Example #1
 def check_readings(self):
     """Update the instrument readings to the latest"""
     if self._mav.port.closed:
         print("Reading from a closed serial port")
     isnew = self._read_buffer()
     # update sensor readings if a reading has changed
     if isnew:
         self.timestamp = timestamp()
         if self._messages['AHRS2'] is not None:
             # convert from radians to degrees
             yaw_deg = self._messages['AHRS2'].yaw * 180 / pi
             # convert from (-180, 180) range to (0, 360) range
             if yaw_deg < 0:
                 yaw_deg += 360
             self.heading = yaw_deg
         rc = self._messages['SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW']
         if rc is not None:
             self.rc_out = [rc.servo1_raw, rc.servo2_raw, rc.servo3_raw,
                            rc.servo4_raw, rc.servo5_raw, rc.servo6_raw,
                            rc.servo7_raw, rc.servo8_raw]
             self.rc_out = np.array(self.rc_out)
         sp_msg = self._messages['SCALED_PRESSURE2']
         if sp_msg is not None:
             # converte from hPa to dBar
             self.depth = sp_msg.press_diff * .01
Example #2
    def __init__(self, port):
        """Serial connection specifications
        port is a string specifying serial port location of the pixhawk
        Linux: '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-3D_Robotics_PX4_FMU_v2.x_0-if00'
        Mac OSX: '/dev/tty.usbmodem1'
        Windows: 'COM7'
        *Except for Linux, numbers at the end of these strings may change*

        self.baud = 115200
        self.port = port
        # currently only know how to request a lot of data
        self.data_stream_ID = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL
        self.data_rate = 10  # action rate, Hz

        # Define messages of interest from the pixhawk
        self.message_types = ['AHRS2', 'SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW', 'SCALED_PRESSURE2']

        # Define where to save readings
        self.timestamp = timestamp()
        self.heading = empty_value
        self.depth = empty_value
        self.rc_command = empty_value * np.ones(4, dtype=np.int_)
        self.rc_out = empty_value * np.ones(8, dtype=np.int_)
        self.mode = ''

        # internal object to maintain io with pixhawk
        self._mav = None
        # internal dictionary for saving raw messages
        self._messages = dict.fromkeys(self.message_types)
Example #3
    def check_readings(self):
        """Take a picture if avalible"""
        if self.input_pipe is not None:

        if not self.cam.is_opened():
            print('Camera is not open')

        self.zedStatus = self.cam.grab(self.runtime_param)  #run camera
        if self.zedStatus == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
            isnew = True
            self.image_time = timestamp()
            self.cam.retrieve_image(self._image, sl.VIEW.VIEW_LEFT)
            self.cam.retrieve_measure(self._depth, sl.MEASURE.MEASURE_DEPTH)
            self.image = self._image.get_data()
            self.depth = self._depth.get_data()
            # remove nans from depth map
            self.depth[np.isnan(self.depth)] = self.max_depth
            # limit maximal value of depth map
            self.depth[self.depth > self.max_depth] = self.max_depth
            # convert from float to int8
            self.depth = self.depth * 255 / self.max_depth
            self.depth = self.depth.astype(np.uint8)
            isnew = False
        return isnew
Example #4
    def __init__(self, input_pipe=None, output_pipes=None):
        """Basic initilization of camera"""
        self.input_pipe = input_pipe
        # make output pipe a list by default
        if not isinstance(output_pipes, (list, )):
            output_pipes = [output_pipes]
        self.output_pipes = output_pipes

        # These are the variables that will be shared across all zed nodes
        self.image_time = None
        self.image = None
        self.depth = None

        # These variables are used only in the zed node opening the camera
        # create a save directory, drop ms from datestring
        self.savedir = '_'.join(timestamp().split('_')[:-1])
        self.savedir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.savedir)
        self.init = sl.InitParameters(**param)
        self.cam = sl.Camera()
        self.zed_param = None
        self.zedStatus = None
        self.runtime_param = None
        self._image = sl.Mat()
        self._depth = sl.Mat()
        self.max_depth = 10  # max depth in map, meters
Example #5
 def __init__(self, writeonly=False):
     """Basic initilization of camera"""
     self.writeonly = writeonly
     # create a save directory, drop ms from datestring
     self.savedir = '_'.join(timestamp().split('_')[:-1])
     self.savedir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.savedir)
     self.init = sl.InitParameters(**param)
     self.cam = sl.Camera()
     self.zed_param = None
     self.zedStatus = None
     self.runtime_param = None
     self._image = sl.Mat()
     self._depth = sl.Mat()
     self.image = None
     self.depth = None
     self.image_time = None
Example #6
    def check_readings(self):
        """Take a picture if avalible"""
        if not self.cam.is_opened():
            print('Camera is not open')

        self.zedStatus = self.cam.grab(self.runtime_param) #run camera
        if self.zedStatus == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
            isnew = True
            self.image_time = timestamp()
            self.cam.retrieve_image(self._image, sl.VIEW.VIEW_LEFT)
            self.cam.retrieve_measure(self._depth, sl.MEASURE.MEASURE_DEPTH)
            self.image = self._image.get_data()
            self.depth = self._depth.get_data()
            isnew = False
        return isnew
Example #7
    def spin(self):
        """Process one frame at a time, put into an infinite loop"""
        if self.sim_gen is None:
            # read data from stream object and process it
            data = self.stream.read(self.buffer_size)
            recorded_data = self._buf_to_np(data)
            recorded_data = next(self.sim_gen)

        processed_data = self.process(recorded_data)
        # send result out over lcm
        msg = audio_data_t()
        msg.timestamp = timestamp()
        msg.num_channels, msg.num_samples = processed_data.shape
        msg.fc = self.fc
        msg.re_samples = processed_data.real
        msg.im_samples = processed_data.imag
        self.lc.publish("ACOUSITCS", msg.encode())
Example #8
    def check_readings(self):
        """Take a picture if avalible"""
        if self.input_dir is not None:
            #get image from video
            ret, image = self.image_reader.read()
            if ret:
                self.image = image
            #get depth from video
            ret, depth = self.depth_reader.read()
            if ret:
                self.depth = depth
            return ret

        # Once we get to this part of the code we are working with zed camera
        if not self.cam.is_opened():
            print('Camera is not open')

        self.zedStatus = self.cam.grab(self.runtime_param)  #run camera
        if self.zedStatus == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
            isnew = True
            self.image_time = timestamp()
            self.cam.retrieve_image(self._image, sl.VIEW.VIEW_LEFT)
            self.cam.retrieve_measure(self._depth, sl.MEASURE.MEASURE_DEPTH)
            # save image
            image = self._image.get_data()
            # first convert from RGBA to RGB
            self.image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2RGB)
            # save depth map
            self.depth = self._depth.get_data()
            # remove nans from depth map
            self.depth[np.isnan(self.depth)] = self.max_depth
            # limit maximal value of depth map
            self.depth[self.depth > self.max_depth] = self.max_depth
            # convert from float to int8
            self.depth = self.depth * 255 / self.max_depth
            self.depth = self.depth.astype(np.uint8)
            isnew = False
        return isnew
Example #9
    def __init__(self, input_dir=None):
        """Basic initilization of camera"""
        # zed node can be setup to read from saved videos
        self.input_dir = input_dir
        self.image_reader = None
        self.depth_reader = None

        # These are the variables that will be used by mission
        self.image_time = None
        self.image = None
        self.depth = None

        # These variables are used only in the zed node opening the camera
        # create a save directory, drop ms from datestring
        self.savedir = '_'.join(timestamp().split('_')[:-1])
        self.savedir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.savedir)

        # set up camera only if we need to work with live feed
        if input_dir is None:
            self.init = sl.InitParameters(**param)
            self.cam = sl.Camera()
            self._image = sl.Mat()
            self._depth = sl.Mat()
            self.init = None
            self.cam = None
            self._image = None
            self._depth = None

        self.zed_param = None
        self.zedStatus = None
        self.runtime_param = None
        self.max_depth = 10  # max depth in map, meters
        self.codec = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX')
        self.depth_writer = None
        self.image_writer = None