def test_grid_renders():
    # Given the means to start the program
    # When the user initiates the start
    # Then a 4x3 grid is rendered on the screen
    grid = Grid(size=[4, 3])
    display = Display(grid)

    row = [".", ".", ".", "."]
    expected_df = pd.DataFrame([row, row, row])

    assert_frame_equal(display.render(), expected_df)
def test_human_does_not_move_if_wall(mock_random):
    # Given a program in progress
    # When a human moves into a wall
    # Then the human will not move on that go
    mock_random.randint.return_value = 0
    human = Human()
    grid = Grid(size=[4, 3])
    grid.add_player(human, [0, 0])
    display = Display(grid)
    rendered_display = display.render()
    assert rendered_display[0].loc[0] == "H"
Example #3
def test_display_human_and_zombie_in_grid():
    Set up display with 1 human and 1 zombie
    Assert the expected display
    top_row = ["H", ".", ".", "."]
    second_row = [".", "Z", ".", "."]
    row = [".", ".", ".", "."]

    expected_df = pd.DataFrame([top_row, second_row, row, row])
    grid = set_up_grid()
    display = Display(grid)

    assert_frame_equal(display.render(), expected_df)
def test_grid_renders_with_human():
    # Given the means to start the program
    # When the user initiates the start
    # Then a human is occupying a single square
    human = Human()
    grid = Grid(size=[4, 3])
    grid.add_player(human, [0, 0])
    display = Display(grid)

    top_row = ["H", ".", ".", "."]
    row = [".", ".", ".", "."]
    expected_df = pd.DataFrame([top_row, row, row])

    assert_frame_equal(display.render(), expected_df)
Example #5
def test_display_game_display(mock_input, mock_print):
    Create display object and assert during game display is as expected
    mock_input.return_value = None

    grid = set_up_grid()

    display = Display(grid)
    df = display.render()
    number_of_humans = 1
    number_of_zombies = 1

    display.game_display(number_of_humans, number_of_zombies)

    mock_print.assert_called_with(f"Human count: {number_of_humans} \nZombie count: {number_of_zombies} \n {df}")
def test_human_moves_one_space():
    #TODO: to ask andy. There were times when this test passed and failed randomly
    # Given a program in progress
    # When it is time for a new go or turn
    # Then the human will move 1 pace in a random direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)
    human = Human()
    grid = Grid(size=[4, 3])
    grid.add_player(human, [2, 1])
    display = Display(grid)
    rendered_display = display.render()

    possible_human_coordinates = [[2, 0], [3, 0], [3, 1], [3, 2], [2, 2],
                                  [1, 2], [1, 1], [1, 0]]
    result = []
    for coordinates in possible_human_coordinates:
    assert "H" in result
Example #7
def test_end_game_display(mock_input, mock_print):
    Create display object and assert end game display is as expected
    mock_input.return_value = None

    grid = set_up_grid()

    display = Display(grid)
    df = display.render()
    number_of_humans = 1
    number_of_zombies = 1
    number_of_turns = 3

    display.end_game_display(number_of_humans, number_of_zombies, number_of_turns)

        f"Human count: {number_of_humans}\nZombie count: {number_of_zombies}\n{df}\nNumber of turns: {number_of_turns}"
        f"\nHumans extinct!")
def test_grid_renders_with_zombie_and_human():
    # Given the means to start the program
    # When the user initiates the start
    # Then the human and zombie are on different squares

    zombie = Zombie()
    human = Human()
    grid = Grid(size=[4, 3])
    grid.add_player(zombie, [0, 0])
    grid.add_player(human, [0, 2])
    display = Display(grid)
    rendered_display = display.render()

    top_row = ["Z", ".", ".", "."]
    bottom_row = ["H", ".", ".", "."]
    row = [".", ".", ".", "."]
    expected_df = pd.DataFrame([top_row, row, bottom_row])

    assert_frame_equal(rendered_display, expected_df)
def test_zombie_moves_towards_human(mock_move):
    # Given a program in progress
    # When it is time for a new go or turn
    # Then the zombie will move 1 pace towards the human
    Set up the game with Human on 0, 0 and zombie on 0, 2
    Ensure that human will not move on their go
    Call players-move()
    Assert that zombie is at 0, 1
    mock_move.return_value = [0, 0]

    human = Human()
    zombie = Zombie()
    grid = Grid(size=[4, 3])
    grid.add_player(human, [0, 0])
    grid.add_player(zombie, [0, 2])
    display = Display(grid)
    rendered_display = display.render()

    assert rendered_display[0].loc[1] == "Z"
Example #10
    def play(self,
             display_class=Display):  # Dependency injection to ease testing
        While there are humans
        Display the grid
        Move all the players
        while self.number_of_humans > 0:
            self.number_of_turns += 1

Example #11
def test_display_inital_display(mock_input, mock_print):
    Create display object and assert intial display is as expected

    mock_input.return_value = None

    width = 3
    length = 3

    grid = Mock(width=width, length=length)
    display = Display(grid)

    empty_row = ["." for i in range(width + 1)]
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=[empty_row for i in range(length + 1)])

    mock_print.assert_called_with(f"Please adjust screen to the size of the below grid:\n{df}\nplease hit enter")
Example #12
 def initial_display(self):