
                formats=[self.dtype.str] * len(outputs),
            out[:] = missing_value
            out = full(shape, missing_value, dtype=self.dtype)
        return out

    def _compute(self, windows, dates, assets, mask):
        Call the user's `compute` function on each window with a pre-built
        output array.
        compute = self.compute
        params = self.params
        out = self._allocate_output(windows, mask.shape)

        with self.ctx:
            for idx, date in enumerate(dates):
                col_mask = mask[idx]
                masked_out = out[idx][col_mask]
                masked_assets = assets[col_mask]

                compute(date, masked_assets, masked_out,
                        *(next(w)[:, col_mask] for w in windows), **params)
                out[idx][col_mask] = masked_out
        return out

    def short_repr(self):
        return type(self).__name__ + '(%d)' % self.window_length
Example #8
class CustomTermMixin(object):
    Mixin for user-defined rolling-window Terms.

    Implements `_compute` in terms of a user-defined `compute` function, which
    is mapped over the input windows.

    Used by CustomFactor, CustomFilter, CustomClassifier, etc.
    ctx = nullctx()

    def __new__(cls,

        unexpected_keys = set(kwargs) - set(cls.params)
        if unexpected_keys:
            raise TypeError(
                "{termname} received unexpected keyword "
                "arguments {unexpected}".format(
                    unexpected={k: kwargs[k]
                                for k in unexpected_keys},

        return super(CustomTermMixin, cls).__new__(cls,

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, *arrays):
        Override this method with a function that writes a value into `out`.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _compute(self, windows, dates, assets, mask):
        Call the user's `compute` function on each window with a pre-built
        output array.
        # TODO: Make mask available to user's `compute`.
        compute = self.compute
        missing_value = self.missing_value
        params = self.params
        out = full_like(mask, missing_value, dtype=self.dtype)
        with self.ctx:
            # TODO: Consider pre-filtering columns that are all-nan at each
            # time-step?
            for idx, date in enumerate(dates):
                compute(date, assets, out[idx], *(next(w) for w in windows),
        out[~mask] = missing_value
        return out

    def short_repr(self):
        return type(self).__name__ + '(%d)' % self.window_length