def distributed_predict(self, inputs, sc):
        data_type = x: x.__class__.__name__).first()
        input_is_table = False
        if data_type == "list":
            input_is_table = True
        jinputs = x: Layer.check_input(x)[0])

        output = callZooFunc(self.bigdl_type, "inferenceModelDistriPredict",
                             self.value, sc, jinputs, input_is_table)
        return x: KerasNet.convert_output(x))
    def predict(self, inputs):
        Do prediction on inputs.

        :param inputs: A numpy array or a list of numpy arrays or JTensor or a list of JTensors.
        jinputs, input_is_table = Layer.check_input(inputs)
        output = callZooFunc(self.bigdl_type, "inferenceModelPredict",
                             self.value, jinputs, input_is_table)
        return KerasNet.convert_output(output)