Example #1
 def test_load_openvino(self):
     local_path = self.create_temp_dir()
     model = InferenceModel(1)
     model_url = data_url + "/analytics-zoo-models/openvino/2018_R5/resnet_v1_50.xml"
     weight_url = data_url + "/analytics-zoo-models/openvino/2018_R5/resnet_v1_50.bin"
     model_path = maybe_download("resnet_v1_50.xml", local_path, model_url)
     weight_path = maybe_download("resnet_v1_50.bin", local_path,
     model.load_openvino(model_path, weight_path)
     input_data = np.random.random([4, 1, 224, 224, 3])
Example #2
 def test_load_openvino(self):
     local_path = self.create_temp_dir()
     url = data_url + "/IR_faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco_2018_01_28"
     maybe_download("frozen_inference_graph.xml", local_path,
                    url + "/frozen_inference_graph.xml")
     maybe_download("frozen_inference_graph.bin", local_path,
                    url + "/frozen_inference_graph.bin")
     model = InferenceModel()
     model.load_openvino(local_path + "/frozen_inference_graph.xml",
                         local_path + "/frozen_inference_graph.bin")
     input_data = np.random.random([1, 1, 3, 600, 600])
     output_data = model.predict(input_data)
Example #3
def predict(model_path, img_path):
    model = InferenceModel()
                        weight_path=model_path[:model_path.rindex(".")] +
    sc = init_nncontext("OpenVINO Python resnet_v1_50 Inference Example")
    # pre-processing
    infer_transformer = ChainedPreprocessing([
        ImageResize(256, 256),
        ImageCenterCrop(224, 224),
        ImageMatToTensor(format="NHWC", to_RGB=True)
    image_set = ImageSet.read(img_path, sc).\
    image_set = np.expand_dims(image_set, axis=1)

    for i in range(len(image_set) // BATCH_SIZE + 1):
        index = i * BATCH_SIZE
        # check whether out of index
        if index >= len(image_set):
        batch = image_set[index]
        # put 4 images in one batch
        for j in range(index + 1, min(index + BATCH_SIZE, len(image_set))):
            batch = np.vstack((batch, image_set[j]))
        batch = np.expand_dims(batch, axis=0)
        # predict batch
        predictions = model.predict(batch)
        result = predictions[0]

        # post-processing for Top-1
        print("batch_" + str(i))
        for r in result:
            output = {}
            max_index = np.argmax(r)
            output["Top-1"] = str(max_index)
            print("* Predict result " + str(output))
Example #4
def classify_process(model_path):
    # load the pre-trained OpenVINO model
    print("* Loading model...")
    model = InferenceModel()
                        weight_path=model_path[:model_path.rindex(".")] +
    print("* Model loaded")

    # continually pool for new images to classify
    while True:
        # attempt to grab a batch of images from the database, then
        # initialize the image IDs and batch of images themselves
        queue = DB.lrange(settings.IMAGE_QUEUE, 0, settings.BATCH_SIZE - 1)
        image_ids = []
        batch = None

        # loop over the queue
        start_time = time.time()
        for q in queue:
            # deserialize the object and obtain the input image
            q = json.loads(q.decode("utf-8"))
            image = helpers.base64_decode_image(q["image"],
            # check to see if the batch list is None
            if batch is None:
                batch = image
            # otherwise, stack the data
                batch = np.vstack([batch, image])

            # update the list of image IDs
        print("* Pop from redis %d ms" %
              int(round((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)))
        # check to see if we need to process the batch
        if len(image_ids) > 0:
            # classify the batch
            batch = np.expand_dims(batch, axis=0)
            print("* Batch size: {}".format(batch.shape))
            # Output is [1, 4, 1000]
            results = model.predict(batch)[0]
            print("* Predict a batch %d ms" %
                  int(round((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)))
            # loop over the image IDs and their corresponding set of
            # results from our model
            for (imageID, resultSet) in zip(image_ids, results):
                # initialize the list of output predictions
                output = {}
                # loop over the results and add them to the list of
                # output predictions
                # Top 1
                max_index = np.argmax(resultSet)
                output["Top-1"] = str(max_index)
                output["id"] = imageID
                print("* Predict result " + str(output))
                # store the output predictions in the database, using
                # the image ID as the key so we can fetch the results
                DB.lpush(settings.PREDICT_QUEUE, json.dumps(output))

            # remove the set of images from our queue
            print("* Total time used is %d ms" %
                  int(round((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)))
            DB.ltrim(settings.IMAGE_QUEUE, len(image_ids), -1)

        # sleep for a small amount
Example #5
if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = OptionParser()
                      help="The path where the images are stored, "
                      "can be either a folder or an image path")
                      help="Path to the TensorFlow model file")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)

    sc = init_nncontext("OpenVINO Object Detection Inference Example")
    images = ImageSet.read(options.img_path,
    input_data = np.concatenate(
        [image.reshape((1, 1) + image.shape) for image in images], axis=0)
    model_path = options.model_path
    model = InferenceModel()
                        weight_path=model_path[:model_path.rindex(".")] +
    predictions = model.predict(input_data)
    # Print the detection result of the first image.
Example #6
class OpenvinoEstimatorWrapper(SparkEstimator):
    def __init__(self, *, model_path, batch_size=0):
        self.node_num, self.core_num = get_node_and_core_number()
        self.path = model_path
        if batch_size != 0:
            self.batch_size = batch_size
            import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
            tree = ET.parse(model_path)
            root = tree.getroot()
            shape_item = root.find('./layers/layer/output/port/dim[1]')
            if shape_item is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid openVINO IR xml file, please check your model_path"
            self.batch_size = int(shape_item.text)
        self.model = InferenceModel(supported_concurrent_num=self.core_num)
            weight_path=model_path[:model_path.rindex(".")] + ".bin",

    def fit(self, data, epochs, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def predict(self, data, **kwargs):
        def predict_transform(dict_data, batch_size):
            assert isinstance(dict_data, dict), "each shard should be an dict"
            assert "x" in dict_data, "key x should in each shard"
            feature_data = dict_data["x"]
            if isinstance(feature_data, np.ndarray):
                assert feature_data.shape[1] <= batch_size, \
                    "The batch size of input data (the second dim) should be less than the model " \
                    "batch size, otherwise some inputs will be ignored."
            elif isinstance(feature_data, list):
                for elem in feature_data:
                    assert isinstance(elem, np.ndarray), "Each element in the x list should be " \
                                                         "a ndarray, but get " + \
                    assert elem.shape[1] <= batch_size, "The batch size of each input data (the " \
                                                        "second dim) should be less than the " \
                                                        "model batch size, otherwise some inputs " \
                                                        "will be ignored."
                raise ValueError(
                    "x in each shard should be a ndarray or a list of ndarray."
            return dict_data["x"]

        sc = init_nncontext()

        if isinstance(data, SparkXShards):
            assert sc is not None, "You should pass sc(spark context) if data is a XShards."
            from zoo.orca.learn.utils import convert_predict_to_xshard
            data = data.transform_shard(predict_transform, self.batch_size)
            result_rdd = self.model.distributed_predict(data.rdd, sc)
            return convert_predict_to_xshard(result_rdd)
        elif isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, list)):
            total_core_num = self.core_num * self.node_num
            if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                assert data.shape[1] <= self.batch_size, "The batch size of input data (the " \
                                                         "second dim) should be less than the " \
                                                         "model batch size, otherwise some " \
                                                         "inputs will be ignored."
                split_num = min(total_core_num, data.shape[0])
                arrays = np.array_split(data, split_num)
                data_rdd = sc.parallelize(arrays, numSlices=split_num)
            elif isinstance(data, list):
                flattened = nest.flatten(data)
                data_length = len(flattened[0])
                data_to_be_rdd = []
                split_num = min(total_core_num, flattened[0].shape[0])
                for i in range(split_num):
                for x in flattened:
                    assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray), "the data in the data list should be " \
                                                      "ndarrays, but get " + \
                    assert len(x) == data_length, \
                        "the ndarrays in data must all have the same size in first dimension" \
                        ", got first ndarray of size {} and another {}".format(data_length, len(x))
                    assert x.shape[1] <= self.batch_size, "The batch size of each input data (" \
                                                          "the second dim) should be less than " \
                                                          "the model batch size, otherwise some " \
                                                          "inputs will be ignored."
                    x_parts = np.array_split(x, split_num)
                    for idx, x_part in enumerate(x_parts):

                data_to_be_rdd = [
                    nest.pack_sequence_as(data, shard)
                    for shard in data_to_be_rdd
                data_rdd = sc.parallelize(data_to_be_rdd, numSlices=split_num)

            result_rdd = self.model.distributed_predict(data_rdd, sc)
            result_arr_list = result_rdd.collect()
            result_arr = np.concatenate(result_arr_list, axis=0)
            return result_arr
            raise ValueError(
                "Only XShards, a numpy array and a list of numpy arrays are supported "
                "as input data, but get " + data.__class__.__name__)

    def evaluate(self, data, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_model(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def save(self, model_path):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def load(self, model_path, batch_size=0):
        Load an openVINO model.

        :param model_path: String. The file path to the OpenVINO IR xml file.
        :param batch_size: Int. Set batch Size, default is 0 (use default batch size).
        self.node_num, self.core_num = get_node_and_core_number()
        self.path = model_path
        if batch_size != 0:
            self.batch_size = batch_size
            import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
            tree = ET.parse(model_path)
            root = tree.getroot()
            shape_item = root.find('./layers/layer/output/port/dim[1]')
            if shape_item is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid openVINO IR xml file, please check your model_path"
            self.batch_size = int(shape_item.text)
        self.model = InferenceModel(supported_concurrent_num=self.core_num)
            weight_path=model_path[:model_path.rindex(".")] + ".bin",

    def set_tensorboard(self, log_dir, app_name):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def clear_gradient_clipping(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_constant_gradient_clipping(self, min, max):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_l2_norm_gradient_clipping(self, clip_norm):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_train_summary(self, tag=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_validation_summary(self, tag=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def load_orca_checkpoint(self, path, version):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def load_latest_orca_checkpoint(self, path):
        raise NotImplementedError
Example #7
class OpenvinoEstimator(SparkEstimator):
    def __init__(self, *, model_path, batch_size=0):
        self.node_num, self.core_num = get_node_and_core_number()
        self.path = model_path
        if batch_size != 0:
            self.batch_size = batch_size
            import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
            tree = ET.parse(model_path)
            root = tree.getroot()
            shape_item = root.find('./layers/layer/output/port/dim[1]')
            if shape_item is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid openVINO IR xml file, please check your model_path"
            self.batch_size = int(shape_item.text)
        self.model = InferenceModel(supported_concurrent_num=self.core_num)
            weight_path=model_path[:model_path.rindex(".")] + ".bin",

    def fit(self,
        Fit is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def predict(self, data, feature_cols=None):
        Predict input data

        :param data: data to be predicted. XShards, Spark DataFrame, numpy array and list of numpy
               arrays are supported. If data is XShards, each partition is a dictionary of  {'x':
               feature}, where feature(label) is a numpy array or a list of numpy arrays.
        :param feature_cols: Feature column name(s) of data. Only used when data is a Spark
               DataFrame. Default: None.
        :return: predicted result.
                 If the input data is XShards, the predict result is a XShards, each partition
                 of the XShards is a dictionary of {'prediction': result}, where the result is a
                 numpy array or a list of numpy arrays.
                 If the input data is numpy arrays or list of numpy arrays, the predict result is
                 a numpy array or a list of numpy arrays.
        from pyspark.sql import DataFrame

        def predict_transform(dict_data, batch_size):
            assert isinstance(dict_data, dict), "each shard should be an dict"
            assert "x" in dict_data, "key x should in each shard"
            feature_data = dict_data["x"]
            if isinstance(feature_data, np.ndarray):
                assert feature_data.shape[0] <= batch_size, \
                    "The batch size of input data (the second dim) should be less than the model " \
                    "batch size, otherwise some inputs will be ignored."
            elif isinstance(feature_data, list):
                for elem in feature_data:
                    assert isinstance(elem, np.ndarray), "Each element in the x list should be " \
                                                         "a ndarray, but get " + \
                    assert elem.shape[0] <= batch_size, "The batch size of each input data (the " \
                                                        "second dim) should be less than the " \
                                                        "model batch size, otherwise some inputs " \
                                                        "will be ignored."
                raise ValueError(
                    "x in each shard should be a ndarray or a list of ndarray."
            return feature_data

        sc = init_nncontext()

        if isinstance(data, DataFrame):
            from zoo.orca.learn.utils import dataframe_to_xshards, convert_predict_rdd_to_dataframe
            xshards, _ = dataframe_to_xshards(data,
            transformed_data = xshards.transform_shard(predict_transform,
            result_rdd = self.model.distributed_predict(
                transformed_data.rdd, sc)

            def delete_useless_result(data):
                shard, y = data
                data_length = len(shard["x"])
                return y[:data_length]

            result_rdd = xshards.rdd.zip(result_rdd).map(delete_useless_result)
            return convert_predict_rdd_to_dataframe(
                data, result_rdd.flatMap(lambda data: data))
        elif isinstance(data, SparkXShards):
            transformed_data = data.transform_shard(predict_transform,
            result_rdd = self.model.distributed_predict(
                transformed_data.rdd, sc)

            def update_shard(data):
                shard, y = data
                data_length = len(shard["x"])
                shard["prediction"] = y[:data_length]
                return shard

            return SparkXShards(data.rdd.zip(result_rdd).map(update_shard))
        elif isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, list)):
            if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                split_num = math.ceil(len(data) / self.batch_size)
                arrays = np.array_split(data, split_num)
                data_length_list = list(map(lambda arr: len(arr), arrays))
                data_rdd = sc.parallelize(arrays, numSlices=split_num)
            elif isinstance(data, list):
                flattened = nest.flatten(data)
                data_length = len(flattened[0])
                data_to_be_rdd = []
                split_num = math.ceil(flattened[0].shape[0] / self.batch_size)
                for i in range(split_num):
                for x in flattened:
                    assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray), "the data in the data list should be " \
                                                      "ndarrays, but get " + \
                    assert len(x) == data_length, \
                        "the ndarrays in data must all have the same size in first dimension" \
                        ", got first ndarray of size {} and another {}".format(data_length, len(x))
                    x_parts = np.array_split(x, split_num)
                    for idx, x_part in enumerate(x_parts):
                        data_length_list = list(
                            map(lambda arr: len(arr), x_part))

                data_to_be_rdd = [
                    nest.pack_sequence_as(data, shard)
                    for shard in data_to_be_rdd
                data_rdd = sc.parallelize(data_to_be_rdd, numSlices=split_num)

            result_rdd = self.model.distributed_predict(data_rdd, sc)
            result_arr_list = result_rdd.collect()
            for i in range(0, len(result_arr_list)):
                result_arr_list[i] = result_arr_list[i][:data_length_list[i]]
            result_arr = np.concatenate(result_arr_list, axis=0)
            return result_arr
            raise ValueError(
                "Only XShards, Spark DataFrame, a numpy array and a list of numpy arr"
                "ays are supported as input data, but get " +

    def evaluate(self,
        Evaluate is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_model(self):
        Get_model is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def save(self, model_path):
        Save is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def load(self, model_path, batch_size=0):
        Load an openVINO model.

        :param model_path: String. The file path to the OpenVINO IR xml file.
        :param batch_size: Int. Set batch Size, default is 0 (use default batch size).
        self.node_num, self.core_num = get_node_and_core_number()
        self.path = model_path
        if batch_size != 0:
            self.batch_size = batch_size
            import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
            tree = ET.parse(model_path)
            root = tree.getroot()
            shape_item = root.find('./layers/layer/output/port/dim[1]')
            if shape_item is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid openVINO IR xml file, please check your model_path"
            self.batch_size = int(shape_item.text)
        self.model = InferenceModel(supported_concurrent_num=self.core_num)
            weight_path=model_path[:model_path.rindex(".")] + ".bin",

    def set_tensorboard(self, log_dir, app_name):
        Set_tensorboard is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def clear_gradient_clipping(self):
        Clear_gradient_clipping is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_constant_gradient_clipping(self, min, max):
        Set_constant_gradient_clipping is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_l2_norm_gradient_clipping(self, clip_norm):
        Set_l2_norm_gradient_clipping is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_train_summary(self, tag=None):
        Get_train_summary is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_validation_summary(self, tag=None):
        Get_validation_summary is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError

    def load_orca_checkpoint(self, path, version):
        Load_orca_checkpoint is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator
        raise NotImplementedError
Example #8
def classify_process(model_path):
    print("* Loading model...")
    model = InferenceModel()
                        weight_path=model_path[:model_path.rindex(".")] +
    print("* Model loaded")
    # continually poll for new images to classify
    while True:
        image_ids = []
        batch = None
        # loop over the queue
        start_time = time.time()
        count = 0
        while count < 4:
            # Get message or None or timeout
            record = pub.get_message()
            if record and record['type'] == 'message':
                data = json.loads(record['data'].decode("utf-8"))
                image = helpers.base64_decode_image(data["image"])
                image = helpers.byte_to_mat(image, dtype=settings.IMAGE_DTYPE)
                image = helpers.image_preprocess(image, settings.IMAGE_WIDTH,
                # check to see if the batch list is None
                if batch is None:
                    batch = image
                # otherwise, stack the data
                    batch = np.vstack([batch, image])
                # update the list of image IDs
                count += 1
        print("* Pop from redis %d ms" %
              int(round((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)))
        # check to see if we need to process the batch
        if len(image_ids) > 0:
            # classify the batch
            batch = np.expand_dims(batch, axis=0)
            print("* Batch size: {}".format(batch.shape))
            # Output is [1, 4, 1000]
            results = model.predict(batch)[0]
            print("* Predict a batch %d ms" %
                  int(round((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)))
            # loop over the image IDs and their corresponding set of
            # results from our model
            for (imageID, resultSet) in zip(image_ids, results):
                # initialize the list of output predictions
                output = {}
                # loop over the results and add them to the list of
                # output predictions
                # Top 1
                max_index = np.argmax(resultSet)
                output["Top-1"] = str(max_index)
                output["id"] = imageID
                print("* Predict result " + str(output))
                # store the output predictions in the database, using
                # the image ID as the key so we can fetch the results
                DB.lpush(settings.PREDICT_QUEUE, json.dumps(output))

            # remove the set of images from our queue
            print("* Total time used is %d ms" %
                  int(round((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)))

        # sleep for a small amount
Example #9
def load_model(model_path, weight_path, batch_size):
    model = InferenceModel(supported_concurrent_num=1)
    return model