def table(self, day=None): # Check if we have any schedule information to display and tell people if we don't if len(c.scheduled_dates) == 0: return render('/schedule/no_schedule_available.mako') # Which day should we be showing now? c.display_date = None available_days = { scheduled_date.strftime('%A').lower(): scheduled_date for scheduled_date in c.scheduled_dates } if day in available_days: c.display_date = available_days[day] if c.display_date is None: if in c.scheduled_dates: c.display_date = else: c.display_date = c.scheduled_dates[0] # Work out which times we should be displaying on the left hand time scale c.time_slots = TimeSlot.find_by_date(c.display_date) c.primary_times = { time_slot.start_time: time_slot for time_slot in TimeSlot.find_by_date(c.display_date, primary=True) } # Find all locations that have non-exclusive events start = datetime.combine(c.display_date, time.min) end = datetime.combine(c.display_date, time.max) c.locations = Location.query().join(Schedule).join(Event).join( TimeSlot).filter(TimeSlot.start_time.between( start, end)).filter(Event.exclusive != True).all() # Find the list of scheduled items for the required date c.schedule_collection = Schedule.find_by_date(c.display_date) # What time period will we break the time scale on the left into c.time_increment = timedelta(minutes=5) # Build up the programme for the requested day c.programme = OrderedDict() for time_slot in c.time_slots: mytime = time_slot.start_time while mytime < time_slot.end_time: c.programme[mytime] = {} mytime = mytime + c.time_increment for schedule in c.schedule_collection: exclusive_event = schedule.time_slot.exclusive_event() mytime = schedule.time_slot.start_time if exclusive_event: c.programme[mytime]['exclusive'] = exclusive_event else: c.programme[mytime][schedule.location] = schedule if 'raw' in request.GET: c.raw = True return render('/schedule/table.mako')
def table(self, day=None): filter = dict(request.GET) if len(c.scheduled_dates) == 0: return render('/schedule/no_schedule_available.mako') c.display_date = None available_days = {} for scheduled_date in c.scheduled_dates: available_days[scheduled_date.strftime('%A').lower()] = scheduled_date if day in available_days: c.display_date = available_days[day] if c.display_date is None: if in c.scheduled_dates: c.display_date = else: c.display_date = c.scheduled_dates[0] c.time_slots = TimeSlot.find_by_date(c.display_date) c.primary_times = {} for time_slot in TimeSlot.find_by_date(c.display_date, primary=True): c.primary_times[time_slot.start_time] = time_slot event_type = EventType.find_by_name('presentation') c.locations = Location.find_scheduled_by_date_and_type(c.display_date, event_type) event_type = EventType.find_by_name('mini-conf') c.locations = c.locations + Location.find_scheduled_by_date_and_type(c.display_date, event_type) c.schedule_collection = Schedule.find_by_date(c.display_date) c.time_increment = timedelta(minutes=5) c.programme = OrderedDict() for time_slot in c.time_slots: time = time_slot.start_time while time < time_slot.end_time: c.programme[time] = {} time = time + c.time_increment for schedule in c.schedule_collection: exclusive_event = schedule.time_slot.exclusive_event() time = schedule.time_slot.start_time if exclusive_event: c.programme[time]['exclusive'] = exclusive_event else: c.programme[time][schedule.location] = schedule if filter.has_key('raw'): return render('/schedule/table_raw.mako') else: return render('/schedule/table.mako')
def table(self, day=None): # Check if we have any schedule information to display and tell people if we don't if len(c.scheduled_dates) == 0: return render('/schedule/no_schedule_available.mako') # Which day should we be showing now? c.display_date = None available_days = { scheduled_date.strftime('%A').lower(): scheduled_date for scheduled_date in c.scheduled_dates } if day in available_days: c.display_date = available_days[day] if c.display_date is None: if in c.scheduled_dates: c.display_date = else: c.display_date = c.scheduled_dates[0] # Work out which times we should be displaying on the left hand time scale c.time_slots = TimeSlot.find_by_date(c.display_date) c.primary_times = { time_slot.start_time: time_slot for time_slot in TimeSlot.find_by_date(c.display_date, primary=True) } # Find all locations that have non-exclusive events start = datetime.combine(c.display_date, time.min) end = datetime.combine(c.display_date, time.max) c.locations = Location.query().join(Schedule).join(Event).join(TimeSlot).filter(TimeSlot.start_time.between(start, end)).filter(Event.exclusive != True).all() # Find the list of scheduled items for the required date c.schedule_collection = Schedule.find_by_date(c.display_date) # What time period will we break the time scale on the left into c.time_increment = timedelta(minutes=5) # Build up the programme for the requested day c.programme = OrderedDict() for time_slot in c.time_slots: mytime = time_slot.start_time while mytime < time_slot.end_time: c.programme[mytime] = {} mytime = mytime + c.time_increment for schedule in c.schedule_collection: exclusive_event = schedule.time_slot.exclusive_event() mytime = schedule.time_slot.start_time if exclusive_event: c.programme[mytime]['exclusive'] = exclusive_event else: c.programme[mytime][schedule.location] = schedule if 'raw' in request.GET: c.raw = True return render('/schedule/table.mako')
def _delete(self, id): c.time_slot = TimeSlot.find_by_id(id) meta.Session.delete(c.time_slot) meta.Session.commit() h.flash("Time Slot has been deleted.") redirect_to('index')
def new(self): c.signed_in_person = h.signed_in_person() = Event.find_all() c.schedule = Schedule.find_all() c.time_slot = TimeSlot.find_all() if not c.signed_in_person.registration: return render('/vote/no_rego.mako') c.votes = Vote.find_by_rego( defaults = {'vote.vote_value': 1} args = request.GET eventid = args.get('eventid', 0) revoke = args.get('revoke', 0) c.eventid = eventid if int(eventid) != 0 and c.votes.count() < 4 and revoke == 0: = Vote() = = 1 = eventid meta.Session.add( meta.Session.commit() if int(eventid) != 0 and int(revoke) != 0: = Vote.find_by_event_rego( eventid, meta.Session.delete( meta.Session.commit() redirect_to('new') form = render('/vote/new.mako') return htmlfill.render(form, defaults)
def new(self): c.signed_in_person = h.signed_in_person() = Event.find_all() c.schedule = Schedule.find_all() c.time_slot = TimeSlot.find_all() if not c.signed_in_person.registration: return render('/vote/no_rego.mako') c.votes = Vote.find_by_rego( defaults = { 'vote.vote_value': 1 } args = request.GET eventid = args.get('eventid',0) revoke = args.get('revoke',0) c.eventid = eventid if int(eventid) != 0 and c.votes.count() < 4 and revoke == 0: = Vote() = = 1 = eventid meta.Session.add( meta.Session.commit() if int(eventid) != 0 and int(revoke) != 0: = Vote.find_by_event_rego(eventid, meta.Session.delete( meta.Session.commit() redirect_to('new') form = render('/vote/new.mako') return htmlfill.render(form, defaults)
def __before__(self, **kwargs): if h.signed_in_person(): c.can_edit = h.signed_in_person().has_role('organiser') else: c.can_edit = False c.scheduled_dates = TimeSlot.find_scheduled_dates() c.subsubmenu = [['/programme/schedule/' + scheduled_date.strftime('%A').lower(), scheduled_date.strftime('%A')] for scheduled_date in c.scheduled_dates]
def delete(self, id): """Delete the time_slot GET will return a form asking for approval. POST requests will delete the item. """ c.time_slot = TimeSlot.find_by_id(id) return render('/time_slot/confirm_delete.mako')
def new(self): c.time_slots = TimeSlot.find_all() c.locations = Location.find_all() = Event.find_all() form = render('/schedule/new.mako') object = {'schedule': self.form_result} defaults = NewScheduleSchema().from_python(object) return htmlfill.render(form, defaults)
def new(self): c.time_slots = TimeSlot.find_all() c.locations = Location.find_all() = Event.find_all() form = render('/schedule/new.mako') object = { 'schedule': self.form_result } defaults = NewScheduleSchema().from_python(object) return htmlfill.render(form, defaults)
def edit(self, id): c.time_slot = TimeSlot.find_by_id(id) defaults = h.object_to_defaults(c.time_slot, 'time_slot') defaults['time_slot.start_date'] = c.time_slot.start_time.strftime('%d/%m/%y') defaults['time_slot.start_time'] = c.time_slot.start_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') defaults['time_slot.end_date'] = c.time_slot.end_time.strftime('%d/%m/%y') defaults['time_slot.end_time'] = c.time_slot.end_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') form = render('/time_slot/edit.mako') return htmlfill.render(form, defaults)
def edit(self, id): c.time_slots = TimeSlot.find_all() c.locations = Location.find_all() = Event.find_all() c.schedule = Schedule.find_by_id(id) defaults = h.object_to_defaults(c.schedule, 'schedule') defaults['schedule.time_slot'] = c.schedule.time_slot_id defaults['schedule.location'] = c.schedule.location_id defaults['schedule.event'] = c.schedule.event_id form = render('/schedule/edit.mako') return htmlfill.render(form, defaults)
def edit(self, id): c.time_slot = TimeSlot.find_by_id(id) defaults = h.object_to_defaults(c.time_slot, 'time_slot') defaults['time_slot.start_date'] = c.time_slot.start_time.strftime( '%d/%m/%Y') defaults['time_slot.start_time'] = c.time_slot.start_time.strftime( '%H:%M') defaults['time_slot.end_date'] = c.time_slot.end_time.strftime( '%d/%m/%Y') defaults['time_slot.end_time'] = c.time_slot.end_time.strftime('%H:%M') form = render('/time_slot/edit.mako') return htmlfill.render(form, defaults)
def _edit(self, id): time_slot = TimeSlot.find_by_id(id) for key in self.form_result['time_slot']: setattr(time_slot, key, self.form_result['time_slot'][key]) results = self.form_result['time_slot'] time_slot.start_time=datetime.combine(results['start_date'], results['start_time']) time_slot.end_time=datetime.combine(results['end_date'], results['end_time']) # update the objects with the validated form data meta.Session.commit() h.flash("The Time Slot has been updated successfully.") redirect_to(action='index', id=None)
def _new(self): results = self.form_result['time_slot'] results['start_time'] = datetime.combine(results['start_date'], results['start_time']) results['end_time'] = datetime.combine(results['end_date'], results['end_time']) del results['start_date'] del results['end_date'] c.time_slot = TimeSlot(**results) meta.Session.add(c.time_slot) meta.Session.commit() h.flash("Time Slot created") redirect_to(action='index')
def _edit(self, id): time_slot = TimeSlot.find_by_id(id) for key in self.form_result['time_slot']: setattr(time_slot, key, self.form_result['time_slot'][key]) results = self.form_result['time_slot'] time_slot.start_time = datetime.combine(results['start_date'], results['start_time']) time_slot.end_time = datetime.combine(results['end_date'], results['end_time']) # update the objects with the validated form data meta.Session.commit() h.flash("The Time Slot has been updated successfully.") redirect_to(action='index', id=None)
def view(self, id): c.time_slot = TimeSlot.find_by_id(id) return render('/time_slot/view.mako')
def index(self): c.time_slot_collection = TimeSlot.find_all() return render('/time_slot/list.mako')