def test_load_builtin_plugins(self):
        Test that city plugin can be fully loaded
        # reload the plugin

        plugin_manager.init_plugin_manager()  # init the plugin manager

        # collect only builtin plugins
        plugin_manager.collect_plugins(load_builtins=True, load_env=False, additional_dirs=None)

        # city plugin is a builtin and is in category entity
        plugin_name = 'http'
        plugin_category = 'Function'

        self.assertIn(plugin_name, plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names(), 'http plugin name must be found')

        http_plugin = plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name(plugin_name, plugin_category)

        self.assertIsNotNone(http_plugin, 'http plugin must be under category Function')
        self.assertEqual(, plugin_name, 'check plugin name field')

        # check city plugin object
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(http_plugin, 'plugin_object'), 'http.plugin_object exists')
        self.assertIsNotNone(http_plugin.plugin_object, 'http.plugin_object is not None')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name(plugin_name, plugin_category), IFunctionFactoryPlugin),
                        'the entity plugin object is instance of IFunctionFactoryPlugin')

        # check that city plugin object is activated
        self.assertEqual(http_plugin.plugin_object.is_activated, http_plugin.is_activated)
    def test_load_plugins_extras(self):
        Test is we can load correctly the extra plugins. Also loads builtins and simple test plugins.
        Notice we put two folders to ZMON_PLUGINS env var, separated by ':'
        # reload the plugin

        # Lets create a category filter that includes our builtin plugin type and 2 types we defines for our tests
        category_filter = {
            'Function': IFunctionFactoryPlugin,
            'Color': IColorPlugin,
            'Temperature': ITemperaturePlugin,

        # init the plugin manager

        # collect builtins and explore folder in env var, e.g. ZMON_PLUGINS="/path/one:path/two:/path/three"
        plugin_manager.collect_plugins(load_builtins=True, load_env=True, additional_dirs=None)

        # check categories
        all_categories = plugin_manager.get_all_categories()
        seen_categories = plugin_manager.get_loaded_plugins_categories()
        self.assertEqual(set(all_categories), set(category_filter.keys()), 'All defined categories are stored')

        self.assertTrue(len(seen_categories) >= 2 and set(seen_categories).issubset(set(all_categories)),
                        'found at least 2 categories and they all belong to all defined categories')

        # check known test plugins are loaded
        extra_plugins = ['exacrm', 'job_lock', 'nagios', 'snmp', 'mssql']  # non exhaustive list
        known_plugin_names = extra_plugins + ['http', 'color_spain', 'color_germany', 'temperature_fridge']
        plugin_names = plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names()
        self.assertTrue(set(known_plugin_names).issubset(plugin_names), 'All known test plugins are loaded')

        # check extra plugins
        for name, category in zip(extra_plugins, ['Function']*len(extra_plugins)):

            p = plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name(name, category)
            p_obj = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name(name, category)
            self.assertEqual(id(p.plugin_object), id(p_obj), 'locate plugin object works')

            self.assertEqual(p.plugin_object.is_activated, p.is_activated, 'plugin is activated')

            self.assertTrue(isinstance(p_obj, IFunctionFactoryPlugin),
                            'plugin object is instance of IFunctionFactoryPlugin')

        # test extra plugin are configured according to config file
        self.assertEqual(plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name('exacrm', 'Function')._exacrm_cluster, '--secret--',
                         'exacrm object is configured')
    def test_load_builtin_plugins(self):
        Test that city plugin can be fully loaded
        # reload the plugin

        plugin_manager.init_plugin_manager()  # init the plugin manager

        # collect only builtin plugins

        # city plugin is a builtin and is in category entity
        plugin_name = 'http'
        plugin_category = 'Function'

        self.assertIn(plugin_name, plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names(),
                      'http plugin name must be found')

        http_plugin = plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name(
            plugin_name, plugin_category)

                             'http plugin must be under category Function')
        self.assertEqual(, plugin_name,
                         'check plugin name field')

        # check city plugin object
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(http_plugin, 'plugin_object'),
                        'http.plugin_object exists')
                             'http.plugin_object is not None')
            'the entity plugin object is instance of IFunctionFactoryPlugin')

        # check that city plugin object is activated
    def test_load_plugins_extras(self):
        Test is we can load correctly the extra plugins. Also loads builtins and simple test plugins.
        Notice we put two folders to ZMON_PLUGINS env var, separated by ':'
        # reload the plugin

        # Lets create a category filter that includes our builtin plugin type and 2 types we defines for our tests
        category_filter = {
            'Function': IFunctionFactoryPlugin,
            'Color': IColorPlugin,
            'Temperature': ITemperaturePlugin,

        # init the plugin manager

        # collect builtins and explore folder in env var, e.g. ZMON_PLUGINS="/path/one:path/two:/path/three"

        # check categories
        all_categories = plugin_manager.get_all_categories()
        seen_categories = plugin_manager.get_loaded_plugins_categories()
        self.assertEqual(set(all_categories), set(category_filter.keys()),
                         'All defined categories are stored')

            len(seen_categories) >= 2
            and set(seen_categories).issubset(set(all_categories)),
            'found at least 2 categories and they all belong to all defined categories'

        # check known test plugins are loaded
        extra_plugins = ['exacrm', 'job_lock', 'nagios', 'snmp',
                         'mssql']  # non exhaustive list
        known_plugin_names = extra_plugins + [
            'http', 'color_spain', 'color_germany', 'temperature_fridge'
        plugin_names = plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names()
            'All known test plugins are loaded')

        # check extra plugins
        for name, category in zip(extra_plugins,
                                  ['Function'] * len(extra_plugins)):

            p = plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name(name, category)
            p_obj = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name(name, category)
            self.assertEqual(id(p.plugin_object), id(p_obj),
                             'locate plugin object works')

            self.assertEqual(p.plugin_object.is_activated, p.is_activated,
                             'plugin is activated')

                isinstance(p_obj, IFunctionFactoryPlugin),
                'plugin object is instance of IFunctionFactoryPlugin')

        # test extra plugin are configured according to config file
            '--secret--', 'exacrm object is configured')
    def test_load_plugins_several_categories(self):
        Test is we can load and correctly locate plugins from several categories
        First it explores folders from ZMON_PLUGINS env_var, and then from additional_dirs
        for test_load_from in ('env_var', 'additional_folders'):

            # reload the plugin

            # Lets create a category filter that includes our builtin plugin type and 2 types we defines for our tests
            category_filter = {
                'Function': IFunctionFactoryPlugin,
                'Color': IColorPlugin,
                'Temperature': ITemperaturePlugin,

            if test_load_from == 'env_var':
                # init the plugin manager

                # collect plugins builtin and explore env_var: ZMON_PLUGINS="/.../tests/plugins/simple_plugins"

            elif test_load_from == 'additional_folders':
                # init the plugin manager

                test_plugin_dir = simple_plugin_dir_abs_path()

                # collect plugins builtin and explore  additional_dirs: /.../tests/plugins/simple_plugins

            # check categories

            all_categories = plugin_manager.get_all_categories()
            seen_categories = plugin_manager.get_loaded_plugins_categories()

            self.assertEqual(set(all_categories), set(category_filter.keys()),
                             'All defined categories are stored')
                len(seen_categories) >= 2
                and set(seen_categories).issubset(set(all_categories)),
                'found at least 2 categories and they all belong to all defined categories'

            # check known test plugins are loaded

            known_plugin_names = [
                'http', 'color_spain', 'color_germany', 'temperature_fridge'
            plugin_names = plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names()

                'All known test plugins are loaded')

            # test get_plugin_obj_by_name() and get_plugin_objs_of_category()

            color_ger = plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name(
                'color_germany', 'Color')
            color_ger_obj = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name(
                'color_germany', 'Color')
            self.assertEqual(id(color_ger.plugin_object), id(color_ger_obj),
                             'locate plugin object works')
            self.assertEqual(, 'germany',
                             'located object field values look good')
            all_color_objs = plugin_manager.get_plugin_objs_of_category(
                id([obj for obj in all_color_objs
                    if == 'germany'][0]),
                'locate the plugin object in a convoluted way works too')

            # test that color_german plugin was configured with the main fashion sites

            conf_sites_germany = [
                '', ''

                set(conf_sites_germany) == set(
                    color_ger_obj.main_fashion_sites), 'object is configured')

            # test that plugin objects run its logic correctly

            color_obj_de = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name(
                'color_germany', 'Color')
            color_obj_es = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name(
                'color_spain', 'Color')

            simple_colors_de = ['grey', 'white', 'black']
            simple_colors_es = ['brown', 'yellow', 'blue']

            col_names_de = color_obj_de.get_season_color_names()
            col_names_es = color_obj_es.get_season_color_names()

            self.assertEqual(col_names_de, simple_colors_de)
            self.assertEqual(col_names_es, simple_colors_es)

            # Test also the logic of temperature plugin object, this simulates a bit more complex logic
            # Temp readings are simulated as a normal distribution centered at -5 and 0.2 sigma (values from config)
            # we spawn the thread that periodically do temp reading, we wait some intervals and then get the avg temp
            # Finally we check that T avg is -5 +- 10 sigmas (see local config)

            temp_fridge = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name(
                'temperature_fridge', 'Temperature')
            time.sleep(temp_fridge.interval *
                       20)  # we wait for some temp collection to happen
            temp_fridge.stop = True
            tavg = temp_fridge.get_temperature_average()
            # This test is non-deterministic, but probability of failure is super small, so in practice it is ok
                abs(-5.0 - tavg) < 0.2 * 10,
                'the avg temperature is close to -5')

            # test subpackage dependencies can be resolved
            self.assertEqual(temp_fridge.engine.power_unit, 'Watts')
    def test_load_plugins_several_categories(self):
        Test is we can load and correctly locate plugins from several categories
        First it explores folders from ZMON_PLUGINS env_var, and then from additional_dirs
        for test_load_from in ('env_var', 'additional_folders'):

            # reload the plugin

            # Lets create a category filter that includes our builtin plugin type and 2 types we defines for our tests
            category_filter = {
                'Function': IFunctionFactoryPlugin,
                'Color': IColorPlugin,
                'Temperature': ITemperaturePlugin,

            if test_load_from == 'env_var':
                # init the plugin manager

                # collect plugins builtin and explore env_var: ZMON_PLUGINS="/.../tests/plugins/simple_plugins"
                plugin_manager.collect_plugins(load_builtins=True, load_env=True, additional_dirs=None)

            elif test_load_from == 'additional_folders':
                # init the plugin manager

                test_plugin_dir = simple_plugin_dir_abs_path()

                # collect plugins builtin and explore  additional_dirs: /.../tests/plugins/simple_plugins
                plugin_manager.collect_plugins(load_builtins=True, load_env=False, additional_dirs=[test_plugin_dir])

            # check categories

            all_categories = plugin_manager.get_all_categories()
            seen_categories = plugin_manager.get_loaded_plugins_categories()

            self.assertEqual(set(all_categories), set(category_filter.keys()), 'All defined categories are stored')
            self.assertTrue(len(seen_categories) >= 2 and set(seen_categories).issubset(set(all_categories)),
                            'found at least 2 categories and they all belong to all defined categories')

            # check known test plugins are loaded

            known_plugin_names = ['http', 'color_spain', 'color_germany', 'temperature_fridge']
            plugin_names = plugin_manager.get_all_plugin_names()

            self.assertTrue(set(known_plugin_names).issubset(plugin_names), 'All known test plugins are loaded')

            # test get_plugin_obj_by_name() and get_plugin_objs_of_category()

            color_ger = plugin_manager.get_plugin_by_name('color_germany', 'Color')
            color_ger_obj = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name('color_germany', 'Color')
            self.assertEqual(id(color_ger.plugin_object), id(color_ger_obj), 'locate plugin object works')
            self.assertEqual(, 'germany', 'located object field values look good')
            all_color_objs = plugin_manager.get_plugin_objs_of_category('Color')
            self.assertEqual(id(color_ger_obj), id([obj for obj in all_color_objs if == 'germany'][0]),
                             'locate the plugin object in a convoluted way works too')

            # test that color_german plugin was configured with the main fashion sites

            conf_sites_germany = ['', '']

            self.assertTrue(set(conf_sites_germany) == set(color_ger_obj.main_fashion_sites), 'object is configured')

            # test that plugin objects run its logic correctly

            color_obj_de = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name('color_germany', 'Color')
            color_obj_es = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name('color_spain', 'Color')

            simple_colors_de = ['grey', 'white', 'black']
            simple_colors_es = ['brown', 'yellow', 'blue']

            col_names_de = color_obj_de.get_season_color_names()
            col_names_es = color_obj_es.get_season_color_names()

            self.assertEqual(col_names_de, simple_colors_de)
            self.assertEqual(col_names_es, simple_colors_es)

            # Test also the logic of temperature plugin object, this simulates a bit more complex logic
            # Temp readings are simulated as a normal distribution centered at -5 and 0.2 sigma (values from config)
            # we spawn the thread that periodically do temp reading, we wait some intervals and then get the avg temp
            # Finally we check that T avg is -5 +- 10 sigmas (see local config)

            temp_fridge = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name('temperature_fridge', 'Temperature')
            time.sleep(temp_fridge.interval * 20)  # we wait for some temp collection to happen
            temp_fridge.stop = True
            tavg = temp_fridge.get_temperature_average()
            # This test is non-deterministic, but probability of failure is super small, so in practice it is ok
            self.assertTrue(abs(-5.0 - tavg) < 0.2 * 10, 'the avg temperature is close to -5')

            # test subpackage dependencies can be resolved
            self.assertEqual(temp_fridge.engine.power_unit, 'Watts')