def rss_news(self): news_id = DbContentType.find_by_name("News") c.db_content_collection = [] if news_id is not None: c.db_content_collection = meta.Session.query(DbContent).filter_by( <= response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8' return render('/db_content/rss_news.mako')
def new(self): if len(c.db_content_types) is 0: h.flash("Configuration Error: Please make sure at least one content type exists.", 'error') if DbContentType.find_by_name("News") is None: h.flash("Configuration Error: Please make sure the 'News' content type exists for full functionality.", 'error') if DbContentType.find_by_name("In the press") is None: h.flash("Configuration Error: Please make sure the 'In the press' content type exists for full functionality.", 'error') c.db_content = DbContent() defaults = h.object_to_defaults(c.db_content, 'db_content') if request.GET.has_key('url'): defaults['db_content.type'] = 1 # This is bad... we're assuming we have #1 as new page if request.GET['url'].startswith('/'): defaults['db_content.url'] = str(request.GET['url'])[1:] else: defaults['db_content.url'] = request.GET['url'] form = render('/db_content/new.mako') return htmlfill.render(form, defaults)
def rss_news(self): news_id = DbContentType.find_by_name("News") c.db_content_collection = [] if news_id is not None: c.db_content_collection = meta.Session.query(DbContent).filter_by( DbContent.publish_timestamp <= DbContent.publish_timestamp.desc()).limit(20).all() response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8' return render('/db_content/rss_news.mako')
def new(self): if len(c.db_content_types) is 0: h.flash( "Configuration Error: Please make sure at least one content type exists.", 'error') if DbContentType.find_by_name("News", abort_404=False) is None: h.flash( "Configuration Error: Please make sure the 'News' content type exists for full functionality.", 'error') if DbContentType.find_by_name("In the press", abort_404=False) is None: h.flash( "Configuration Error: Please make sure the 'In the press' content type exists for full functionality.", 'error') c.db_content = DbContent() defaults = h.object_to_defaults(c.db_content, 'db_content') if request.GET.has_key('url'): defaults['db_content.type'] = find_by_name('Page', abort_404=False) if request.GET['url'].startswith('/'): defaults['db_content.url'] = str(request.GET['url'])[1:] else: defaults['db_content.url'] = request.GET['url'] form = render('/db_content/new.mako') return htmlfill.render(form, defaults)
def _to_python(self, value, state): return DbContentType.find_by_id(value)
def __before__(self, **kwargs): c.db_content_types = DbContentType.find_all()